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I actually disagree with myself on my sports sexism but really it’s just part of a larger sports snobbery and loathing of the profession as a whole (sports journalism).
Can definitely get behind loathing sports journalism. And on a related note, if the passing of Tom Petty is an indication, I’m turning the Twitter off for a week or so after Springsteen eats it.
No matter my personal inner stance, I have a “don’t be an ahole” policy that overrides all, and Newton was being an ahole.

Now, probably he’ll apologize and everything should be cool. He’ll likely learn something from it. Not everything is a crisis, Media.
Buddy of mine just did the surprise Disney trip. Picked his kids up from school and just started driving, told them they were going camping.

12 hours later they freaked.

Pretty cool, IMO.
Yeah, I'd like to think I felt differently. Just being honest. I mean, you don't see me breaking down routes... because I've never actually run one.

You don’t have to explain yourself to SanctimoniousAE.

Is there anyone here who honestly would take a group of women talking sports- say on a pregame show- seriously? Would you be tuning into CFB Gameday if it were Sage Steele, Katie Nolan and Sarah Spain in the studio?

I’m pretty liberal in my views and believe women have every right to sports media jobs but if I’m being honest, I greatly prefer men discussing sports, with a few rare exceptions.
Doris, Heather Dinich, Jackie McMullen, Kara Lawson

^ Just a few I think are solid.
Sounds cool, but here's how that trip probably went...

After School...

"Hey kids, we're going camping. We've got everything packed and we're leaving now."

2 hours later...

"When are we going to get there? This is taking forever."
"I'm hungry."
"I have to poop."

4 hours later...

"Movie's over. Are we there yet?"
"Where are we going? THIS IS TERRIBLE. CAMPING IS AWFUL!!!!"

6 hours later...

"My IPAD died...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:"

7 hours later...


8 hours later...


10 hours later...


11 hours later...


12 hours later...

"Wait...what....we're going to Disney World???"
Lol at the story about Bol Bol and Mrs Bol Bol "wanting an explanation" from Cal over his BBM visit on why he was cut from Team USA.

Is there any doubt they'll come out of that meeting talking about how glad they were/are that Bol Bol was cut? Cal will eat that conversation UP.

-National Guys w/ plenty of shots for Ole Roy this morning. That dude is so FOS. Every coach in America is aware of what goes on in the "underbelly" (hot word) whether they are involved or not. Him acting as if he's never heard of such a thing...[laughing] Vintage Roy.

-Apparently the lady met w/ Cam afterwards to talk about the incident, and he offered no apology and went on to say things in private that she couldn't repeat. He only apologized once it became a media story.
I doubt Cam is used to fielding route running questions from anyone that is not a former player/analyst. He probably thought it was "cute" and responded like he did. It came across as him being a DB, which seems to come natural to him.

BUT he did answer her question. He didn't just blow her off after the "laugh." It was just a lame attempt at him trying to be cool and funny. He probably would have responded the same way had it been a mousey looking dweeb that asked him that same question. "It's funny to hear a mousey looking dweeb talk about routes" doesn't have the same morally outrageous spark, though.
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The inclusive and open-minded sports media lost their shit last night on Twitter over the WNBA. I don't get it.

OMGZ I have to wait 7 months to see Candace Parker pass out of a double team?!!!?

The WNBA is fantastic and you're wrong if you think otherwise!!!

Maya Moore one of the most successful athletes in US history OMGZ she is amazing!

Honestly surprised I didn't see an SAE-approved RT last night.
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There comes a certain risk of taking sides with a noted dbag like Cam Newton.
The inclusive and open-minded sports media lost their shit last night on Twitter over the WNBA. I don't get it.

OMGZ I have to wait 7 months to see Candace Parker pass out of a double team?!!!?

The WNBA is fantastic and you're wrong if you think otherwise!!!

Maya Moore one of the most successful athletes in US history OMGZ she is amazing!

Honestly surprised I didn't see an SAE-approved RT last night.

Still more digestible than their soccer Tweets, IMO.

PS- here’s a preemptive EAD to MaxP and Willy.
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The WNBA championship team had "Team Mayo" on their jerseys or something. Like 2 other sponsors as well. SURELY that league is on it's last leg. NBA has really gone out of its way to promote it. Sad.
It was an asshole way to react to the question, but people shouldn’t be outraged about it. Sometimes people act like dicks, and it’s not the end of the world. Apologize and move on.

I will say though, Pencilton McDweebledick should get the same treatment, since he (majority of male sports writers) have also probably never played a down of football in their lives.
Experimented with both methods of traveling with a child and EASILY driving through the night wins. No traffic, everyone in the car can pass out, Dad puts down a coffee and turns up pod casts, cruise control. Boom.

Better than 1st Class?

-It really is amazing how many of those journo bags are suddenly huge soccer balls.

Speaking of that, watched the 60 minutes special on Christian Pulisic. Kid seems to have it all. 1st American international soccer superstar?
No mention of the double header this weekend? GYERO is really slipping. Reach back in your cedar and dust off your tweed don't embarrass yourself out there. See you at the races.
I don't think it calls for outrage and huffing and puffing, but I think for a woman to ask a valid question and have it turned into a reminder that she might not belong in this particular profession probably deserves an apology. It doesn't have to be either absolutely nothing or a massive catastrophe outrage. There's room in between those two. I think people on all sides tend to forget that.

Of course it was a valid question. That's not the point. And of course Cam was an ass to have answered the way he did. That's not the point either.

The point is that the entire sportswriting profession immediately reacted as if Cam Newton molested each and every one of their children. The subsequent responses were as dumb as they were predictable.

Sportswriters immediately felt compelled to have a "Woke-Off" to show how enlightened they are.

Cam's a clown, but sportswriters are the worst.

-The double is awful. It was awful when I was younger. Too much rushing around. Can't enjoy either event fully. If you're going to do both, be a pro and go to Keeneland on Friday and tailgate/game Saturday.

-G will be fine. He's got two "realist" raising him.
Anth & Sloot keep it one hunnit w/ G, in my observations. They even let him listen to unfiltered Dre, Snoop, etc.

-'73 has a little hip hop (I use that term very loosely) head on his hands w/ Sam, btw. Dude was ALL IN the music last weekend.

But Lord, that new stuff the kids like is WACK AF :weary:
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