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Hope Louisville fans never forget that they sacrificed their dignity to hire this man who clowned them publicly and unrepentantly. They let his career up off the mat so they could go get their ass beat by NC State on a Thursday night, and he could bail on them again at the end of this year.
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Even black people hate Cam Newton.

Actual text!!!1omg

'wtf wrong with this tom cruise ass bit ni**@'


'Why does Cam Newton act so corny, f'ed in the head, and fake. He is a bitch.'

Really does seem like something is off with that fella. Definitely has a Messiah complex.
Bucket is really worked up about Tomma Jr's house.

(It's a $1.25M mortgage btw - not value)

The Lord has also blessed me with needing to get to the office bright and early tomorrow. Thinking a little 93.9 THE VILLE is in order with my fair trade non-fat latte tbh.
He cursed me with an off day, so I won’t be up that early.

But he postponed the rapture so all this could take place, so we’re good.
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Better go XL and treat yourself to one of those cinnamon scones at Heine. They're delightful. Feet on the desk. Shit eating grin. Soak it in.

Things are so bad that even my UL reverse jinx couldn't help them. Watched the whole game live. Can't remember the last non-UK game I watched them lose.
Bucket is really worked up about Tomma Jr's house.

(It's a $1.25M mortgage btw - not value)

Meh, I'm with bucket. This little snarky f@ck walks around my kids school like his shit doesn't stink. He wears more product in his greasy hair than the average Jersey shore smuck. And then you tell me he makes $800k a year, ha. I'll personally drink a cold one when he goes from $800k a year to selling used cars.
I hope somewhere there is a UL fan version of cawood who reached a moment so full of rage tonight that he threw a beer can through a friend's television.

I'm fact, I hope every UL fan has a beer can through their TV tomorrow. Even those shitty heavy glass box TVs.
For years UL based their athletic success on how they stacked up against UK. In everything. Conference. Stadium seating. New arenas. Profitable programs. Wins. Championships.

And they got there. Some might even say they surpassed UK in athletic achievement there for a couple of years. All of the things they were using as a measuring stick revealed a goal reached. Baseball. Basketball. Football. Arenas. Stadium expansion(s)? Bowl games. Omaha. And the list goes on.

UL fans could now boast and strut around, their entire identity rooted in how they now compared with BBN. "We won it last." "We're more than just a basketball school." "Bobby! Lamar! Ricky! Mike! If I love the girl who cares who you like."

Now these wonderful folks can take a long look at what they had to do to get there. Essentially, their university had to establish and then cover up an organized crime syndicate. So this is what you get, Birdgang. It's time to reap what you've sewn. Corruption. Scandals. Sanctions. Federal indictments. National embarrassment.

And all for what? Just so you could try and stand eye to eye with Big Brother for a few years. SMH.

It really is glorious. UL's passionate desire to be as good as UK in everything has landed them right here. In a way, BBN is responsible for this fall from grace. And aside from a possible misuse of taxpayer money (but let's be honest, it's worth it), it's all so extremely satisfying.
Happy for our LouisvilleWildcat brethren. You have fought the good fight in hostile territory. Now enjoy the spoils.

Sounds like it’s all on the Def coordinator.
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Meh, I'm with bucket. This little snarky f@ck walks around my kids school like his shit doesn't stink. He wears more product in his greasy hair than the average Jersey shore smuck. And then you tell me he makes $800k a year, ha. I'll personally drink a cold one when he goes from $800k a year to selling used cars.

Going out last night with a few other dads to watch the game turned out to be a great idea [banana]

I did hear last night that JR's wife works at (or is compensated) at the bookstore on campus, like hundreds of thousands of dollars a year - doesn't seem believable but that is coming from a huge UofL fan that liked Jurich until he heard this and his shady contract yesterday

Last day at my current job - no more Saturdays!
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Keeneland Fall Meet opening today ftwinplaceandshow.

At no other time are dad instincts more intense than the strategic packing of a minivan for vacation and the planning of the route to proceed.

Feel like the guys at NASA during Apollo 13, "guys, upstairs has handed us this one and we have to pull through, we have to get these 3 kids to Florida, and you have all this crap..."
-So both the reporter and Cam had to apologize. Awesome. Way to fight the good fight Bristol and SAE. Let's just keep PC-ing the shit out of reality. And if you don't respect every man, woman, plant, animal and insect on the f*cking planet you will stand up and give a heart felt apology or you are a racist misogynistic redneck hillbilly and we will scream until you do.

-We've been pointing it out for years but it really is amazing how deep those guys were in with skirting the rules and payouts. Milk toast is looking pretty pretty pretty good right now. Well deserved for a great person.

-Jackson is still friggin amazing. They just don';t have much else. WR drops, OL sucks, D is awful, ST sucks.
-Feel like I should enjoy "Friends from College" but I just don't.

-One bite, everybody knows the rules.
-So both the reporter and Cam had to apologize. Awesome. Way to fight the good fight Bristol and SAE. Let's just keep PC-ing the shit out of reality. And if you don't respect every man, woman, plant, animal and insect on the f*cking planet you will stand up and give a heart felt apology or you are a racist misogynistic redneck hillbilly and we will scream until you do.

Can a mod Pin this to the Top of the Page please?
Ha, hadn't heard 'birdgang' in a while.

I think it simply boils down to UL just not being a very good football team. Wolfpack spotted them several points last night so it shouldn't even have been that close, IMO. UL's secondary is awful and BP is doing his darndest to turn Lamar into a pocket QB when it's obvious they're at their best when he's outside the pocket improvising and shit. There is not a ton of talent other than at QB that pops out at you. I will also admit it was nice seeing Craig Yeast's boy get toasted several times last night.
I’m all about fairness, but you’re never going to eradicate all the aholes and crazies in the world. No need for every episode of dickedness to be a national conversation. Grow some thicker skin and let things roll off your back.
-So both the reporter and Cam had to apologize. Awesome. Way to fight the good fight Bristol and SAE. Let's just keep PC-ing the shit out of reality. And if you don't respect every man, woman, plant, animal and insect on the f*cking planet you will stand up and give a heart felt apology or you are a racist misogynistic redneck hillbilly and we will scream until you do.
Maybe you should go read my posts on this and see where I said essentially that "he should probably apologize but it's not a tragedy worth all this outrage..." before just assuming my opinion on every issue will be 100% balls to the left.

Hope this link works, but here's the sports director from the Courier-Journal stepping in on a reddit thread about Pitino's cut of the Adidas deal. He politely attempts to clarify certain aspects of the article while two Louisville fans go all in FAKE NEWS! on him for attempting any actual journalism on Uncle Rick. Pretty sad.
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-So both the reporter and Cam had to apologize. Awesome. Way to fight the good fight Bristol and SAE. Let's just keep PC-ing the shit out of reality. And if you don't respect every man, woman, plant, animal and insect on the f*cking planet you will stand up and give a heart felt apology or you are a racist misogynistic redneck hillbilly and we will scream until you do.

That's why I like Curb so much. Larry portrays what we are thinking with no apologies.
Yeah, I feel like Anth hasn't given Curb more than a passing chance or something? "Meh, Not a Curb guy" Not even sure what that even means, really. Just a bizarre thing to say.

Larry is basically all of us, but w/ zero shame. Not to mention basically every supporting character on the show is incredible. Anth would worship Leon.

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