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What does one wear to a country concert these days? Haven't been to a show since Garth '98 were the scene was dominated by cowboy hats and boots. Huge belt buckles. Skoal imprinted jeans...

...but recent CMT award shows have given off a different vibe. V neck tees and lots of chains around the neck / wrists. Hair that looks like Paul Mitchell himself styled it.

Gonna take a guess that white wine and Reds Apple Ale are a big hit with the folks in attendance, IMO (in my opinion).
LOL at Bonzo in the house. This should be interesting.

Unless you're a complete dbag, you'll have a blast. If nothing else, Aldean & company always put on a great/fun show, and there will be more hoes there than anything else you'll do (non Derby) in Louisville this year, bank it.

Get drunk, dance along, look at all the sloots, make your girl happy, profit.

<---- shorts (barely, I mean BARELY above the knee), Polo, Sandals. Same as every other day until October.
For dudes, the usual 2010s music festival look:

Tank top, shades, shorts, flops

For babes:

cowboy hat, wifebeater tied up above your rib cage, Daisy Dukes, cowboy boots
I'm with Wodie- you can have your Keeneland/Derby with hoes dressed to the nines. Give me country concerts and the way the sloots dress there.:eek:
Definitely bedazzled jeans, square toed cowboy boots, and a tight fitting "western" shirt untucked with the sleeves rolled up to your delts. Add cross chain.
Why the hell would they have a big country concert in Yum! in late Spring?
Is Jeremy Foley overrated? I know his coaches love him, but people act like he's infallible. He's completely F'd up 2/3 football coaching hires, even though Florida is considered by some as the best job in the country. And who the hell knows about the new guy.
Where else would they have it? It's a 'stadium/arena' tour with 3 of the biggest current names in "country" music.

Good point. I forgot we're dealing with Louisville here. Options are limited.
nowadays, bonzo dresses like the biggest redneck of the bunch. you can typically count on him rocking a full-blown beard, tight levis, boots, and a plaid shirt.

that should work just fine.
Weather is guaranteed, great/comfortable venue, a gazillion bars/restrooms, and you can get in/out.

Leaving River Bend for Aldean/Bryan was arguably the worst entertainment experience of my life...what a cluster touch that place is, TS.

Indoor concert > Outdoor concert, all day for this guy.

The concert at GAPB was pretty cool for the 10 minutes I was there until my wife passed out in her seat, so I can't comment fully on that one. This is her 'make up' effort, we'll see how she responds.
Yep, Louisville gets all the bigguns these days. Taylor, Jason, Miley..pretty much a who's who of uber musical talent down here in the river city. That's how the big boys roll.

Riverbend is pretty awful as far as ingress/egress goes. Easier on a boat. Riverbend to LBYC FTW (for the way easier time getting in and out of an outdoor concert.
Indoor concert > Outdoor concert, all day for this guy.

That's a ridiculous.thing to say

The concert at GAPB was pretty cool for the 10 minutes I was there until my wife passed out in her seat, so I can't comment fully on that one. This is her 'make up' effort, we'll see how she responds.

Funny how everyone seems to black out when they hang around you. My two drunkest evenings of the last year involve nights out with your ass. Maybe you're the problem.
Yep, Louisville gets all the bigguns these days. Taylor, Jason, Miley..pretty much a who's who of uber musical talent down here in the river city. That's how the big boys roll.


I think it's awesome UofL lets everyone use their arena for that stuff. No wonder a lot of you guys root for them.
BBdK brings the fun, it's up to you to pace yourself & persevere.

Yeah, you've pretty much embarrassed yourself the last few times we've been out, buddy -- and it's been mostly your fault, too. Very disappointing.


Chad: proceeds to buy 25 shots throughout the night, starting mid-afternoon.

Grow up.

Concerts (indoor and outdoor) are pretty awful in general IMO. They've been out of my entertainment power rankings since I was about 24, actually.

What the hell, man? Few things better than a summer night at Riverbend listening to some live music as the sun sets.

Although, I do much prefer pavilion seating over the lawn these days. Have outgrown that debacle.
BBdK brings the fun, it's up to you to pace yourself & persevere.

Yeah, you've pretty much embarrassed yourself the last few times we've been out, buddy -- and it's been mostly your fault, too. Very disappointing.


Chad: proceeds to buy 25 shots throughout the night, starting mid-afternoon.

Grow up.

Not accusing you per se, but wouldn't be surprised if you roofied me those nights.
Rack SAE, btw.

I'll have a blast tonight b/c of the company & booze, but concerts don't excite me at all.

...and "music festivals" ----> outdoor, hot, stinky, lines, etc is for the birds. At least give me some friendly confines & a comfortable situation & I'll reluctantly enjoy myself.
ha. turbo-k is a good call. i remember seeing him at urban active (happened once, MAYBE twice). i think he basically just walked about and looked at the equipment for 10-15 minutes, then went to the cardio studio, sat on a broken stationary bike, and watched a madea movie.
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He hasn't exercised more than 5 times, total, in the past decade, TS. He was in legitimate danger at the GYEROlympics, I was honestly worried he'd pass out or need medical attention.

The way he eats & drinks and does NOTHING, he's definitely #blessed.

- ^ exactly, Beavis.
drxman is coming to new orleans in a few weeks. naturally, we're debating where to eat dinner. turns out we've got rezzies at galatoires, and he credits fylm for the recommendation.


glad we got confirmation from someone "in the know" about one of the most prestigious, successful, historic, well-known restaurants on the planet. should we explore further?? i just want to make sure fylm's opinion is solid on this spot.
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:rolleyes:At least it's him and not Sloot, who basically refused to eat at Galatoires, Antoine's, Arnaud's, or any of the 'classic' places b/c they don't have an Ahi Tuna Salad for her to order.

...Mr B's was dope, tho -- she at least met me halfway & agreed on that.
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