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Urban Active loves Madea movies in the Cardio Theater. Doesn't matter which location it is.
<-- about died when i got that text.

"yeah, galatoires. fylm recommended it."

bwhwhahahaa. thank god we got confirmation there. i was a bit skeptical of that place until someone who really knows the ins and outs gave it the approporiate nod.
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For the record, I was way out in front of the gas station Lebanese food scene in Detroit.
The best part about the Rodan+Fields posts is the others (obviously also involved) who comment below. (and it's always the same exact 3-4 people)

It's seriously unreal/pathetic, like they get together before hand to script the initial post + follow up comments from each person.
Hitting up ol' Toby Keith's this weekend for a country night. Almost forget that place is here. The only time I've been in the last year or two is to meet up with the dKs before that Aldean concert.
Pretty freaking cool- George Clooney...

“I watch sports, and it kills her because I got her into March Madness a little,” he toldExtra.I’m a huge Kentucky fan, so I’m watching cause I think we’re gonna win it, so she knows about the Harrison twins, she got into that, but it was enough.”
Yeah George Clooney pretty much destroys Ashley Judd. Get him to show up to 1 game and the world would blow up.
Ever since Willy moved to Loveland, he's changed. Has become very self-important. Hearing he even goes by William up there.
Heard William has been getting those Jake Ryan eyebrows waxed too...
Ha, nice call on wildcat willy, thought the same thing.
"Hey HOB' ers, Flor hired a new BB coach, what's your thoughts, big splash, no splash, mediocre splash? How long will he be there? Let me get your thoughts. I'll post a poll later to get more of an official record."
I guess Bill Simmons is bigger than I give him credit for? Seen a few publications/articles refer to him as "the most powerful member in sports media". Is that really true?

This news is being treated like something NFL related.
Pretty sure he's ESPN's highest paid employee and ESPN controls the sports universe.
I guess Bill Simmons is bigger than I give him credit for? Seen a few publications/articles refer to him as "the most powerful member in sports media". Is that really true?

Grantland, 30 for 30, the Basketball Hour...all his projects. Apparently he's a royal pain in the ass, but I'm a little surprised The Leader just cut bait with him like that. He's got a hell of a following.
Honestly, I'll be surprised if ESPN recovers from this. Or sports media in general.
What's really funny is how huge First Take's apparently their biggest Cash Cow currently, and it's success basically changed the entire way they (and other sports networks) look at their programming. o_O

Seems like PTI(pti) would get the credit, but I've read numerous articles mentioning First Take and it's impact, with regards to Jamie Horowitz.
Can't say I've ever even watched First Take.

For some reason I can't explain, I do kind of enjoy LeBatard's show. I mean- I don't even like LeBatard and the show is actually fairly ridiculous, but I like his Dad.
^ I mentioned that a few weeks ago. It's so silly/weird that it's actually kinda good, or at least entertaining. The Action Bronson episode was hilarious.

So I guess that means 30/30 is done, at least on ESPN? I'm assuming they have several in the 'bank' to still air...
I thought they had one big one they had been working on for a few years, maybe related to OJ (besides the one they already did) or something like that.
KGAR, if you want to talk sports with someone who isn't self absorbed and immature gimme a shout. Screw the rest of these clowns.

Chad, GP. (get pumped)
Adrian, LADYFF. (lick a dick you fat touch)

(Please bitch, your dumb ass can't figure out how to successfully climb a ladder or even spell ladder for that matter so shut the touch up)
Why would 30/30 be done? Simmons might have been the creator but I believe ESPN owns it.
Man Men is just really brilliant. Always enjoyed it, but this year it's kinda sad knowing it's ending...

The Previously/Next time promos are the most pointless things ever, frustrating. Only show I can think of that did that, obviously on purpose.
I think they're hilarious. They've gotten more and more vague intentionally IMO (ed.: in my opinion).

"Next week on Mad Men...
(foreboding piano melody)
(Roger takes sip of water)
(Pete, at desk, yells "what!?!"
(Peggy closes her apartment door)
(Don loosens collar, picks up phone)"

Then you tune in the following week and it turns out the whole episode is a flash forward and 9/11 happens.
Next week on Mad Men:

Don (confused): What

Peggy (mildly irritated): Don't do that.

Pete: Shakes head, slams door

Roger (Takes a drink, smiles): We can do whatever we want!

Joan (raises eyebrows in annoyance): Hmmph

Meredith: shuffles papers, watches Roger and Don angrily walk away from each other

Betty (takes drag from cigarette): I don't know

Stan (hearty laugh, rubs beard): Is that right?

Ted (clumsily spills drink while speaking on phone): No, don't do that.

Next show starts
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I've never seen a single second of Mad Men but it's one my favorite things on my DVR. It's that high end bourbon sitting on the top shelf waiting for the right moment to be opened. Bonus, my wife things it looks "stupid" (period/genre pieces revolving around womanizing men) thus ensuring that it will bring me hours of dad time alone.
Seriously, there are shows I watch weekly that I'd not mourn more than that being deleted from the hard drive.
Nice review of the best part of Mad Men. Or second best if you count the "Next week on Mad Men..." promos.

That's excellent. Only thing they preview is which character will be on the show. With Betty, Sally, Henry and Don in the next one I assume they're going to intertwine which is always good.

Peggy helps Ginsberg with a problem. "I cut off my nipple and would like to give it to you!!"
- George Clooney is the last of an absolute dying breed. A total fng dude with class and style. His deal is anti modern day Hollywood. Glad he's on our team.

- With the very rare exceptions and Sturgill Simpson country music these days is shameful.

- Been on a classic hip hop kick these days. Houston's Boom 92.9 via TuneIn Radio goes deep. 105.1 on steroids.

- Too early for Wodie and Chad's heat bitching?

- The jeans are in storage until late Sept.

- Silver Bullett domestos in the can is the frosty of choice this time of year.
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