Does Roku work for streaming UK games

You do realize that there are laws in place in most states preventing the sale of things like cars and insurance directly to consumers... Right?

And there are no free ISPs. If you know of one, please tell us. In fact, the cost to access the internet has gone us 5 fold since the decline of AOL.

You come off as clueless.
Goodbye Geico , SAMs club, Costco,TJ Max, Bargain Hunt, Outlet Malls . Let's all pay full price plus just to keep inefficient middlemen in businesses in operation . if someone says they are a big company giving you a great deal it must be so . Don't check just accept on faith.

Goodbye Geico , SAMs club, Costco,TJ Max, Bargain Hunt, Outlet Malls . Let's all pay full price plus just to keep inefficient middlemen in businesses in operation . if someone says they are a big company giving you a great deal it must be so . Don't check just accept on faith.

Listen, I have no problem with replacing inefficient business models with ones more beneficial to the consumer. I haven't had cable in nearly 5 years and now have sling and it's great. But when I didn't have paid access to games, I didn't watch them. I missed many a UK game upholding my hatred of ridiculous cable bills.

Don't steal.
Listen, I have no problem with replacing inefficient business models with ones more beneficial to the consumer. I haven't had cable in nearly 5 years and now have sling and it's great. But when I didn't have paid access to games, I didn't watch them. I missed many a UK game upholding my hatred of ridiculous cable bills.

Don't steal.

I respect each other's opinion. But if my local government tells me it's legal. I'm going to continue to stream. If you have hang ups on that, then that's on you. Kodi is completely legal here.

I'm not trying to shit on you and your views, but if the government says it's legal then why not? For the past 5-6 season, I stream UK games. I haven't missed one. Football and basketball. I won't change because you called me a thief. Write a letter to your congressman. Calling names here just comes off as bitter.
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I respect each other's opinion. But if my local government tells me it's legal. I'm going to continue to stream. If you have hang ups on that, then that's on you. Kodi is completely legal here.

I'm not trying to shit on you and your views, but if the government says it's legal then why not? For the past 5-6 season, I stream UK games. I haven't missed one. Football and basketball. I won't change because you called me a thief. Write a letter to your congressman. Calling names here just comes off as bitter.
I don't really have to do anything here. And I agree that your opinion isn't really that important. Doesn't change the fact that you're a thief. It's ok... There's plenty of honest thieves.

The ironic part is that you are stealing from UK's profits. You (apparently) support the program yet want to steal from it.
I don't really have to do anything here. And I agree that your opinion isn't really that important. Doesn't change the fact that you're a thief. It's ok... There's plenty of honest thieves.

The ironic part is that you are stealing from UK's profits. You (apparently) support the program yet want to steal from it.
Your screen name should have warned us.

Not sure how buying SEC network from Sling rather than a bunch iof ATT crooks hurts UK but if it makes you feel better to think you are the only honest one in the world and all of the rest of us are crooks have at it .
Your screen name should have warned us.

Not sure how buying SEC network from Sling rather than a bunch iof ATT crooks hurts UK but if it makes you feel better to think you are the only honest one in the world and all of the rest of us are crooks have at it .

I don't think any of us are referring to Sling, which is a legitimate service. Hopefully we'll see more options like Sling available to consumers in the future.

What is funny is all the folks trying to justify using services like Kodi to pirate copyrighted television content without paying a red cent.
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"I wouldn't have used it if I couldn't steal it..."

The arguments keep getting more ridiculous and unethical.

I hope media companies figure out a way to ream you with fines and put you in jail.

Congrats on cherry picking the parts of the post you wanted. Obviously you missed the part where piracy doesn't hurt revenue. The fact is piracy is an opposite reaction to capitalism at it's worst. When prices become untenable, people seek alternatives. To fill that void, new technology emerges. This has happened with nearly every invention from cars, to sewing machines, to TV, to radio, to computers, to beanie babies... I don't know why this one things sticks in your craw so much. You seem to have a very black and white view on everything. The world doesn't exist in black and white.

Again, the media companies aren't interested in fining and jailing end viewers. Why are you so interested in it when they aren't?
Maybe it is because our strategy is to pay for content we want such as HBO ,SEC channel,Cnn,FoxBusiness, Hgtv, Amc, etc from Sling. We're not trying to get anything for free just not to be forced to pay exorbitant rates to a middleman who forces us to buy hundreds of channels we don't want.
The other thing I am doing is splitting my service so that if direct tv goes out I can watch sling , if computer goes out I can watch Direct . If both go out if I have power I can watch one seldom used TV I'm setting up with antenna .

Also if power goes out I'll have power from natural gas automatic generator. So I'm prepared.

I thought the TV part of this project would be more expensive by splitting it . But am surprised to find that it is cheaper.

Well obviously you don't know what the hell you're talking about. There is nothing illegal about Kodi. It is simply an interface for accessing video and audio. I use it to play movies saved on my computer as well as tv episodes that networks offer for free on their websites. I pay for Sling for my tv shows.

So maybe you should think before you accuse people of trying to steal something.
I don't really have to do anything here. And I agree that your opinion isn't really that important. Doesn't change the fact that you're a thief. It's ok... There's plenty of honest thieves.

The ironic part is that you are stealing from UK's profits. You (apparently) support the program yet want to steal from it.

You're silly. Again, the country I live in has said streaming is not illegal. It appears you missed that part.
Congrats on cherry picking the parts of the post you wanted. Obviously you missed the part where piracy doesn't hurt revenue. The fact is piracy is an opposite reaction to capitalism at it's worst. When prices become untenable, people seek alternatives. To fill that void, new technology emerges. This has happened with nearly every invention from cars, to sewing machines, to TV, to radio, to computers, to beanie babies... I don't know why this one things sticks in your craw so much. You seem to have a very black and white view on everything. The world doesn't exist in black and white.

Again, the media companies aren't interested in fining and jailing end viewers. Why are you so interested in it when they aren't?
If cars get too expensive you can't steal one and say that's an alternstive to paying the price of inflation.

And you're wrong that the providers don't care. Just flat out ignorantly wrong. There have been news stories published in this calendar year that Comcast has sent what amounts to cease and desist letters to Kodi users suspected of fraudulently obtaining media.

I'll post it when I'm back at my desktop, but stop with the ignorant ass narrative that these companies don't care that people are stealing these services.
If cars get too expensive you can't steal one and say that's an alternstive to paying the price of inflation.

And you're wrong that the providers don't care. Just flat out ignorantly wrong. There have been news stories published in this calendar year that Comcast has sent what amounts to cease and desist letters to Kodi users suspected of fraudulently obtaining media.

I'll post it when I'm back at my desktop, but stop with the ignorant ass narrative that these companies don't care that people are stealing these services.

I'll do it for you:


Comcast is sending cease and desist letters to users using Kodi with 3rd party add ons that function like torrents do. There are clear laws in place regarding the legality of torrenting, and their distribution aspect. There ARE NOT laws in the US regarding streaming, with is a different process altogether, where the end user does not host the files in question, and it has been ruled on in the EU to be legal. So again, Kodi and what it does with streaming is not illegal in the US and explicitly not illegal in the EU.

Here's an article that'll shed a bit more light on the views of content creators and piracy: Since you have reading comprehension problems, I'll sum it up: "I can't say we really like it, but we don't know how much damage piracy causes and it may not be much at all, sometimes helps promote works that would otherwise go unrecognized, and also exists as a function of an already popular and profitable work."

From Time Warner's CEO: "We've been dealing with this for 20, 30 years—people sharing subs, running wires down the backs of apartment buildings. Our experience is that it leads to more paying subs."

From Time Warner's Chief of Anti-Piracy Operations: "Generally speaking, we view piracy as a proxy of consumer demand...Accordingly, enforcement related efforts are balanced with looking at ways to adjust or develop business models to take advantage of that demand by offering fans what they are looking for when they are looking for it."

From Adobe, makers of Photoshop: "I do not think people who pirate our software do it because they are bad people, or because they like to steal things. I just think that they decided that they can not afford it. And now, with the switch to subscriptions and with the ability to offer software at a cheaper price, we see that the situation is beginning to change and we're excited."

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Your screen name should have warned us.

Not sure how buying SEC network from Sling rather than a bunch iof ATT crooks hurts UK but if it makes you feel better to think you are the only honest one in the world and all of the rest of us are crooks have at it .
loucatfan: do you mind letting me use your login to Sling so I don't have to pay? I believe that is what people are talking about when they say it is stealing.
loucatfan: do you mind letting me use your login to Sling so I don't have to pay? I believe that is what people are talking about when they say it is stealing.
BTW another advantage of buying SEC network through Sling is that We can watch it on my IPad at tailgates or the passenger in the car going to and from.

I will admit to Crazy and the board I am in fact clueless when it comes to tech stuff but I do love it. Still can't believe that through a program called game changer I got pitch by pitch updates on my grandsons baseball game in Louisville while I was in Rome.

No you can't have my Sling ID.somehow that doesn't seem right.
I'll do it for you:


Comcast is sending cease and desist letters to users using Kodi with 3rd party add ons that function like torrents do. There are clear laws in place regarding the legality of torrenting, and their distribution aspect. There ARE NOT laws in the US regarding streaming, with is a different process altogether, where the end user does not host the files in question, and it has been ruled on in the EU to be legal. So again, Kodi and what it does with streaming is not illegal in the US and explicitly not illegal in the EU.

Here's an article that'll shed a bit more light on the views of content creators and piracy: Since you have reading comprehension problems, I'll sum it up: "I can't say we really like it, but we don't know how much damage piracy causes and it may not be much at all, sometimes helps promote works that would otherwise go unrecognized, and also exists as a function of an already popular and profitable work."

From Time Warner's CEO: "We've been dealing with this for 20, 30 years—people sharing subs, running wires down the backs of apartment buildings. Our experience is that it leads to more paying subs."

From Time Warner's Chief of Anti-Piracy Operations: "Generally speaking, we view piracy as a proxy of consumer demand...Accordingly, enforcement related efforts are balanced with looking at ways to adjust or develop business models to take advantage of that demand by offering fans what they are looking for when they are looking for it."

From Adobe, makers of Photoshop: "I do not think people who pirate our software do it because they are bad people, or because they like to steal things. I just think that they decided that they can not afford it. And now, with the switch to subscriptions and with the ability to offer software at a cheaper price, we see that the situation is beginning to change and we're excited."
And I think you have ****ing interpretation and critical thinking problems.

In other words, what you aren't literally reading and therefore your feeble little mind is not able to understand is "we are able to profit just fine by jacking up our prices on people that are not petty thieves, therefore we have little concern for the theoretical lost profits."

It's the same in every industry. In retail costs are jacked up due to shoplifters. In insurance costs are jacked up due to the uninsured. It's called shrinkage. And what it amounts to is me paying for you petty little worthless ****ers that would rather have something for free than realize there is an inherent cost associated with it. But I guess you dumbasses are just convinced these companies are broadcasting sports, movies and other entertainment out of the goodness of their hearts.
Where do you live?
Stockholm. Which was my point. You'r name calling without even considering any facts. If it's legal, then it's not "stealing". That is if you understand the definition of stealing and not just making up an interpretation of the definition.
It's the same in every industry. In retail costs are jacked up due to shoplifters.

Except that is isn't. There's no physical item to steal. Whatever content is already paid for. Sales, by the content creators admission, are not affected and do not impact revenue. Piracy leads to more sales, by their own admission.

You can read it whatever way you like, what I see is that they realize the market needed correction and that they're finding ways to correct to it, which is exactly what I said. Piracy will continue to drop as networks provide easier, safer, and better options. Change does not work the way you want it to. Everyone won't be paying for the same service, then the next day move to another option. There's a go between period, a period of adjustment, a period of market correction. I see it, CEOs see it, you couldn't see it with a magnifying glass.

Again, for the FOUR BILLIONTH TIME, I pay for Playstation Vue when my sports are in season, and that includes ESPN, so I barely even use that login any more. When the option was as simple as turning on my PS4, piracy became a lot more of a hassle than it was worth. And I'm a lot happier being able to pay for what I want, and cancel without penalty when I want... that's what kept me away from cable all along.

As far as Kodi, deal with it, it's legal for now, and has been ruled upon as legal in the EU... don't get mad at me over it. I don't know what to tell you. Write your congressman and let him know about the wanton copyright infringement burning a hole in your ass.
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Stockholm. Which was my point. You'r name calling without even considering any facts. If it's legal, then it's not "stealing". That is if you understand the definition of stealing and not just making up an interpretation of the definition.

His is an ethical definition, not a legal one, having been raised as a "good christian"
Except that is isn't. There's no physical item to steal. Whatever content is already paid for. Sales, by the content creators admission, are not affected and do not impact revenue. Piracy leads to more sales, by their own admission.

You can read it whatever way you like, what I see is that they realize the market needed correction and that they're finding ways to correct to it, which is exactly what I said. Piracy will continue to drop as networks provide easier, safer, and better options. Change does not work the way you want it to. Everyone won't be paying for the same service, then the next day move to another option. There's a go between period, a period of adjustment, a period of market correction. I see it, CEOs see it, you couldn't see it with a magnifying glass.

Again, for the FOUR BILLIONTH TIME, I pay for Playstation Vue when my sports are in season, and that includes ESPN, so I barely even use that login any more. When the option was as simple as turning on my PS4, piracy became a lot more of a hassle than it was worth. And I'm a lot happier being able to pay for what I want, and cancel without penalty when I want... that's what kept me away from cable all along.

As far as Kodi, deal with it, it's legal for now, and has been ruled upon as legal in the EU... don't get mad at me over it. I don't know what to tell you. Write your congressman and let him know about the wanton copyright infringement burning a hole in your ass.
Deer Lord. There's no physical item to steal in virtually all cases of intellectual property theft. Are you really this ignorant? Are you really going to argue that if you can't physically steal something then it's not theft, ergo the concept of copyright laws is completely invalid...?

Are you really this dumb?

And the EU hasn't made a single ****ing ruling on streaming. Just stop while you're really ****ing far behind and not dead in the water, 8 feet under behind.
Deer Lord. And the EU hasn't made a single ****ing ruling on streaming. Just stop while you're really ****ing far behind and not dead in the water, 8 feet under behind.


...sorry lol, when you summon it, it will appear.

and second, Yes the EU has. I don't expect you to follow laws here as much as locals just as you wouldn't expect me to follow US laws as close as you.

This is going in circles. It clearly bothers you. I tried to educate you, but my Mum (from Kentucky), once told me "it's ok to let others stay wrong." You do your thing and I'll do mine, which will include helpful advice for those trying to stream games and such. Get back to me when one single person on here gets fined for my help or using Kodi. Until, then just do us both favor and agree to disagree.
No It's not. Streaming a TV broadcast of a live sporting event is not legal.
What's your thoughts on marijuana? It's legal in Colordo and some other states, but illegal on the federal law. Are your views on Marijuana more relaxed than your views on streaming?

Meaning do you preach to Coloradans about how they are breaking the law even though their local government says it's ok? Or do you not care about drugs and focus more on streaming?
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anyone who's ever streamed something is dressed like the hamburglar in front of his TV, twirling his moustache and counting his bags of money saved from piracy.
Wrong. I'm tying down damsels on the train tracks while I twirl my moustache.
What's your thoughts on marijuana? It's legal in Colordo and some other states, but illegal on the federal law. Are your views on Marijuana more relaxed than your views on streaming?

Meaning do you preach to Coloradans about how they are breaking the law even though their local government says it's ok? Or do you not care about drugs and focus more on streaming?
I focus more on protecting copyright laws. Therefore your example of marijuana isn't even remotely analogous. Unless somebody has some mary jane patents.

If you can find me any link where any state has made it legal to transmit or re-broadcast a broadcast whose rights are held by an individual or corporation, maybe you would have a point. You don't.
I focus more on protecting copyright laws. Therefore your example of marijuana isn't even remotely analogous. Unless somebody has some mary jane patents.

If you can find me any link where any state has made it legal to transmit or re-broadcast a broadcast whose rights are held by an individual or corporation, maybe you would have a point. You don't.

Do you get paid for that? Or are you some sort of vigilantly?

Tell your made up clients that I live in Stockholm, Main Street USA, and you'll get laughed out of the building. Same as here.
Do you get paid for that? Or are you some sort of vigilantly?

Tell your made up clients that I live in Stockholm, Main Street USA, and you'll get laughed out of the building. Same as here.
Is that how you all spell "vigilante" in stockholm?


Love when the uneducated hilljacks try to tell me how I'm wrong.
If you can find me any link where any state has made it legal to transmit or re-broadcast a broadcast whose rights are held by an individual or corporation, maybe you would have a point. You don't.

Explicity legal: (I really like the Netherlands solution, btw: Everything is fair use, but tax writeable media with those taxes going to copyright holders)

Legal, but not explicitly: (you may not be able to follow, but it says it isn't illegal to stream in Canada)

There is no state or federal law about streaming in the United States, period.
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Through these four pages we have been educated on the proper use of Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents. We now know that it is legal and ethical to watch and use unauthorized copyrighted material all you want. DirecTV, Dish, Time Warner and Comcast will love us all for pirating their material. All the great movie houses love pirated programs because extra people watch it. It makes one wonder why all these entertainment companies go to the problem of scrambling their telecasts or adopting software that tries to keep their property restricted to the ones who actually purchased the right to use it. Hell why do movie theaters even charge admission other than to cover the cost of the building and air conditioning?

Based on this thread the U.S. government will soon drop the statutes dealing with all intellectual property. Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents are soon to be history. It really does not matter what it costs to build the products or if the owner is able to recoup his cost. What really matters is the number of people who get to see or use the product. Econ 101 rules do not apply in today’s new world of pirating shit. Profit is measured by the maximum folks who can use the pirated products.

So based on this I am building a McDonalds restaurant without a franchise. I plan on making it a sports bar for watching pirated events. In the back I will pirate great DVD movies and sell them at my restaurant for $2.00 a copy or two for $3.00. All the movie companies will love me because I am spreading their material to the maximum market.

It is hard to defend the indefensible but we see it in this thread. Here you see theft being rationalized to being legal. What a wonderful exercise.
Through these four pages we have been educated on the proper use of Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents. We now know that it is legal and ethical to watch and use unauthorized copyrighted material all you want. DirecTV, Dish, Time Warner and Comcast will love us all for pirating their material. All the great movie houses love pirated programs because extra people watch it. It makes one wonder why all these entertainment companies go to the problem of scrambling their telecasts or adopting software that tries to keep their property restricted to the ones who actually purchased the right to use it. Hell why do movie theaters even charge admission other than to cover the cost of the building and air conditioning?

Based on this thread the U.S. government will soon drop the statutes dealing with all intellectual property. Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents are soon to be history. It really does not matter what it costs to build the products or if the owner is able to recoup his cost. What really matters is the number of people who get to see or use the product. Econ 101 rules do not apply in today’s new world of pirating shit. Profit is measured by the maximum folks who can use the pirated products.

So based on this I am building a McDonalds restaurant without a franchise. I plan on making it a sports bar for watching pirated events. In the back I will pirate great DVD movies and sell them at my restaurant for $2.00 a copy or two for $3.00. All the movie companies will love me because I am spreading their material to the maximum market.

It is hard to defend the indefensible but we see it in this thread. Here you see theft being rationalized to being legal. What a wonderful exercise.

I'm glad you see it my way, finally.
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just got finished reading thread
head is spinning
I'll just keep my basic Direct TV for local, sports, kids stuff and other channels we watch, my ROKU for Netflix, Amazon TV, etc. I have a decent bundle for the tv, internet and phone. I know what I pay for, so I'm good
Lot of good information here though
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Well obviously you don't know what the hell you're talking about. There is nothing illegal about Kodi. It is simply an interface for accessing video and audio. I use it to play movies saved on my computer as well as tv episodes that networks offer for free on their websites. I pay for Sling for my tv shows.

So maybe you should think before you accuse people of trying to steal something.
I have read my post over and over and do not see where I said Kodi was stealing. I don't have a clue if it is or isn't. just responding to Crazy I believe that I was not stealing . I'm paying for my content on sling .
Lot of non tech people like me who very much appreciate the input of all f you techies on this board . Hopefully we have helped people save a few bucks.

I am amazed that by unbundling my UVerse services I was able to get 1) 300 Mbps speed rather than 6mbps,
2)recording for five instead of three programs at once, 3) free long distance service in thirty three countries for ten bucks vs the $43 I was paying,4)Roku (0ne time 129 cost) , 5)basic sling twenty five channels 6)Uverse 200 which is 175 channels, and complete flexibility. if Uverse goes out I still have Internet and tv through sling ,if Internet goes out I still have Uverse and 175 channels .

AND ARE YOU READY FOR THIS....drum roll....

thanks to all of the very good advice that helped me work through the very complicated series of decisions .
I have now what's good for me . Maybe in a year I will be comfortable enough to,use only Roku.
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The guy is clearly wrong and doesn't know what he's talking about and too prideful to admit it. His last response to me included grammar smack on an autocorrect and more name calling. I can understand his reluctance to embrace technology. Some just can't figure it out.
So your phone is autocorrecting to words that don't exist? LOL. Clearly either you or your phone are an imbecile.