
Along with the people that took the under for the game (over/under was 48).

I bet both the under and Vandy +17.5 (with our OL and special teams problems, didn't see us beating most teams by 18)... have them in 2 bet parlays so I need other things to happen as well...I know in one of them without looking I also need LSU to win (they are only up 6-3 currently).

Got different bets on Clemson-7 later against Louisville.

As I was writing this Vandy scores a TD...listen I always bet with my head not my heart. You bet with your heart you lose. But I would rather UK win by 40 any time I bet against them instead of winning money.

This is serious gut check time, this team has to win this game. We could seriously end up 6-6. We gotta have this.

14 - 9
If Levis is an NFL starter I know nothing about football. I’ll admit I don’t know much, but no one can convince me he’s got the vision, judgment and accuracy to play on Sunday.

Our OL has been so bad this year I can't judge him, you put Tim Couch in the NFL behind a experienced team....great OL (not on some expansion team where he gets sacked 50 times)...he could have been a good NFL QB...

I admit, I'm a little surprised Levis stock is at high as it is...but this dude has an OL he can't trust at's human nature, you get hit so much you start hearing foot steps whether they are real or not.

I think his injuries this year have taken his running ability out of the offense which made him more dangerous last year.

I have to quit writing, every time I write something long things bad happens to us...

I will now write nothing more until the game is over.
I do not understand the need to go for 2 there. We kick and we are up 5. They score 7 and we would be down 2 with a chance of a field goal win. Someone enlighten me please.
You are right. Shouldn’t really have gone for it either time -the first time was too early, then that forced the second attempt which also was questionable.