
Good morning from ATX. Currently 81°F and partly cloudy. Rain chances increasing later this morning. Expect 93°F for today's high.

Local news this morning showing road range incident and shooting. Drivers got out of vehicles. One shot another. Killed him. Yikes! Be careful out there.

Wishing y'all a great day.

Ran into these little buddies around 10 km from Geysir Geothermal area. Very friendly. Once they leave Iceland they may never return. Reason is maintain breed purity. From my understanding, Vikings brought them there around 1,000 years ago from Norway and Denmark.

Good morning folks.

Last day this week downtown. Another hot, muggy one in the east. We had rain last night and it looks like we might today.

I was lamenting with a buddy how sad it is to be at the point that the All Star game doesn’t interest me anymore. For one thing, I can’t look at the ugly-ass uniforms they dreamed up as a marketing gimmick. Does anyone really buy those things? Why? But I also just don’t follow the game closely enough to know the players.

Man, I loved the all-star game as a kid. A chance to see Aaron and Clemente and Bench and Rose and Perez throw down with Reggie and Yastrzemski and the Robinsons…I can name most all the guys selected to the AS game from about 66-70, even the obscure American Leaguers like Don Mincher or Bobby Knoop. I studied the rosters in the paper. Now, maybe I could name half the starters with a gun to my head.

May go to National's park this weekend to see the Reds. That could be fun.

Have a good one folks.