
I mentioned the Flying Tigers the other day. Not sure how many of you are familiar with them. They were not actually part of the military and were bounty hunters of a sort. They were still around in the Nam days shuttling people and equipment. Quite a group.

Loved reading about the exploits of the Flying Tigers as a boy. Some may not know that Pappy Boyington, portrayed by Robert Conrad in the show "Baa Baa Black Sheep" flew with the Flying Tigers in China before transferring into the USMC...
As part of my reporter's role, I was inside the cab of an MLRS during the first bombardment of Iraq by units of the Big Red One. It was quite a scene. An AP photographer with me chose to stay back where he could capture it better. The first picture below shows the rounds exiting. I'm in the cab. Lots of shaking and noise. Then, one of the asbestos sleeves got hung in the launch bay and flames swept back over the cab. The soldiers initially thought it was a "hung round" and we were seconds from being blown to bits. But we were able to escape, obviously. Photographer Bob Jordan told me, "I thought I was shooting your death." The second photo is on me standing around with the soldiers after the fire subsided. (I'm the tall guy in green jacket holding the notebook.) It was funny by then.

My old house before the one I am in now was not far from Ft. Sill's east boundary road which is not far from firing points they use here to fire MLRS from the east range to the west range. I could see them in position from my house porch so, when they fired it was loud at my house. Used to at first freak my wife and dogs out but, after a while it became common place for them. Still in the same town, we moved to the other side but, can still hear them from a distance. You know how loud they are. When Artillery hits the ground at Sill we feel it in our house as well. Sometimes my daughter will ask if that was thunder that she just heard from her room. She has not quite figured out the difference unless the sky is clear.
Wow. Great photos, Bert. Thanks for re-posting. My enthusiasm for the trip gets a boost! (The dynamic in my marriage is that I'm pretty much an insecure work-a-holic who would never take a vacation and my wife is a well-balanced person who looks forward to them. So she finds a place, makes a schedule, and threatens to go alone or with one of the kids. Then I go and have a good-to-great time. See last weekend in Philadelphia.)
You could take an extra day and swing by Smiths Grove. Smiths Grove is as flat as the Smokies are hilly!

The air is as clean and the company much better.
Need time to come up with some lies.

Yeah go ahead "American's"... You that voted and/or likely cheated for this... You got what you wanted. They do NOT care what happens to this country as long as "they" get paid...

How ANY of these creeps get ONE vote (From ANY American) is beyond my reasoning capabilities to understand...

Creep is as Creep does I guess... That is the only reason that makes sense. I just never thought we had that many creeps in this country...
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I received word an underground Christian church was martyred last night in Kabul. They were huddled together in prayer and were on the phone to friends in America when they were shot and killed.

There is no telling how many have already died and will die in the future. This is heartbreaking and a nightmare. And Biden and his cabinet are silent.

It is time for him to go. I know we have another dangerous person as VP but we can't go on like this. He has to go.
Just an aside comment. I worked well into the swamp for a few years before this China virus hit. Kind of glad I don't step in that place much any longer though I am still in awe of DC itself. (I hope I NEVER lose that feeling.)

I worked around people all day that make well in excess of 150k salaries (Some many times that.) not counting any other interests they may have. I cannot count one person I knew since 2016 that if they asked me to borrow $5.00 and they promised to pay it back would I even envision them ever repaying me. It is that bad. If I had it on me, I'd just give it to them and forget about it.

It is indeed.............. A Swamp of the worst sort...
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I received word an underground Christian church was martyred last night in Kabul. They were huddled together in prayer and were on the phone to friends in America when they were shot and killed.

There is no telling how many have already died and will die in the future. This is heartbreaking and a nightmare. And Biden and his cabinet are silent.

It is time for him to go. I know we have another dangerous person as VP but we can't go on like this. He has to go.

Yes Sir, and NOW...
I just heard the situation on the ground is still going on. So this total may increase too. God help those poor men and women who have Biden as Commander In Chief.

I could not serve under this man
The State Department just announced that there will be no news briefing today. WHAT!!!!!

They knowingly put a weak and cowardly man in office. A rat and a grifter that has been given endless rope to hang this country is now in charge and the republicans and democrats put him there. I'm not blinded to the part the rinos played in getting him into the office. Now he has put the war machine in motion to grind up more of our young men and women.

I am disgusted and this disgust will not be washed away easily. Prayers for the families of these soldiers and those that are still there now, having to fight to stay alive after being abandoned by someone not fit to be commander in chief.
Yeah go ahead "American's"... You that voted for this... You got what you wanted. They do NOT care what happens to this country as long as "they" get paid...

How ANY of these creeps get ONE vote (From ANY American) is beyond my reasoning capabilities to understand...

Creep is as Creep does I guess... That is the only reason that makes sense. I just never thought we had that many creeps in this country...

They cant hear you. They're all either dead, don't know their votes were changed, or they are too busy stealing from the people under the guise of passing constitutional laws.
My post is not political. But as there are ex-military folks here, I'll make it tactical.
Here's what I'd be grilling Pentagon sources on if I were still a national security reporter:

The reason no Americans had been killed in Afghanistan for 18 months is the Taliban wanted us out a badly as we wanted to get out. Also, while the Taliban could mount terrorist attacks and plant IEDs, they had no ability to mass forces for attacks on cities because putting any kind of mobile column on the road was an invitation to being incinerated, ala the Highway of Death in Kuwait.

So why wasn't our exit plan simple:

1. Put up a devastating air cover, F-22s, F-35s and every drone we have, and let the Taliban know that any movement on the roads during our relatively short withdrawal phase would lead to instant death. Back that up with a couple early strikes if they tested us.

2. With that air cover in place, quickly and efficiently pull everyone back to the massive compound in Bagram, with teams of SEALS and Delta Force covering the withdrawals on a local basis.

3. Run a day-and-night airlift to get US civilian personnel, and a select and relatively small group of Afghans who really were essential allies out of the country to other bases in the Middle East. This really shouldn't have taken more than 2-4 days by my calculation.

4. Lastly, pull out the SEALS, Delta and maybe a couple battalions of Rangers providing security at Bagram, fly our air cover to regional bases, and announce to the world that we've quit Afghanistan.

I'm no military expert, but why wouldn't a plan built along those lines, perhaps with a few adjustments, have worked to leave Afghanistan?
Yeah go ahead "American's"... You that voted for this... You got what you wanted. They do NOT care what happens to this country as long as "they" get paid...

How ANY of these creeps get ONE vote (From ANY American) is beyond my reasoning capabilities to understand...

Creep is as Creep does I guess... That is the only reason that makes sense. I just never thought we had that many creeps in this country...
It is sort of sad. I should never have to agree with a post like that. But I agree 100%.

But I am mad at anyone who voted for Joe. What a mistake they made.
My post is not political. But as there are ex-military folks here, I'll make it tactical.
Here's what I'd be grilling Pentagon sources on if I were still a national security reporter:

The reason no Americans had been killed in Afghanistan for 18 months is the Taliban wanted us out a badly as we wanted to get out. Also, while the Taliban could mount terrorist attacks and plant IEDs, they had no ability to mass forces for attacks on cities because putting any kind of mobile column on the road was an invitation to being incinerated, ala the Highway of Death in Kuwait.

So why wasn't our exit plan simple:

1. Put up a devastating air cover, F-22s, F-35s and every drone we have, and let the Taliban know that any movement on the roads during our relatively short withdrawal phase would lead to instant death. Back that up with a couple early strikes if they tested us.

2. With that air cover in place, quickly and efficiently pull everyone back to the massive compound in Bagram, with teams of SEALS and Delta Force covering the withdrawals on a local basis.

3. Run a day-and-night airlift to get US civilian personnel, and a select and relatively small group of Afghans who really were essential allies out of the country to other bases in the Middle East. This really shouldn't have taken more than 2-4 days by my calculation.

4. Lastly, pull out the SEALS, Delta and maybe a couple battalions of Rangers providing security at Bagram, fly our air cover to regional bases, and announce to the world that we've quit Afghanistan.

I'm no military expert, but why wouldn't a plan built along those lines, perhaps with a few adjustments, have worked to leave Afghanistan?
I was an E5, so I only helped carry out the plans down near the bottom, but I'd of been disappointed to see a plan that wasn't somewhere in that ball park.
I was an E5, so I only helped carry out the plans down near the bottom, but I'd of been disappointed to see a plan that wasn't somewhere in that ball park.
The Pentagon has battalions of planners working over every scenario around the world. I saw some of them through the years when I reported from there. We've had way-out plans for things like a government coup in Canada, a Communist takeover of France, etc., etc. We've had contingency plans for invading every country in Latin America.

Is it at all possible we didn't have a minute-by-minute plan for the effective withdrawal from Afghanistan? I say no. Either politicized generals intervened or the civilian national security apparatus did.
The Pentagon has battalions of planners working over every scenario around the world. I saw some of them through the years when I reported from there. We've had way-out plans for things like a government coup in Canada, a Communist takeover of France, etc., etc. We've had contingency plans for invading every country in Latin America.

Is it at all possible we didn't have a minute-by-minute plan for the effective withdrawal from Afghanistan? I say no. Eith er politicized generals intervened or the civilian national security apparatus did.
I fear The guys who are paying the organ grinder to play for the trained monkey are working out their plan as they expected. I hope we just have idiots in charge, but I fear it's more nefarious than that.
I fear The guys who are paying the organ grinder to play for the trained monkey are working out their plan as they expected. I hope we just have idiots in charge, but I fear it's more nefarious than that.
Well, we did ask a lot of Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs, to both be ready for an efficient withdrawal from Afghanistan, and to make sure that Transgender soldiers were welcomed into the ranks, while rewriting the curricula for West Point and Annapolis to guarantee the White House that Critical Race Theory was included. He had to slack off somewhere, and I guess Afghanistan made the most sense to him to consider an afterthought.
Well, we did ask a lot of Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs, to both be ready for an efficient withdrawal from Afghanistan, and to make sure that Transgender soldiers were welcomed into the ranks, while rewriting the curricula for West Point and Annapolis to guarantee the White House that Critical Race Theory was included. He had to slack off somewhere, and I guess Afghanistan made the most sense to him to consider an afterthought.
He is a retard working for a retard.
I am an Army vet that was discharged in 1968, over 50 years ago and I still have my Army Uniform. I have always been very proud of my military service but I will be honest. I would not serve in the United States Military with Joe Biden as Commander In Chief. He has proven he does not have the best interest of the United States. Donald Trump did and promoted the greatness of our military. But he was removed.

I have grandchildren. One of them has always dreamed of flying and has the opportunity to go to the Air Force Academy. I will beg everyone of my grand kids to stay as far away from the military as they can get.

Our family blood line has served in every military operation since 1776. Even the little known Seminole Wars all the way to the present. It hurts to type what I typed.
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I though you might enjoy this @BBUK .......
I am an Army vet that was discharged in 1968, over 50 years ago and I still have my Army Uniform. I have always been very proud of my military service but I will be honest. I would not serve in the United States Military with Joe Biden as Commander In Chief. He has proven he does not have the best interest of the United States. Donald Trump did and promoted the greatness of our military. But he was removed.

I have grandchildren. One of them has always dreamed of flying and has the opportunity to go to the Air Force Academy. I will beg everyone of my grand kids to stay as far away from the military as they can get.
I'd at least. try and get him to delay a decision till we see if things get better or worse.
My post is not political. But as there are ex-military folks here, I'll make it tactical.
Here's what I'd be grilling Pentagon sources on if I were still a national security reporter:

The reason no Americans had been killed in Afghanistan for 18 months is the Taliban wanted us out a badly as we wanted to get out. Also, while the Taliban could mount terrorist attacks and plant IEDs, they had no ability to mass forces for attacks on cities because putting any kind of mobile column on the road was an invitation to being incinerated, ala the Highway of Death in Kuwait.

So why wasn't our exit plan simple:

1. Put up a devastating air cover, F-22s, F-35s and every drone we have, and let the Taliban know that any movement on the roads during our relatively short withdrawal phase would lead to instant death. Back that up with a couple early strikes if they tested us.

2. With that air cover in place, quickly and efficiently pull everyone back to the massive compound in Bagram, with teams of SEALS and Delta Force covering the withdrawals on a local basis.

3. Run a day-and-night airlift to get US civilian personnel, and a select and relatively small group of Afghans who really were essential allies out of the country to other bases in the Middle East. This really shouldn't have taken more than 2-4 days by my calculation.

4. Lastly, pull out the SEALS, Delta and maybe a couple battalions of Rangers providing security at Bagram, fly our air cover to regional bases, and announce to the world that we've quit Afghanistan.

I'm no military expert, but why wouldn't a plan built along those lines, perhaps with a few adjustments, have worked to leave Afghanistan?
But they are bragging about how many Afghani refugees the have gotten out of the country......
But they are bragging about how many Afghani refugees the have gotten out of the country......
Yeah, you mean the Afghans who joined the Army we rigged up, but who were also taking money from the Taliban to shoot American trainers in the back? With the incompetency afoot right now, we'll be lucky if we aren't importing the next 9/11 as we speak...But that's it for me: No more politics!
I'd at least. try and get him to delay a decision till we see if things get better or worse.
Unfortunately my grandchild is a senior in high school and the deadline for a decision is approaching. We have more than 3 more years of Biden's leadership. At least. I can not recommend my grandchildren serving in the military under this person or the military leaders in the Pentagon.

We best sit this out for a few generations.
I am an Army vet that was discharged in 1968, over 50 years ago and I still have my Army Uniform. I have always been very proud of my military service but I will be honest. I would not serve in the United States Military with Joe Biden as Commander In Chief. He has proven he does not have the best interest of the United States. Donald Trump did and promoted the greatness of our military. But he was removed.

I have grandchildren. One of them has always dreamed of flying and has the opportunity to go to the Air Force Academy. I will beg everyone of my grand kids to stay as far away from the military as they can get.

Our family blood line has served in every military operation since 1776. Even the little known Seminole Wars all the way to the present. It hurts to type what I typed.
Sawnee: I was thinking what I'd compare this mess to, and what I came up with was the Iran Hostage Crisis/ Desert One fiasco under Carter. That was 1979. By 1990, we had restored the military to that magnificent force I saw during my seven months covering Desert Shield/Desert Storm - September 1990 - to- March 1991 in Saudi Arabia, Baghdad, Iraq and Kuwait.

My point: Good people can't give up, just as they couldn't post-Vietnam or the late 1970s. America can make it back and if the vast group of moderates/independents swing to a competent Republican Congress in 2022, then a dynamic leader emerges as Reagan did, it won't take that long, in the scheme of things. I DO think that requires a willingness for all to moderate their views: to be willing to embrace something close to the middle.
I am an Army vet that was discharged in 1968, over 50 years ago and I still have my Army Uniform. I have always been very proud of my military service but I will be honest. I would not serve in the United States Military with Joe Biden as Commander In Chief. He has proven he does not have the best interest of the United States. Donald Trump did and promoted the greatness of our military. But he was removed.

I have grandchildren. One of them has always dreamed of flying and has the opportunity to go to the Air Force Academy. I will beg everyone of my grand kids to stay as far away from the military as they can get.

Our family blood line has served in every military operation since 1776. Even the little known Seminole Wars all the way to the present. It hurts to type what I typed.

I can say it now but while President Trump was serving, Several jobs came open in my specialty area. I offered to take a drastic pay cut to work for him (At some anger from my family.) and got one phone call about an interview. The guy I was talking to on the phone I can imagine was a serious panty-waist from his speech/ diction. It sickens me to this day that I could not work for President Trump... He needs and deserves allies and friends.

I put up a post on my facebook one time:

If you ever get a call from this number.... ANSWER the phone...(That is all you will see, the number was not edited.)


Now I'd say, let it ring. That was from the Executive Office of the President...
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I though you might enjoy this @BBUK .......

Thanks Brother Awf...

I have been studying hard for what I think is my last certification test I have in a few days. In the last two months I have only used this thread to get away from the studying mode for a time to regroup. I don't want to go out a failure on this certification front...(If I don't pass it will not be due to lack of effort.)

I NEED to watch a John Wayne movie but dare not....YET...