
Bitter pill to swallow. Butler out certainly hurt. Carr isn't close to his old self. Yeah, maybe I'm making excuses but to lose to a 1-6 SEC team in Rupp on such a big stage is disappointing. Especially after a big win against UT. Can't afford home losses to bottom huggers. It seems like it meant a whole lot more for last year's UK guys than this year's. Wagner, Z and Thiero never played that well together in one game at UK. Arkansas going crazy from the 3 was expected I guess. Hope this doesn't deflate the team going forward. Emotional loss. Shake it off and move on.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 48°F and clear. Today's high expected around 77°F. Awesome weather coming later this afternoon.

What a huge letdown last night. No further comment.

Wishing y'all a peaceful Sunday.

Good morning all,

Sitting outside my church in My Darling's car. (May be mine soon once we see how things are working out. Will buy My Darling a new one.) Took My Darling to choir practice. I am drinking my cup of coffee. Will go inside in about five minutes...

Much info coming out. (I doubt a lot of feds will know it until tomorrow.) Things will get more back to normal sooner. Not the China virus normal....

In any event, I am thankful. God Bless you all and please realize... God is in control....
Good Sunday morning everyone

These roller coaster Cats are sure difficult to figure out. I think it can be summed up that our ex Cats wanted it more than our current Cats.

Heading down to the lake tomorrow for the first time in 3 months. More work to be done than fishing.

I don't know if I'll watch (on phone) or even listen to the game on Tuesday. My buddy that will be with me is not a sports fan at all. I don't see a way to get back towards the top playing in the SEC this year. We had an opening and blew it.

Enjoy your day!
Admired Ali..... One thing about him. He NEVER ran away. he stood and took what was coming to him...

I have read a couple of books on Ali. Always liked him. He started his "act" after seeing the wrestler Gorgeous George. He was impressed by the full house of spectators. Each one had bought a ticket and it didn't matter whether they cheered or booed because they spent money to see the show.
Glad we won 3 Coed tournament games yesterday afternoon that took us into the evening. We then Lost the semi-final game however and wound up taking 3rd place. Some of our men played in the men's tournament that started at 0900 in the morning and wound up playing 4 games before getting ousted in that one. They had a 2-hour break and then we started the Coed tournament so, by the time we got to the semifinal of the Coed tournament, these guys were spent.

I did not leave Wichita Falls Tx. until about 8:55 PM. By the time I got home there was only about 3 minutes left of the UK/Arkansas game. I looked at the score and decided not to turn it on. Very disappointed so, I poured myself a shot of rum and Coke Zero mix to relax. Got about halfway through the drink when I fell asleep on the couch. Wife woke me up when she was going to bed so I could join her.

Woke up this morning wore out though. I pitched 3 of the 4 games and was doing some dancing so to speak in the last game. The team that put us out was peppering the middle after they hit their allotted 3 home runs allowed. One hit whizzed past my head at warp 9.95 I actually moved my head just in time to avoid it smashing into my helmet and face mask I wear. Could not get my glove up fast enough. As for myself, I actually hit well considering I had not swung a bat since the end of fall league. Only got out twice the whole tourney and one of those outs was at the warning track. I had a good time anyway, anytime I can still get on the field and play is a good time.
Good morning folks. It's supposed to warm up in the east today. Still below freezing on my morning run.

It was a decent weekend, aside from the Cats' choke job. My wife and I enjoyed a night out at our favorite steak house. And they did a good job once again.

Some bad news, a terrific job inside the Interior Department my son had worked hard for and had been given in December was revoked by the agency on Trump's orders. I won't get political here, but I can tell he's really disappointed. But he's taking it like the man he is.

I hope it is a good day for all you folks.
Good morning from ATX. Current temperature = 61°F and cloudy. Today's high expected around 79°F.

Monday, Monday.... Looking at a long week. Policies modified on our tenet. More tickets.

Wish y'all a good day.

Almost bought a carrot cake this morning while my wife and I were at Sam's. Got some coffee crumb cakes from their bakery instead. Already had one with my afternoon coffee since I ate no lunch. It was really good. Wanted another but fought it off as I am trying to eat less lately.

Warmed up a bit around here today, might get up to 84°. It is currently 82° now. Next several days it is supposed bounce around between the 50's 60's and 70's before it turns cold again.

Had to take the monster to the vet today. She has had blood in her urine off and on for the past couple of weeks. We have to now get some of it and take it back to the vet for testing. She has lost 7lbs (144lbs to 137lbs) since November (last vet visit) so, we hope it is not something serious. Besides, the vet wants her to lose about 20lbs anyway. Good thing is her demeanor nor appetite have changed so, they think it might just be a UTI, or Bladder infection. We have antibiotics for her to take so hoping that will do the trick.


32° this morning with a high of 45° expected. Yesterday it was 84°. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the low 80's again. Almost a 40° shift between yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Wow.

The vet called us last night and said that the monster has struvite crystals (forms like kidney stones in her urinary tract if not treated) in her urine which has created a UTI and gave us an option of giving her this special food which cost $118 for a 25lb bag or giving her methionine tablets which cost us $50 for a couple of months' worth of treatment. Might be a regular thing for her going forward. Ordered the tablets last night (higher at vet office) but will pick some up from the vet today to start until the others arrive.

Stay safe out there today folks and God Bless.
A guy I know from the place I buy lamp shade wire had a stroke last Thursday morning. He lives alone and only works part time when he feels like it,so they didn't think anything about it when he didn't come to work. His brother found him laying on the floor of his bedroom Saturday night. He is paralyzed and in a nursing home. Things look bad for him. The hospital said they have done all the can for him.
OK, not going to sugar coat it. Tough times ahead. At least another 4 losses before the SEC tournament. Goal: get fully healthy by the NCAA tournament. That includes Kriisa. Butler? I have no idea the extent of his injury. Focus on March. Of course, win enough games to make the tourney.

Oh yeah, fix the GD defense.
Good morning folks.

Winter doldrums not helped by Kentucky falling apart.

My head understands this is an athletically-challenged team assembled in a few weeks from scratch and the leftovers in the portal after Calipari bailed, with both point guards out, and so a rough year was inevitable.

My heart is saying, "Were we too soon to think Mark Pope can coach at all? The women's team could defend better than that mess last night and Saturday."

I'll stick with my head for now. But I'd be happy if Pope showed me something to reassure my heart.

Grinding out another work day. You guys hang in there.
I am gearing up for baseball now. Pope still has a couple 2 or 3 years to get it together so... I'll wait.

Went to my dentist today to get the healing abutment removed and the permanent one put in and, impression taken for the building of the tooth to go on it. Third time is a charm for this appointment. Had them for earlier but both cancelled due to them not having the piece (abutment) ordered or in yet. Last go around they could not get the impression right the first or second time for the other side of implants I had done (took 3 appointments to get it right). I should have told them to contact Rich little. Today, the assistant was preparing for my procedure when I noticed the x-ray on the computer was not mine. She was getting things ready according to what she had on the computer. When I looked at the name on the monitor it was not mine. The first name was correct but the last was not. She was setting me up for someone else's dental work. I had to correct her, and she apologized. Not the first time this has happened with this group.

My old dentist retired about 2 years ago and we have this new group that seems to have a high turnover of assistants and doctors as I have had 2 different ones in the last 2 years. My oral surgeon in Norman Oklahoma is great, it is just my family dentist or at least his assistants in Lawton that seem to be a bit unqualified. Wife is looking for a new dentist office for us after this round of implants are done. Got to stay on my toes to make sure they do something I don't need.
I am gearing up for baseball now. Pope still has a couple 2 or 3 years to get it together so... I'll wait.

Went to my dentist today to get the healing abutment removed and the permanent one put in and, impression taken for the building of the tooth to go on it. Third time is a charm for this appointment. Had them for earlier but both cancelled due to them not having the piece (abutment) ordered or in yet. Last go around they could not get the impression right the first or second time for the other side of implants I had done (took 3 appointments to get it right). I should have told them to contact Rich little. Today, the assistant was preparing for my procedure when I noticed the x-ray on the computer was not mine. She was getting things ready according to what she had on the computer. When I looked at the name on the monitor it was not mine. The first name was correct but the last was not. She was setting me up for someone else's dental work. I had to correct her, and she apologized. Not the first time this has happened with this group.

My old dentist retired about 2 years ago and we have this new group that seems to have a high turnover of assistants and doctors as I have had 2 different ones in the last 2 years. My oral surgeon in Norman Oklahoma is great, it is just my family dentist or at least his assistants in Lawton that seem to be a bit unqualified. Wife is looking for a new dentist office for us after this round of implants are done. Got to stay on my toes to make sure they do something I don't need.
Back in the early/mid eighties, I was in a wreck and messed up my left leg pretty good. Had emergency surgery that night. That weekend, they had me walking the hallways on crutches. It was all I could do and sweat was rolling off of me, but they insisted I needed to do it. The surgeon exploded when he found out. His instructions had been for me not to get out of bed. Probably one of the reasons I have problems with that leg now.
Back in the early/mid eighties, I was in a wreck and messed up my left leg pretty good. Had emergency surgery that night. That weekend, they had me walking the hallways on crutches. It was all I could do and sweat was rolling off of me, but they insisted I needed to do it. The surgeon exploded when he found out. His instructions had been for me not to get out of bed. Probably one of the reasons I have problems with that leg now.
Not the same situation, but just the opposite expectations for my recent knee replacement. They had me walking with walker within hours & I walked out with walker to go home in car. After that, it was nothing but motion, motion, motion for 6 weeks to maximize ultimate flexibility. Only then did I start on strengthening.
Tough game last night. We already had some glaring defensive issues as a team with Butler, but without him things can get really bad, really quick some games.

Tough to play without your point guard. Season isn't over though.
Tough game last night. We already had some glaring defensive issues as a team with Butler, but without him things can get really bad, really quick some games.

Tough to play without your point guard. Season isn't over though.
I love this team but we do not play defense the way it is played against us.

We really miss Butler. Carr is getting back in shape but he is not 100% yet. Kerr will help a lot also.
Good morning all,

Nasty weather here but thankful it is not snow. Was claimed to be sleet and ice but not around here from what it looks like. Some of what I have now is gone after today but that's okay.... What I have left is not bad either... I am thankful!