I have read a couple of books on Ali. Always liked him. He started his "act" after seeing the wrestler Gorgeous George. He was impressed by the full house of spectators. Each one had bought a ticket and it didn't matter whether they cheered or booed because they spent money to see the show.Admired Ali..... One thing about him. He NEVER ran away. he stood and took what was coming to him...
Almost bought a carrot cake this morning while my wife and I were at Sam's. Got some coffee crumb cakes from their bakery instead. Already had one with my afternoon coffee since I ate no lunch. It was really good. Wanted another but fought it off as I am trying to eat less lately.Good morning from ATX. Current temperature = 61°F and cloudy. Today's high expected around 79°F.
Monday, Monday.... Looking at a long week. Policies modified on our tenet. More tickets.
Wish y'all a good day.
What the heck was I thinking?😟Hoping for better results tonight. Go Cats!!!
Back in the early/mid eighties, I was in a wreck and messed up my left leg pretty good. Had emergency surgery that night. That weekend, they had me walking the hallways on crutches. It was all I could do and sweat was rolling off of me, but they insisted I needed to do it. The surgeon exploded when he found out. His instructions had been for me not to get out of bed. Probably one of the reasons I have problems with that leg now.I am gearing up for baseball now. Pope still has a couple 2 or 3 years to get it together so... I'll wait.
Went to my dentist today to get the healing abutment removed and the permanent one put in and, impression taken for the building of the tooth to go on it. Third time is a charm for this appointment. Had them for earlier but both cancelled due to them not having the piece (abutment) ordered or in yet. Last go around they could not get the impression right the first or second time for the other side of implants I had done (took 3 appointments to get it right). I should have told them to contact Rich little. Today, the assistant was preparing for my procedure when I noticed the x-ray on the computer was not mine. She was getting things ready according to what she had on the computer. When I looked at the name on the monitor it was not mine. The first name was correct but the last was not. She was setting me up for someone else's dental work. I had to correct her, and she apologized. Not the first time this has happened with this group.
My old dentist retired about 2 years ago and we have this new group that seems to have a high turnover of assistants and doctors as I have had 2 different ones in the last 2 years. My oral surgeon in Norman Oklahoma is great, it is just my family dentist or at least his assistants in Lawton that seem to be a bit unqualified. Wife is looking for a new dentist office for us after this round of implants are done. Got to stay on my toes to make sure they do something I don't need.
Not the same situation, but just the opposite expectations for my recent knee replacement. They had me walking with walker within hours & I walked out with walker to go home in car. After that, it was nothing but motion, motion, motion for 6 weeks to maximize ultimate flexibility. Only then did I start on strengthening.Back in the early/mid eighties, I was in a wreck and messed up my left leg pretty good. Had emergency surgery that night. That weekend, they had me walking the hallways on crutches. It was all I could do and sweat was rolling off of me, but they insisted I needed to do it. The surgeon exploded when he found out. His instructions had been for me not to get out of bed. Probably one of the reasons I have problems with that leg now.
I love this team but we do not play defense the way it is played against us.Tough game last night. We already had some glaring defensive issues as a team with Butler, but without him things can get really bad, really quick some games.
Tough to play without your point guard. Season isn't over though.