
Good morning D-League. Heading out for a stroll in the woods ahead of a busy day.

My wife and I have a vacation coming up in early October and she booked a cabin in the woods somewhere a couple, three miles from Pigeon Forge. I haven't been to that area since high school. Mostly we just want to spend time hiking and walking in the woods. But if anyone has a "must see" suggestion, we'll put it on the list. Thanks.
Clingmans Dome and Cades Cove would be two scenic places to check out. The Island at Pigeon Forge and Old Mill Square are a couple of places to check out in Pigeon Forge.
Clingmans Dome and Cades Cove would be two scenic places to check out. The Island at Pigeon Forge and Old Mill Square are a couple of places to check out in Pigeon Forge.
I used to go camp and play music at Cades Cove......there was a gitar player who always had some of the smoothest moonshine in the world......he made some called apple pie......I know where a stash of it is.......I call it the truth serum......only brought out for very special occasions........aged and smooth.......
Good morning D-League. Heading out for a stroll in the woods ahead of a busy day.

My wife and I have a vacation coming up in early October and she booked a cabin in the woods somewhere a couple, three miles from Pigeon Forge. I haven't been to that area since high school. Mostly we just want to spend time hiking and walking in the woods. But if anyone has a "must see" suggestion, we'll put it on the list. Thanks.
Clingmans Dome and Cades Cove would be two scenic places to check out. The Island at Pigeon Forge and Old Mill Square are a couple of places to check out in Pigeon Forge.
Yeah, Cades Cove definitely scenic. Close friend of mine visits CC 1-2x yearly. Her and her husband drive up from FL.

Watch for bears. I can't emphasize this point enough. We're noticing those critters coming out from Cumberland Gap National Park during my past few visits back home. Old Mill also recommended.

Huge issue with Pigeon Forge is commercialization. I mean, WTF is a Titanic museum doing out at the foot of the Smokey Mountains? And a transplanted crime museum? Please.
Watch for bears. I can't emphasize this point enough. We're noticing those critters coming out from Cumberland Gap National Park during my past few visits back home.
Back in the 80s poachers about wiped out the bear population in N GA and E TN. Killing them to sell one of the organs to China. Supposed to have been some magic medicine there (or maybe they were working on a virus ;) )

Big news in Atlanta at the time. Read where they've made a big comeback. Got a picture of one walking up my daughter's driveway in N Ga from 6,7 years ago.
I used to go camp and play music at Cades Cove......there was a gitar player who always had some of the smoothest moonshine in the world......he made some called apple pie......I know where a stash of it is.......I call it the truth serum......only brought out for very special occasions........aged and smooth.......
Last time I was there, I went to the Old Smoky Barn and did the taste test challenge. They give you 12-14 samples of different moonshines. I know when I finished, I was feeling it pretty good. They had one called Blue Flame and it was by far the strongest.
Yeah, Cades Cove definitely scenic. Close friend of mine visits CC 1-2x yearly. Her and her husband drive up from FL.

Watch for bears. I can't emphasize this point enough. We're noticing those critters coming out from Cumberland Gap National Park during my past few visits back home. Old Mill also recommended.

Huge issue with Pigeon Forge is commercialization. I mean, WTF is a Titanic museum doing out at the foot of the Smokey Mountains? And a transplanted crime museum? Please.

Another one too you should see...


Not the lower version... ;) (UK jacket too.)

Oh, some other "scenery"...


Some of that burned part I mentioned earlier...


Oh, they have a crab joint in town. At least they did but my Darling may have closed the joint...

Last time I was there, I went to the Old Smoky Barn and did the taste test challenge. They give you 12-14 samples of different moonshines. I know when I finished, I was feeling it pretty good. They had one called Blue Flame and it was by far the strongest.
Heh, good times.

I love Gatlinburg. Enjoyed some memorable moments years ago. Have not visited in quite some time.

Dollywood = Hillbilly Disneyworld. My daughter went on several trips down there with her school way back when. Maybe sophomore through senior years during late 90s.

October is a good time for a visit. Leaves turning color. Should make for a nice trip.
I fear The guys who are paying the organ grinder to play for the trained monkey are working out their plan as they expected. I hope we just have idiots in charge, but I fear it's more nefarious than that.
I have no such illusion about those in charge. Wish there was such a hope in me, but it was a hope that needed to die. Only room for One with which to place my hope
Good morning from ATX. Currently 77°F and clear. 50% rain chance around 4 pm. Today's high may 91°F. We can live with it.

I was super busy yesterday. Worked with one user for 2.5 hours on OneDrive. That app sure hates long file names and nested folders. Today is LBJ's birthday. Many co-workers off, but I'm working. Save those hours for this coming fall.

Happy Friday!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Good morning, D-League!

It's still dark in the holler, but I had a little time this morning to say hello. Making breakfast for family and then back to regular work. Supposed to be a day... I really have no idea what kind, since the weather forecasts have been wrong a lot lately.... Gonna play it by ear, cling to the joy I'm tasked with by God in all circumstances, and trying to listen for extra direction as I go.

Hope it's a great day in Him for everyone! Pray daily for those in need around the world, so we aren't caught off guard when His son returns
Good Friday morning

We are watching a little disturbance forming in the Gulf called Ida, she may be a major hurricane before she hits land.

Meanwhile I am watching the sun come up with 77° and a 75% chance of rain around 3 pm. Today's high should hit 87°.

I didn't sleep well last night thinking about those poor 12 Marines and one Navy medic killed yesterday in Afghanistan. During my devotions this morning I said a special prayer for their loved ones. I can't imagine the horror and grief getting the word their loved one was dead. May God bring peace to their souls.

I trust all have a great day and good weekend ahead.
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Good morning D-League. Glad it is Friday.

Thanks to a few of you for your recommendations for the Smokeys trip upcoming. Looking forward to taking some of your tips.

I, too, lost a little sleep over the disaster in Kabul. My son wanted to join the Marines out of high school a couple years ago. I would have been fine with it, but it was clear to me he wasn’t physically or emotionally ready. So we compromised by him agreeing to get a degree at UK first, then go if he still wanted, maybe to OCS.

I just kept thinking it could have been him —and more to the point, it was some family’s son, a family that had trusted the policy makers to value those lives like their own.

Still feeling grim this morning. Sorry. Hope it’s a good day for all.
Good morning all. It's 68 here on the porch in the Buckeye State. Heading up to the high 80s, maybe 90. One of my apps says a chance of rain. Says this morning at 9 or 10. Not a cloud in the sky and nothing on radar for a few hundred miles. Some of these weather apps aren't too good.

Heat is supposed to break about Monday. Back to the low 80s....sounds good. Then September and Fall is right around the corner.

Nothing doing today. Hope y'all have a good day.
Masks are back in full force here and it's only a matter of time before the mandates kick back in. I actually saw a lady wearing a mask in her own yard. What's with these people wearing masks while walking outside alone ? Or alone in their car? Blows my mind. I'm not wearing one unless I have to. Unfortunately, all medical facilities require them and I take the folks to multiple doctors.
So we compromised by him agreeing to get a degree at UK first, then go if he still wanted, maybe to OCS.
I've got a nephew who went to college, got a degree with honors and then joined the Army. Not OCS...buck private. Said he wanted to 'earn it'...whatever 'earn it' means to him. Have no idea if he's planning on an Army career or not. But me personally, I would have gone the OCS route if I wanted to join after college.
But he walks to a different drumbeat. He went into bomb squad (don't know the Army technical name for it).
Been to A'ghan twice...hope he's not there now. Worked security with Secret Service when Trump was Prez.
Most of the time his Mom and Dad have no idea where he's at. For whatever reason it seems to be top secret.
I've got a nephew who went to college, got a degree with honors and then joined the Army. Not OCS...buck private. Said he wanted to 'earn it'...whatever 'earn it' means to him. Have no idea if he's planning on an Army career or not. But me personally, I would have gone the OCS route if I wanted to join after college.
But he walks to a different drumbeat. He went into bomb squad (don't know the Army technical name for it).
Been to A'ghan twice...hope he's not there now. Worked security with Secret Service when Trump was Prez.
Most of the time his Mom and Dad have no idea where he's at. For whatever reason it seems to be top secret.
I had a top secret clearance way back when. It probably means that he is around something the gov has been lying about and doesn't want it to get out. (or at least is hiding, doesn't have to be dangerous)
I'm sure it occurred to everyone here, but I'll mention it anyway.

If the goal WASN'T to completely fudge this withdrawal, none of this would have been done this way. They wanted it to look and turn out this bad or there were plenty of ways to do it differently. All they had to do was start bringing people out before they ever announced a thing.

How many people will they traffic? How many terrorists will they smuggle into this country and others? Now they have their war and carnage just like before. Need to bring back the firing squads and court martial the people responsible for putting our people and soldiers in harm's way. The needless deaths of our soldiers is on their heads.
I used to go camp and play music at Cades Cove......there was a gitar player who always had some of the smoothest moonshine in the world......he made some called apple pie......I know where a stash of it is.......I call it the truth serum......only brought out for very special occasions........aged and smooth.......
I have a cousin who makes apple pie. Sherry loves it, but it does not bring the truth out of her. :)
It is 77.4°F and sunny in my old kentucky home. We are supposed to get to 89° for a high but I am betting into the 90's with a 40% chance of rain.

Joe Biden has blood on his hands, none of this crap was necessary. I have never seen a President like him. He is on bone headed dude. Yesterday he was blaming the pullout on Trump. Geeze!

My son graduated college and worked for 4 years and then joined the Army and became an officer through OCS. He stayed in the guard for 20 years and would have stayed 30 but his wife wanted him out. After getting out he worked with a contractor to the Pentagon. He still has his Top Secret Clearance for the next few years. He got it just renewed (I think it is for 5 years?) before he left the contractor. So Norton Hospital has a top secret man now working for them!
I mentioned the Flying Tigers the other day. Not sure how many of you are familiar with them. They were not actually part of the military and were bounty hunters of a sort. They were still around in the Nam days shuttling people and equipment. Quite a group.

A good read about boyington. he received the medal of honor and navy cross and was in a japanese pow camp with louis zamperini:
Good morning D, still heart broken over what happened to our service men!!! I have now words for it except, that did not have to happen and some people are just shrugging it off!!!!

We had a heavy downpour at 9:30 last night, lasted about 15 minutes, 04" of rain!!!

Taking some homemade peanut butter ice cream(and a Gala apple) to a friend of ours who had surgery.

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!

If any of the D ever needs some type of plant that they want to grow on a fence line or trellis, find you some Hummingbird vines, it's amazing how fast it grows and spreads!!! Hummingbirds sure do like it. We have been watching it and it grows close to a foot a day! Has red blooms on it!!!
Good morning D, still heart broken over what happened to our service men!!! I have now words for it except, that did not have to happen and some people are just shrugging it off!!!!

We had a heavy downpour at 9:30 last night, lasted about 15 minutes, 04" of rain!!!

Taking some homemade peanut butter ice cream(and a Gala apple) to a friend of ours who had surgery.

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!

If any of the D ever needs some type of plant that they want to grow on a fence line or trellis, find you some Hummingbird vines, it's amazing how fast it grows and spreads!!! Hummingbirds sure do like it. We have been watching it and it grows close to a foot a day! Has red blooms on it!!!
If you’re talking about trumpet vine you better be certain you really like it. i planted some years ago and a few years later decided we wanted to replace it so i dug all of it up. it kept sprouting all over. roots are strong and run deep. it took me a couple of years to completely get rid of it.
If you’re talking about trumpet vine you better be certain you really like it. i planted some years ago and a few years later decided we wanted to replace it so i dug all of it up. it kept sprouting all over. roots are strong and run deep. it took me a couple of years to completely get rid of it.
Not sure blubo, but I looked up hummingbird vine and it showed Cypress Vine. I had it on a fence before I took it down and it does just keep coming back. I pull it up but, we just keep a few growing for the hummingbirds.
Talking about vines! You guys have any in your part of the state? We have spots that are pretty bad here.

We have some close to us, but they have done something, because it's not as bad as it use to be.
Good morning D, still heart broken over what happened to our service men!!! I have now words for it except, that did not have to happen and some people are just shrugging it off!!!!

We had a heavy downpour at 9:30 last night, lasted about 15 minutes, 04" of rain!!!

Taking some homemade peanut butter ice cream(and a Gala apple) to a friend of ours who had surgery.

I hope the D has a great day and Prayers for the D!!!!

If any of the D ever needs some type of plant that they want to grow on a fence line or trellis, find you some Hummingbird vines, it's amazing how fast it grows and spreads!!! Hummingbirds sure do like it. We have been watching it and it grows close to a foot a day! Has red blooms on it!!!
I planted some of that stuff one time.....took five years before I killed it all out.......but you are can watch it grow.........

Speaking of Biscuits and gravy and sausage, I made a mess this late morning. Turned out just fine... Went down even better. Been a long while since I had gravy. I still got it and my youngest confirmed it.

Oh, Bless you all this Friday. Enjoy your time out and realize you have a haven to come back to. Be thankful, God Bless you all...
Talking about vines! You guys have any in your part of the state? We have spots that are pretty bad here.

Anybody that lives or did live in the Deep South knows all about kudzu. And I lived about 20 years in Georgia.
Don't know about today, but I remember talking to some people in the Georgia DOT and they said there was nothing that would kill it. Had a cousin who lived for a few years in Gainesville, Ga. and he had a line of kudzu growing in a field at the back of his backyard. He too said you could watch it grow daily....had to basically trim/cut it back everyday.
Anybody that lives or did live in the Deep South knows all about kudzu. And I lived about 20 years in Georgia.
Don't know about today, but I remember talking to some people in the Georgia DOT and they said there was nothing that would kill it. Had a cousin who lived for a few years in Gainesville, Ga. and he had a line of kudzu growing in a field at the back of his backyard. He too said you could watch it grow daily....had to basically trim/cut it back everyday.
Unless my sketchy memory fails me, I read somewhere that the main root grows like 20 feet deep and you'd have to dig it out with a backhoe.