
How times change. Same cream, malts, peanut butter on graham crackers to try to gain weight/bulk up. Now I gain 3 pounds looking at a donut.
Same here Colonel. When I was about 20, I worked on a pipeline job in eastern Utah -- and lived back across the border in Grand Junction, Colorado. It was agonizingly hot - 110F every day -- and when the work day was over we were exhausted. On the road back into Colorado there was an old AW Root Beer shop. I'd limp up to the counter and order TWO large ice cream floats and knock them down in minutes. After that I'd feel tip top. That'd put five pounds on me easy today.
Same here Colonel. When I was about 20, I worked on a pipeline job in eastern Utah -- and lived back across the border in Grand Junction, Colorado. It was agonizingly hot - 110F every day -- and when the work day was over we were exhausted. On the road back into Colorado there was an old AW Root Beer shop. I'd limp up to the counter and order TWO large ice cream floats and knock them down in minutes. After that I'd feel tip top. That'd put five pounds on me easy today.

Uh, My darling just made me pancakes.... Talk about pounds...

Good morning D-League. It's currently 72° and foggy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly cloudy skies, with a slight risk of a shower and a high of 90°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Haven't been to Lauterbrunnen, but to Zermatt & Lucerne. Switz is one beautiful place. And most expensive I've seen. Coke/glass of wine/pizza for 2 - $67. At least no tip.
I tilled the potato garden up yesterday afternoon.......I should have waited until today.......the director has been a whirlwind for the last few weeks, she has canned green beans, potatoes, tomatoes and is finishing up 3 bushels of pears.......a very busy time for us........rabbits to dress, ducks to process and the sweet potatoes haven 't been dug or canned......................but my dag-gone boat hasn't been in the water since last Oct............I got two really sweet Johnny Morris bait casting reels for my birthday..........they don't even have line on them yet..........this getting old is messing with my life style............I have been working on a new pigeon loft for several weeks........the only fun thing I have been doing is flying my racing pigeons with GPS tracking bands on to the "to do" list........
I tilled the potato garden up yesterday afternoon.......I should have waited until today.......the director has been a whirlwind for the last few weeks, she has canned green beans, potatoes, tomatoes and is finishing up 3 bushels of pears.......a very busy time for us........rabbits to dress, ducks to process and the sweet potatoes haven 't been dug or canned......................but my dag-gone boat hasn't been in the water since last Oct............I got two really sweet Johnny Morris bait casting reels for my birthday..........they don't even have line on them yet..........this getting old is messing with my life style............I have been working on a new pigeon loft for several weeks........the only fun thing I have been doing is flying my racing pigeons with GPS tracking bands on to the "to do" list........
The Mrs dug up our potatoes this morning. They're her babies...loves growing them. More and bigger than last year..but she said the skins were thin..but they were starting to come up above ground. Seems I read somewhere once that when the tops dry/die out, to cut them off and then let them sit for a week or so before digging them up? Does that thicken the skin?

I think you earlier this year posted about lime powder to keep the bugs off. We tried...worked really well.
Just an fyi, my sister is an RN at Vanderbilt. Vandy is requiring the jab for workers. My sister wrote a letter claiming religious reasons for not getting the shot. She got her exemption approved yesterday. She has previously had covid.
My nephew (MD at a large hospital) will not take it. He wanted to go that route..but his hospital requires a signed letter by a minister. He's not a church goer (not an more and more these days he just doesn't go). So his mom talked to her pastor if he would...declined because the Assembly of God approves of the either he wouldn't do it, or couldn't.
My nephew (MD at a large hospital) will not take it. He wanted to go that route..but his hospital requires a signed letter by a minister. He's not a church goer (not an more and more these days he just doesn't go). So his mom talked to her pastor if he would...declined because the Assembly of God approves of the either he wouldn't do it, or couldn't.
Don't know if her minister had to sign or not, but she seemed to think an action by Tn governor is helping the Vandy employees who object.
Good morning D, read Malachi 7 this morning, SC, it doesn't matter, you are reading, but I am glad you are with me!!!!

It is hot here in the Berg too!!!! Feels like 91 already!!!

Well they said they fixed our internet Monday, woke up Tuesday and it was out again, called again and another tech came out this morning, put something on the box outside, told me he had to go to the office and change a port(?) and now it's working, we'll see!!!

Been wondering about Mr. Rooster, miss the train pics and Mr. Don, good to read they are ok!!!

I got my new Vizio, good TV but I pleased with the sound, it comes out the bottom. I am going to make a piece of wood and place it behind it to deflect to sound out the front more!

The D needs a call chain, where if someone doesn't show up for a while, we could send a text to them to see if they are ok.

I hope the D has a great day!!! Prayers! For those who Pray I want you to add to your prayers, what we are calling the GOD KNOWS LIST, we don't know the people on it, we know some , but GOD KNOWS ALL!

Oh by the way, we made the Lighthouse Inn Potatoes and they are the best taters I have ever et! I will put the recipe on here!!!!
The Mrs dug up our potatoes this morning. They're her babies...loves growing them. More and bigger than last year..but she said the skins were thin..but they were starting to come up above ground. Seems I read somewhere once that when the tops dry/die out, to cut them off and then let them sit for a week or so before digging them up? Does that thicken the skin?

I think you earlier this year posted about lime powder to keep the bugs off. We tried...worked really well.
OC, I had a guy ask me one time if I planted the potatoes with the eyes up on the taters, I said yes. So he says, why don't you plant them with the eyes down so the taters will grow on top of the ground! Didn't have an answer!!!
Just an fyi, my sister is an RN at Vanderbilt. Vandy is requiring the jab for workers. My sister wrote a letter claiming religious reasons for not getting the shot. She got her exemption approved yesterday. She has previously had covid.
Supposedly if you have had covid you are in better shape than having had the shots.
Lighthouse Inn Potatoes

6- Tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 6pieces (will be put in the potatoes)
2 1/2 lbs. Russet potatoes cut in 1" chunks
3 cups light cream
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon each salt and pepper

Dry Mix

2oz. Parmesan cheese
1- Cup panko bread crumbs
4- Tablespoons of butter (melted) to put in dry mixture

1- put on middle rack @ 375 degrees

2-In a large sauce pan put 2 1/2 cups of the light cream, salt& pepper, 1/8 tsp baking soda, add potatoes and bring to a boil.

3- When it comes to a boil, turn down to low, let potatoes simmer, stirring often. Check potatoes after about 15-20 minutes, check with a knife. Do not let them cook till they get mushy. Needs to stay in chunks.

4- when they are ready, turn off heat, add remaining 1/2 cup and the 6 tablespoons of butter, stir until the butter is melted.

5- Pour potatoes into a 9x13 baking dish and cover with the dry mixture.

6- In a bowl mix, parmesan cheese, Panko bread crumbs and 4 tablespoons of melted butter. Put on taters.

7- Bake uncovered for 15-20 minutes, should be golden brown around edges

8- Let cool for 15 minutes if you can!!!

If you fix this I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!!!

If you can find the video of this watch it. I think it was Cook's country
Lighthouse Inn Potatoes

6- Tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 6pieces (will be put in the potatoes)
2 1/2 lbs. Russet potatoes cut in 1" chunks
3 cups light cream
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon each salt and pepper

Dry Mix

2oz. Parmesan cheese
1- Cup panko bread crumbs
4- Tablespoons of butter (melted) to put in dry mixture

1- put on middle rack @ 375 degrees

2-In a large sauce pan put 2 1/2 cups of the light cream, salt& pepper, 1/8 tsp baking soda, add potatoes and bring to a boil.

3- When it comes to a boil, turn down to low, let potatoes simmer, stirring often. Check potatoes after about 15-20 minutes, check with a knife. Do not let them cook till they get mushy. Needs to stay in chunks.

4- when they are ready, turn off heat, add remaining 1/2 cup and the 6 tablespoons of butter, stir until the butter is melted.

5- Pour potatoes into a 9x13 baking dish and cover with the dry mixture.

6- In a bowl mix, parmesan cheese, Panko bread crumbs and 4 tablespoons of melted butter. Put on taters.

7- Bake uncovered for 15-20 minutes, should be golden brown around edges

8- Let cool for 15 minutes if you can!!!

If you fix this I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!!!

If you can find the video of this watch it. I think it was Cook's country

I don't know Sir, that "un-salted" butter has to be bordering on sacrilege... The rest sounds edible though... (I've heard of such (un-salted butter) but never believed it.. until now...)
Supposedly if you have had covid you are in better shape than having had the shots.
Have not had the shot and have never been tested for Covid. Don't know if I have ever been exposed or not. Don't wear a mask and haven't since retired 1 Sept 2020 except for visit to the VA doctors office. I am in the corner of the herd immunity mindset. I have not inoculated for anything since retiring from the military in July 97.
Have not had the shot and have never been tested for Covid. Don't know if I have ever been exposed or not. Don't wear a mask and haven't since retired 1 Sept 2020 except for visit to the VA doctors office. I am in the corner of the herd immunity mindset. I have not inoculated for anything since retiring from the military in July 97.

Very Bovinian of you Sir! (Yeah, I made it up...)(Just don't flatulate...)
When I get "unsalter" butter, I just add salt!

Hell I am a "failed chemist"; I know a lot about sodium chloride.
It is probably one of the safest things on earth to ingest if you drink water. Nations have fought wars over salt. In my Army days we carried salt tablets in our pistol belt and ate them like M&Ms . There were salt tablet dispensers all over the base. You could grab them anytime you wanted one.

Our fatigues would turn snow white when with sweat and when they dried out you could brush the salt off of your shirt. But I survived.

Now if you are a slug you may want to think this over
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It is probably one of the safest things on earth to ingest if you drink water. Nations have fought wars over salt. In my Army days we carried salt tablets in our pistol belt and ate them like M&Ms . There were salt tablet dispensers all over the base. You could grab them anytime you wanted one.

Our fatigues would turn snow white when with sweat and when they dried out you could brush the salt off of your shirt. But I survived.

Now if you are a slug you may want to think this over
I haven't thought about salt tablets in many years till I read your post. I remember them now.
It is probably one of the safest things on earth to ingest if you drink water. Nations have fought wars over salt. In my Army days we carried salt tablets in our pistol belt and ate them like M&Ms . There were salt tablet dispensers all over the base. You could grab them anytime you wanted one.

Our fatigues would turn snow white when with sweat and when they dried out you could brush the salt off of your shirt. But I survived.

Now if you are a slug you may want to think this over

Just too remindful Sir... Too remindful...


I haven't thought about salt tablets in many years till I read your post. I remember them now.
I am saying this with all sincerity but when I had a trainee fall out due to heat or heat exhaustion we gave them a sip of water and let them rest for about 15 minutes, then gave them a handful of salt tablets and a canteen of lukewarm water.

Salt tablets were also used to prevent leg cramps during training. We did not have any negative issues with salt tablets. I have been out of the army for over 50 years so I have no idea if this SOP anymore. I guess they carry around IV's now. I don't have a clue.

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I am saying this with all sincerity but when I had a trainee fall out due to heat or heat exhaustion we gave them a sip of water and let them rest for about 15 minutes, then gave them a handful of salt tablets and a canteen of lukewarm water.

Salt tablets were also used to prevent leg cramps during training. We did not have any negative issues with salt tablets. I have been out of the army for over 50 years so I have no idea if this SOP anymore. I guess they carry around IV's now. I don't have a clue.

We used to take salt tablets -- an egg-yolk yellow color and a little bigger than an aspirin - during conditioning in the summer when I played high school and college basketball. Later, when I pipelined out west they passed them out. We wore long-sleeved denim or khaki shirts becasue of all the sparks and flame generated in welding and cutting pipe. I can remember my blue denim shirt having huge white rings from the salt after taking those pills...
We used to take salt tablets -- an egg-yolk yellow color and a little bigger than an aspirin - during conditioning in the summer when I played high school and college basketball. Later, when I pipelined out west they passed them out. We wore long-sleeved denim or khaki shirts becasue of all the sparks and flame generated in welding and cutting pipe. I can remember my blue denim shirt having huge white rings from the salt after taking those pills...
Do you know if the military still uses them? We would make every soldier take a couple as they were going through the chow line. Signs were all over the place reminding the troops to take their salt tablets.

I am not sure today's military trains hard enough to need them.
Lighthouse Inn Potatoes

6- Tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 6pieces (will be put in the potatoes)
2 1/2 lbs. Russet potatoes cut in 1" chunks
3 cups light cream
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon each salt and pepper

Dry Mix

2oz. Parmesan cheese
1- Cup panko bread crumbs
4- Tablespoons of butter (melted) to put in dry mixture

1- put on middle rack @ 375 degrees

2-In a large sauce pan put 2 1/2 cups of the light cream, salt& pepper, 1/8 tsp baking soda, add potatoes and bring to a boil.

3- When it comes to a boil, turn down to low, let potatoes simmer, stirring often. Check potatoes after about 15-20 minutes, check with a knife. Do not let them cook till they get mushy. Needs to stay in chunks.

4- when they are ready, turn off heat, add remaining 1/2 cup and the 6 tablespoons of butter, stir until the butter is melted.

5- Pour potatoes into a 9x13 baking dish and cover with the dry mixture.

6- In a bowl mix, parmesan cheese, Panko bread crumbs and 4 tablespoons of melted butter. Put on taters.

7- Bake uncovered for 15-20 minutes, should be golden brown around edges

8- Let cool for 15 minutes if you can!!!

If you fix this I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!!!

If you can find the video of this watch it. I think it was Cook's country
Looks good. I might give a try.

< - - - BP was 110/77 last I checked while visiting cuz on Nolin Lake. I've abstained from salty foods and table salt for nearly 60 years and have blood pressure to prove it.
We used to take salt tablets -- an egg-yolk yellow color and a little bigger than an aspirin - during conditioning in the summer when I played high school and college basketball. Later, when I pipelined out west they passed them out. We wore long-sleeved denim or khaki shirts becasue of all the sparks and flame generated in welding and cutting pipe. I can remember my blue denim shirt having huge white rings from the salt after taking those pills...
When i was in usaf basic training way back last century in the summer of 1966, we all had to take salt tablets. i was skinny as a rail and the heat never bothered me, but i sometimes took as many as 10-15/day. a few years later when i was 27yo, newly married and began seeing a dr i was told i had hbp and have been on daily meds ever since. i’ve thankfully been in good health otherwise and never overweight. i’ve always wondered if the salt tablets had anything to do with it, or maybe the new wife?
Looks good. I might give a try.

< - - - BP was 110/77 last I checked while visiting cuz on Nolin Lake. I've abstained from salty foods and table salt for nearly 60 years and have blood pressure to prove it.

Yeah my last three were 121/67, 128/66, 127/70. I battle high cholesterol as that is an inherited trait but my cholesterol stays around 150 with the minimum dose. I still have 20 pounds to take off (Again). I had it off and then the family needs to celebrate with food and we go to these all you can eat places and I always try getting my money's-worth... (About two months of that celebration type crapola and I gained 20 pounds.)
When i was in usaf basic training way back last century in the summer of 1966, we all had to take salt tablets. i was skinny as a rail and the heat never bothered me, but i sometimes took as many as 10-15/day. a few years later when i was 27yo, newly married and began seeing a dr i was told i had hbp and have been on daily meds ever since. i’ve thankfully been in good health otherwise and never overweight. i’ve always wondered if the salt tablets had anything to do with it, or maybe the new wife?

My Dad was thin his entire life that I knew him and he had HBP. I never have.
Do you know if the military still uses them? We would make every soldier take a couple as they were going through the chow line. Signs were all over the place reminding the troops to take their salt tablets.

I am not sure today's military trains hard enough to need them.
That's a good question, Sawnee.

In the past 30 years I've been around the military in Somalia, Haiti, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other warm-to-scorching places and I never saw salt pills. I remember in Haiti the 10th Mountain Division guys suffering in the heat because the Brigade commander insisted that they wear their woodland BDUs buttoned all the way down on the wrist. Did you ever read about Col. David Hackworth, highly decorated solider from Korea to Vietnam, turned war reporter? I knew Hack pretty well, and he made a terrible stink in articles he wrote about making the soldiers stay so buttoned up in the heat.
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Yeah my last three were 121/67, 128/66, 127/70. I battle high cholesterol as that is an inherited trait but my cholesterol stays around 150 with the minimum dose. I still have 20 pounds to take off (Again). I had it off and then the family needs to celebrate with food and we go to these all you can eat places and I always try getting my money's-worth... (About two months of that celebration type crapola and I gained 20 pounds.)
BBUK, eat lots of squash and onions and baked potatoes with the skin on it, that will help!!!!

Pebbles, My Guard Dog... He guarded all the food in the house... (He is buried at my house in Summerville, SC.)


That was at our Home in San Antonio...

This is our house in South Carolina (Summerville) He is about buried exactly on that spot as he loved that place for some reason... Just about two feet or so to the left of that picture... He died in my arms...


Pebbles, My Guard Dog... He guarded all the food in the house... (He is buried at my house in Summerville, SC.)


That was at our Home in San Antonio...

This is our house in South Carolina (Summerville) He is about buried exactly on that spot as he loved that place for some reason... Just about two feet or so to the left of that picture... He died in my arms...

My avatar says it all. Our late great Chloe. Passed away October 2019. Best dog ever. No offense to Marty but he's catching up.

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