Okay folks, I am about to get into trouble on the D-League; however, here are my views of salt, blood fat and other things.
I had a heart attack on 8-9-2010. My total cholesterol the morning that I had the attack was a whopping 119 (they want it below 200). Most folks would kill for cholesterol like mine the day I have a heart attack. If your liver demands that you have high cholesterol, then you will have high cholesterol. Your DNA has more to do with you having a heart attack than cholesterol. My mother-in-law died of heart disease and never had elevated cholesterol. Her cholesterol was low like mine. My dad had high cholesterol and died of a bad vein in his brain, no heart attack, no build up in the veins or anything associated with cholesterol clogged veins, just one vein in his brain that blew up because it was an aneurysm.
Salt: our bodies function on salts. Your body uses ions to transfer all sorts of chemicals through your blood and into our cells. There are several metallic salts that our bodies use, google them. Sodium and calcium ions are gobbled up by our bodies as they need them to make us work. With an imbalance of salts, we have muscle cramps and all sorts of problems; plus, our cells do not get fed.
Blood pressure problems are caused by all sorts of things, not just salt. I have had open heart surgery and I have blood pressure problems; however, I have never been restricted on salt intake. There are many complex reasons that folks have elevated blood pressure, and most are not caused by too much salt intake. It is easy to say take less salt when the real reason for the elevated blood pressure is in other places.
We are complex chemical machines.
We must study our problems and adjust our lives to what we, and our doctors, think is appropriate. Don't buy too much on shit that is put out by popular media.