
We good folks of Smiths Grove got 1.34" of rain this afternoon. I don't know who paid the pastor, but they must have really greased the skids!
We just had a regular turd floater ourselves. I don't know how many inches but it was the rare rain for this part of the country that at its heaviest made it almost impossible to drive. Smart people were pulling over and even I slowed to a crawl. After about ten minutes my phone started getting those flash flood warnings, so lots of volume. I'm hoping that takes all the humidity out of the air through the weekend.
Talking about vines! You guys have any in your part of the state? We have spots that are pretty bad here.

Coming north on I75, I see it on sides of road till a little north of Corbin. Nowhere in NKy that I know of, or even in Lex.
We good folks of Smiths Grove got 1.34" of rain this afternoon. I don't know who paid the pastor, but they must have really greased the skids!
We received a strong rain storm about 3:00 PM. Very strong winds. There was a beach ball in our pool and the wind picked it up and blew it out of the pool. ?????? That was a first for my eyes.

The little hurricane is forming just South of us and we might get a little of that as it passes by. It is suppose to head to South Louisiana near New Orleans.
Anybody who has had an older brother remember when you were little and his friends would come over to the house and you wanted to be a part of the group, but was either ignored or told to scram.
My brother (7 yrs older) had dinner last night with some old H.S. friends, a couple who came in from out of town. He was telling me on the phone a little while ago about the dinner...where people lived now...what they had done (all retired now). Some of the names were familiar. When I couldn't remember, it was 'sure you do, remember the time he came over and .....'
Anyway he was telling me that one of the guy's son is now a NFL referee. Scheduled to work the Steelers game (tonight?) Was a SEC ref before going to the NFL. Lives in Nashville and I think he went to EKU.
The little hurricane is forming just South of us and we might get a little of that as it passes by. It is suppose to head to South Louisiana near New Orleans.
Another example of the media talking up a weather event that's not that bad?
We just had a regular turd floater ourselves. I don't know how many inches but it was the rare rain for this part of the country that at its heaviest made it almost impossible to drive. Smart people were pulling over and even I slowed to a crawl. After about ten minutes my phone started getting those flash flood warnings, so lots of volume. I'm hoping that takes all the humidity out of the air through the weekend.

We didn't get a drop though I did hear the thunder a few times (Just heard some so may get a little rain too)... I imagine you and I live less than 20 miles apart as the crow flies.

(Edit; Raining now pretty "goodly")
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Anybody who has had an older brother remember when you were little and his friends would come over to the house and you wanted to be a part of the group, but was either ignored or told to scram.
My brother (7 yrs older) had dinner last night with some old H.S. friends, a couple who came in from out of town. He was telling me on the phone a little while ago about the dinner...where people lived now...what they had done (all retired now). Some of the names were familiar. When I couldn't remember, it was 'sure you do, remember the time he came over and .....'
Anyway he was telling me that one of the guy's son is now a NFL referee. Scheduled to work the Steelers game (tonight?) Was a SEC ref before going to the NFL. Lives in Nashville and I think he went to EKU.

Yes Sir, My brother is 9 years and 51 weeks older than me. He was real good to me growing up though but as I did, he moved out when he was 16. We really only had about five years together growing up but I remember them. Still thankful as my Brother was a good brother and still is... I used to be the part-time drummer for their band. "Them From Down Under" I will never forget that..
We just had a regular turd floater ourselves. I don't know how many inches but it was the rare rain for this part of the country that at its heaviest made it almost impossible to drive. Smart people were pulling over and even I slowed to a crawl. After about ten minutes my phone started getting those flash flood warnings, so lots of volume. I'm hoping that takes all the humidity out of the air through the weekend.

Jerry Clower called it a Frog strangler... ;)
Guys, I'm going to post a version of this on the political thread, but I consider you friends, so it goes a little stronger in here. Things could get bad with all these refugees from Afghan and for our troops over there. I'm no one special, but I have heard things from a trusted source. We already knew it, but the whole Afghan withdrawal has been a set up situation. If you are not prepared, now for things to get worse, do so.
Guys, I'm going to post a version of this on the political thread, but I consider you friends, so it goes a little stronger in here. Things could get bad with all these refugees from Afghan and for our troops over there. I'm no one special, but I have heard things from a trusted source. We already knew it, but the whole Afghan withdrawal has been a set up situation. If you are not prepared, now for things to get worse, do so.

Yeah, I have been fortunate to be able to ramp up my resources. I actually have a BIL that set me up in a good way. He is coming for a visit in October and I am then supposed to have one of those Biden hated "14's"....
Yeah, Cades Cove definitely scenic. Close friend of mine visits CC 1-2x yearly. Her and her husband drive up from FL.

Watch for bears. I can't emphasize this point enough. We're noticing those critters coming out from Cumberland Gap National Park during my past few visits back home. Old Mill also recommended.

Huge issue with Pigeon Forge is commercialization. I mean, WTF is a Titanic museum doing out at the foot of the Smokey Mountains? And a transplanted crime museum? Please.

I ran all over those mountains around there growing up. Animals I never heard of anyone ever seeing were bears, mountain lions or coyotes (or Bigfoot). I guess they are around now though. Did accidentally stumble across moonshiners though.
Went to the dermatologist today. I thought I was going to look like this guy after he got done spraying me.

I ran all over those mountains around there growing up. Animals I never heard of anyone ever seeing were bears, mountain lions or coyotes (or Bigfoot). I guess they are around now though. Did accidentally stumble across moonshiners though.

Honestly, I can't believe bears have been coming around either. We saw tail-end of one bear running off after it rummaged through a neighbor's trash can last year out in Shawanee. Dogs went nuts. Not real big, maybe 200 lbs or so by my rough guess. More sightings here lately. Yellow bear signs been up for a few years on Hwy 58 as the road merges into 25E.

Speaking of wildlife, whitetail deer are becoming real pests back there. They herd around and get into gardens. Many more car hits these days than back years ago. Fewer hunters and more encroachment by new housing are probably the main causes.
Speaking of wildlife, whitetail deer are becoming real pests back there. They herd around and get into gardens. Many more car hits these days than back years ago. Fewer hunters and more encroachment by new housing are probably the main causes.
Deer are everywhere around most places I assume. Must populate like rabbits. See them quite often at the back end of our property. Nothing but corn fields back behind us so I imagine they munch on corn. A few years they've ate most of the flowers off our apple and pear trees...or the fruit later in the season.
Deer are everywhere around most places I assume. Must populate like rabbits. See them quite often at the back end of our property. Nothing but corn fields back behind us so I imagine they munch on corn. A few years they've ate most of the flowers off our apple and pear trees...or the fruit later in the season.
I live in a fairly populated area and deer, coyote, fox, etc. are seen frequently. Nothing like more rural areas but still, they're here.
Still looking for an OLED TV. This one is a bit out of my budget. 100k. Can't be that good.

I'd buy a laptop and watch flicks on that screen or just do without.... Whew!!! Heck, just use your cell phone...

Man, if I had to go that route I'd give up watching John Wayne movies... (Forgive me Sir!)

That almost hurt my heart...

Not an Anaconda video, Well, could be... ;)

Still looking for an OLED TV. This one is a bit out of my budget. 100k. Can't be that good.

I was at a CES show in the mid, late 80s (Consumer Electronics Show). One of the TV/electronics companies (Motorola I think) had a huge exhibit space and in it was a wall about 10 ft high and 15 ft long made up of 19 inch flat screens. Believe it was the first time they were displayed one had ever seen a 'flat screen'. Asked one of the reps if a 19 inch was on the market what would it go for...said 25K.
Good morning all. Small t'storms all around us last night moving slow with heavy rain. Did I get any? Did any bother to fall on my brown, crunchy, once beautiful yard? That's a big NO.

70 out now heading back to 90. App says no chance rain.

Will be a busy day. Family function this afternoon.

Y'all have a good day.
Good Saturday morning

I had a nice slice of country ham with my eggs and grits this morning with some buttermilk biscuits. A good way to start a Saturday morning.

On to the weather. It is currently 75° and it may reach 90° by mid afternoon. If you are in the path of Ida you better wrap up preparations. She will be visiting soon. Looks like she will slide on by our house but we may get a little wind and some rain.

I am still feeling the pain of the loss of life at Kabul. Just senseless and uncalled for. The leadership of our Military and President allowed this to happen by their God awful stupid exit plan. Just mind blowing. God help us all.

I have some yard waste to haul away today. We have an excellent set up in my little town for recyclable items and waste. At no cost.

Take care all and my prayers go out to those in need and especially the families of our service men and women who have lost loved ones in this horrible war our politicians did not want to win.
Good morning folks. Pounded out a six mile jog in thick humidity and am recovering on my back porch.

There are few pleasures more intense in my book than the first huge bite of an ice cold, perfectly crisp and sweet watermelon after stressing yourself in the heat.

Thinking about driving up in the mountains today. There’s a stretch of the Appalachian trail that cuts across the Crampton’s Gap Civil War battlefield that I enjoy walking.

I hope you all have a good day.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 75°F and clear. 40% rain chances around noon when clouds move in. Our high may top out around 92°F. Sounds groovy. It appears a possible CAT-4 hurricane could hit Louisiana. Hope not.

Yesterday, I grabbed Culver's take out via drive-thru. They forgot an item. Drove 2.5 miles back for my Mushroom and Swiss burger. Ugh! Frustrating.

After a morning walk, more chores on the agenda. May watch volleyball.

Football is back in the Bluegrass next Saturday, y'all!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Yeah, I have been fortunate to be able to ramp up my resources. I actually have a BIL that set me up in a good way. He is coming for a visit in October and I am then supposed to have one of those Biden hated "14's"....
Just using your post as a spring board. I know my post could be figured out by just using common sense, but guys pay heed. I don't just blow smoke and make stuff up. You can do a search of my posts and you will find on the political board (before I started on the D) where a day or 2 before the Nashville bombing I warned of something big happening in Nashville. I'm more trusting in this info than I was Nashville info.
I was at a CES show in the mid, late 80s (Consumer Electronics Show). One of the TV/electronics companies (Motorola I think) had a huge exhibit space and in it was a wall about 10 ft high and 15 ft long made up of 19 inch flat screens. Believe it was the first time they were displayed one had ever seen a 'flat screen'. Asked one of the reps if a 19 inch was on the market what would it go for...said 25K.
It's amazing how expensive new innovations are when it comes to electronics. The first handheld calculator came to market in 1971 and sold for $395.00. Plasma TVs were only for the wealthy back in the day. It's never a good idea to be one of the first buyers, especially with electronics because there most likely will be newer, better and cheaper formats. I learned my lesson with laserdisc players. Hell, the movies alone cost 50-70 bucks each.

Honestly, I can't believe bears have been coming around either. We saw tail-end of one bear running off after it rummaged through a neighbor's trash can last year out in Shawanee. Dogs went nuts. Not real big, maybe 200 lbs or so by my rough guess. More sightings here lately. Yellow bear signs been up for a few years on Hwy 58 as the road merges into 25E.

Speaking of wildlife, whitetail deer are becoming real pests back there. They herd around and get into gardens. Many more car hits these days than back years ago. Fewer hunters and more encroachment by new housing are probably the main causes.
The reason we are over populated with a lot these animals is wildlife people keep meddling with them....they have us over ran with Canada geese here in Louisville..........they have distorted the natural balance of nature with their meddling.......
It is 77.9°F here on our way to 91 with only a 20% chance of rain. Sun is shining and the corn at the end of the street is mature and rapidly losing the green color.

I liked that mongoose BBUK. I wish that I was that fast, not to mention brave.

On Afghanistan: it is a circular firing squad. The administration is screwed.
It is 77.9°F here on our way to 91 with only a 20% chance of rain. Sun is shining and the corn at the end of the street is mature and rapidly losing the green color.

I liked that mongoose BBUK. I wish that I was that fast, not to mention brave.

On Afghanistan: it is a circular firing squad. The administration is screwed.
on purpose.