
Kentucky and country music lost one of the best, Tom T Hall dead at 85. I met him and his wife Dixie many years ago and talking to him was like talking to a friend on the steps of the General Store. Some of my all time favorites were written by Tom and Dixie Hall.

Good morning D-League. It's currently 67° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This afternoon will bring mostly sunny skies and a high of 87°.

Everyone stay safe on this Saturday.

Good morning from ATX. We've got 77°F and cloudy. Clearing later for a high of 98°F. Compared with summers past, we'll take it.

Plan on taking a walk after bit. Must sort some old computer equipment for sale, probably on Craigslist. Go through a few boxes.

14 days until some Wildcat Football!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Kentucky and country music lost one of the best, Tom T Hall dead at 85. I met him and his wife Dixie many years ago and talking to him was like talking to a friend on the steps of the General Store. Some of my all time favorites were written by Tom and Dixie Hall.

Speaking of Tom T. Hall, he was born here in Carter County, about 20 minutes from me. County music has lost a true legend, RIP.

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Good morning from ATX. We've got 77°F and cloudy. Clearing later for a high of 98°F. Compared with summers past, we'll take it.

Plan on taking a walk after bit. Must sort some old computer equipment for sale, probably on Craigslist. Go through a few boxes.

14 days until some Wildcat Football!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Had to look up Spumoni. Never heard of it. Looks good though.
One of my sons as well. He was in the Marines and was in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He was part of a unit that was called F.A.S.T. (Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team) Lost a couple of guys (one Marine and one interpreter) with an IED explosion in the vehicle ahead of his. While I hate that he lost friends, I am grateful he came home safe. Not everyone does.

On the lighter side, after his stint in the Marines (4 years) he went back to college and became a nurse who works in the ER/OR for a brain surgeon in Tennessee. He married his wife in 2006 and now has 5 kids. When he was preparing for the wedding he requested that I wear my Dress Blues if I could still fit in them because he was going to get married in his Marine Blues. I could still fit in mine even though it was 9 years after retirement. Had everything pretty much locked away and kept sharp. Only thing I had to do was cut my hair and beard. Below is him, my daughter and me with the brood from last year.


I love it. Just a fine family! My son is an RN as well. He has two children my grandbabies but he and his wife divorced finally. She is a real nut job. I am careful to say that but she is... he does most of the taking care of his children now.

Oh, enjoy your day in the Lord, may you find opportunities to love. God Bless you all...
Good Saturday morning to you all in the D-League,
It's a foggy, muggy, but sunny morning; 74 degrees to start out. I don't have to tell you the weather forecast; it's like a broken record around here, so you probably already know.

Breakfast is left over pulled pork tossed into an omelet with sliced ginger root and okra. Topped off with a few splashes of Tobasco sauce.

It looks like a day of house cleaning ahead for me. Maybe mow the yard if the thunderstorms hold off late enough.
Good morning from ATX. We've got 77°F and cloudy. Clearing later for a high of 98°F. Compared with summers past, we'll take it.

Plan on taking a walk after bit. Must sort some old computer equipment for sale, probably on Craigslist. Go through a few boxes.

14 days until some Wildcat Football!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

There is a little town a little south of me that has one of the highest New York City Italian retirees in the state. Italian restaurants are all over the area. I never leave an Italian Restaurant without ordering spumoni.
Good morning from ATX. We've got 77°F and cloudy. Clearing later for a high of 98°F. Compared with summers past, we'll take it.

Plan on taking a walk after bit. Must sort some old computer equipment for sale, probably on Craigslist. Go through a few boxes.

14 days until some Wildcat Football!

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Even with all the legal issues going on, I'm as excited about this season than I have been in many years. Hopefully I'll still feel that way after the season is over.
Sorry to hear about Tom T Hall, pride of Olive Hill.

For whatever reason a lot of men from his home town got into pipeline work —Pipeliners Local 798 —during his generation, as my dad did. I worked with guys from that town from Alaska to Montana, Utah and other points west. Some of them knew Tom T and his family and all said he was a decent guy.

My favorite song of his is Clayton Delaney
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Anybody else have in-law, 'step' family members where you just would like to hide for the day?
Tight lipped with not much to say?
In-law, 'steps' who come in...take over....everything has to be their way? Eat/grill what they want to eat/grill?
I'm having a ball.
Y'all have a good evening. Wish I could join you. 😟

This is about 10 minutes from me. No electric and highway blocked in both directions but we are dry. Some areas saw up to 11 inches of rain in a little over 12 hours here in Middle Tennessee.
Did it rain a lot in the Nashville area? My oldest son lives there now. He's an absolute weather nut (he should have been a meteorologist) but I haven't heard anything from him. But I've been busy and so has he this weekend.
Anybody else have in-law, 'step' family members where you just would like to hide for the day?
Tight lipped with not much to say?
In-law, 'steps' who come in...take over....everything has to be their way? Eat/grill what they want to eat/grill?
I'm having a ball.
Y'all have a good evening. Wish I could join you. 😟
I would like to say no...but...
Sorry to hear about Tom T Hall, pride of Olive Hill.

For whatever reason a lot of men from his home town got into pipeline work —Pipeliners Local 798 —during his generation, as my dad did. I worked with guys from that town from Alaska to Montana, Utah and other points west. Some of them knew Tom T and his family and all said he was a decent guy.

My favorite song of his is Clayton Delaney
Man that brings back memory’s. That’s one of my favorites also.
Good Sunday morning D-League.

The weather at this moment is 74° and the sun is rising. We will have sunny skies today and a high of 86°. Humidity is 64% and the UV Index is 9 out of 10. A slight chance of rain at 15%. So a very nice weather day.

I trust none of our D League have friends or family still in Afghanistan. 7 were killed last night . I never thought America would admit they did not know how many Americans were in any part of the world. I thought that is one reason we had passports.

Enough of that, I read Micah 5

And now for another cup of coffee, take care all.
