I am banned from the CCP Coronavirus thread. I think I got in one post. And then BAM. Your outa here. Another strange thing happened when they banned me on that thread, the D League disappeared from my thread topics.
The only way i can get into the D League is through notifications. I have to scroll down and find D League notification and enter the thread that way. Through the back door
Been like that for me for some time.
I put down the facts as I know them that are true in that thread, knowing full well no one who believes otherwise will read them or verify them, much less understand them. Then I walked away.
I never went there to argue, but simply put down the things they aren't reading and don't know. Same thing I do when talking to health care professionals that I know don't have time to look into things outside of their specialty. The difference is that the health care professionals I know will discuss it when you're face to face with them. Sometimes even online.
I'm not interested in changing people's minds or hearts. That's between them and God. I simply give them facts and info so that they have no excuses when the time comes.
What is being shed by people getting these shots, now that their bodies have become coronavirus producing factories, is much much worse than the treatable and survivable virus they refused to treat until it was too late. A population with 80, 90 or 100% administration rate should not have a big spike in new cases nor deaths if this was an effective and safe shot. NONE. Yet that is exactly what is happening.
Since they stopped tracking and testing vaccinated people for covid in most instances where they have symptoms, we'll never know how many are spreaders, how many are dying from covid after getting the shots, and how many die from the effects of the shots down the road.
EVERY animal EVER given an mRNA vaccine in a study DIED due to the shots. EVERY ONE. Most died in the first 24 hours. The rest died before a week went by. Yet, against the laws of this land and international treaties signed by our government, they still gave this to people.
I'm old enough to remember when life mattered- when bottles of pills were pulled off of shelves countrywide because of ONE DEATH (and an allergic reaction at that).
Now people know that waaaay more than that are harmed and killed by this stuff and it's ok with them as long as they believe it keeps them from being sick for a while (which it doesn't and won't).
I'll pray for them all anyway, because everyone is created by God, and He doesn't want anyone to suffer or be lost