
Good morning D-Leaguers.

Warm and humid already in the east.
I’m cutting work short this afternoon and my wife and I are driving up to Philadelphia for our pre-anniversary weekend.

We both enjoy that city where so much of America’s early history unfolded. We have some restaurants and museums to visit, and some old neighborhoods to explore.

I hope you all have good weekends ahead.
Good morning D-League. It's currently 67° and foggy. This afternoon will be mostly sunny with a high of 84°. No rain forecast for the first time in a week.

Everyone stay safe on this Friday.

Good Morning all, got a later start than planned. I feel like I let Uncle Jed and Granny down by getting up as late as I did on a work day. Glad my work schedule is flexible. (I try to forget that about my schedule.)

Oh, My hopes are that this day brings you a good start to all your initiatives. May your endeavors be Christ-like and may your endeavors be successful. Go forward proclaiming the good news of Jesus. Have courage in all circumstances... God Bless you all...
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Good Friday Morning

Waiting on the sun to shine with 73° on the way to a high of 87°. It may hit 90 in the middle of the state. I am watching TV and California is burning up with the Dixie Fire still not controlled. What a mess that place is.

Chances of rain here are only 15% this afternoon so I don't expect any. We are OK at the present. I might take my pick up and do some off road driving in the swamps. That is always fun and a good time.

I trust all are well and in good health. Read Micah 2 & 3

Hi D-League
We're off to anothe warm, muggy, sweaty start to the day, low 70s right now, but may only reach up to the low 80s with all the clouds and fog. Hopefully, no rain today.

I'm slowly getting my energy back from when I had the corona19 virus (or something like that). Last night, in my tennis league, I felt good enough to go two entire sets; no pain and very little fatigue. So, I'm thankful to be trending for the better. Soon, I might start back on the weights.

Lot's of crazy going on in the world, much of it lines up with Biblical prophecy. I noticed yesterday, as reported in the Israel news outlets, that bombing was started in Damascus. It made me wonder if that could be the beginning of the Isaiah 17. If you're not saved, now would be a good time to place your trust in Jesus.

In baseball news, Tampa Bay Rays are still leading the AL East and the Atlanta Braves are surging, playing really good ball right now.

Have a nice weekend if I don't see you before then.
Good Friday Morning

Waiting on the sun to shine with 73° on the way to a high of 87°. It may hit 90 in the middle of the state. I am watching TV and California is burning up with the Dixie Fire still not controlled. What a mess that place is.

Chances of rain here are only 15% this afternoon so I don't expect any. We are OK at the present. I might take my pick up and do some off road driving in the swamps. That is always fun and a good time.

I trust all are well and in good health. Read Micah 2 & 3

Hey, I believe I've been to this road sign before. Didn't it end up with bullet hole in the middle of it?
I am banned from the CCP Coronavirus thread. I think I got in one post. And then BAM. Your outa here. Another strange thing happened when they banned me on that thread, the D League disappeared from my thread topics.

The only way i can get into the D League is through notifications. I have to scroll down and find D League notification and enter the thread that way. Through the back door

Me too, I can only read in there now.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 78°F and cloudy. Muggy. Light wind from south after lunch. High pressure building in. We should top out around 97°F.

Happy Friday. Co-worker out again today, so I'm alone on the que and in the box.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Oh man Austin, you must be butta cause your on a roll with the national whatever day. Gives me a reason to eat sweats. Wife has ordered some stuff from Walmart today and I am the pickup guy. Heh, heh, heh, looks like chocolate pecans pie just made the list.
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Good Morning all, got a later start than planned. I feel like I let Uncle Jed and Granny down by getting up as late as I did on a work day. Glad my work schedule is flexible. (I try to forget that about my schedule.)

Oh, My hopes are that this day brings you a good start to all your initiatives. May your endeavors be Christ-like and may your endeavors be successful. Go forward proclaiming the good news of Jesus. Have courage in all circumstances... God Bless you all...
One of my favorite clips from the Beverly Hillbillies movie:

Good morning D-League. It's currently 71° and cloudy here in Eastern Kentucky. This is will bring thunderstorms and a high of 75°.

Everyone stay safe out there today.

Your picture reminds me of the bridges over the Seine River in Paris.....they have refurbished them and gilded parts of them ........we took a river boat part of the tour was the 25yr old blond that was beyond petty and she spoke in several languages................first thing my wife said when we got off the boat....."she sure had a sexy voice", my reply was that I didn't notice........
We just had a little bit here in Louisville. We could use a lot more but at least we got some.
We have had storms pass south of us and north garden started drying up a couple of weeks ago.......I have had to add water to the pool several times.....we have gotten a few spurts of rain....just not enough to help.........I live in the wrong area I guess........there seems to always be a dry pocket just east of the airport........
I am banned from the CCP Coronavirus thread. I think I got in one post. And then BAM. Your outa here. Another strange thing happened when they banned me on that thread, the D League disappeared from my thread topics.

The only way i can get into the D League is through notifications. I have to scroll down and find D League notification and enter the thread that way. Through the back door

Your a baaaaaad man........😉..........
Heading off to Philadelphia. Maybe I'll get the Liberty Bell to ring. We're in search of the Spirit of 76 in these uninspiring times...Or at least a damn good cheese steak sandwich.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

The cheese steaks were okay but nothing to write home about. We had the two most popular places versions.

Now this is something to behold in person...




I am banned from the CCP Coronavirus thread. I think I got in one post. And then BAM. Your outa here. Another strange thing happened when they banned me on that thread, the D League disappeared from my thread topics.

The only way i can get into the D League is through notifications. I have to scroll down and find D League notification and enter the thread that way. Through the back door

Been like that for me for some time.

I put down the facts as I know them that are true in that thread, knowing full well no one who believes otherwise will read them or verify them, much less understand them. Then I walked away.

I never went there to argue, but simply put down the things they aren't reading and don't know. Same thing I do when talking to health care professionals that I know don't have time to look into things outside of their specialty. The difference is that the health care professionals I know will discuss it when you're face to face with them. Sometimes even online.

I'm not interested in changing people's minds or hearts. That's between them and God. I simply give them facts and info so that they have no excuses when the time comes.

What is being shed by people getting these shots, now that their bodies have become coronavirus producing factories, is much much worse than the treatable and survivable virus they refused to treat until it was too late. A population with 80, 90 or 100% administration rate should not have a big spike in new cases nor deaths if this was an effective and safe shot. NONE. Yet that is exactly what is happening.

Since they stopped tracking and testing vaccinated people for covid in most instances where they have symptoms, we'll never know how many are spreaders, how many are dying from covid after getting the shots, and how many die from the effects of the shots down the road.

EVERY animal EVER given an mRNA vaccine in a study DIED due to the shots. EVERY ONE. Most died in the first 24 hours. The rest died before a week went by. Yet, against the laws of this land and international treaties signed by our government, they still gave this to people.

I'm old enough to remember when life mattered- when bottles of pills were pulled off of shelves countrywide because of ONE DEATH (and an allergic reaction at that).

Now people know that waaaay more than that are harmed and killed by this stuff and it's ok with them as long as they believe it keeps them from being sick for a while (which it doesn't and won't).

I'll pray for them all anyway, because everyone is created by God, and He doesn't want anyone to suffer or be lost
The cheese steaks were okay but nothing to write home about. We had the two most popular places versions.

Now this is something to behold in person...




Philadelphia’s a pretty fun place. We just had dinner in a very nice Greek restaurant. I even had a shot of Basil Hayden’s at the bar while we were waiting for a table.
Philadelphia’s a pretty fun place. We just had dinner in a very nice Greek restaurant. I even had a shot of Basil Hayden’s at the bar while we were waiting for a table.

I totally agree. I had my children (My Babies below. At the time, 34, 27, and 35 respectively.) there with us before my daughters had their babies for a couple days. we had a large suite and really needed the family time at the time. We had some good times...


There was a lot of fun things to do and we did a whole lot of them and we will probably return again.

I am the first to admit I eat very well and very healthy. I love my junk food but my Darling is a tremendous cook. I tell her all she has to do is stick her finger in the food and it comes out great. Kings should eat as well as I do. (I've posted just some samplings but my Darling is an artist when it comes to food. It tastes better than it looks too. I had a soufflé (I think I spelled that right.) this evening that was just sinful.)

That may be my reasoning behind the cheese steaks as I asked my wife to make me one long ago and she mastered them. When I got to all the grease and goo that was the Philly Cheese steak and fries in Philly, ..... I digress... Yes Sir, I am biased.. I am thankful, but I am biased. Admittedly so...(happily so I add...) (I'm the black sheep of my family and I know it. I am thankful! It does keep me motivated though...) ;)

Have a great time!!! Congrats!
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I totally agree. I had my children (My Babies below. At the time, 34, 27, and 35 respectively.) there with us before my daughters had their babies for a couple days. we had a large suite and really needed the family time at the time. We had some good times...


There was a lot of fun things to do and we did a whole lot of them and we will probably return again.

I am the first to admit I eat very well and very healthy. I love my junk food but my Darling is a tremendous cook. I tell her all she has to do is stick her finger in the food and it comes out great. Kings should eat as well as I do. (I've posted just some samplings but my Darling is an artist when it comes to food. It tastes better than it looks too. I had a soufflé (I think I spelled that right.) this evening that was just sinful.)

That may be my reasoning behind the cheese steaks as I asked my wife to make me one long ago and she mastered them. When I got to all the grease and goo that was the Philly Cheese steak and fries in Philly, ..... I digress... Yes Sir, I am biased.. I am thankful, but I am biased. Admittedly so...(happily so I add...) (I'm the black sheep of my family and I know it. I am thankful! It does keep me motivated though...) ;)

Have a great time!!! Congrats!
Great pic BBUK. Good looking kids. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you! My son did his time in the desert. Not nearly as much as you but he was there a good while as a soldier. I am what you can just call; Thankful....
One of my sons as well. He was in the Marines and was in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He was part of a unit that was called F.A.S.T. (Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team) Lost a couple of guys (one Marine and one interpreter) with an IED explosion in the vehicle ahead of his. While I hate that he lost friends, I am grateful he came home safe. Not everyone does.

On the lighter side, after his stint in the Marines (4 years) he went back to college and became a nurse who works in the ER/OR for a brain surgeon in Tennessee. He married his wife in 2006 and now has 5 kids. When he was preparing for the wedding he requested that I wear my Dress Blues if I could still fit in them because he was going to get married in his Marine Blues. I could still fit in mine even though it was 9 years after retirement. Had everything pretty much locked away and kept sharp. Only thing I had to do was cut my hair and beard. Below is him, my daughter and me with the brood from last year.

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Good morning all. About 63 out heading up to a hot and humid 89. Despite the heat it will probably be a busy day.

My lower back feels better this morning. Some of the weight/stress was taken off of it last night. Treated our company and family to dinner at a steakhouse. Took some of that weight off my right back pocket.

Y'all have a good Saturday.
What is being shed by people getting these shots, now that their bodies have become coronavirus producing factories
Shedding is what concerns my nephew who is a doctor.
EVERY animal EVER given an mRNA vaccine in a study DIED due to the shots. EVERY ONE. Most died in the first 24 hours. The rest died before a week went by. Yet, against the laws of this land and international treaties signed by our government, they still gave this to people.
Heard this from another nephew who is a PHD in medical research...before me (and I dare say 99% of people) ever heard of mRNA)
I'm not interested in changing people's minds or hearts. That's between them and God. I simply give them facts and info so that they have no excuses when the time comes.
I'm the same way. Arguments don't change minds.