

Just connected with nature in a major way.

This beautiful lil guy flew right over me and perched 10ft above me. I have never seen a Scarlett Tanager. He is an endangered bird that lives in the eastern forests, way up high, and is rarely seen. This beautiful exotic looking bird is stunning bright red, and the reason why the lesser, more dumb, red colored cardinal commits suicide via glass window.
I have never seen one. Pretty little thing.
Because first, it never happened.

Second, you creepy pedophile, don't tell other posters you want to bang their underage daughter. Touching garbage.

Ed banks, Eric Banks, none of those are my name. I spent years setting up Ed "Eric" Banks. My address is 1234 Main St, 40203. Bday 2/1/80.

It's been hilarious watching how far off you all are. No way in hell I would let you creepy olds have access to my kids. But sure.

It's easy to see why you have to have aliases.
Didn't we have this same whizzing contest a bit back? It is like living in an echo chamber. But it is entertaining but redundant. Is that spelled right?
How's your secret plan to get me banned? Ever think you may have a mole?
You will get yourself banned if that happens to you. The proxy server is your safety net. You already have a couple of other user names all set and ready to go. The boss mods can even track those things, but it would probably cost too much to do that. What you are doing is Internet Terrorism. Think about that.

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