
Enjoy any time I can spend with my dad (mom deceased) so I'll go pretty much wherever if he wants us there. He really, really wanted to see Natchez, MS one time and we went on a tour of the GD area. Made him happy, lots of random booze spots.

Not an ideal "vacation" for my preference but at the same time, amazing. It was time with him.

We were good. He paid it all. We got him back for it on another trip that was more cliche but more "vacation" for sure.
Sounds like the Little Effing Kid has an admirer. Do they need to get a room?

No, not an admirer. I like input from everyone -LEK- included. I don't pretend to be quick or witty, but enjoy the random bullshit that is the D-League. I don't hold past posting discretion's against anyone as nobody is perfect and everyone has bad days (Jason not included, he's perfect).
Jason I have to claim two of your groups. At one time I was a perfect fit for number three. This time around I am a much better fit for group two. Today though I did revert back to group three for a bit. Maybe the devil was sitting on my shoulder? Just not sure. But I intend to reside mostly in group 2. Good take by the way.
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No, not an admirer. I like input from everyone -LEK- included. I don't pretend to be quick or witty, but enjoy the random bullshit that is the D-League. I don't hold past posting discretion's against anyone as nobody is perfect and everyone has bad days (Jason not included, he's perfect).
Yes, the D now has a father and a God.
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well when I was single and insanely horny I did sign up for and

Got plenty of dates and plenty of ass from both... including the wife haha.

Was always skeptical of those poorly worded emails with bad grammar and spelling.

When I was single and insanely horny I just browsed porn sites. Then one day I hit my head and decided a relationship was the way to go..haven't been right since.
what I've found since I started posting ITT (in this thread) is that there's 3 groups of posters. You've got one group that will stick up for each other no matter what. If one of em says something creepy, or downright wrong, the rest will fall in line and support that... knowing full well they don't believe in it (I hope) and only because they feel they have to have that one poster's back. That bothers me. Seriously, I lose sleep.

Another group just wants to have fun and be funny, senseless, push the limits a little bit without being personal while using this thread as a place to gather and just try and make everyone else laugh a little. It's a place for their alter egos to congregate, to put it somewhat simply.

Then the 3rd group just hangs around because. No reason. May post here and there to try and get under the skin of some posters in the other two groups... may just see the tread and feel like dropping a random from time to time. Usually posters who have previously posted under different usernames and squabbled with posters in one of the other groups is in this group.

It's like a turf war. One big nerdy, goofy, never ending (until someone dies, loses their fingers, loses interest, forgets about the thread, it gets deleted, etc), passive aggressive sometimes plain aggressive war of cyber words to be the dominant and more respected group in this thread.

I find it all humorous and fairly entertaining, to be honest. Sometimes I like to sit back and watch, wonder how someone will respond, wonder when the next time someone will try and engage me and I either choose to just put em on ignore or blast holy hell fire down on their ass. It's a ticking time bomb all day every day now. No end in sight.



Please explain using gifs only. You will get all the likes.
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Where's my dog supposed to shit then?

Uh huh. I figured that was you.

I'm looking forward to meeting you.

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Undefeated and unscored upon, a perfect storm. Then the politically correct Little Effing Kook took their ball and ran home. The game was over and all the old folks bowed to him and went home to hang their heads in shame.

The ball sits on Little Effing Kook's mantle in a place of honor, It is a prefect reminder of the brightest moment of Kook's very existence, his ability to start a long running thread. One of mankind's greatest achievements. All Hail to Kook.
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Just connected with nature in a major way.

This beautiful lil guy flew right over me and perched 10ft above me. I have never seen a Scarlett Tanager. He is an endangered bird that lives in the eastern forests, way up high, and is rarely seen. This beautiful exotic looking bird is stunning bright red, and the reason why the lesser, more dumb, red colored cardinal commits suicide via glass window.