
Don't think I'll watch the whole thing on Monday night, now. I even watched freakin Louisville win in 2013 ... Eff this tourney.

Wife and I had one of those 'really not communicating much' weeks. Neither of us did anything wrong, just three kids that keep our attention all the time. Caught her in the hall and just grabbed her and hugged for a couple of minutes. Was nice. #sappy. New dads, don't forget about her. Sometimes I do.

Taxes done. Jumbo payment to the student loan folks (I know, not very "The Paddock" of me) and a few hundo from the State. Better than paying. Made some bad financial decision back in the mid 20s (age, not years) when she decided to go back to school. Dumb. Oh well.

Stay cool.
Am I the only person who thinks:

A) The Walking Dead is ridiculous?
B) All superhero movies are terrible? (I did like The Incredibles)
C) Duece Bigalow is a better option for viewing choice right now than Walking Dead, all the superhero movie choices and #FinalFour.
Captain Forehead?

Mine is too. She's from NC but was traditionally a State fan. She's all UK now so I don't mind her wanting the cheaters to win. She doesn't know or care much about their cheating or their sanctimonious attitude that multiplies the assholery of the situation.

My old lady is totally clueless.
Don't think I'll watch the whole thing on Monday night, now. I even watched freakin Louisville win in 2013 ... Eff this tourney.

Wife and I had one of those 'really not communicating much' weeks. Neither of us did anything wrong, just three kids that keep our attention all the time. Caught her in the hall and just grabbed her and hugged for a couple of minutes. Was nice. #sappy. New dads, don't forget about her. Sometimes I do.

Taxes done. Jumbo payment to the student loan folks (I know, not very "The Paddock" of me) and a few hundo from the State. Better than paying. Made some bad financial decision back in the mid 20s (age, not years) when she decided to go back to school. Dumb. Oh well.

Stay cool.
That's life Funk.
Good morning you bunch of, of, d league people.

34 degrees here in the City. One kid already up, other 3 soon to follow. They are used to getting up at 6 and don't normally sleep over past that. 17 yr old does, but even she has been rolling out early. But, kids are better. They missed all last week of school and are on Spring break. WaaaHOOO. Wife will be off that whole week too so honey do list will be long.

Have all the female posters been run off? Is there any female posters? Just wondering. FCC.
We do need more female input. Titties and drugs are cool, but we could diversify our shit with subjects like crafting, People Magazine, cleaning tricks and tips, and celebrity fashion do's and dont's

Phone changed dont's to donuts. It knows me well. I'm resisting temptations.

Time to feed the Dolly.
Girl post, since we don't have any around.

Some of these Pimterest hoes have a good idea every once in a while. I'm a coffee drinker, not a coffee sipper. I froze a bunch of my favorite coffee into ice cubes yesterday and dropped one into my cup this morning. Instantly ready to drink without burning myself and it doesn't get watered down. (Note: those of you with organic, open source, GMO free, coffee grinders/press/whatever will not want to do this. Keurig only)
- I've eaten all of Hardee's, Fazolis, Papa Johns, and White Castle today on top of pounding 8 beers.

Mfn right! That's good. Real good. My only gripe is your choice of dessert sucks. You could cheat way harder with a pie and some ice cream and donuts and some cake or cheesecake and milkshakes or a whole bag of Reese's minatures. Cut the froyo crap.