
Agree, but there has been a significant drain from the public sector to the private. During the 60s, you had the death rattle of "the best and brightest " It used to be an honor to work in the public. Something changed.

In the same way a community uses economic development as a tool for growth. Say a business like UPS or Ford wants to build a new plant in Kentucky. They may go to the local government and ask for a new sewer line to connect to the new factory they want to build. Well, the job creation, the occupational taxes, etc. are such an overwhelming benefit to a community, that the government will help pay for infrastructure costs.

Now of course it can be abused, but overall, it's a short term loss, for a long term gain. The public loan forgiveness does the same thing. It is in the same vein as building sewers, roads, etc.

Great post LEK
Am I the only person who thinks:

A) The Walking Dead is ridiculous?
B) All superhero movies are terrible? (I did like The Incredibles)
C) Duece Bigalow is a better option for viewing choice right now than Walking Dead, all the superhero movie choices and #FinalFour.
Totally agree. I watched it a time or two because some of it was filmed near our office. It reminded me of a bad soap opera.
Good Sunday morning D. A crisp clear Morning here in South Central KY.

I like the Walking Dead. Left it for a bit, but into it right now.

Not much going on today. Church. Spaghetti lunch. Nap. Some baseball. Small chores around house.

UNC should not even be in the tourney. Hope Nova wins but I have my doubts on them matching up with UNC.

Be good and be safe all.
The long hug is key during long times of just doing work/kids.

Also Funk, why are you not on the public student loan forgiveness? You work for the state (sort of, school district). Congress in 2007 (Bush era/no political) passed the law in order to entice quality workers into the public sector. The result was after 10 years or 120 student loan payments, the remainder is forgiven by the government.
I'm on it.
Nova fan as well but I think this year was paved for UNC..
Finished pressure wash on the driveway yesterday, lots more to do in the back but won't start that till pool is open, neighbor borrowed equipment to wash his drive down. In turn he is lending me his power seeder ( grass not dick) so I can seed out back.
Going to Etown in a while...wifey wants to shop a bit..
Colder than a witch's titty this morning..wind was a bitch yesterday. Come on 70's for now
thinking of planting a flowering tree at my future home (gravesite)..thunder cloud plum or maybe an aristocrat pear....I come up with way to many weird ass thoughts uh?
We do need to add a woman to the "D"....what about Katina?
  • Mornin.'
  • 47°F in Johns Creek. Clear. VFR. That cold front is cold.
  • Blood Sugar = 86. I'm there.
  • My little faithful sentry is all covered up in her blanky. Cozy.
  • The Dark Magic is good.
  • Waiting for #1. #4 has gone to church with her mom.
  • Happy to have the day off. Sit on this butt all day.
  • Back is still sore. One more week.
  • That's it.
  • Over.
Picked up two large country ham steaks yesterday at the Franklin TN Farmers Market, $7 and they were both about twice the size of my hand and 1/3rd of an inch thick. Not sure the farmer really meant to put that much into a single container. Cooked them up this morning, made some redeye gravy, a few biscuits---

Not only fantastic, but one of those special treats that remind me of my childhood and growing up in a small town in Kentucky.
Picked up two large country ham steaks yesterday at the Franklin TN Farmers Market, $7 and they were both about twice the size of my hand and 1/3rd of an inch thick. Not sure the farmer really meant to put that much into a single container. Cooked them up this morning, made some redeye gravy, a few biscuits---

Not only fantastic, but one of those special treats that remind me of my childhood and growing up in a small town in Kentucky.

Love country ham
Picked up two large country ham steaks yesterday at the Franklin TN Farmers Market, $7 and they were both about twice the size of my hand and 1/3rd of an inch thick. Not sure the farmer really meant to put that much into a single container. Cooked them up this morning, made some redeye gravy, a few biscuits---

Not only fantastic, but one of those special treats that remind me of my childhood and growing up in a small town in Kentucky.

Man, biscuits and red eye're killing me. FCC.
Yeah, I think it would be cool if we had a resident female D Leaguer that allowed us to eat her butthole doggy style.

Damnit they won't come now, but if one did....she would be the one.

I miss country ham. Hard to find in the upper Midwest.

Weird ass ppl...don't they live in the country?

It's cool that you cover Sugar in a blanket, Don. Also cool how you've controlled your blood sugar.
We do need more female input. Titties and drugs are cool, but we could diversify our shit with subjects like crafting, People Magazine, cleaning tricks and tips, and celebrity fashion do's and dont's

Phone changed dont's to donuts. It knows me well. I'm resisting temptations.

Time to feed the Dolly.
Good list, Mash. Add budgeting and frugality to the feminine diversification movement.
Watched last night's games with a crowd that was 95% Tar Heel fans with myself and this one girl who is annoyingly boisterous about how 'sports' are stupid being the outliers. You're stupid, lady.

I'm not sure why I do this stuff to myself. A bunch of really great people that turn into sanctimonous pricks come game time and I get salty as sin. And none of them, zero, really seem to understand the game in context of anything other than what they know of Carolina basketball. That goes for their fans in general (with some exceptions), I've found.

All I can do to not disparage sometimes but I only really say something if 1) anyone mentions UK's cheating past. Automatic tirade. 2) anyone that says 'Carolina Way' more than twice in any one setting. Automatic tirade.

Go Nova.
Lots of out of towners here for the Bridge Run yesterday. The clubs were packed last night. Hooked up with this lady from Cincy who was in damn good shape to be in her late 40's...even the college kids were trying to hit on her. She wasn't a cougar tho, told me it felt weird to talk to guys the same age as her sons. Felt relieved when I took over and led her away to a table. Her friend was in her 30's. Cute, but 20 lbs too much. She was a happy drunk tho, even bought Chuck a beer (just because he was hanging around me, as usual). Thank goodness two sistas kept him occupied. One was chunky but had a mini dress on (had those damned Spanx on under it tho). The other had a strapless dress on that kept going south every time she danced (black bra underneath it, and was fully exposed at least three times during the evening that I noticed, which meant that it probably happened 10 times). All in all, it was a good night, and I didn't get home to after 4 this morning.