
well gotta get up off my ass and do something......later amigos

Spot on Chief..Companies know how to lure the younger employees in at a lower wage and because of the market the young guys take the job. IE I retired in 06 making over 35.00 an hour with excellent company paid pension and health plan (I was union), now they have people doing the job for under 20..00 start out pay with NO pension benefit paid by company and very mediocre health plans..not sure if they are still union or not

If you are in your mid 50s and you are not a very special employee working for a company that really values their employees, there are some people somewhere in that company looking at your file and asking themselves how they could maneuver you out without getting hit with a lawsuit.
There actually was a time when this was not true.
What a week at work. Since we got new manager, quick ticket closures are now mandatory. Had a Java-related issue that bugged the crap out of me for 3 days. Additionally, the end-user was not happy because she could not perform a certain aspect of her job.

At any rate, I got it. The solution stumped 3 analysts, who had been assisting me with debug and troubleshooting.

1. Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System variables added:
Variable name: _JAVA_OPTIONS
Variable value: Xmx1g

2. In C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\ folder, change deployment.config file.

Old: deployment.system.config=file:///C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\

New: deployment.system.config=file:///C:/Windows/Sun/Java/Deployment/

The sirens song was too hard to resist.

True dat. See it often these days. Honestly, if I lost my current job, I'd pursue my own business ventures.

Yep. Businesses want old guys' expertise. They just don't want them on the payroll. What I ended up doing was going after a civil service job. They cannot discriminate because of age. All I had to do was beat out about 75 other applicants in the testing and interview process - which I did. I was 57 at the time. Ended up with a good job that I actually liked and made it into retirement Even earned a decent pension after a relatively short period of service.
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Yep. Businesses want old guys' expertise. They just don't want them on the payroll. What I ended up doing was going after a civil service job. They cannot discriminate because of age. All I had to do was beat out about 75 other applicants in the testing and interview process - which I did. I was 57 at the time. Ended up with a good job that I actually liked and made it into retirement Even earned a decent pension after a relatively short period of service.

Good for you, Chief. Way to go!

I started work for the State of Texas a little over 5 years ago at age 48, 9 days before my 49th birthday. My agency is currently undergoing a reorganization. Although we are constantly reassured no one will lose their job, I simply can't buy into that notion. Organizational overlap is huge. Therefore, I'm trying to get a few part-time things going now just in case the worst happens. I can retire with a second full pension at age 64, in 10 more years. I already draw a pension from the Army.

All three gentlemen I visited last night are between 2-6 years older than I. One holds a Masters in engineering from Cal Poly, is bilingual Hispanic, and has been on the job search for 18 months since getting laid off. He's 58. No luck, and he searches hard. Another stopped looking for work after 2 months because his 401K is worth over $1 million. He's 60. The last gent, 57, lucked out and found work via LinkedIn, as a former younger colleague works at the company.

Absolutely correct. Very tough out there for 55+ crowd.
What a week at work. Since we got new manager, quick ticket closures are now mandatory. Had a Java-related issue that bugged the crap out of me for 3 days. Additionally, the end-user was not happy because she could not perform a certain aspect of her job.

At any rate, I got it. The solution stumped 3 analysts, who had been assisting me with debug and troubleshooting.

1. Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System variables added:
Variable name: _JAVA_OPTIONS
Variable value: Xmx1g

2. In C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\ folder, change deployment.config file.

Old: deployment.system.config=file:///C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\

New: deployment.system.config=file:///C:/Windows/Sun/Java/Deployment/
/ > \

If I read that correctly.
Pork tenderloin.
Inject Allegro marinade
Pour some more on there
Sea salt
Black pepper
Onion flakes

Throw that bitch in an oven bag, 4hunnit°, get it to 145°

Made me cry to slice it up and put away for lunch this week. Wanted it right now. Might hafta get another one.

Y'all stay classy
Pork tenderloin.
Inject Allegro marinade
Pour some more on there
Sea salt
Black pepper
Onion flakes

Throw that bitch in an oven bag, 4hunnit°, get it to 145°

Made me cry to slice it up and put away for lunch this week. Wanted it right now. Might hafta get another one.

Y'all stay classy

Nice job, Funk.