
Damn man. That's awesome. Congrats.

Sleep is undeterred. Sleeping perfectly fine as the wife actually has to wake the baby up twice a night to feed her. She doesn't wanna wake me up to bottle feed her because I'm still working. Sleeps from like 9-1, 1:30-4, then 4:30 til whenever she and the wife get up for the day. Pretty nice.

Speaking of losing weight, the BIL just now told me at dinner that since we started Insanity almost 2 weeks ago he's down 11 pounds. Started at 198, now 187. He wanted to get down to 180ish, said he hasn't been that weight since high school. Don't know how you lose 11 pounds in essentially 10 days but he changed his diet and has been drinking only water plus killing ourselves 5 nights a week with the workouts. Haven't weighed myself, not really trying to lose weight. Just wanna lean up. I was 200 last time I weighed but it's pretty lean.
Meh.. This time last year I dropped 15 lbs in less than a week. Didn't change my exercise routine any.
  • Laundry going
  • Sturgill Simpson Channel
  • Can't remember the last time I had a drink
  • Wish I was drunk
  • Supposed to go out for drinks next week with the children's oncology group to celebrate a work project. I'm sorta the guest of honor. The whole thing puts me in an odd place. It's part of a dept that my wife used to work for.
  • Congrats on the weight loss 55 & Mav. I'm a firm believer that the battle is won or lost at the table.
  • Gonna go rile Norman up for a while.
Just returned from a get-together with former colleagues who worked with me from 2006-2010 in the semiconductor industry. Good seeing them again. Couple of those gents are highly educated, yet over 55, and are having problems finding employment 18 months after getting laid off. Sucks! Tough environment for those guys if seeking work.

Chilling and drinking a few craft brews.
  • Wish I was drunk
  • Supposed to go out for drinks next week with the children's oncology group to celebrate a work project. I'm sorta the guest of honor. The whole thing puts me in an odd place. It's part of a dept that my wife used to work for.
  • Congrats on the weight loss 55 & Mav. I'm a firm believer that the battle is won or lost at the table.
  • Gonna go rile Norman up for a while.
No worries. I'm slowly getting there.

+1 on the battle at the table.
  • Laundry going
  • Sturgill Simpson Channel
  • Can't remember the last time I had a drink
  • Wish I was drunk
  • Supposed to go out for drinks next week with the children's oncology group to celebrate a work project. I'm sorta the guest of honor. The whole thing puts me in an odd place. It's part of a dept that my wife used to work for.
  • Congrats on the weight loss 55 & Mav. I'm a firm believer that the battle is won or lost at the table.
  • Gonna go rile Norman up for a while.

I wish you were drunk too 93.

That pink pee? How I thought yella and red makes orange.
Thanks dude. My goal is 190, which is prolly still heavy for a 5'7" midget like myself, but a helluva lot better than 274 haha.

Honestly though, I really don't care what I weigh, but want to get to around 12-15% body fat.
That's pretty lean for middle age. I had my %body fat checked by Dexa scan in my early 30s. I was 12%. Light as a feather back then.
Here's Mav's update

Thanks dude. My goal is 190, which is prolly still heavy for a 5'7" midget like myself, but a helluva lot better than 274 haha.

Honestly though, I really don't care what I weigh, but want to get to around 12-15% body fat.
Back in '88, I lost 25 lbs in five weeks after breaking up with my German ex.

Moral: Chase Heuers when single, my friend.
Thanks dude. My goal is 190, which is prolly still heavy for a 5'7" midget like myself, but a helluva lot better than 274 haha.

Honestly though, I really don't care what I weigh, but want to get to around 12-15% body fat.
190 was what I weighed when I retired in 06..That's my goal as well. I ballooned way up there. I'm 6 ft and felt a whole lot better at 190..hope to be there end of May early June..I never had high blood pressure, cholesterol, or heart issues. Figured if I did not do something and quick,I was in for a lotta problems..
I think if I could get down to 69 lbs, I bet my dick hits the floor
Back 3 years ago, when I was stressing over a certain someone in Germany, I dropped 10 lbs in 2 weeks. Gotta take some reality into account.

Life is great these days. Heck, it's all about inputs and outputs.

Keep up the good fight, Mav.
55, a few pages back. You mentions humping around in turnout gear. Were you a firefighter?

I was a mechanic but I also was on a company fire brigade as a first res-ponder in case of an emergency, haz- mat and so on. I was certified in all that stuff. Was at Texas A&M for many many hours of training (best place ever for training) also trained many hours at a place in Dover Delaware as well as on site training with local fire departments..Had a 1 inch x 10 ft long piece of pipe explode while contractors were working on it, I literally held a guys guts in place where it blew a hole in him while we went to hospital. Later learned he did survive but lost a kidney, spleen, and hearing in one ear. that was about the worse thing I dealt with..It hung with me for a long time..
Went on a train derailment run one night, our company cars were nose down in dirt. It was a remote area where we had to foot it to the actual scene which was about a half a mile. That meant full level A haz-mat suit on air packs. our air packs were good for 45 minutes. No way to get to the scene, survey the situation, make repair if possible and foot back. Locals said where the incident was, was loaded with copper heads. We helicoptered above the cars for visual leaks, never scene any so we were on standby till the day shift would relieve us..Day work guys told us the next night that there was a small leak and when they lifted the train cars there was at least thirty dead copperheads...that messed with my head too..
I was a mechanic but I also was on a company fire brigade as a first res-ponder in case of an emergency, haz- mat and so on. I was certified in all that stuff. Was at Texas A&M for many many hours of training (best place ever for training) also trained many hours at a place in Dover Delaware as well as on site training with local fire departments..Had a 1 inch x 10 ft long piece of pipe explode while contractors were working on it, I literally held a guys guts in place where it blew a hole in him while we went to hospital. Later learned he did survive but lost a kidney, spleen, and hearing in one ear. that was about the worse thing I dealt with..It hung with me for a long time..
I spent 5 years on the local hazmat team and volunteer fire department. We did a lot of EMT calls. The one that sticks with me is a guy in his early 40s that had died. He didn't bother me, but walking past his two young daughters that had just lost their dad (they were around 8 & 10) - that still bothers me.

Seems like we had some training material from aTm.
I was a mechanic but I also was on a company fire brigade as a first res-ponder in case of an emergency, haz- mat and so on. I was certified in all that stuff. Was at Texas A&M for many many hours of training (best place ever for training) also trained many hours at a place in Dover Delaware as well as on site training with local fire departments..Had a 1 inch x 10 ft long piece of pipe explode while contractors were working on it, I literally held a guys guts in place where it blew a hole in him while we went to hospital. Later learned he did survive but lost a kidney, spleen, and hearing in one ear. that was about the worse thing I dealt with..It hung with me for a long time..
Awesome reflections. Thanks! I'd love to meet up sometime. I know the TAMU folks fairly well, as we subscribe to their methods at my current workplace, especially InfoSec. The free offerings were, at one time, considered world-class for distance learners.