
So, some newspaper babe screwed up royally today and asked the ONE black guy in Charleston that has no use for Black History Month about Black History Month. I dropped knowledge on her, but it will NEVER make it past the editing room. My thoughts, in full:

"To start with, Black History Month is the shortest month of the year. Strike one. Strike two, Black History Month SHOULD be called Black Trivia Month, because all you will see in the media IS trivia about black folks. Since you referred to me as an African American, I should tell you that I prefer black since being called Negro is offensive these days. Thing is, Negro IS black in Spanish, but the race baiters either don't know or don't care. We put Dr King on a pedestal, but we ignore the fact that the man referred to his race as Negro. Negro is on my birth certificate. If it's good enough for Dr King, it's good enough for me.

While it's on my mind, we black folk always break out the kente cloth during Black History Month. Most folk don't realize that it mainly pertains to Ghana and Togo, particularly the Akan tribe. What about the black folk descended from East Africa? Or the Zulus of South Africa? Heck, right here in Charleston we make fun of visitors from Ohio and the Midwest. But Africa is one continent that fits all, whether you're from Morocco or Swaziland.

To answer your question, Black History Month is just another feelgood effort. Nice sentiment, but it means nothing to me."

I think I stunned her. But I hope I got her to think as well.
So, some newspaper babe screwed up royally today and asked the ONE black guy in Charleston that has no use for Black History Month about Black History Month. I dropped knowledge on her, but it will NEVER make it past the editing room. My thoughts, in full:

"To start with, Black History Month is the shortest month of the year. Strike one. Strike two, Black History Month SHOULD be called Black Trivia Month, because all you will see in the media IS trivia about black folks. Since you referred to me as an African American, I should tell you that I prefer black since being called Negro is offensive these days. Thing is, Negro IS black in Spanish, but the race baiters either don't know or don't care. We put Dr King on a pedestal, but we ignore the fact that the man referred to his race as Negro. Negro is on my birth certificate. If it's good enough for Dr King, it's good enough for me.

While it's on my mind, we black folk always break out the kente cloth during Black History Month. Most folk don't realize that it mainly pertains to Ghana and Togo, particularly the Akan tribe. What about the black folk descended from East Africa? Or the Zulus of South Africa? Heck, right here in Charleston we make fun of visitors from Ohio and the Midwest. But Africa is one continent that fits all, whether you're from Morocco or Swaziland.

To answer your question, Black History Month is just another feelgood effort. Nice sentiment, but it means nothing to me."

I think I stunned her. But I hope I got her to think as well.
Ghost, you are a Hell of a good man.

When I start screwin' cards
I don't just screw cards
I be squirtin'
That's what I be doin', huh
I be squirtin'

I squirt it to the east
And I squirt it to the west
And I squirt it to the Card that I love the best
I be squirtin'

Let me ask you somethin'
What time of the day do you like to screw a whore?
Have you ever screwed a whore just before breakfast?
Have you ever screwed a whore while you watched the late, late show?
Well, let me ask you this
Have you ever screwed a whore in a dorm?
Well, let me ask you this
Have you ever screwed a whore in the bathroom of a restaurant?
I remember one time I screwed a coach in the bathroom of a restaurant
And the police came and shined his light on me, and I said:
'I'm squirtin', that's what I'm doin', I be squirtin''

I squirt it to the east
And I squirt it to the west
And I squirt it to the Card that I love the best
I be squirtin'

Let me ask you something
How long has it been since you screwed a whore, huh?
Did you screw a whore yesterday
Did you screw a whore last week
Did you screw a whore last year
Or maybe it might be that you plannin' on screwin' a whore tonight
But just remember, when you start screwin' a whore
You make it hard, long, soft, short
And be squirtin'
I be squirtin'

I squirt it to the east
And I squirt it to the west
And I squirt it to the Card that I love the best, huh
I be squirtin'

Now when I start making love to my Card
I don't stop until I know he's sex-ified
And I can always tell when he gets sex-ified
because when he gets sas-fied starts start calling my name
He'd say, Screw me Rod-Ni, Screw me Rod-Ni, Screw me Rod-Ni, Screw me Rod-Ni, ooh shit, Screw me Rod-Ni'
The other night I was squirtin' my Card
And it got so good to him, you know what he told me
Let me tell you what he told me, he said:
'Squirt it up there Rod-Ni, but don't squirt so fast
If my stuff ain't big enough, you can squirt it up my' woo!

I be squirtin' Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I be squirtin'

I squirt it to the east
And I squirt it to the west
And I squirt it to the Card that I love the best, huh
I be squirtin'
I be squirtin' Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I be squirtin', Yeah!
I be squirtin'

I squirt it to the north
I squirt it to the south
I squirt it everywhere
I even squirt it in my, woo!
Just saw dancing man. That is hilarious. That's the funniest thing I've seen/heard since "squirt to the ceiling". I hope he continues to dance and occasionally fall.

I can't see the political thread anymore so I have to stick this here: Bernie sanders is crazy. Today is the first time I've heard him speak. I used to think Hillary was a lock despite nobody likening her, but I don't believe that anymore. I have no damn clue. We is fuct worse than the last election I think. The only thing this country wants is more spending. That's what we'll get.

Are we better without Alex? Lol, not really, but really....idk, could be, I guess, considering Poy plays about 50% of the time. It's a gamble, but it does seem as of late he's given us more nothing than something. So, if we can divide his minutes among hungry guys like Willis, Hump, Mathews, or whoever feels like playing that night, we could benefit.
Just saw dancing man. That is hilarious. That's the funniest thing I've seen/heard since "squirt to the ceiling". I hope he continues to dance and occasionally fall.

I can't see the political thread anymore so I have to stick this here: Bernie sanders is crazy. Today is the first time I've heard him speak. I used to think Hillary was a lock despite nobody likening her, but I don't believe that anymore. I have no damn clue. We is fuct worse than the last election I think. The only thing this country wants is more spending. That's what we'll get.

Are we better without Alex? Lol, not really, but really....idk, could be, I guess, considering Poy plays about 50% of the time. It's a gamble, but it does seem as of late he's given us more nothing than something. So, if we can divide his minutes among hungry guys like Willis, Hump, Mathews, or whoever feels like playing that night, we could benefit.
Try this Mash

You might have bobcat on ignore? If not, clear your browser history

Also, you see this?

Was yesterday one of the greatest BBN days so far this year? We got #STTC (squirt), we got a bonerific beat down of a ballgame, and then we had dancing man drama. It was a full day. You laughed, you cried, and you...isn't there something else? That valvano guy said...shit. He said something else, yada yada "that's a full day man". Anyway, we had it all yesterday. It was good. Hope y'all have a good one.

And Ryan lemond said "squirt to the ceiling" when he got ahold of the mic at halftime. That is awesome. I love my team.