
Was in the teens this morning. Up to 24 now. Freaking heat wave. I'll tell you Willy, the older I get, the worse this cold weather gets me. Stay all bundled up, lose my gloves, take care of kids forty leven coats.

Two more Saturdays of church bb. Actually be glad when it's done. For the last 4 years we didn't start until mid March or April. First time we have dealt with snow and cold. Had to call off some practices and one Saturday due to snow. My boys team is a big time 4 and 0. In the beginning I had 2 kids that couldn't even dribble the ball. Last week one of those same 2 got 12 points and the other got 6 or so. Improvement is a good thing. Kids having fun.

To all my friends and others, have a good rest of the day. FCC.

Man, feel for ya. I got down here to Florida and have lost total awareness of what cold,snowy weather is about. Now, I can't go back. Especially as I continue to age. Too comfortable here.
Fun is that when she was going to check out the girl with a poster saying if she got on TV her boss would give her a raise? If I remember right, the announcers asked her to go up there and at first she said she couldn't cause she had on heels. Must have got some other shoes. Life's ups and downs. FCC.

That girl got on TV and prolly got a 0.25 raise.
Yeah, as a matter of fact I'm thinking this team just might be better without Alex.

This team is weird. Could beat any team in the nation, turn around and lose to freaking Tennessee.

I couldn't bear to watch the clip of Dancing Ass fall down with that little girl - how bad was it?
The dancing guy is goofy anyways.
Well I am appalled.

Here you got a good guy like Willy showing us all kinds of top notch butt and we have a board full of losers howling for gd Shannon spake a 40+ year old who wouldn't crack the top of the list at your local super market.

Spake sucks. More butts. TIA.
Agreed. This is what sets the D apart, and super special.

Keep 'Em coming, WILLY (and Willy only).
Girl should bring Spake to office for a real raise.

Exactly. But that girl better hurry, Spake is sagging more and more these days. She's about to hit that wall.

And I totally agree about Dancing Guy. No one even calls this guy by his real name. He should STFU and watch the game. Makes me cringe when I see him dry humpin a pole in front of 24,000 strangers.
Dude is 100% bad-ass though. Hard.

Would not **** with.
Absolutely agree Mash.....really only get bits and pieces of new stuff from my little brother who is heavily entrenched in the new age rap game, despite my protests. Every now and then he submits a decent track.

It's difficult to teach years upon years of research and experience but I think I'm doing a decent job of it. He's getting better and better at weeding out the garbage.
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Was in the teens this morning. Up to 24 now. Freaking heat wave. I'll tell you Willy, the older I get, the worse this cold weather gets me. Stay all bundled up, lose my gloves, take care of kids forty leven coats.

Two more Saturdays of church bb. Actually be glad when it's done. For the last 4 years we didn't start until mid March or April. First time we have dealt with snow and cold. Had to call off some practices and one Saturday due to snow. My boys team is a big time 4 and 0. In the beginning I had 2 kids that couldn't even dribble the ball. Last week one of those same 2 got 12 points and the other got 6 or so. Improvement is a good thing. Kids having fun.

To all my friends and others, have a good rest of the day. FCC.

I drove out to CA the first time in Nov 1975. I called my wife from Sunset Strip on Thanksgiving. It was about 90 degrees where I stood and was snowing where she was (90 degrees with no humidity is very comfortable). We moved to CA the next Spring. Spent the next 25 years in CA

Approaching retirement about nine years ago I was contemplating moving back to KY, TN or NC (the mountains). Went back in the summer and learned I couldn't bear the humidity. Returned in winter and couldn't stand the cold and gloominess. I wanted out of CA (which has turned into a third world country pretty much anywhere one not wealthy could afford to live). Settled in Phoenix outer suburbs (Phoenix is about 100 square miles). Eight months of almost perfect weather with very low humidity but four really hot months. Low cost-of-living. Hardly any crime in the outer suburbs where I live.
My old lady is going inner-tubing with the older son at a ski resort... Me? I get to bus home early and get bitten by Miss Penny Plissken, and make dinner for my 2 year old lunatic son.

He is awesome though, I swear. But he's a lunatic.
I have a one year old female cat that headbutts her water dish. I thought for awhile that she was peeing the floor. Crazy cat.