
iPod says I only have 7213 songs. I have a hard drive with over 70k songs. iTunes does not like.
quite welcome, home slice. I enjoy motivating and helping people get healthier (unless someone dies of a cardiac arrest following my preworkout supplement advice, in which case I never said anything about it).

Where you workout at in Mt. Juliet?

We live in Murfreesboro. I always have used our own treadmill. I probably need to get a gym membership.
I don't get very vocally involved in game. A few chair slaps and arm pumps. Maybe it's from growing up in a screaming family. I didn't even wake up the family during the OSU and UNC games with Jorts and crew. I jumped around like a crazed deaf-mute, but I was pretty proud of myself.
I don't get very vocally involved in game. A few chair slaps and arm pumps. Maybe it's from growing up in a screaming family. I didn't even wake up the family during the OSU and UNC games with Jorts and crew. I jumped around like a crazed deaf-mute, but I was pretty proud of myself.

Those two games my emotions were in order :popcorn::boxing:[banana][sick]:pray::cool2:[cheers]
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Um, I tried to watch Joe Dirt 2 last night. Lasted maybe 20 minutes. I am angry about it. Good news is it was free because I returned it within 24 hrs. Shouts to my friendly neighborhood Hastings.

I still got Mad Max to watch. Pumped about that one.
I still got Mad Max to watch. Pumped about that one.

Loved that movie, just so audacious and over the top. Read an article about the guy in charge of building all the vehicles - every one of them had to be capable of doing 60mph over desert sand for filming, even that big rig with all the speakers on it.

Just glad to know that there are people out there that would take the time to put something so insane on was pure art to me. The plot was almost irrelevant.
I used to watch games with my mom, because she was the only other person as categorically irrational as I was about the 'Cats.

I mean, outsiders just don't understand. It's not just basketball.

Cujo, I am the same way. Therefore, I rarely watch the game with someone other than my immediate family. It is not, no way, just basketball. FCC.
My fat self thought baking Oreos inside of my brownies would be a great idea. Maybe it was, but I used "birthday cake" Oreos and it was just too much. Too rich. The birthday Oreos taste like pure icing. I can eat the brownies, and have eaten more than a few, but they would have been more enjoyable without the birthday cake Oreos.

In conclusion, if you want to fatten up a batch of brownies, adding birthday cake Oreos is not the best idea. Try regular Oreos, and maybe crush them up and spread them all throughout the brownie batter.
-Saw about 6 minutes of the whole damn game due to wife's party. Had to watch on DVR.

-Hate winter baby clothes. Kid looks cute but good Lord they are annoying to put back on.

Diaper-->onesie thing with crappy snaps-->shirt-->pants--->socks---little boots. Takes like 10 minutes to get the pants back on. The snaps are horrible. Baby flailing around so the pants are a nightmare. After the second diaper change, just came back downstairs to the party with the pants/boots still off and just yelled at my wife HOLY SHIT YOU DO THIS.

Come springtime, that chick will be going around in a shirt and diaper. That's it. That's the list.

-Steaks tonight.
[laughing] @ Speers getting all worked up.

<> My last post was just in reference to saying "I told you so" two weeks ago that we wouldn't get blown out and because UK would improve more over that 2 week span than KU would. Not in reference to your 4th prediction.

<> Alas, we are all wildcat friends and the Cats are in a good place.

<> Game will be closer than most people think on tuesday night vs. the Vols. They have lost a bunch of close games…nobody has blown them is in Knoxville...and we are their Super Bowl game.

<> Cats by 6.
[laughing] @ Speers getting all worked up.

<> My last post was just in reference to saying "I told you so" two weeks ago that we wouldn't get blown out and because UK would improve more over that 2 week span than KU would. Not in reference to your 4th prediction.

<> Alas, we are all wildcat friends and the Cats are in a good place.

<> Game will be closer than most people think on tuesday night vs. the Vols. They have lost a bunch of close games…nobody has blown them is in Knoxville...and we are their Super Bowl game.

<> Cats by 6.
It will be a tight game. We could even get beat.
played racquetball for the first time in about 5 years today with a buddy of mine at the gym. Forgot how much I loved playing that. Great workout if you get some good volleys going. Gotta be quick and change direction on a dime. Gonna work that into the mix more for some cardio. Played 4 games to 21. He got to 7 once.

Awkward moment after we played and I walked to the basketball court to get a couple shots up before I left. I lifted bis and tris today so I still had a decent pump going and a teenage black kid about 16-17 walked up to me and said "Hey man, what do you lift?" I looked at him confused.... took a second or two... and said "Weights?" and then he looked at me confused. I then said "Oh... you mean HOW MUCH as in WHAT amount of weight. My bad."

Thought the interaction was funny for some reason.
You shoulda said beers.

I use to love to play tennis. It and BB was my go to for cardio back in the 90s. ACL tear ended my tennis days. And my semi not fat days.
played racquetball for the first time in about 5 years today with a buddy of mine at the gym. Forgot how much I loved playing that. Great workout if you get some good volleys going. Gotta be quick and change direction on a dime. Gonna work that into the mix more for some cardio. Played 4 games to 21. He got to 7 once.


That's not a good racquetball workout at all. Might as well have stayed at home and drank beer. If you want a good workout find someone who is as equal to you in talent as possible. Find that dude and you will have one hail of a workout.
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