
I have paid the drive thru 1 x for the person behind me, but every time I go into a place and there is a couple of soldiers I anonymously pay their bill, just something I think is the right thing to do if a person can afford it. The best just happened a few weeks ago, my wife went to eat and was waiting to be seated. An elderly lady was ahead of us but insisted we take the next seat so I bought her meal. She looked around trying to figure out who paid for it..
I read some article about how buying the person behind you's (#grammar) lunch/starbucks/drycleaning/whatever is pretty pointless unless the eventual one that stops the cycle comes along. That person sucks, (present company excluded) but the rest of them that were paying for someone else's really weren't doing anything all that great. It was on some hipster preacher's blog. I guess his point was that everyone who was in that line was already buying something and already had the money for it, so the faux-altruism thing was kind of pointless.
I read some article about how buying the person behind you's (#grammar) lunch/starbucks/drycleaning/whatever is pretty pointless unless the eventual one that stops the cycle comes along. That person sucks, (present company excluded) but the rest of them that were paying for someone else's really weren't doing anything all that great. It was on some hipster preacher's blog. I guess his point was that everyone who was in that line was already buying something and already had the money for it, so the faux-altruism thing was kind of pointless.

Yeah, I don't get it either. That's why I try to avoid fast food places, the skurbs and their faux altruism.
Acts of kindness gone wrong, imo:


I see this And the mf'er driving thinks they're doing you a big favor. Smh. It's worse if you're on a bike, patiently waiting for your turn to cross - you see there are rules for this stuff, and a pedestrian worth a shit knows when it is safe to cross - and the mf'er stops traffic to hurry your ass along and your frantically trying to get back on the pedals and scurry your ass across traffic even though you were perfectly content waiting for your time to cross. UGH. I'm gonna start just flipping thrr bird. F You. You know the rules. Get on with it. We all know how the roadways work. Let them work! It saves time and energy. TMFS.
I read some article about how buying the person behind you's (#grammar) lunch/starbucks/drycleaning/whatever is pretty pointless unless the eventual one that stops the cycle comes along. That person sucks, (present company excluded) but the rest of them that were paying for someone else's really weren't doing anything all that great. It was on some hipster preacher's blog. I guess his point was that everyone who was in that line was already buying something and already had the money for it, so the faux-altruism thing was kind of pointless.

Sounds like the hipster preacher has it all figured out. Do you remember his name? I'd like to avoid him just in case he's behind me. FCC.
I have paid the drive thru 1 x for the person behind me, but every time I go into a place and there is a couple of soldiers I anonymously pay their bill, just something I think is the right thing to do if a person can afford it. The best just happened a few weeks ago, my wife went to eat and was waiting to be seated. An elderly lady was ahead of us but insisted we take the next seat so I bought her meal. She looked around trying to figure out who paid for it..
Thats awesome, and thank you for doing that for the vets. Always love hearing stories like that.
Sounds like the hipster preacher has it all figured out. Do you remember his name? I'd like to avoid him just in case he's behind me. FCC.
I'm sure it was Pastor Zack McKenzie or something. He had a full beard, man-bun, skinny jeans, drank PBR on the Sabbath, grew organic non-GMO host crackers and had posters of Joel Osteen in his office.
I have paid the drive thru 1 x for the person behind me, but every time I go into a place and there is a couple of soldiers I anonymously pay their bill, just something I think is the right thing to do if a person can afford it. The best just happened a few weeks ago, my wife went to eat and was waiting to be seated. An elderly lady was ahead of us but insisted we take the next seat so I bought her meal. She looked around trying to figure out who paid for it..
@maverick1 would like a man inside his buns. That count?
I laughed pretty hard at that dude slapping them bitch ass children.


The basketball stuff is a good idea. I would make some changes.

1. There needs to be a full spread - apps, dips, sandwiches, meats, casseroles, pies, cakes, and cookies. That's first and foremost. Everything gets better after you roll out a full spread.

2. Basketball will be played leisurely. Or maybe 4-square. Cornhole. Ping pong. Whatever works best for those in attendance.

3. Breaks! Lots of em. Food breaks, smoke breaks, bathroom breaks, etc.

4. Safety! Spears, our resident health nut, will be there taking blood pressure readings and administering Narcan if someone OD's.

5. NO HEROIN ON THE COURTS. Don't need nobody dying on the courts. Take that shit to the bleachers.

6. Female titties welcomed.

7. Good tunes.

That's it.
I ain't gonna drive 550 miles to play pick up basketball. I will, however, drive 550 miles to hang out, drink beers, watch dogs & titties, and eat some grilled meat.
Come'on down to Flawida. We'll make that happen
And let me know a few months out when you're gonna be in Orlando and I'll try to join ya. For example, I may return around 4th of July weekend this year.
I'm down with beer, food and all that entails. BB days are over. Unless it's like Midwest HS girls where offense stays on one end and the D the other. And also where I can pretty much stay in a 3 foot radius. And where I can keep a chair on the court. And where I can eat chicken wings during the game.
I'm down with beer, food and all that entails. BB days are over. Unless it's like Midwest HS girls where offense stays on one end and the D the other. And also where I can pretty much stay in a 3 foot radius. And where I can keep a chair on the court. And where I can eat chicken wings during the game.

We'll go to winghouse for the wings, screw the bball court.