
Had a few beers and tacos at Rockin Tacos or some such place on the gulf in the Florida Panhandle. Seagulls were thick and one stuck his nasty ass feet in my beer. The bartender brought me out a fully loaded master blaster water gun. Drinking beer, eating tacos while staring at the waves and beach activity is great. Shooting water at nasty ass beer stealing sea gulls is fun also.
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Had a few beers and tacos at Rockin Tacos or some such place on the gulf in the Florida Panhandle. Seagulls were thick and one stuck his nasty ass feet in my beer. The bartender brought me out a fully loaded master blaster water gun. Drinking bear, eating tacos while staring at the waves and beach activity is great. Shooting water at nasty ass beer stealing sea gulls is fun also.

Sounds like a winner.
Some folks don't like weather reports, but on ground hog day in Smiths Grove it is 45 degrees F and I think SG Phil will be warm doing his thing.

Looking forward to the game tonight. I hope we can beat the Vols.

Y'all have a good one.
I'd planned to mention Groundhog Day earlier this morning, but forgot. ATX checked in at 58 F this AM.
Just a heads up, jackaks...

Punxsutawney Phil is full of ish. He has been strung out on cocaine since the late 80's. He's rude...he's a habitual lier...and he's a complete farce. Some say he isn't even 100% groundhog. They say his mom was a hood rat from NYC.

This whole "shadow business" is a trumped up media scam perpetuated by his handlers for the sole purpose of supporting Phil's drug habit. Stop enabling that rat in groundhog's clothing.

And don't invite him into your home for diner,willy. Because he will all of a sudden jump up and grind his dirty paws on your couch.

Aint nothing special about Punks-a-strung-out Phil. He's just a rude mofo'n rodent turned junkie. Nothing more.
Just a heads up, jackaks...

Punxsutawney Phil is full of ish. He has been strung out on cocaine since the late 80's. He's rude...he's a habitual lier...and he's a complete farce. Some say he isn't even 100% groundhog. They say his mom was a hood rat from NYC.

This whole "shadow business" is a trumped up media scam perpetuated by his handlers for the sole purpose of supporting Phil's drug habit. Stop enabling that rat in groundhog's clothing.

And don't invite him into your home for diner,willy. Because he will all of a sudden jump up and grind his dirty paws on your couch.

Aint nothing special about Punks-a-strung-out Phil. He's just a rude mofo'n rodent turned junkie. Nothing more.
He see his shadow or nah?

-Love UNC went down, but not at the hands to UofL. I hope they lose every game.

-Feeling less anxious. Been feeling every since the kid got hurt. Only place that I have gone that has helped has been church and prayer.

-Back on the diet again today. Fell off since Auburn game.

-I have been lifting, but hurt my shoulder putting up a ceiling at the rental property.

-I dont know what I think about our team. I am a fan, obviously, and think we can win it all, but wish we had more gumption or something out of other players.
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  • Wind, rain, sleet, snow, & more wind today. I saw a flash of lightening.
  • Maybe it was the politicians leaving the state.
  • I drove past a caucus site last night and there was a huge line to get in, overflow parking, etc...
  • Student in the secretary's office is babbling on and on with her words of wisdom (such as they are at age 20).
  • I've got things keeping me awake at night again.
  • Barnes has been shot seven times and he ain’t dead, does that mean anything to you, huh? Barnes ain’t meant to die! The only thing that can kill Barnes is Barnes.
With all due respect to Idi Amin, Barnes avatar would be even more creepy. I'd be kind of uncomfortable every time I saw it.

So you get the same feeling??? It's like I don' trust him. Afraid he'd he knows some chemistry shit that he'd end up waiting for you to turn your back and then BAM! He'd chloroform your ass, only to wake up in chains with your hands bolted to your ankles. And you know he has an apron with rubber gloves too. sicko bastard
Matter of fact, if Rick Barnes wasn't well known, I could take his picture and put as my avatar and people would've think he killed his own family and then ate them.

Should be able to find an older photo, p-shop it, and go from there. Try this one. He was at UTexas for many years. I'll look for a photo when he was younger.

#20 Kentucky at Tennessee, 7:00 PM ET (726)
+6.5 UK: -105
TENN: -115
152 o: -110
u: -110
UK: -290
TENN: +230
+6.5 UK: -106
TENN: -106
N/A UK: -285
TENN: +246
+6.5 UK: -107
TENN: -103
152 o: -103
u: -107
UK: -280
TENN: +255 EVEN N/A UK: 0
+6.5 UK: -110
TENN: -110
152 o: -110
u: -110
UK: -285
TENN: +240
+6.5 UK: -110
TENN: -110
152 o: -110
u: -110
UK: -285
TENN: +240
So you get the same feeling???

I do, man. In fact I think you are way out in front on this thing.

One day, when Barnes is taken away in chains to face judgement for the heinous crimes he's committed, (even more heinous than his coaching) - you will sit back in your chair, a knowing smile on your face and think to yourself "yep, told you so".
I do, man. In fact I think you are way out in front on this thing.

One day, when Barnes is taken away in chains to face judgement for the heinous crimes he's committed, (even more heinous than his coaching) - you will sit back in your chair, a knowing smile on your face and think to yourself "yep, told you so".

Just biding time......
Oh yeah, *some* definitely conveniently forget to use them as a punishment of sorts. Sticks out... sorta like a sore thumb. Makes me giggle a little. Not enough to be girly, mind you, just enough to lower the blood pressure a little.
Agree, just an observation. Just like when my wife or other women perform the same action, I ignore it.
reading the synopsis of the GYERO basketball get together. God what a bunch of out of shape old raggedy wet farts. I really do wish I lived closer. I'd love to get out there and play with em. Basically reads like everyone hurts this morning, got to the point that they couldn't play full court anymore, had to take several breaks. I picture 2-3 of em stepping outside between games to smoke a cigarette, at least one wearing a head band, someone had shorts that were way too short and/or knee high socks, someone actually wore a "jersey" that had a number on the back, and no one really got down in a defensive stance and tried to lock someone up. Seems like that Bonzo feller is the only one that's concerned with taking care of himself.

Could be wrong, but I'm doubting it.

I would have brought a case of beer. Anytime away from wife and kids is a godsend. Use it wisely.
Since we have nine players on my son's team, I have to play in scrimmages while the head coach watches and coaches. I am just to the point today that I'm not cringing very time I get up. We have 3 tall kids and 2 of them are pretty solid. Just the act of trying to box them out or making them box me out, just about killed me. To say I'm in bad shape would be disrespectful to those people who have actually been in shape at some time in their lives and have let themselves go. I'm in no shape. Needless to say, it's the first time I have ever been anywhere remotely close to the paint.

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