
changed all of my outdoor/landscape lights to led..much cleaner look
nice day to mess around outside
got 32 T8 bulbs in garage I'm gonna change to led later on
vehicles all clean and shiny so yea it's gonna rain..

ladies lost to Florida,way to many turnovers, that's back to back loses. Goodbye to that 12 ranking
players that left the team is taking it's toll
I look for the cats to stay the same in rankings this week, had that game in hand, just slipped away
I'm a big UNC fan tomorrow night ...NO WAY ever will I cheer on the hoodbirds..never!
Just got done making dinner...
Simple peasant food done correctly.

Buttermilk brined chicken thighs. Michelbob's rub, smoked on Egg with applewood.
Cauliflower casserole, butter, panko breadcrumbs, muenster cheese.
Rice cooked in chicken stock.

Dope. Maybe get a beej later for the effort & results.
Anybody here work out? I'm starting back up this week(told myself I would start working out again before my birthday which is rapidly approaching). What do you eat before and after workouts? I'm just trying to put on more muscle. I've heard bananas and Greek yogurt before my workout but haven't heard what to eat after.
BR - the bast advice I can give you is to set a time every day to go work out. Keep that appointment. I run over my lunch hour, then 6 PM Monday & Wednesday night & Sunday 10 AM.

I'm not a morning person, so getting up at 5 AM to work out is not going to happen. I found times that work for me & now it's routine, my family knows this & respects it.
That's the problem with me because my schedule is so sporadic it will be tough to do so. I have some time between classes but I don't want to go workout and then come back all sweaty for my last class. I guess I can just have some late night workouts.
Think of it like a class if it helps. Look at your schedule and find a the time(s) that work for you. Write it on your calander or whatever. Maybe every night at 8 PM works, or every Sat morning at 9 & Tue Wed at 7, whatever - schedule it and make it routine, even if you can only schedule it in for 2-3 days a week.

I think Speers has a routine of going to the gym after work.

Don't just tell yourself, oh I'll find time somewhere, that makes it too easy to miss.
Morning D-Leaguers. The snow is gone. Where the tractor piled the snow from my drive was still around, a little pile, last night when I went to bed. It is now gone.

I look forward to the Cats Tuesday. Maybe we will not get totally jobbed by the refs again.

I rewatched the Kansas game yesterday and the end of the second half was horrible with EVERY call going to Kansas.

I will be hard for me to root for Kansas the rest of the year.
《》Well...the Cats put up a good fight. Should have won in regulation. I still put the ball in Ulis' hands in that situation.

That was a great test for this team. I would give us a B+. I'm almost glad we didn't win. Almost. That game let's us know we can play with any team on any court. But by losing...we stay humble...we stay hungry.

This team has a great shot though. I think we are coming together at the right time and I think that we peak in March...which is perfect for me.

《》Oh I almost forgot...

Cal, you're doing a great job and all but..


《》Also, Told you so, Speers.

#no blowout
Got a group text/email last night from some of the dads/moms that we played baseball with this past summer.

It reads, as follows.

"Can you send me come pictures of the inside of xiaoma?"

Followed one minute later by ...

"Sorry guys ... Wrong group .. Hope you all had a great weekend! Looking forward to baseball"

I wish I had this dude's name attached to the number, because I would send him so many pics he would have to get a new phone.
what'd you tell me? I predicted Kansas by 7, they were up 9 until Ulis hit a meaningless 3 at the end of OT to make it 6. Good job, I guess, ****er.

But yea... I like where UK is headed. Have to continue the momentum tomorrow night and beat a bad UT team a their place. If they could just get ANYTHING consistently from 1-2 bigs then I'd be ready for March.
You had like 3 predictions, main one being 12+, but yeah...
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I looked it up and it's just some chinese/japanese word, but Google shows images preview on the pages and it's some creepy looking girl painted up to look like one of the cartoon hentai chicks. I delved no further, at work.
- 5 day week. Blow me.

- Got a new pup. 15/16 miniature dachshund. The 1/16 is a chihuahua/dachshund mix. His genes were strong.

- This Donald Trump thing is gotta end soon, right? If it's him v. Hillary I normally wouldn't vote at all, but I feel like I would have to just to not have his as POTUS. Not being political in the D. That's just common sense, right?

- Car taxes are one of life's dirtiest tricks. $215 to pay on a vehicle I had to pay buckets of sales tax on already. Just make the sales tax for vehicles 10% and leave us alone.

- Cats by 11 on Tuesday. Give them the wrath. I liked what I saw on Saturday. If there was ever a zone busting shot, wouldn't it be Skal from 12-15 feet? He's pretty damn good at that. Do it more.

- Couple of off games for the boys on Saturday. They couldn't hit a shot to save their lives. Both of their teams are awful too. When my freaking kids are the tallest on the team, something is amiss.

-Stay classy, the D.
Congrats on the pup, funk!

Took mine up the berea mountain yesterday. We had tons of fun. She dug at a couple of mole holes and I thought about FCC. Ran in to some weirdo wearing 4 in shorts who loudly remarked to his BFF in a concerned tone that I was "extreeeemely baked". He was wrong. I was beyond that. To the point I couldn't have corrected that dude if I wanted to. I thought about saying something, but it wouldn't come out, and all I could think was "man why are you wearing those shorts up here you're liable to rip your sack on a rock". I incoherently mumbled something and kept it moving.

We iz fukt again re: politics.

Also, I can't see the political thread again. This has happened before. Forgot how I fixed it. I have nobody on ignore.
Congrats on the pup, funk!

Took mine up the berea mountain yesterday. We had tons of fun. She dug at a couple of mole holes and I thought about FCC. Ran in to some weirdo wearing 4 in shorts who loudly remarked to his BFF in a concerned tone that I was "extreeeemely baked". He was wrong. I was beyond that. To the point I couldn't have corrected that dude if I wanted to. I thought about saying something, but it wouldn't come out, and all I could think was "man why are you wearing those shorts up here you're liable to rip your sack on a rock". I incoherently mumbled something and kept it moving.

We iz fukt again re: politics.

Also, I can't see the political thread again. This has happened before. Forgot how I fixed it. I have nobody on ignore.

throat still sore as hell from yelling at the tv Saturday night. Feels like I'm getting sick, cept I'm not.

I tried to tell em how to win, they just wouldn't listen to me... damnit.
They must have been confused with all the different predictions you had. Have to have a single stream of thought.

I did drink some that night. Went to bed with a minute left in OT. We all knew once OT hit, we were done.
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For somebody who doesn't care what anybody on Cat Paw or the internet thinks of them you sure do spend a lot of time trying to convince us you didn't post something.

Your info about working out is awesome by the way. I am starting to get back into shape and appreciate it.
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Life is good. Taking a late lunch break today to check out the sights. It's considered poor form to take pix of the lovely lasses tho...unless you're an OBVIOUS tourist from Ohio or someplace where it's cold as a witch's tit this time of year. I have logos all over my jacket and polo shirt...maybe I can get away with saying I'm a dermatologist doing research (just so I can share the wealth with the D)
Life is good. Taking a late lunch break today to check out the sights. It's considered poor form to take pix of the lovely lasses tho...unless you're an OBVIOUS tourist from Ohio or someplace where it's cold as a witch's tit this time of year. I have logos all over my jacket and polo shirt...maybe I can get away with saying I'm a dermatologist doing research (just so I can share the wealth with the D)

Sounds feasible...
- 5 day week. Blow me.

- Got a new pup. 15/16 miniature dachshund. The 1/16 is a chihuahua/dachshund mix. His genes were strong.

- This Donald Trump thing is gotta end soon, right? If it's him v. Hillary I normally wouldn't vote at all, but I feel like I would have to just to not have his as POTUS. Not being political in the D. That's just common sense, right?

- Car taxes are one of life's dirtiest tricks. $215 to pay on a vehicle I had to pay buckets of sales tax on already. Just make the sales tax for vehicles 10% and leave us alone.

- Cats by 11 on Tuesday. Give them the wrath. I liked what I saw on Saturday. If there was ever a zone busting shot, wouldn't it be Skal from 12-15 feet? He's pretty damn good at that. Do it more.

-Stay classy, the D.

Mexican Wiener dog.

Still kinda pissed that I didn't get to go see these yahoos last week. DGAF about politics though.

Car taxes - I get what your'e saying, but I'd be pissed if I paid 10% tax in KY, when it is less everywhere else. One thing that TN has right (I assume it's still the same), registration for all cars was a flat fee, maybe $25. Iowa changed their fee system a few years back. Basically to make you pay more, no price break until the car is 7-8 yo.

Got my iPod re-charged. Listening to music. I can't concentrate on anything at work with earbuds in.
Life is good. Taking a late lunch break today to check out the sights. It's considered poor form to take pix of the lovely lasses tho...unless you're an OBVIOUS tourist from Ohio or someplace where it's cold as a witch's tit this time of year. I have logos all over my jacket and polo shirt...maybe I can get away with saying I'm a dermatologist doing research (just so I can share the wealth with the D)
I love a college campus in the spring. Too bad my spring doesn't start until the last week of classes.