CMS complaining about NIL publicly

Stoops just doesn’t feel like he has the energy for the job anymore. If he’s expecting to just coach some kind of big traditional school with a ton of donors already in place then he’s dreaming. He’s going to have to do the legwork. This isn’t Alabama, Ohio State etc with a bunch of donor infrastructure already in place. If you don’t have the energy to deal with a job like Kentucky then you don’t need to be here. You’re the 8th highest paid coach in the country, come on. There are coaches with far less doing more because they choose to run creative offenses and be aggressive. You’re not going to out-Alabama, Alabama with athletes at Kentucky. It seems like Kiffin and Drinkwitz have realized that. Stoops, not so much.

I mean, he should dang well know that at Kentucky you’re going to have to be creative and innovative. Look at programs that punch above their weight, that’s how they do it. If he can’t win without a blue blood NIL budget then he’s not the coach for Kentucky because we’re never going to have that money. That doesn’t mean we can’t have a top 25 program on a yearly basis though. We can absolutely have a program like Ole Miss or what Mizzou is looking like it’s turning into. There’s absolutely no reason why Kentucky can’t do that, but we need a coach that has some energy and creativity and doesn’t point the finger at someone else every time he fails.
I think this is why he tried to bail to Texas Am…they have money to spend on players that Ky doesn’t come up with as much nor as easy
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Take a couple million of his salary and hire a GM.... that would take the pressure off... but he would never agree to that. So suck it up and figure it out Mark.
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Idk why everyone is taking shots at Stoops over this. He's a competitive guy and he sees that most of our SEC competitors have way deeper pockets than us which puts him and the team at a massive disadvantage. Has to be disheartening
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Idk why everyone is taking shots at Stoops over this. He's a competitive guy and he sees that most of our SEC competitors have way deeper pockets than us which puts him and the team at a massive disadvantage. Has to be disheartening
Lost a lot of respect for him, when he tried to bail to the aggies.
He makes $9M/yr and he’s complaining about the stress of NIL. You can’t make this stuff up.

“I feel very isolated, very alone. I’ll be honest, I don’t know how long I can take dealing with what I’ve dealt with. Myself, personally, I can only do so much. I’ve never felt this kind of stress and pressure.”

That’s a bit dramatic and over the top IMO. I’ve never liked sales jobs, but for $9M/yr, I would make it work without complaining to my customers. Work this stuff out with Mitch, don’t complain to us. At least he didn’t use the term “pony up” again.

Stoops is doing the full time job of two or three people because things have changed in college football. Read his comments for what they say. If you say burnout is not alright because of his salary, it sounds like money envy. Stoops signed a contract before NIL and the portal. His job has changed and he is being transparent. That is good isn't it? What is wrong with transparency? Everyone here wants good rosters. That is what Stoops is talking about. He can make $900,000 or $90,000. If he is so stretched out by new responsibilities that he cannot do all the chores of a HC, what difference does his salary make? You are taking the wrong message because of his income.

The University hired Danielle Braswell away from Texas A M as executive recruiting director. Is she doing her job? Does her staff need to be expanded? Do these tasks Stoops is discussing fall outside Ms. Braswell's office? If I am asking these questions, so is Mitch Barnhart. Barnhart has never deprived Kentucky football. Fix the problem, not the blame.