CI Wrestling Thread #56


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This right here is about as good as it gets when it comes to taking the Stunner.


Bonus points for Rock's post-Samoan man boobs reduction surgery jumpsuit.

EDIT: Sarge thought he was taking a snap mare. Same setup as the Stunner only you flip the guy forward instead of sit out. Gerald Brisco took the Stunner the same way. Always flipped forward. Gotta get ready to set up that chinlock spot.

Sarge taking the header into the mat was a nice touch though. Sarge in his prime was a bumping machine.


Unrelated .GIF:

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Don't mess with the Macho Man! OH YEAH!!

A friend of mine used to work at a Long John's Silvers restaurant in my hometown and said Savage would come in and get food before the matches would start. This would have been sometime in the late 70's. He said he would talk just like he did on the shows. I can just imagine him ordering a Fish and More with extra crunchies in that voice. :joy:
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There has never been a better example of a great wrestler phoning it in than Steve Austin during the WHAT phase of his career, but he had one great line from right before he walked out while he was feuding with Flair.

What is a Nature Boy? Do you like nature? Do you like boys?
That’s pretty cool they found a new role for Darren Young - I felt bad for him ever since he got hurt and subsequently released.
Probably kicked off Sportscenter. Everything I've heard is that he is unbearable to work with and has made enemies everywhere he goes
Yeah, Coach has a reputation as a bridge burner. Surprised Vince welcomed him back in the first place, tbh but it is still the pro wrestling business.
Coach always seemed like he was trying too hard...Mauro would have been good to fill that stop but JBL bullied him off...
Yeah, Coach has a reputation as a bridge burner. Surprised Vince welcomed him back in the first place, tbh but it is still the pro wrestling business.
Vince will employ just about anyone if he thinks there are possible dollars. Jim Cornette explains Vince's philosophy on a couple of his podcasts. It is pretty funny.
Mauro has it made, he gets to announce NXT. Not sure if a promotion and an announcer were more made for each other. Maybe ECW and Joey Styles.
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Forgotten classic, only ruined by Shane's awful announcing.

Pat not even getting over the bottom rope while Brisco takes a Flair off the top turnbuckle bump over the top rope [laughing] *chef kiss*
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One of my favorite wrestling podcasts is New Blood Rising and I'm slowly getting through their series on ECW. Just a few thoughts I want to get out there since I miss ECW and I'd rather talk about this than the current product.

* Rob Van Dam and Sabu are the only ECW regulars who should be in the Hall of Fame. I think they'll put RVD there eventually, not sure about Sabu, but he deserves it. There's a case to be made for Sandman, but I can't make it. Peak RVD in ECW was more over than any wrestler of the time not named Steve or Dwayne.

* Justin Credible didn't suck, I apologize to Corey Davis for all the horrible stuff I've said about him and all the Olive Garden jokes ("My name is PJ, I'll be your server tonight, our special is the chicken jabroni" - I still like that joke but it was cruel). Going back and watching the old shows, he was shockingly good. Underrated.

* For all the complaining he did about the Clique, Shane Douglas went out without doing any clean jobs, beat Justin Credible and Lance storm a bunch of times and then went to WCW without returning the favor. Even when he dropped the belt to Taz he didn't tap, he passed out and immediately turned face. F-bombs do not make promos. DICK FLAIR! ASS! HA HAAAAAAA!

* The best, most consistent wrestler from show to show was Jerry Lynn.

* Balls Mahoney = crazy underrated

* The guy whose stuff surprisingly doesn't hold up is Tommy Dreamer. We would all hate him if ECW Tommy Dreamer were on our TVs on a weekly basis.

* The best ECW World Champion was Mike Awesome. Paul Heyman is the best I've ever seen at booking dominant monster heels. I wish he could have had Vader at his disposal for like a year.

* The best character was Taz, but Paul had no idea what to do with him once he won the world title. Taz was an amazing heel and an amazing face chasing the world title, but once he got the belt there was nothing left.

* Would anybody mark out if New Jack did a run-in during the middle of the Raw main event and just starting bonking people with stuff? Just me? K.

* Vince getting the Dudleys when he did was great scouting by JR. They had just figured out how to get the most out of their abilities when they did the riot promo at Heatwave and then they were gone. The Dudleys' Heatwave promo = Anthony Davis's growth spurt.

* We needed more of the Eliminators.

* Finally, with the right people at the right time, I really miss blood in wrestling. Here's Steve Corino vs. Tajiri.

This was a star-making match for both guys. Shame Corino couldn't catch on anywhere after they folded.
One of my favorite wrestling podcasts is New Blood Rising and I'm slowly getting through their series on ECW. Just a few thoughts I want to get out there since I miss ECW and I'd rather talk about this than the current product.

* Rob Van Dam and Sabu are the only ECW regulars who should be in the Hall of Fame. I think they'll put RVD there eventually, not sure about Sabu, but he deserves it. There's a case to be made for Sandman, but I can't make it. Peak RVD in ECW was more over than any wrestler of the time not named Steve or Dwayne.

* Justin Credible didn't suck, I apologize to Corey Davis for all the horrible stuff I've said about him and all the Olive Garden jokes ("My name is PJ, I'll be your server tonight, our special is the chicken jabroni" - I still like that joke but it was cruel). Going back and watching the old shows, he was shockingly good. Underrated.

* For all the complaining he did about the Clique, Shane Douglas went out without doing any clean jobs, beat Justin Credible and Lance storm a bunch of times and then went to WCW without returning the favor. Even when he dropped the belt to Taz he didn't tap, he passed out and immediately turned face. F-bombs do not make promos. DICK FLAIR! ASS! HA HAAAAAAA!

* The best, most consistent wrestler from show to show was Jerry Lynn.

* Balls Mahoney = crazy underrated

* The guy whose stuff surprisingly doesn't hold up is Tommy Dreamer. We would all hate him if ECW Tommy Dreamer were on our TVs on a weekly basis.

* The best ECW World Champion was Mike Awesome. Paul Heyman is the best I've ever seen at booking dominant monster heels. I wish he could have had Vader at his disposal for like a year.

* The best character was Taz, but Paul had no idea what to do with him once he won the world title. Taz was an amazing heel and an amazing face chasing the world title, but once he got the belt there was nothing left.

* Would anybody mark out if New Jack did a run-in during the middle of the Raw main event and just starting bonking people with stuff? Just me? K.

* Vince getting the Dudleys when he did was great scouting by JR. They had just figured out how to get the most out of their abilities when they did the riot promo at Heatwave and then they were gone. The Dudleys' Heatwave promo = Anthony Davis's growth spurt.

* We needed more of the Eliminators.

* Finally, with the right people at the right time, I really miss blood in wrestling. Here's Steve Corino vs. Tajiri.

This was a star-making match for both guys. Shame Corino couldn't catch on anywhere after they folded.

I read this twice and not a word about Raven?? Quote the Raven nevermore!

Quite a leap from Johnny Polo!
I read this twice and not a word about Raven?? Quote the Raven nevermore!

Quite a leap from Johnny Polo!
Is it bad to say I liked Raven better in WCW? Because I did. His match with Goldberg for the US title was my favorite Goldberg match until WM vs. Brock.
I still believe Raven-Dreamer is the most well booked feud ever. Maybe the matches weren't technical masterpieces, but the story was epic. The Raven character in ECW was better than everywhere else. Maybe he had better matches in WCW, but ECW Raven was awesome.
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I found myself laughing hysterically last night at the fake cops. They looked to have to have picked the most ridiculous people they could find in the crowd.
I still believe Raven-Dreamer is the most well booked feud ever. Maybe the matches weren't technical masterpieces, but the story was epic. The Raven character in ECW was better than everywhere else. Maybe he had better matches in WCW, but ECW Raven was awesome.
In ECW, Raven nailed Sandman to an actual cross and abducted Sandman's son and to the best of my knowledge, never suffered any comeuppance for it.
Give me $500 shirt heel Rock over any other version of the Rock. Once again, 1997-1999 were salad days

This is true of any wrestler, but especially true of The Rock - when the crowd wants to cheer the heel, and the heel knows it, but refuses to give them the satisfaction, that's big money.

The promo in Rupp after winning the belt at Survivor Series...
I still believe Raven-Dreamer is the most well booked feud ever. Maybe the matches weren't technical masterpieces, but the story was epic. The Raven character in ECW was better than everywhere else. Maybe he had better matches in WCW, but ECW Raven was awesome.

Finally somebody agrees with me on this...
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Look at how crazy those crowds were...that was before the smarks ruined wrestling.
I don’t know that it’s necessarily that. Look at the crowd during All In. It resembled a 1998 Raw/Nitro way more than it did a current WWE crowd. If the crowd is given what they want then they’ll respond accordingly.

One thing I do miss though is there being thousands of signs in the crowd for Raw. I wonder if wwe only let’s so many signs in now or if people just don’t care to bring them anymore?
Feel like 7 of the 10 biggest pops in wrestling history were for Steve Austin.

I changed the channel when Nitro said Foley was going to win. I just never pictured Mankind winning the world title for whatever reason. And I definitely never pictured Rock losing the title 6 weeks after winning it, but then again...

Off the wall question, but what happened to the Cornette Talking Sense Youtube channel? He would upload clips from Jim's podcasts (originally this was done without permission, but later he worked in conjunction with Last and Cornette) and had a pretty decent subscriber base. 100k+ and more than Last's official channel.

Jealousy? Rage quit?