CI Wrestling Thread #56

Finally getting caught up on TV...So not a very strong week of WWE Programming. They really had a Bella vs. Maryse for the main event on Smackdown??

With all my internet issues the last couple of weeks I am three weeks behind on NXT. At least I know those will be good.


That one he hit on Eddie tho...

Saw that one live. Fell off the couch.
I loved the Legends of Wrestling roundtables just to hear JR smoke whatever PS was wearing.

*PS wearing a read and blue silk dress shirt with white cuffs* "Ladies and gentlemen, glad, as always, to be joined by Doink the Clown"

"...and on my right, Dog the Bounty Hunter"
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What was the best case outcome for that?
Giving both guys the benefit of the doubt, it could have been a badly botched version of the corner power bomb that Seth Rollins injured a bunch of dudes with.

Most likely, he was trying to power bomb the guy out of the ring onto his neck. I think we saw the best case outcome. Worst case, he lands on a fan.

* King did maybe 3 ECW shows and he was the best heel the promotion ever had. TS.
What was the best case outcome for that?

Black dude forgot there wasn’t a super cushiony 1 inch thick blue mat surrounding the ring, apparently.

Also love the way all the fans just sit there with their legs crossed, fanning themselves, checking their watches as dude gets tossed 10 feet down onto concrete right at their feet.

“Oh this is all fake anyway. He’s fine.”
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Man Dave is really going ALL IN on Omega/New Japan this weekend...just feeding the trolls...also looks like BCF found twitter...
Man, Roman seems like a nice guy, but he is just a charisma vacuum. Would make a cool guy just to sit at the bar and a watch a game with, but this college gameday appearance is pretty much what you expect from his promos. Writing is clearly not the only problem with him.

Yes, I know college gameday isn't a good proxy to wrestling promos and whatnot. Just making some observations, guys
Man Dave is really going ALL IN on Omega/New Japan this weekend...just feeding the trolls...also looks like BCF found twitter...
Well, Dave isn’t wrong.
Man, Roman seems like a nice guy, but he is just a charisma vacuum. Would make a cool guy just to sit at the bar and a watch a game with, but this college gameday appearance is pretty much what you expect from his promos. Writing is clearly not the only problem with him.

Yes, I know college gameday isn't a good proxy to wrestling promos and whatnot. Just making some observations, guys
No surprise here but 100% agree. He’s as bland as you can get. To make it worst he comes off as very fake when he tries to act tough/cool IMO.
(Roman Reigns picked LSU)

Transy nailed it. Horrible segment. Especially compared to the last wrestler I saw do Gameday, which I think was Flair.

...but the dude knows his football.
Gonna disagree here. I liked Roman’s appearance. No, he is not a Rock or Stone Cold. But like BKH said...dude knows his football. And today was about football.
I think there’s a built in resentment toward Roman since he’s been shoved down our throats the last few years and folks don’t think he earned his “the guy” status like others...I think Uncle Dave feels that way too hence his extremely detailed coverage of New Japan and CMLL.
So HIAC is red. Uh what?

This PPV has actually been enjoyable. Lynch-Charlotte should have been later on the crowd.

Lesnar is backstage apparently.

Rollins/Ambrose vs McIntyre/Ziggler was great
I missed that match tbh. Still forgetting about the 7:00 start.

Fantastic finish in Joe-Styles
I didn’t watch or read the details yet...when Brock cleaned house did The Shield or Mac/Zig help their fearless would have been semi-logical to have Braun/Zig/Mac bring in Brock to get the belt off Roman as revenge...
I am the first one to criticize WWE when they do stupid stuff so I will now say I thought HIAC was a really good show.

Though I am not sure how the screwdriver spot with Orton and Hardy is TV-PG