Bruce Pearl Has Been In Contact With Lousiville Officials

Honestly, how old are you man? I ask that because you show a severe misunderstanding of how this works. It’s gotta come from a lack of experience.

UL has something Pearl wants. His image is ruined, he’s known as a pos, and he just got put on probation yet again. Louisville probably doesn’t think, with what they have to offer just being what they are, that they have to run in with a blank check. They might try and get him for cheap but Pearl might believe he’s worth the money. It depends on what Louisville is thinking which we don’t know.

1. If they offer Pearl, even for cheap, he might still go.

Option 2. They pay him and he’s gone yesterday

option 3. They don’t want to pay him and don’t think they have to, and Pearl can’t turn down the money Auburn IS willing to pay.

I’d assume we’re closer to options 1 and 2 than 3. This is a dream scenario to Pearl. You don’t realize the blood between Cal and Pearl. It’s well known in Tennessee. Play UNC DUKE and UK, compete against Cal, be in the headlines in Kentucky for the next year straight, or stay at the Barn in Auburn.

Sit back and watch.
I sat back. I watched.
I was reading an article on cardchronicle this morning and he thinks Bruce is just using this situation to get more money. I happen to agree with him. Louisville isn't even close to hiring someone right now. And it's clear Bruce wants it to be known that he's a candidate and that Louisville has reached out. Auburn has an upcoming board meeting where they will be voting to approve building new facilities. And it wouldn't surprise me if we hear in the next week or so that Auburn has given Bruce a raise and a lifetime contract. Bruce prefers this distraction happen now instead of in March, when it could interfere with a potential Final Four or title run.
Nailed it. Bruce and his agent timed this perfectly. He parlayed the UL interest into a lifetime contract and Auburn is going to build the basketball-only facility he has been lobbying for.
The U6 job search will go down like one of the half dozen Tennessee football coaching searches. It will likely be very humbling.
That place is such a dumpster fire. Mack was the hottest coach in the country at Xavier. He had that program rolling and could have had any major job that opened. He took UL and now his career is either badly damaged or ruined. Any great coach who is already at a program competing at a high level would have to be a moron to sign up to try and extinguish the UL dumpster fire.
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Louisville didn’t offer he used you as a contract extension. I don’t even care. We’ve seen this before, he’ll either be fired (Auburn really has no ethics in their athletics department though) or he’ll be decent and when it’s over it’s back to the doormat. Talk to Florida, Arkansas, LSU, etc.

I bet you’re knew to this but try and keep up.
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Louisville didn’t offer he used you as a contract extension. I don’t even care. We’ve seen this before, he’ll either be fired (Auburn really has no ethics in their athletics department though) or he’ll be decent and when it’s over it’s back to the doormat. Talk to Florida, Arkansas, LSU, etc.

I bet you’re knew to this but try and keep up.
Did Louisville throw out a formal offer?
I’ll give you one thing, you refuse to ever concede defeat. FYI, Bruce was never going to Louisville, offer or not
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Did Louisville throw out a formal offer?
That's not how this works. They wanted Bruce and obviously made it clear to his agent how much they were willing to offer. Contrary to what you repeatedly said would happen, Bruce turned them down to stay at Auburn. Bruce never intended to leave and his agent did his job by using the interest from UL to speed up what had already been in the works for his lifetime contract at Auburn. He also got our AD and board to agree to build a basketball-only facility. Huge win all around for us.
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That place is such a dumpster fire. Mack was the hottest coach in the country at Xavier. He had that program rolling and could have had any major job that opened. He took UL and now his career is either badly damaged or ruined. Any great coach who is already at a program competing at a high level would have to be a moron to sign up to try and extinguish the UL dumpster fire.
The curse of the Cardinal. Actually, I'm feeling some pangs of sympathy for the UaVel faithful. They get boat raced every year by UK's football team and now they're basketball program is a complete dumpster fire.
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Dude. Just take the L.
In his mind, the situation is something like this

Louisville: Hey Bruce, would you be interested in coaching us?

Bruce: Lol, go f*** yourself

Louisville: You know, maybe we should formally offer just to be sure?

(Bruce accepts Auburn extension)

Gromcat: Well if Louisville had ACTUALLY formally offered, then Bruce would be gone in a heart beat. I’m sure of it and everyone who thinks otherwise just doesn’t know what they’re talking about

[roll] [roll][roll]
Why are we all just expecting KP to have interest in the gig? I’ve literally read nothing that suggests he would be interested. Are we all just assuming?
There’s a big push by the boosters. And it would give KP a shot at his alma mater. UofL wants hi to run a clean protea. And improve their image.
Why are we all just expecting KP to have interest in the gig? I’ve literally read nothing that suggests he would be interested. Are we all just assuming?
I heard Jerry Eaves say earlier in the week that he had talked with Payne and that he was definitely interested. I doubt if he wants it if Louisville tries to lowball him though, and they will at first because they are a low rent outfit.
Why are we all just expecting KP to have interest in the gig? I’ve literally read nothing that suggests he would be interested. Are we all just assuming?
Maybe we should get Gromcats take on it. He seems to be be connected and in the loop on things.