Bruce Pearl Has Been In Contact With Lousiville Officials

Will Wade legitimately scares me.
Will Wade: Why come to UL?

1) Adidas room ready to go with a personal ATM
2) Minardi Hall - where the parties are never recorded.
3) Uncle Emmert would approve of this move and UL officially joins the Holy Grail of untouchable schools with Duke and Kansas.
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New frontrunner, you heard it here...

From the Auburn site. Not a whole heap of substance, but I try to bring over info when I can.

“We've been making calls/texts today in search of reliable information regarding Auburn's desire to keep Bruce Pearl here for the rest of his coaching career.

You won't be surprised to learn that Auburn very much wants BP to stay.

To that end:

• The department next week will seek formal approval to move forward with plans to expand/augment the basketball facility so that men's and women's basketball each will have their own space. As it stands right now, the two teams share a practice court. They also split arena time with volleyball and gymnastics. The tentative plan is to expand the greater Auburn Arena complex to include a second practice center with attached offices. My guess, based on the existing facility's layout, is that they'd build the new practice area where the loading dock exists right now and then somehow attach a new loading dock in a manner that makes logistical sense.

• Auburn's financial situation is much stronger than it was 18 months ago. We're told fundraising for the football facility, which is approximately half-way finished, really picked up and will not be a limiting factor from a financial standpoint. This is great news from an athletics perspective. In that vein, several donors have approached Allen Greene and the department at large to pledge money for this new/augmented basketball practice space. This also is great news from an athletics perspective.

• Bruce Pearl currently earns approximately $4 million per year, which USA TODAY ranks 7th among all coaches and 3rd among SEC coaches behind UK's John Calipari ($8.1 million) and UT's Rick Barnes ($4.7 million). We're told that Auburn is prepared to offer Pearl both a raise and extension at season's end, which we expect to be worth somewhere between $5 million and $6 million per season.

Pearl will be 62 years old at season's end. Also consider that facility upgrades are hurtling toward approval, a salary bump for both him and his assistants is on deck and Auburn steadfastly defended him (and believed in him) throughout the FBI and NCAA scrutiny related to Chuck Person's arrest. If Pearl chose to leave for another job, that decision would have nothing to do with Auburn dragging its feet or not showing proper respect for what he's accomplished here.

For once, the athletic department is united on something: Auburn must do what's necessary to keep Pearl on campus and building Auburn into a consistent national power.”
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From the Auburn site. Not a whole heap of substance, but I try to bring over info when I can.

“We've been making calls/texts today in search of reliable information regarding Auburn's desire to keep Bruce Pearl here for the rest of his coaching career.

You won't be surprised to learn that Auburn very much wants BP to stay.

To that end:

• The department next week will seek formal approval to move forward with plans to expand/augment the basketball facility so that men's and women's basketball each will have their own space. As it stands right now, the two teams share a practice court. They also split arena time with volleyball and gymnastics. The tentative plan is to expand the greater Auburn Arena complex to include a second practice center with attached offices. My guess, based on the existing facility's layout, is that they'd build the new practice area where the loading dock exists right now and then somehow attach a new loading dock in a manner that makes logistical sense.

• Auburn's financial situation is much stronger than it was 18 months ago. We're told fundraising for the football facility, which is approximately half-way finished, really picked up and will not be a limiting factor from a financial standpoint. This is great news from an athletics perspective. In that vein, several donors have approached Allen Greene and the department at large to pledge money for this new/augmented basketball practice space. This also is great news from an athletics perspective.

• Bruce Pearl currently earns approximately $4 million per year, which USA TODAY ranks 7th among all coaches and 3rd among SEC coaches behind UK's John Calipari ($8.1 million) and UT's Rick Barnes ($4.7 million). We're told that Auburn is prepared to offer Pearl both a raise and extension at season's end, which we expect to be worth somewhere between $5 million and $6 million per season.

Pearl will be 62 years old at season's end. Also consider that facility upgrades are hurtling toward approval, a salary bump for both him and his assistants is on deck and Auburn steadfastly defended him (and believed in him) throughout the FBI and NCAA scrutiny related to Chuck Person's arrest. If Pearl chose to leave for another job, that decision would have nothing to do with Auburn dragging its feet or not showing proper respect for what he's accomplished here.

For once, the athletic department is united on something: Auburn must do what's necessary to keep Pearl on campus and building Auburn into a consistent national power.”
Pearl will be 70 before Auburn finishes any upgrades to any athletic facilities. UL already has all of that in place.

He's gone to UL (no insider info here, but I believe he will indeed go...not middle of the season, but as soon as he is bounced from the NCAAT).
Pearl will be 70 before Auburn finishes any upgrades to any athletic facilities. UL already has all of that in place.

He's gone to UL (no insider info here, but I believe he will indeed go...not middle of the season, but as soon as he is bounced from the NCAAT).
Hmmm, it only took a 1-1/2 years to build the new 17 story that I work in.
I hope they do hire pearl as their next coach. I believe pearl is wanting a pay raise from auburn and doesn't want the job at ul.
If you look at Pearl's previous 3 stops compared to AU he has a worse winning percentage, worse conference winning percentage and lower success rate at making post season tournaments at AU than anywhere else he has been. There is a reason they have been to 1 final four in their history. It's hard to win there and he has to know that he would win more consistently at U of L.
The fact that UofL is reaching out to Pearl despite the fact that UofL AND Pearl are both currently on NCAA probation says it all about that sewer program. I think Pearl is a good coach but he is the last thing UofL needs right now with sanctions hanging over their head like a sword. If it was any other program but Louisville I would bet the house they wouldn't hire him....but it's U6.....the land of Sypher, Katina, payouts and extortion.
It's pretty telling that UofL wants to hire their coach with an interim AD and no input from the President of the University. Win at all costs U.
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Dude, stop. You have no clue how this works and you’re an Auburn fan so I get it. If Louisville offers Pearl he’s gone. Auburn is not a destination job. I can tell you’ve never been to the Lex / Lou area because if you had you’d know Auburn can’t compete with that on its best day in history. Pearl against Cal UK / UL that’s what coaches coach for their entire lives. It’s basketball heaven.

Coaches say all sorts of things. Memphis thought Cal would stay over UK. This happens all the time with smaller fan bases. If UL wants Pearl he’s gone. Fast. Rival with UK, playing Duke and UNC yearly, this is what every coach wants.

Auburn is an afterthought and there’s no way Pearl would choose to stay in that dump playing second fiddle to the swim team and Alabama everything. Go away.
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I hope they do hire pearl as their next coach. I believe pearl is wanting a pay raise from auburn and doesn't want the job at ul.

Who in their right mind thinks anyone would stay at Auburn for a basketball program and to compete against UK and Cal yearly? People, it’s legit insane to believe that.

Pearl would RELISH that rivalry. That’s right up his alley. Pray he doesn’t get it.
The UofL job is a massive upgrade over Auburn. If he doesn't take the UofL job it means one of two things, UofL gets cold feet or Auburn pays him more than UofL will.

Also....I believe Pearl is less of a hot commodity than what he should be. Obviously not a hot take, but if he was squeaky clean and didn't have baggage he would have already been gone from Auburn.
Pearl isn’t leaving for another job again unless it’s UK. And I don’t think they’d ever consider him after Cal.
Dude, stop. You have no clue how this works and you’re an Auburn fan so I get it. If Louisville offers Pearl he’s gone. Auburn is not a destination job. I can tell you’ve never been to the Lex / Lou area because if you had you’d know Auburn can’t compete with that on its best day in history. Pearl against Cal UK / UL that’s what coaches coach for their entire lives. It’s basketball heaven.

Coaches say all sorts of things. Memphis thought Cal would stay over UK. This happens all the time with smaller fan bases. If UL wants Pearl he’s gone. Fast. Rival with UK, playing Duke and UNC yearly, this is what every coach wants.

Auburn is an afterthought and there’s no way Pearl would choose to stay in that dump playing second fiddle to the swim team and Alabama everything. Go away.
Never said Auburn could compete with Lex or Louisville as a city (I know this because I’ve been to both several times). With that said, Pearl is staying at Auburn. I’m sorry that bothers you
Never said Auburn could compete with Lex or Louisville as a city (I know this because I’ve been to both several times). With that said, Pearl is staying at Auburn. I’m sorry that bothers you

I hope he stays at Auburn. If UL offers he’s gone the next day. You just don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re in the land of hope just like all little programs. They all go through this when they land a winning coach.

lol he won’t leave. He loves it here (at a barn?)


- signed every small program and their fans.
I hope he stays at Auburn. If UL offers he’s gone the next day. You just don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re in the land of hope just like all little programs. They all go through this when they land a winning coach.

lol he won’t leave. He loves it here (at a barn?)


- signed every small program and their fans.
Dude, the odds are he prob will take the UofL job if offered and I would too, but stop acting like there is no possible way he turns them down if he is offered and talking down to people who believe its possible he would stay.
People should consider that this isn't JUST the UK rivalry that UL has, they also play UNC, Duke, NC St, Syracuse every year. Plus Louisville can get OOC games Auburn can only dream about.

Throw in a higher salary, bigger arena, bigger platform at school, and a program that makes $$$$ ...... I would think UL would be a great final stop on the Bruce Pearl Train.
Dude, the odds are he prob will take the UofL job if offered and I would too, but stop acting like there is no possible way he turns them down if he is offered and talking down to people who believe its possible he would stay.

There is ZERO chance he would stay at Auburn over UL unless there’s a lot of money involved and there probably won’t be.

Pearl hates Cal and loves beating him. This goes way back to Cal trying to cancel the Mem / UT game. I know exactly what I’m talking about. Pearl loves that Cal hates him. He definitely wants the UL job if offered.

That guy is an Auburn fan doing the same thing all small programs do right up until they lose their coach. “Memphis is where I want to be”. I’ve already lived this, and Memphis was offering more money than UK, and he had established the number 1 class there. He still left.

You guys lol. Just so clueless.
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