Bruce Pearl Has Been In Contact With Lousiville Officials

I know he is a Louisville guy but he's also a Kentucky guy (Payne)

I thought UL was fed up with Kentucky basketball/Administration transplant coming over to intentionally sabotage their program?

So word is out Pearl badly wants the job where rumors were just released yesterday about the possibility of the coach being separated today? If true, this just didn't happen in the span of 24 hours.
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Ok, so little brother gets in trouble for cheating, and then shows interest in 2 coaches that are known cheaters???? Maybe they are interested because they want to continue cheating and Wad and Pearl seem to be untouchable.
My hate for UL is second only to my hate for Puke.

But if they hire Kenny, it will make it harder to hate UL (I still will, but slightly less because we all love Kenny).

Put Bruce, Oats or even better - Will Wade - at UL, then that rivalry will be the hottest ticket every year (and my hate will continue unabated!)
I hope they don’t hire Kenny. I can’t hate KP.
Ok, so little brother gets in trouble for cheating, and then shows interest in 2 coaches that are known cheaters???? Maybe they are interested because they want to continue cheating and Wad and Pearl seem to be untouchable.
You forgot cheating is allowed now, it's the way of the world. Bruce could take the job since he's not scared of Cals big swinging sausage. I don't think he does but it wouldn't surprise me.
I wonder if they can get cheaper, not attractive strippers if the kick in a little cash with it or maybe have the strippers attend the BBQ. Seems like the perfect fit for Bruce and Wade.
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Pearl has the #1 team right now and has it going at Auburn…Louisville is not a step up…it’s lateral move at best
As much as I hate UofL basketball, that is just not the case.
**Louisville has multiple NCAA titles....Auburn has zero
**Louisville has been to 8 Final Fours....Auburn has 1/under Pearl
**Louisville is top 26 all time in wins....Auburn not on the list
**Louisville is a bball school....Auburn is a football school
**Louisville's arena holds over 20k....Auburns arena holds 9k
**Louisville fans care about bball during football season....Auburn fans care about football during football season.

To say it's a lateral move is a silly take or comes from a lack of knowledge regarding NCAA bball history.
Pearl is smart. He's putting his name out there to put the squeeze on Auburn for a BIG pay raise
It’s amazing how few people ITT realize this. Even Gus fvcking Malzahn did that with Arkansas and we took the bait. Difference is that we’ll gladly pay Bruce whatever he’s wanting, as opposed to reluctantly paying Gus to stick around when we should have said deuces
As much as I hate UofL basketball, that is just not the case.
**Louisville has multiple NCAA titles....Auburn has zero
**Louisville has been to 8 Final Fours....Auburn has 1/under Pearl
**Louisville is top 26 all time in wins....Auburn not on the list
**Louisville is a bball school....Auburn is a football school
**Louisville's arena holds over 20k....Auburns arena holds 9k
**Louisville fans care about bball during football season....Auburn fans care about football during football season.

To say it's a lateral move is a silly take or comes from a lack of knowledge regarding NCAA bball history.
Of course, it's not a lateral move. It would be a huge step up and an opportunity to engender himself with the Louisville fanbase by bringing consistency and success back to the program. It would DEFINITELY heat up the rivalry between us, no question !!
Even though UL is a dumpster fire at this time it’s still one of the top 10 college basketball jobs and Pearl would kill it
If Pearl does want the UL job, he clearly hates Cal more than we can fathom 😂

I was saying yesterday, Pearl would give his left nut to go to Louisville and compete against UK and Calipari. And at a basketball program no less? Which he’s never had?

I personally want no part of it.

Pearl and Cal hate each other, going back to UT and Memphis days. Pearl finds humor in knowing Calipari hates him. I’ve heard Calipari discuss Seth Davis, Pearl, and strip clubs when he thought no one was around. Got lucky and overheard it from the ballroom at the Oxford inn.

I don’t think Louisville will hire Pearl though, unless they’ve fully embraced the villain role. They’re in no position to hire one of the biggest cheaters in the game.

And for those that keep saying why would he leave Auburn? Auburn is a basketball wasteland, the city sucks, and he’ll leave for the first good offer out of town yes. Hard to believe more don’t understand this.
It’s amazing how few people ITT realize this. Even Gus fvcking Malzahn did that with Arkansas and we took the bait. Difference is that we’ll gladly pay Bruce whatever he’s wanting, as opposed to reluctantly paying Gus to stick around when we should have said deuces

That may be, but if Louisville offered he’s gone and fast. Every single nothing program that has a little run under a decent coach for the first time buys up the coach speak. Trust me, Bruce Pearl is a total piece of shit and couldn’t care less about AU basketball lol. He’s only there to make some money and see if he can repair his name which he just screwed up again.

Auburn is such a cheating institution. Horrible name around the country and it always amazes me. But then again, we know what little brothers do. Alabama has Auburn, we have Louisville.
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Will Wade is custom-made for the rival villain role. That guy’s personality is so unlikable anyways …add in the UL uniform and, my Lord, will he ever be easy to hate.

Will Wade legitimately scares me.
I don't see why Pearl would leave a program he has taken from garbage to being the #1 team in the country to go to a place that is still awaiting the hammer from the NCAA and would be under a glaring microscope because A. They are known cheaters and B. He is a known cheater. In fact, I don't know anyone who would want that job unless they are young and too stupid to know better.

Here's the painful truth for UofL: you may be PO'd at the coach and want him gone, but now is not the time to try to find a new coach. Wait until the NCAA is completely finished with whatever penalties are going to be handed down, THEN fire Mack and hire someone else. Once the looming NCAA issues are done, the job becomes more appealing. Right now, what elite coach is gonna leave his current position to take that job?
I'm still surprised that both Pearl and UL think its a good idea

but after reading the board , twitter and some other opinions, I do believe its more likely to happen that I initially thought

It might be easier to recruit at UL (after sanctions) but he's also competing in the ACC - there aren't many football schools there Bruce, and I would believe sooner rather than later Pearl would start taking shortcuts which is the last thing UL needs. Pearl has a history of doing it and past performance is the best indicator of future success

Several weeks before anything happens either way
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IMHO, they should give the job to the assistant and see if he can do anything with it. Once sanctions are over, they can go after a name coach if assistant doesn't work out. Probably makes too much sense for them to do.
UL hires BP
UL/BP get caught cheating
UL defenders start crying "the NCAA is picking on us"

rinse and repeat