Ben Roberts reporting Ivisic not in town yet. Cause for concern ?

You can bet he will be held hostage ala Kanter and will never sniff the court at Rupp.
Because his presence on this roster could result in another championship and the powers that be do not want that. We prolly win it all in 2011 with Kanter; same reason.
Ive seen this movie before.
We are screwed…well…blue.
You can bet he will be held hostage ala Kanter and will never sniff the court at Rupp.
Because his presence on this roster could result in another championship and the powers that be do not want that. We prolly win it all in 2011 with Kanter; same reason.
Ive seen this movie before.
We are screwed…well…blue.
I hope you are wrong but fear you are right.
Pilgrim has been pretty consistent since the UK news broke, that he would be here last week of August. Probably has to get his Visas, Passports, other stuff in place, before arriving. Since this was kind of a last minute thing, I suspect he and UK have been working to get all the paperwork completed.

I don't think UK would have made the formal announcement a week or so ago, if there was any major hiccups in the process. IN fact, I suspect UK did the announcement to try and head off any worries.
Sometimes all it takes is a little spark to start a brush fire!

Pilgrim has been pretty consistent since the UK news broke, that he would be here last week of August. Probably has to get his Visas, Passports, other stuff in place, before arriving. Since this was kind of a last minute thing, I suspect he and UK have been working to get all the paperwork completed.

I don't think UK would have made the formal announcement a week or so ago, if there was any major hiccups in the process. IN fact, I suspect UK did the announcement to try and head off any worries.
^^ This seems more likely.
Should be here in the next 2 days according to Pilgrim. Just one certification needed to prove he’s fluent in English. He is, just need the exam. Which is insane considering he could walk illegally over the border and get free room and board right now with no problem.
No freaking kidding. If you try and do it the legal way, it will take you years.
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That's because a handful here want negative, it feeds their agendas. So they take even the silliest topic or rumor and run around planting seeds, hoping they blossom into a full blown "see I told you so" situation come February.
Nope. I'm negative because of what Cal has and hasn't done. And until he changed his ways and the direction of the program, there's no logical reason for me to feel any differently. Recruiting class rankings mean nothing to me.
Nope. I'm negative because of what Cal has and hasn't done. And until he changed his ways and the direction of the program, there's no logical reason for me to feel any differently. Recruiting class rankings mean nothing to me.
We have all been frustrated with Cal. But it doesn't warrant incessant negativity even before the season has even started. Let's let it play out and hope like hell Cal and his staff can straighten their act and win some games.
We have all been frustrated with Cal. But it doesn't warrant incessant negativity even before the season has even started. Let's let it play out and hope like hell Cal and his staff can straighten their act and win some games.
I respect your undying optimism. I don't have it. If I'd had the power he would been gone sometime ago. Build it and they will come is my motto. He doesn't deserve any further leash after the stunts he's pulled, and his awful track record of late. I'm not a prescriber of buying video games and movies to know if they're worth buying. That's what reviews (and I read lots of them before making purchasing decisions) are for, and there's plenty of review material out there on Cal.
I respect your undying optimism. I don't have it. If I'd had the power he would been gone sometime ago. Build it and they will come is my motto. He doesn't deserve any further leash after the stunts he's pulled, and his awful track record of late. I'm not a prescriber of buying video games and movies to know if they're worth buying. That's what reviews (and I read lots of them before making purchasing decisions) are for, and there's plenty of review material out there on Cal.
and the reviews aren't good anymore
If it is Visa issues then he should try coming in via the southern border.... if he is caught they'll make sure he makes it to campus it's less of a headache than trying to do it the legal way.