Our Three (3) Guards

Took 75% of the shots.
Scored 78% of the points.
Two (2) fouled out.
Hard to guard, shoot well.
They simply cannot play defense.
Inside game is non-existent.
Still, though, offense is not the problem.
It would be be nice to have more scoring balance, but …
Defense, rebounding and physicality are the big problems and have been all year.
We’ve scored 90 points three (3) times (twice this week) and lost the game … we are inept defensively, poor rebounders and weak physically.
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Does UK have the best frontcourt in CBB now?

This writer thinks so.
The news that had the entire state buzzing was the NCAA's clearance of the Croatian seven-footer Zvonimir Ivisic. He made his Kentucky debut in this game, scoring 13 points to go with five rebounds, three blocks, two assists, and two steals. Ivisic looked solid rebounding the basketball, which was a question mark we had about the big man. Big Z is going to be a dominant force in college basketball. Another player who played well in this win was Tre Mitchell. He led Kentucky with 23 points while also grabbing five rebounds, dishing four assists, and blocking a shot. With Ivisic officially on the floor with Mitchell, Aaron Bradshaw, and Ugonna Onyenso, Kentucky has the best frontcourt in college basketball.

i mean this in all seriousness and without trying to start anything

Is there any UK basketball board where rational fans can talk UK and college basketball? this place has been so full of nonsensical Calipari hate it is just not a legitimate forum where reality can be talked about. I mean he isn't god he does make mistakes and he can be hard headed but No one in their right mind can argue he is one of the all time greats and while he had a few down years ( relatively as we were a 2 seed 3 seasons ago and a good not great season last year) He has righted the ship and has us as one of the top 5 teams in terms of a chance to cut down the nets . Yet people on here spend more threads attacking him as if he was some shlub not the 2nd greatest coach at UK ever. It just gets tiring when all I want to do is talk realistically about UK basketball , recruiting and sometimes UK players in the NBA . Is that too much to ask? There has to be a site for normal UK fans who aren't nuts in the worst way.

10 games left

And by my account 7 of those games are games we could easily lose.

Home games- Gonzaga, ole Miss, Bama

Road games- Auburn, LSU, Miss. st, and UT

Could easily add Vandy on the road to this list but I’m feeling generous. I certainly don’t think we lose all 7 but we are losing at least 4 of these and possibly 5 and the way this season is going we might lose one of the other 3 games I have us as definitely winning.

Cal ain’t changing anything so this season is going down in flames!!!

Team isn’t very good

Everybody let’s be honest, this team is in the same mold as the 2018 team. They are decent but have to many problems and other issues holding them back. In a make or break year and Kentucky is probably gonna have 10-11 losses. This program is a joke right now and we are stuck with a damn black hole for a coach

Cal’s failure

1. Our staring lineup has been a problem for weeks. We start most games flat and seem to play from behind.

2. Not adapting to guarding the 3 point shot. That is the new offense everyone runs and Cal doesn’t know how to take it away.

3. Crazy ass lineups. At the worst times. You could also add favoritism and promises of playing time.

4. Cal runs very few plays, the only adjustment he has made this year is getting our big out of the paint.

5. Apparently he prepares for our very little of our opponents. He says he just worries about his team.

I literally could go on and on and I’m a damn idiot. How come our millionaire AD doesn’t address some of these things.

UK fans have lowered their expectations to meet Cal’s performance

Cal has brainwashed enough of the fan base with his continuous comments about how hard it is to play here. We are young. They are not robots etc…

UK fans have long been declared the most passionate/ outrageous fans and now this guy has been allowed (mainly by Mitch) to “de-claw” us.

Now so much time has passed since his only title the narcissist in him is realizing his legacy is about to be cemented as most underachieving coach in CBB. But it appears too late and the game has passed him. So we will rinse and repeat the same BS March only matters until we get sent home early then - oh well we had a great season be happy for these kids.
