The Big Brother Little Brother game in Freedom HALL. UL had won their second
national championship in the 85-86 season and Denny Crum started spouting off
that they had 2 championships since we had won our last one and that they were
now the better program, the best in the state. This was all the buzz in the media
leading up to our annual game with them. Eddie Sutton responded that winning 2
championships was very good but we had won 5 and as far as he knew5 was more
than 2 and that we had been around lot longer than they had which made us the
Big Brother and made them Little brother and once you're Big Brother you're
Always Big Brother! Nothing can change that!
Of course this really fired up Crum and all the UL fans. The game was at their place,
we only dressed 7 scholarship players due to injuries to Cedric Jenkins, Winston
Bennett and Paul Andrews. I was concerned about this because a friend of mine,
who is a UL fan, had season tickets and invited me to the game. I kinda wished
Eddie hadn't made those statements, thinking it could backfire on us. But not to
worry. We went into Freedom Hall without a full roster and spanked the Little
Brother's azz by 34 POINTS proving once and for all Who is really the BIG BROTHER!