If UK wins their 1st three games (all at home) over S. Miss, South Carolina and #1 Georgia

[IMG alt="HerrosHeroes"][/IMG]



Not this yr., not after today. Today was the beginning of the end of this little 5 yrs of good football at UK. NIL will see that we suck even more moving forward.
We're not a FB school.
Resources compared to basketball have always tilted one way.


I just looked at pics of Izmir. It's 21st Mediterranean Beachtown now. A long sweeping promenade of hotels and cafes. I don't know the age of the hotels in the pics below.

The bearded old men with hookahs sounds like a 1940s movie set. Turkey does cultivate opium legally for the medical production of opioids, but it is strictly controlled, and personal use gets you a jail sentence. No legal recreational drug other than alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco.

I am talking nearly sixty years ago. Looks a lot different these days.
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You have my attention... LOL
The main base was about 20 miles out in Cigli. At that time, opium was a major cash crop for Turkey. You could see them growing it right next to the fence around the base. It was always women working in the fields, ugly ones at that. Our gov eventually convinced Turkey to outlaw it.


With this picture and the story on the sailors, this might interest you. Down on the waterfront in Izmir was entire city blocks with white haired bearded old men sitting on the sidewalk smoking hash or opium in their water pipes.
I just looked at pics of Izmir. It's 21st Mediterranean Beachtown now. A long sweeping promenade of hotels and cafes. I don't know the age of the hotels in the pics below.

The bearded old men with hookahs sounds like a 1940s movie set. Turkey does cultivate opium legally for the medical production of opioids, but it is strictly controlled, and personal use gets you a jail sentence. No legal recreational drug other than alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco.



- I don’t see how anyone can hate a team that’s deemed the lovable losers.

- On Mello drunken nights I’ll run through a good 10 songs of Pearl Jam. Easy to enjoy and happy for wcc that he could go to what would be a bucket list for many.

- Potential is there with this cats football team. Not disciplined which has been an issue, but it’s tough to get anything from a “cupcake” much less after a 3 hour weather delay.

- I want to hate Ole Miss and Kiffin, but really I’d like someone to just hire him away and they can drift back down to mediocrity where they belong. He should be in ACC already.

- Phillies might put a kink in my NYY/LAD World Series prediction, but I still like the dodgers.

- Went fishing this morning. Been too long and I’m looking forward to my kids genuinely being excited to fish too. I was too cool and in college when my dad got into fishing so I missed the opportunity, but spending that time with these kids is something I’m looking forward to.

Maybe the biggest off-season move…

Was hiring back Wolford. I know it’s southern miss. But anyone remember how bad we looked against Miami-Ohio? O-line was looking crisp. Saban wanted him for a reason.

Yenser was an awful hire. Total project hire.
Replacing the inept receivers coach was equally as important. And both these guys were Coen picks . Amazing that some wanted him if as our coach if Stoops had left .

Rings of Power series on Amazon in Sept

My favorite part was where Elrond Richard Kimbled in front of his king and suffered zero consequences for his essentially traitorous act. In fact he gets promoted.

The first 3 episodes are essentially the length of one Lord of the Rings movie and the amount of nothingness that happens in the show compared to what transpires in one of those movies is beyond belief. All 3 of those episodes could have been cut into one episode.

More musings:

Sauron goes to Mordor only to get captured and then bargains for his freedom? That's the plan?

Glad they brought back Eminem. Still don't know why that story line is still in the show. At least we only have one two crappy Hobbits instead of a caravan. The bell on the well thing was hilarious. Why are you so stupid?

Galadriel is still the worst. Not wise nor caring like she should be. Her stupidity furthers the plot I guess.

The blind queen navigating stairs like she is Daredevil is hilariously stupid. I was waiting for her to do cartwheels and a moonwalk on them.

And the eagle...the effin eagle shows up and screeches and everyone is yelling the eagle favors Pharazon! How the hell did they come to that conclusion when earlier they say if an eagle shows up at her coronation it would be a good sign for her reign?

