Jasper Johnson

I personally hope Jasper flourishes at UK if he comes here and ends up being good enough to leave after one season.

Pope needs some OAD street cred. He can merge that with everything Cal did with our guards in order to stay relevant with elite high school players.

We don't have to have a team of OAD talent, but having one or two a year isn't going to disrupt Pope's system.
No Pope doesn’t need that at all.. We have seen that and quite frankly don’t need it or want it.


Yeah, shame he couldn't have worked his way up servicing Willie Brown.
Now back to your regularly scheduled secular government cult feigning imaginary moral superiority with just about anything.

You have already forgotten that you wrote today of Harris "... in an effort to appear pure or messianic."

See a doctor about your short term memory loss.
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Some biden political hack appointee does not equal any spat with the armed forces.
Amazing how proud you are of biden weaponizing government institutions for purely political purposes.
A decent human would be ashamed of that type of abuse of power.
Now back to your tall tales and innuendo. But muh Russian quid pro stormy arlington muh collusion, err sumthin!
Once again. kamala and biden couldn't be bothered to show up or even acknowledge that they were invited to come.
But maybe if you post it another hundred times it will get some traction for kamala, 🤡


A little trivia....the lady praying on the last picture is Paula White. Has been a spiritual advisor to Trump and family for 20+(?) years.
Also would go to NYC and conduct bible studies for the New York Yankees. Is very close to Darryl Strawberry and his wife.
Out of the blue years ago she got a call from Trump. Had never met or talked to him. He said (paraphasing here)...I watch your show every week and I would like you to come to New York so we can talk. She says that on that call he quoted almost verbatim the sermon that she gave on her last show.

She is married to Jonathon Cain....long time (since about '80) keyboardist for Journey.

He is one lucky man.


Being brainwashed is tough too.
Question of the day....
How does it feel to support the only candidate that is in a fight with the US Army and Arlington National Cemetery?? 🤡
In a fight? The army has considered the issue closed. Arlington cemetery hasn’t issued any type of statement since, meanwhile at least 6 gold star families have issued statements of condemnation against Harris in support of Trump. You’re a ****ing loon.

Maybe the biggest off-season move…

I think it's an upgrade, but Wolford was put on blast the way he left last time but his coaching style and substitution pattern was vastly different to John Schlarman and honestly it hasn't been the Big Blue Wall since Schlarman passed. Wolford is a good recruiter (so we're told) and he may really be a good O-line coach. Yenser wasn't and the play dropped off definitely with him coaching O-line but Wolford hasn't come close to filling Schlarman's shoes yet.

Revisionist history at its finest.
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This whole Arlington thing is a reflection of how lazy the MSM media, not to mention certain posters on this board.

This country’s got 999 problems, but a former POTUS who honors deceased veterans buried at Arlington at the request of those veterans ain’t one of them…… this is just a useful distraction from the failures of the Harris - Biden administration.

That's all they do. When the right does something good, they jump into overtime to turn it into something bad. Lowlifes with wimpy little sheep carrying their water.


Seems pretty genuine to me. and doesn't ever have to claim he likes hot sauce or chitterlings. (shrug)


A little trivia....the lady praying on the last picture is Paula White. Has been a spiritual advisor to Trump and family for 20+(?) years.
Also would go to NYC and conduct bible studies for the New York Yankees. Is very close to Darryl Strawberry and his wife.
Out of the blue years ago she got a call from Trump. Had never met or talked to him. He said (paraphasing here)...I watch your show every week and I would like you to come to New York so we can talk. She says that on that call he quoted almost verbatim the sermon that she gave on her last show.

She is married to Jonathon Cain....long time (since about '80) keyboardist for Journey.



I have said before, someone goes to college and majors in journalism and writes stories like this. The Associated Press:

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Wasn't it CNN or somebody who ran actual stories about Trump drinking too much diet coke? A panel of like 6 people talking about it.


This whole Arlington thing is a reflection of how lazy the MSM media, not to mention certain posters on this board.

This country’s got 999 problems, but a former POTUS who honors deceased veterans buried at Arlington at the request of those veterans ain’t one of them…… this is just a useful distraction from the failures of the Harris - Biden administration.
Completely ignoring the fact that the media had absolutely NOTHING to do with this incident.
Trump is in hot water because ARLINGTON officials and the US ARMY rebuked him for his BS behavior.
This has NEVER been an issue with anyone at Arlington before Trump.
The media is reporting facts that you just don't like to hear.
Just like J6th.
