Kentucky leads the United States in sugar consumption

The FDA prioritizes corporate profit over our countries health.

Rogan had a guy on the recently taking about this. Said Canada allows 700 ingredients and our FDA allows infinitely more. Froot Loops are made differently in Canada than they are in the USA, because the FDA allows ingredients that are addictive to children.

Kentucky leads the United States in sugar consumption

They really do nothing to fill you up. At least fast food satisfies hunger. I've always thought that sugary caloric drinks are probably the worst thing you could consume if you're trying to lose weight. They have absolutely no benefit.

It’s not just that calories either. There’s a long list of issues that come along with drinking liquid sugar.

Peter Attia had had a MD named Rick Johnson on a few times and he goes into all the details, particularly blood pressure. Are bodies are not equipped to handle rapid consumption of liquified sugar.


Man, I would flush ten $100 bills down the toilet with my wife watching if Trump is the next President. However, I just can’t let myself believe that with the cheating, illegals voting, and ABORTION being pushed by the democrats, that Trump will be #47.
Look what happened in the 2022 mid terms.

Hope I am wrong. Just don’t underestimate the power of evil. Praying Gods will is for evil to be defeated.
Does The power of evil make trump phuck hookers while married, stiff contractors, file bankruptcy 7 times, lie, cheat, steal and brag his ass off????
