There is just a learning curve involved. Stop mansplaining. We aren’t going to win future wars if we don’t allow curb rash on our alloy wheels.

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I interviewed a female veteran who served as an officer on ships about this incident, and she shared an intriguing perspective I've never heard before.

She said that it took men centuries and thousands of shipwrecks to master commanding ships without major incidents, and we should expect some losses as women, who think differently, learn the ropes and gain that experience too doing it their way.

She said losses are to be expected and they are ok especially if there's no loss of life.

She said we shouldn't try to investigate this from a male perspective but learn lessons from a female perspective.

I didn't include this in the article because I couldn't figure out how to present it without sparking a DEI firestorm, but it's a thought-provoking take nonetheless
I kinda agree. Women do think different and this could become be a major tactical advantage for us but testing new methods and systems of thought comes with risks, especially at sea.

The question is, with our @USNavyCNO saying to be prepared for war in 2027… can we afford to test new methods and lose ships while mistakes are inevitably made in the learning process?

Or maybe with possible war looming on the horizon and so many great women already in command across our fleet… can we afford not to let them do things different and make mistakes?

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Good morning folks. Back in DC area after my weekend in Kentucky. Dad is still struggling emotionally but I hope it brought him some comfort for me to be there.

It was a grueling drive back yesterday. On what must be one of the busiest stretches of road in American - I-70 heading for DC and Baltimore and the intersection with I-79 to Pittsburgh -- the interstate was shut down for some emergency repairs, with many lanes squeezed into one. Traveling four miles took me almost three hours. And a trip I routinely make in a fewer than eight hours took nearly eleven.

But it is sunny and cool in the east. Got in a long run this morning, and feel good. I hope it is a good day for all of you.

Kentucky leads the United States in sugar consumption

When we say healthy food is not more expensive what exactly are we talking about? I’m thinking a box of shitty processed spaghetti with a really sugary low quality spaghetti sauce can feed a family of 5 for under 5 bucks. The same amount of high quality spaghetti with a good quality, less sugar more actual tomatoes and ingredients sauce will be more than twice that. Conversely, an organic non hormone and chemical laced grilled chicken with salad dinner for a family of 5 is going to be five times that. What am I missing? Ramen, Mac n cheese, high fat low quality ground beef, hormone laced cheap milk etc is all way cheaper than the healthier alternatives. What am I missing?

You’re missing that the first link was from the USDA. They’re the organization that gave us the food pyramid and should be laughed out of any discussion regarding health foods and public health policy. Odds are that study was funded by Phillip Morris or RJ Reynolds.
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Kentucky leads the United States in sugar consumption

$32 and this is a very conservative list. Easily good for 4 meals plus breakfast. It isn't rocket science....people just don't want to take the time to do it. Family of 4 is going to spend this on one trip to CFA.

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Incredible what you’re ok with trump doing. Where’s the limit? I know there isn’t one, I’m just asking for fun.

So if Kamala had her own version of the Bible that would be cool too right? Just glad to see the Bible in schools again.

The left has their pwn version of religion and it is very much in schools at all levels.


