It’s a casserole inside of a pizza crust, or lasagna with crust around it. But it’s ok, because it’s the 3rd largest city in the US and you can get 50,000 different pizza styles from 5,000 amazing pizza places.
That's not true at all either. I make Chicago style pizza that, frankly, is just about as good as you get in Chicago. I can confidently say that because you don't need some fancy coal oven to get a similar taste.

Dough is normal thickness compared to say Dominos, but you put in a pie pan and pull it up over the side. Then you put cheese, toppings, more cheese, and then the sauce. The fact that you have depth from the pan which you fill with the toppings, cheese and sauce makes it thick.

In terms of ingredients there are two key differences: you put some butter in the dough which makes it a little flakier and you put slices of provolone as the first layer on top of the dough.

PS: Lasagna? There's no pasta in a f'ing Chicago style pizza. Stick to Mexican Pizza, Ron!

The end of an era. ELO final tour.

Actually several over the years were referred to as the 5th Beatle.

Pete Best
George Martin

...being a couple others. Jeff Lynn was one as well.

John referred to them as "sons of the Beatles"

Actually Pete Best was one of the original Beatles. He was replaced with Richard Starkey better know as Ringo Starr. I knew Martin was really involved in producing. I was going on info I was able to find at the time of my term paper (and Lord knows that information was not anywhere near readily available as it is now). 🙃 As I stated I am old !!

It does make me want to try to find my old paper though. Back then, not everyone had type writers and I didn't pay to have someone type out my paper. My prof said if I had turned in my work typed I would have received a better grade but I was happy with the "C+" I got, actually one of my higher grades !!🤪🤪🤪
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One loss Clemson

Southern Miss has gone 3-9 in 3 out of the last 4 years. Austin Peay finished 9-3 last year and hasn’t had a losing season since 2020.
Southern Miss would win 10 games against Austin Peay opponents and Austin Peay would lose 10 games against those of Southern Miss. If you weren't aware, they're in a different world. Southern Miss is a FBS midmajor and Austin Peay is FCS. To start with, that's a 22 scholarship difference.

The difference between a FBS midmajor and FCS, generally speaking, is a gap comparable to P4 and FBS midmajor, possibly even more. Well, except for North Dakota St.

*** Official CatsIllustrated Stupid Underdog Pick Contest - Week 2 ***

I picked Southern Cal as my SUP but it's not on the leaderboard. Have no fear, it's probably the only one I'll pick right all season, but still. My entry was one of the first 10 or so. I did spell out Southern Cal, not USC, so that may be the problem.
*** I found it. My code didn't pick up "Southern Cal" as being "USC". I didn't see that it didn't find your pick. MY code spits out a lot of warnings when it can't find a pick or someone makes a second pick, etc but I didn't see it when I manually looked through everything. People post a lot of things that aren't picks so by file gets a bit cluttered and my vision isn't as good as it used to be. It should be correct now. How you alerted me is the way you should do it. I try to make things right and fun. At the beginning of the year, there are a lot of things that are exceptions. One of my least favorite is the changing abbreviations for the teams. I had a ton of them this year, including "F" for "Furman" which my code would not accept no matter what I did. I finally went back in and changed the name to Furman. I'll probably have a few more of those things this week too.

So for those thinking of using "U" for Miami, I'll quote Biden, "Don't!" Might be single character names find a bug that I have.


Create fake news, scream about said fake news so loud the mayor has to come out and call you on your BS about their town, use mayor addressing it to then claim it's real. Totally reasonable adult behavior.

Direct quote from the article that Vi posted:

"Coffman acknowledged that residents of two or three apartment buildings in the city are being intimidated by a Venezuelan gang but said that Aurora Police are handling the situation and making arrests. Police said the gang's activity is "isolated."
Denver and Aurora's leaders have said for weeks that Tren de Aragua is in both cities and that police are working to determine the extent of their operations."

Doesn't appear to be fake to me. It appears one of 2 ways: either it is being blown out of proportion or they are covering up the extent of the gang activity for political reasons. Neither way involves the creation of fake news to me.


Good morning everyone

We had a good Labor Day weekend.....visited family for my Mom's 80th surprise BD. We actually surprised her.....she expected something next weekend (her actual BD). It was difficult to coordinate nearly 50 to be there. We had all her family and in-laws except 3....not bad.

We stayed home yesterday and caught up on some to-dos around the house, had some BBQ ribs, then a nice fire.

Celebrating our 36th anniversary at home today....wife's choice.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Storm! Hope you have another 36!!!!

One loss Clemson

What truly irks me is IofL being rocketed up to 22 in the polls for beating APSU. Austin Peay barely has a semblance of a football program. We at least beat a half-way competent opponent.

The ACC bias is real but won’t last long.
Southern Miss has gone 3-9 in 3 out of the last 4 years. Austin Peay finished 9-3 last year and hasn’t had a losing season since 2020.
