Wake up Culty C. Culter.
Says right there in the story, state law would have allowed for her to have an abortion. You should try reading your links sometimes instead of just the headline.


I know a Venezuelan, here legally but not a citizen, who told me..."you have no idea how ruthless and bloodthirsty these V-gangs are. There is nothing in the US that you can compare them to." She also said...if she were a citizen and could vote she would vote for Trump.

Same. Several. One is a citizen. Someone from their family is here on a visa/green card and is visibly frightened of ever being sent back. Would've been granted citizenship by now because of their studies and work here, if it weren't for all of the time taken away from immigration & naturalization by the deluge of illegals.

Slightly OT: Why Is Winning Not Important In College Coaching Contracts?

I guess you put out a provision that says
Like for Alabama.
"We are a championship level program, and you're expected as such to be in contention for championships if at any point you do not make the playoffs x number of years running Alabama reserve the right to end employment for cause of agreed on expectations not being met" not saying to can them but Alabama can make that decision without threat of owing a underperformer 70 million dollars or something. Likewise if the coach is upholding the agreed upon contract and expectations he will be entitled to full buyout and severance.

Although really the coaches have just about all of the power. And probably alot wouldn't sign something like that. But if you can have so many things in coaches favor in the contract the schools should be able to help themselves a little too.

What stops a coach from getting a 70-80 mil deal doing absolutely nothing at all in the job period, getting fired and collecting retirement in a few years? Answer is absolutely nothing.


Lots of you guys do that whole "If you do X then it means Y" thing. Is that a holdover from Rush Limbaugh or do you just think you can make things so by claiming it's so?
How does that differ from fine people trump meant the nazis and the mocking of a reporter who happened to have a disability meant he was mocking the reporters disability?


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Must have posted support for Trump on social media or Garland wouldn't have taken his hand out of his pocket long enough to pick up the phone.
