According to numbers I looked up, KY is indeed looking better with regards to number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths related to COVID-19. But when you say you won't wear one essentially until the virus is going crazy again (and it will, everywhere, because Americans are stupid and let politics cloud their judgment), that's kinda silly, because not wearing a mask or social distancing is EXACTLY why it will return and numbers will increase.
You do know that when the virus is down, the best approach is to KEEP IT DOWN by following health guidelines to wear masks and keep distant. It's still out there, and people still drive through KY from other states, stopping at gas stations you or other non-mask wearers might use, coughing, talking, breathing and sneezing, and touching gas pumps and pay station keypads in areas where you and other non-mask wearing Kentuckians might frequent.
With a mask - you've decreased chances of a resurgence (it's actually scientifically shown as being effective). This isn't some political scare tactic - people all around the world are wearing masks - are you saying this is a worldwide conspiracy by an American political party to oppress and take away freedoms of humanity all around the earth? It's absurd to me to even type something that people literally believe is true.
Does anyone recall the 80s when they started making seat belts the law? Protect us from ourselves, because my not wearing a seat belt does no harm to anyone but me, yet they made a law, and have been enforcing it since. I don't recall America saying this was tyranny and communism and they were coming for the rest of our freedoms - most of us just did it (or didn't), and that was that. Granted, we didn't have online forums and social media - the poison of society today - but not wearing a seat belt only put individuals at a personal risk of death / injury, not others around them. Wearing a mask, even if you're Billy Bad Ass and aren't skeered of some Wuhan Flu, be a southern gentleman and respect elders and others around you.
Gone are the days of southern hospitality and respect, I suppose.