Would you obey a mask mandate?

There is also proof that what does not kill you makes you stronger. This is being ignored and is a significant gap in logic where you try to keep people from getting it rather than letting those that are not at risk get it and start to develop the immune response. Until a vaccine the only way we live even a remotely normal life is to remove these types of actions for the general public, arm everyone with all of the data possible so they know whether they are at risk or not, and then let it make it's way through the population. Swine flu was a pandemic by all accounts but isn't even really discussed anymore because it's not nearly the threat it was when it first came out. This flu is no different and should not be treated different.
Japan also has apparently mandated that their citizens not scream on roller coasters. That’s another reason we are unique-other countries are doing a lot more than asking their people to wear masks. That level of control would never, ever work here.
Yep. And they recommended mask wearing to control it. The reason the japanese have to use masks is because of how densely populated the island is.

No...they have used masks for years, and I am very well aware of the Japanese geography/culture.
No...they have used masks for years, and I am very well aware of the Japanese geography/culture.

the link to their government website says they are encouraging mask use. Of course they have used them for years. But they still encourage it
It's absurd to me to even type something that people literally believe is true.

That's the tip of the iceberg: lots of folks think (maybe 30%) that Bill Gates is on record seeking an 80% drop in world population . . . the thought is frequently expressed on these forums. I asked for a source, and someone linked a video where Gates suggests reducing population growth by 1.3 billion in the next 40 years, as distinguished from reducing the total population to 1.3 billion. When I quoted his/her link and explained the fairly simple language Gates used, he simply didn't respond.

You can't make this sh!t up!
At this rate barring a vaccine I guess our best option is herd immunity. As many get it as possible and hope it weakens as time goes on and deaths are mitigated.

I think the virus has weakened, and it seems inevitable that "[a]s many as possible" are going to get it, and more rapidly in the US than many other places.

So long as it doesn't overwhelm hospitals, it is what it is, but local conditions will require local responses.

I hate wearing a frickin' mask, but it is becoming less burdensome, just as wearing a tie did the more I did it. I now take naps without loosening my tie!!
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Didn't know anyone had good enough vision to see something 50 -150 nanometers in size. About as true as a cloth mask stopping it.
You've never been able to see your breath in the winter? When you see a LOT of breath with no mask, then hardly any with the mask, don't you think that also means that the viral RNA attached to those moisture particles is also mostly contained? You should, because it is.
Do you believe masks also reduce the spread of both influenza and the common cold?
I would say yes since the common cold is in fact a coronavirus.

However, those aren't as contagious as this virus (nor as deadly, contrary to political agenda malarkey data), so people don't wear masks.

If we all wore masks for 6-8 months, and it helped with the novel coronavirus, wouldn't it be a hoot if we also kicked the common head cold and flu?
There is strong evidence that they do. Japan and their use of masks is the best example of this.

However, a cold can be spread through the "air". The flu is typically thought to just be spread through dropletts similar to what is throught to be the main spreader of covid.
So I’m assuming you advocate continuously wearing masks from here on out, correct?
I would say yes since the common cold is in fact a coronavirus.

However, those aren't as contagious as this virus (nor as deadly, contrary to political agenda malarkey data), so people don't wear masks.

If we all wore masks for 6-8 months, and it helped with the novel coronavirus, wouldn't it be a hoot if we also kicked the common head cold and flu?
Then my question to you is the same as to goukats — I assume you advocate wearing masks continuously, correct?

By the way, it doesn’t matter if they (the flu and cold) aren’t as contagious or deadly as COVID-19, there is no dispute that they still kill tens of thousands of people every year. Wouldn’t you agree that if we can decrease deaths from any respiratory virus to any degree by simply wearing masks forever that it’s worth it? If not, why not?
Herd immunity requires 70% of the world population to be exposed/get sick to work (let's ignore the fact that there are several thousand cases of people becoming reinfected, with symptoms, a second time). Let's see how that would look, numbers-wise.

World population: 7.8 billion

70% of world population required to be infected for herd immunity: 5.46 billion

Current worldwide COVID fatality rate: 4.5% (US currently is around 4.21%, give or take due to errors in data reporting).

Number of expected worldwide deaths (sacrificial lambs) to achieve "herd immunity": 245.6 million (1 in 32 humans on earth)

US population: 328.2 million

70% of US population required to be infected to achieve herd immunity: 229.7 million

Number of expected US deaths (sacrificial lambs) to achieve "herd immunity" (US "herd immunity" 70% of sick population x current US death rate of 4.21%): 9.7 million

So if we all just go crazy, no masks, kick up sports, bars, beaches, churches, and go back to pre-pandemic behaviors, all in the name of "herd immunity", we should only expect to see 9.7 million of our fellow Americans die, assuming herd immunity even works for this virus.

NUTSHELL: This poster is advocating that we sacrifice roughly 1 out of 34 Americans (and 1/32 humans on earth) for herd immunity. If that happened, we'd all easily know someone that died from COVID, we'd have no hospital space, and there'd be an uprising of morticians and crematories like we've never seen.
You're extrapolating numbers with no regard to demographics. Also, that "70%" assumes zero t-cell or cross-immunity from other coronavirus strains.
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Then my question to you is the same as to goukats — I assume you advocate wearing masks continuously, correct?

By the way, it doesn’t matter if they (the flu and cold) aren’t as contagious or deadly as COVID-19, there is no dispute that they still kill tens of thousands of people every year. Wouldn’t you agree that if we can decrease deaths from any respiratory virus to any degree by simply wearing masks forever that it’s worth it? If not, why not?
They kill 10s of thousands in a situation where we don't shut down, stay at home, or wear masks. COVID spread and killed twice as many as the flu, in a lesser time period (and still spreads even in summer, unlike the flu and head cold), and we had mass shut downs and a good percentage of people social distancing and wearing masks. Imagine the numbers if we acted like the coronavirus was just the regular old flu?

I advocate focusing on this virus because it's transmission rate seems to be much higher than any other we've seen. When a handful of people go to a bar and more than 200 leave infected (the Michigan case), that's heads and tails above what the flu does during say being at the bar on New Year's Eve during the height of flu season. When was the last time we've heard of people going into a bar and the majority contracting influenza (not that we've ever contact traced or tested for the flu like we do for the coronavirus, but it would still probably make the news if 200 people visited a bar and days later all had the flu - some of which were hospitalized and/or died).

Only reason I see some credence in gov't pushing people to do it is on display in this thread - we have people that just don't give a rats ass about others and think the whole thing is a farce - something of a conspiracy that somehow the entire planet is caught up in - and it's because of those people that the gov't feels like they have to force us to do it to protect ourselves. Remember when they made us wear seatbelts in the 80s to protect ourselves from ourselves? Where was the outrage then? I freaking hated them, but we had to wear 'em! Now I feel like something isn't right without it, and our kids almost break into tears if we start moving the car before they're buckled in!

I hate gov't intervention, but the fact of the matter remains - if people behaved responsibly, as a whole, we'd not need government for anything. It's those lone bad apples that ruin it for the rest of us.
You're extrapolating numbers with no regard to demographics. Also, that "70%" assumes zero t-cell or cross-immunity from other coronavirus strains.
I didn't extrapolate, I just pulled total world and US populations and applied the herd immunity % and then the current statistical death rates from a non-partisan, data-only stats website currently tracking the data. Yes, I know there are stories of deaths being incorrectly reported as COVID when it could be something else (but I don't believe the conspiracy that hospitals are all doing this to scam insurance and get reimbursed - get caught and say hello to prison). But even if the 4.21% death rate is half that, and considering it's clear this coronavirus doesn't appear to be concerned about hot, humid, dry or other kind of weather (like the flu, which propagates mainly during the fall, winter and early spring seasons), does it matter that instead of 1 out of 32 people dead is 1 out of 64, or even 1 out of 100? Some people are still asking Americans to buckle up and pray to god that they aren't involved in a mass human sacrifice just to get through "herd immunity".

Let's not forget - herd immunity is nothing more than the lazy way out. Just keep going status quo because anything else is just too damned hard and annoying (e.g., we're lazy and set in our ways).
They kill 10s of thousands in a situation where we don't shut down, stay at home, or wear masks. COVID spread and killed twice as many as the flu, in a lesser time period (and still spreads even in summer, unlike the flu and head cold), and we had mass shut downs and a good percentage of people social distancing and wearing masks. Imagine the numbers if we acted like the coronavirus was just the regular old flu?

I advocate focusing on this virus because it's transmission rate seems to be much higher than any other we've seen. When a handful of people go to a bar and more than 200 leave infected (the Michigan case), that's heads and tails above what the flu does during say being at the bar on New Year's Eve during the height of flu season. When was the last time we've heard of people going into a bar and the majority contracting influenza (not that we've ever contact traced or tested for the flu like we do for the coronavirus, but it would still probably make the news if 200 people visited a bar and days later all had the flu - some of which were hospitalized and/or died).

Only reason I see some credence in gov't pushing people to do it is on display in this thread - we have people that just don't give a rats ass about others and think the whole thing is a farce - something of a conspiracy that somehow the entire planet is caught up in - and it's because of those people that the gov't feels like they have to force us to do it to protect ourselves. Remember when they made us wear seatbelts in the 80s to protect ourselves from ourselves? Where was the outrage then? I freaking hated them, but we had to wear 'em! Now I feel like something isn't right without it, and our kids almost break into tears if we start moving the car before they're buckled in!

I hate gov't intervention, but the fact of the matter remains - if people behaved responsibly, as a whole, we'd not need government for anything. It's those lone bad apples that ruin it for the rest of us. you advocate wearing masks forever or not? If not, then you're saying that it's ok to let some people die from the flu and colds.
I didn't extrapolate, I just pulled total world and US populations and applied the herd immunity % and then the current statistical death rates from a non-partisan, data-only stats website currently tracking the data. Yes, I know there are stories of deaths being incorrectly reported as COVID when it could be something else (but I don't believe the conspiracy that hospitals are all doing this to scam insurance and get reimbursed - get caught and say hello to prison). But even if the 4.21% death rate is half that, and considering it's clear this coronavirus doesn't appear to be concerned about hot, humid, dry or other kind of weather (like the flu, which propagates mainly during the fall, winter and early spring seasons), does it matter that instead of 1 out of 32 people dead is 1 out of 64, or even 1 out of 100? Some people are still asking Americans to buckle up and pray to god that they aren't involved in a mass human sacrifice just to get through "herd immunity".

Let's not forget - herd immunity is nothing more than the lazy way out. Just keep going status quo because anything else is just too damned hard and annoying (e.g., we're lazy and set in our ways).

Again, you are way off the death rate. It's not close to 4.21%. It's not even close to "half that". There are literally dozens of scientific articles from and other sources which attempt to estimate the IFR. The CDC estimation is .26%, and others are lower, while some are close to 1%, which is very scary, if true. But it's not 4.21, not half that, and not even close. The easiest source for the article is a google search with "IFR" and coronavirus.

The discrepancy between the estimated IFR and the CFR is not likely to be based on false attributions of death but due to fact that most cases are never included in the CFR because they're either without symptoms or with symptoms so minor because they don't result in test, or, in the spring, because there was insufficient testing available.
The mandate at least where I live is falling on deaf ears. I am wearing a mask in places I didn't just a couple of weeks ago. Example, if I stopped into Speedway to grab a Diet Dr Pepper at the Fountain machine I wouldn't wear a I do. Very few are though. People wear them in grocery stores but not in a gas station, liquor store, etc. Have seen no uptick over the past 4 days at all. Multiple people at Subway- no masks.

I say this to say I don't think the mandate has changed the behavior of many and I don't really see it as a mandate.

I am in NKY and am mostly wearing a mask because Hamilton Co is across the river and is a hotspot in Ohio- lots of commuters in my area.
I didn't extrapolate, I just pulled total world and US populations and applied the herd immunity % and then the current statistical death rates from a non-partisan, data-only stats website currently tracking the data. Yes, I know there are stories of deaths being incorrectly reported as COVID when it could be something else (but I don't believe the conspiracy that hospitals are all doing this to scam insurance and get reimbursed - get caught and say hello to prison). But even if the 4.21% death rate is half that, and considering it's clear this coronavirus doesn't appear to be concerned about hot, humid, dry or other kind of weather (like the flu, which propagates mainly during the fall, winter and early spring seasons), does it matter that instead of 1 out of 32 people dead is 1 out of 64, or even 1 out of 100? Some people are still asking Americans to buckle up and pray to god that they aren't involved in a mass human sacrifice just to get through "herd immunity".

Let's not forget - herd immunity is nothing more than the lazy way out. Just keep going status quo because anything else is just too damned hard and annoying (e.g., we're lazy and set in our ways).

Because it’s not illegal, the Cares act pays them and the CDC cleared it by changing standards to suspected Covid. It’s literally not against the law right now to try and scam the system to see what a hospital or state can get away with.
Part of the reason is because the govt made hospitals essentially shutdown for 3 months, cutting off their means of income.
The problem is media and politicians saying we’ve failed so horribly compared to other nations, when we directed hospitals to claim all they can as Covid.
As far the actual death rate is concerned, three studies are helpful.
Two, the Theodore Roosevelt navy ship, and the Diamond Princess cruise ship apparently involved universal testing.

On the Navy ship, there were 1156 cases and 1 death. IFR of less than .1%
On the cruise ship, there were 696 cases and 14 fatalities. IFR of around 2%.

Obvious difference is the sailors are largely healthy, younger people, while the average age of a cruise ship passenger may be above 65.

Iceland did not have universal testing, but tested a large part of the population. Total cases, 1900. Deaths, 10. But is very unlikely that Iceland, even with mass testing, caught anywhere close to all actual cases.

It goes on and on. Hundreds of positive tests in prisons and meat packing facilities, far less than 1% fatalities.
I didn't extrapolate, I just pulled total world and US populations and applied the herd immunity % and then the current statistical death rates from a non-partisan, data-only stats website currently tracking the data. Yes, I know there are stories of deaths being incorrectly reported as COVID when it could be something else (but I don't believe the conspiracy that hospitals are all doing this to scam insurance and get reimbursed - get caught and say hello to prison). But even if the 4.21% death rate is half that, and considering it's clear this coronavirus doesn't appear to be concerned about hot, humid, dry or other kind of weather (like the flu, which propagates mainly during the fall, winter and early spring seasons), does it matter that instead of 1 out of 32 people dead is 1 out of 64, or even 1 out of 100? Some people are still asking Americans to buckle up and pray to god that they aren't involved in a mass human sacrifice just to get through "herd immunity".

Let's not forget - herd immunity is nothing more than the lazy way out. Just keep going status quo because anything else is just too damned hard and annoying (e.g., we're lazy and set in our ways).
Herd immunity is the only way out. Either by infection or vaccine. Vaccines for coronavirus types haven't been around despite decades of work on them. Even if every living person on earth wore a mask 24/7 the virus will run it's course.
That's the thing though, the governor is an elected official. If he violates the law, the people and the attorney can remove him. He cannot create a mandate that cannot be overturned by the legislature or judicial branch. There's a reason the injunction was filed in the courts. Ole andy cannot control the state.

Glad we have Mr Cameron to keep him in line.
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That is an nbc source, and they did the typical "it's going to another new york" spiel. I'm not saying there's not some merit, but this has been sensationalized by media types.

Exactly. An ICU at 100% isn't overwhelmed when it is at 95-97% normally. It's just full. I know we may be arguing semantics a bit, but the MSM is really good at doing it.
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I hate gov't intervention, but the fact of the matter remains - if people behaved responsibly, as a whole, we'd not need government for anything. It's those lone bad apples that ruin it for the rest of us.

Damn, you nearly quoted Publius directly (Madison and Hamilton, Federalist 51):

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.”
we have people that just don't give a rats ass about others and think the whole thing is a farce - something of a conspiracy that somehow the entire planet is caught up in

If this current generation of cynics had lived in December of 1941, they wouldn’t have believed Pearl Harbor was real, until a Jap walked up and bit ‘em on the ass!
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Because it’s not illegal, the Cares act pays them and the CDC cleared it by changing standards to suspected Covid. It’s literally not against the law right now to try and scam the system to see what a hospital or state can get away with.
Part of the reason is because the govt made hospitals essentially shutdown for 3 months, cutting off their means of income.
The problem is media and politicians saying we’ve failed so horribly compared to other nations, when we directed hospitals to claim all they can as Covid.
Not to mention that same media is now screaming about hospitals and ICUs being overrun without telling you that hospitals and ICUs run as close to max capacity as they can at normal times, and that a very small percentage of said current surge is from COVID patients, or that many of the "positive" tests are re-tests or asymptomatic or assumed positives or antibody positives.

The media is doing a lot of harm by convincing a chunk of people that the world is ending because of this. If we could just get the truth we would all be able to make much more informed decisions, but that wouldn't be in line with the MSM agenda, now would it.
As far the actual death rate is concerned, three studies are helpful.
Two, the Theodore Roosevelt navy ship, and the Diamond Princess cruise ship apparently involved universal testing.

On the Navy ship, there were 1156 cases and 1 death. IFR of less than .1%
On the cruise ship, there were 696 cases and 14 fatalities. IFR of around 2%.

Obvious difference is the sailors are largely healthy, younger people, while the average age of a cruise ship passenger may be above 65.

Iceland did not have universal testing, but tested a large part of the population. Total cases, 1900. Deaths, 10. But is very unlikely that Iceland, even with mass testing, caught anywhere close to all actual cases.

It goes on and on. Hundreds of positive tests in prisons and meat packing facilities, far less than 1% fatalities.
I think cruise ships are floating death traps, boredom traps, nickel and dime traps anymore
I understand. thanks for the clarification. Whether the mandate is a good idea/necessary is certainly debatable. I think masks are a good idea. But I also agree that the "mandate" might not be the best way to get people who are less inclined to wear them, to wear them. The word out of the EKY counties who have some spread is that mask wearing has skyrocketed in those counties. Not because andy dandy said to wear them, but because people now recognize the risk.

the data issue is real. I don't want to "blame" anybody, but the federal government's lack of leadership on the issue is the cause. The federal government should have, in the begining, said, "here is how we are going to count cases" and laid out simple guidance on how to do so.

However, I don't think we should confuse what is going on. We have more of the virus in KY than we did previously. Is it a crisis? No. Should we take some precautions to try and keep it beat back? Absolutely. I don't disagree that Andy seems to be "getting off" on telling us how stupid we are and how we aren't doing enough.

His big test is going to be school. Teachers are going to freak out as school boards start saying that they are going back to school.

Our school district announced yesterday schools are back on August 24. Supposed to announce how- 5 days, 3 days, masks, no masks, recess, art/music, lunch, etc- next week.
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I've got so much to say and so much frustration its hard to keep from being in total disgust . I'll just go ahead and rant . So Friday things seem to change in my little rural neck of the woods ( Lewis Co - Greenup Co ) . I go into a grocery store outlet on Friday , I'm there like 5 minutes and ask the lady " you have any cat food" and she looks up and says " oh I didnt see you and I cant serve you because you dont have a mask on " At this point I'm under the impression a restraining order has blocked his EO . So politely I ask what order are they following , they say " the gov mandated it yesterday and the county health dept was in here earlier today threatening us if we took care of customers NOT wearing a mask they would close them down for 30 days .
Then yesterday , was told by 2 different places in a strip mall " if you dont have a mask on we cant serve you " , in one of the places I POLITELY told the lady " I have a health condition that doesnt allow me to wear a mask " and she replied " doesnt matter we cant check you out "

So a couple things seem obvious -- Beshear has blast emailed the county health Depts demanding they go tell businesses " toe the line or else" and the health depts are turning the stores in the mask police . Creates a terrible atmosphere and will cause more drama and do more harm than it does good. This isnt needed in far far more areas than it is needed . So I ponder -- will the Emperor blast email the same health depts to go undue his soon to be illegal decree or not ? Terrible leadership from a terrible governor . Cant wait til Thursday when Andy goes 0-8 on legal battles .
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