I have to wear one if I'm inside any building, but even then, when I'm not around anyone it comes off.
No, I do not, and will not, wear one outside of work. I 100% believe the only way we will ever come to grips with this thing is either through a vaccine, or accumulated immunity. Those who are too sick, with compromised immune systems, the elderly, etc, should stay home, (like they are already doing anyway).
If it makes you feel better/safer, then by all means wear one, no big deal, but enough is enough. It's time to return to normal and allow those who are capable, and willing, to go about their daily lives and build immunity.
It has nothing to do with not caring for my fellow man and everything to do with realizing it's time to get back out and allow America to get back to work and allow us to enjoy life without living in fear. I can easily see the Democrats saying we will need to wear them until the fall, then no, wait, we need you all to keep wearing them until spring, and so forth. There will be no end to it, as it's politically beneficial to them and the fear they perpetuate, all the while America continues it's slow fall to a welfare state. No thanks. We can do better than this, if only they will "allow" us to.
When they tell us not to go to church, no sports with fans, etc, etc, yet allow domestic terrorists to gather by the hundreds or thousands and burn cities to the ground, steal at will, etc, all without mask requirements, I call bullshit.