Would you obey a mask mandate?

Do you really believe if everyone wore their masks as directed there’s a chance that cause things to open back up?
I don't know. I think so. Especially with the pressure he's going to get on schools not opening all the way back up. But I know if we don't he's going to get off on shutting stuff down...

That may be a reason he gives but opening or shutting us down will have nothing to do with people wearing masks.
I don't know. I think so. Especially with the pressure he's going to get on schools not opening all the way back up. But I know if we don't he's going to get off on shutting stuff down...

So you know he’s willing to punish us, and that’s fine by you.
There is no reason to issue the mandate, the numbers do not justify it, the state is better off now Covid wise than its been practically the entire outbreak.
He is toeing the party line at our expense, **** that.
In other words, you want more of them to close their doors for good. We just finished one rollout of many do you feel there needs to be? Kentucky restaurants lost $550M in April.....that can't happen again.

If masks truly work, then everything needs to be open 100%...not the opposite.
If mask really work, why are they letting criminals out of Jail/prison? Just reach into the budget and buy wash and reuse mask for inmates.
You need deaths to make your case? Close to home would change your mind.
You started it by saying younger ages are adding the death toll. That's what he was saying. You switched your arguments.
That's OK with You?
No. I'm saying we know who to isolate and quarantine.
Where did you rank in your educational developement? You don't want to talk that PhD?
You are probably more educated than me but I don't hang my education as a handle in rafters CI
Where did I rank? 4.0 through every class and finished dissertation in a year. You're deflecting because you were wrong.

Prove your original point that younger generations are filling up the death toll.
Did you ever get around to reading those links I posted about Christian County being an early hotspot?

Yeah, none of them said Christian County was a hotspot.

it says we had the 6th most cases at one point. They said we were a border county. but christian County is not and was not a hot spot.

Thanks though.

it's cool. You said it was churches. That was in Hopkins County.
So you know he’s willing to punish us, and that’s fine by you.
There is no reason to issue the mandate, the numbers do not justify it, the state is better off now Covid wise than its been practically the entire outbreak.
He is toeing the party line at our expense, **** that.

No, it's not fine by me. I've said as much. Some (not me) thought it appropriate to elect him governor, which is sad. I don't like him. Wish he wasn't governor. But the powers of the Gov. of Kentucky are among the strongest in the nation. And he's using them. Arbitrarily. He gets off on it.
Yeah, none of them said Christian County was a hotspot.

it says we had the 6th most cases at one point. They said we were a border county. but christian County is not and was not a hot spot.

Thanks though.

it's cool. You said it was churches. That was in Hopkins County.

You're right it wasn't a hotspot, as the cases came from Western State, but it was reported and told to be true that it was in fact a hotspot early on.
Which leads us right back to now.
KY is not in bad shape, in fact it's in better shape than it's been just about throughout the whole ordeal, but the King wants to earn DNC points or he's just a jerk. He intentionally used case numbers rising without explaining that was due to increased testing to justify a mask mandate, that is not how we should want elected officials to govern.
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Remember the two hair stylists in Missouri who worked with active symptoms? They wore masks. How many of the 140 customers they saw with close contact got the virus? Zero...

Two compelling case reports also suggest that masks can prevent transmission in high-risk scenarios, said Chin-Hong and Rutherford. In one case, a man flew from China to Toronto and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. He had a dry cough and wore a mask on the flight, and all 25 people closest to him on the flight tested negative for COVID-19. In another case, in late May, two hair stylists in Missouri had close contact with 140 clients while sick with COVID-19. Everyone wore a mask and none of the clients tested positive.

Again, I STRONGLY dislike Andy. think he's been an abject failure. But the reality is that he's got the power and if the choice is "don't wear masks and we shutdown" vs. "wear a mask and we can live close to normal"? I'm wearing a mask. I also happen to think they work. it seems like common sense to me. Virus lives on our spit and snot. Masks stop the spit and snot...
I only wear one if itll keep things open.
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One, I wear a mask, cause it's easy and I avoid the hassle of confrontation or making someone feel ill at-ease.

But two, some of you guys are acting like this is settled science, like too much sun can cause skin cancer. You do that to justify acting like anyone who disagrees is a neanderthal. 5 minutes on Google, found these bits of flip flop. If the CDC, the WHO, the Surgeon General and now the New England Journal of Medicine have all changed their minds, it ain't settled. And at least the NEJM has all the skis marks of being a political cave-in.

The New England Journal of Medicine (late May)

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.

The World Health Organization (late May)

The World Health Organization is recommending healthy people, including those who don’t exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, only wear masks when taking care of someone infected with the contagion, a sharp contrast from the advice given by American public health officials who recommend everyone wear a mask in public. “If you do not have any [respiratory] symptoms such as fever, cough or runny nose, you do not need to wear a mask,” Dr. April Baller, a public health specialist for the WHO

Centers for Disease Control (mid-February)

CDC does not currently recommend the use of face masks for the general public.

One, I wear a mask, cause it's easy and I avoid the hassle of confrontation or making someone feel ill at-ease.

But two, some of you guys are acting like this is settled science, like too much sun can cause skin cancer. You do that to justify acting like anyone who disagrees is a neanderthal. 5 minutes on Google, found these bits of flip flop. If the CDC, the WHO, the Surgeon General and now the New England Journal of Medicine have all changed their minds, it ain't settled. And at least the NEJM has all the skis marks of being a political cave-in.

The New England Journal of Medicine (late May)

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.

The World Health Organization (late May)

The World Health Organization is recommending healthy people, including those who don’t exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, only wear masks when taking care of someone infected with the contagion, a sharp contrast from the advice given by American public health officials who recommend everyone wear a mask in public. “If you do not have any [respiratory] symptoms such as fever, cough or runny nose, you do not need to wear a mask,” Dr. April Baller, a public health specialist for the WHO

Centers for Disease Control (mid-February)

CDC does not currently recommend the use of face masks for the general public.

See, It's not settled science, but do you not think that the more recent studies and analysis are more reliable than what was said in March and April when were just learning about this?
See, It's not settled science, but do you not think that the more recent studies and analysis are more reliable than what was said in March and April when were just learning about this?
Recent is better than old, of course - but we're not talking years. It was March vs June. Efficacy of masks shouldn't be a new thing. Do we simply know better now, or is that flip a result of political and social pressure? I've seen enough of cancel culture - witness the guys from Michigan St and Maryland who withdrew their peer-reviewed study finding “no significant evidence of anti-black disparity in the likelihood of being fatally shot by the police” because people didn't like the conclusion.
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Would you obey a “vaccine” mandate?

Seems like that’s the natural progression. Are we going to require flu shots next year?

This is all lunacy. “Flatten the death curve” to “eradicate all sickness (only if that sickness is Covid)”.

I understand people being scared 4 months ago and why people would have been scared of a big number of cases. Since then, with all the additional data, it is absolute unhinged lunacy to be implementing more bullshit mandates based on cases, and even more unhinged that Andy is just citing other states while doing it.

Virus and mask supporters, if we all agree to let you have mail in voting and agree to give you another bite at the impeachment apple if Trump wins, can we stop this charade?
That's what this really is about.
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This isn't about "rights" anymore for me. Most of that has been settled. It's about getting our lives back.

You can have all your rights all at the same time. The shutdown was unconstitutional too and Andy lost on every order that was challenged. He just wasn't challenged on the shutdown in general because until the Scott co case: no one sued over it.
We just have two fundamentally different view points on this country and the world.

I’d prefer everyone not just roll over and comply with Andy’s bullshit arbitrary mandates just so Andy doesn’t punish us even more.
He needs to be taken to court and get his mandates shut down. He's not king. I'd say the same about trump or Obama or biden. Whoever.

I don't even have one.

I ALSO don't:

Sneeze on people, cough in their vicinity, handle items at the store that I don't intend to buy, get closer than 6 feet from fellow shoppers, etc. etc. etc.

I DO: wash my hands, carry hand sanitizer, AND, think for myself.

I have to wear one if I'm inside any building, but even then, when I'm not around anyone it comes off.

No, I do not, and will not, wear one outside of work. I 100% believe the only way we will ever come to grips with this thing is either through a vaccine, or accumulated immunity. Those who are too sick, with compromised immune systems, the elderly, etc, should stay home, (like they are already doing anyway).
If it makes you feel better/safer, then by all means wear one, no big deal, but enough is enough. It's time to return to normal and allow those who are capable, and willing, to go about their daily lives and build immunity.

It has nothing to do with not caring for my fellow man and everything to do with realizing it's time to get back out and allow America to get back to work and allow us to enjoy life without living in fear. I can easily see the Democrats saying we will need to wear them until the fall, then no, wait, we need you all to keep wearing them until spring, and so forth. There will be no end to it, as it's politically beneficial to them and the fear they perpetuate, all the while America continues it's slow fall to a welfare state. No thanks. We can do better than this, if only they will "allow" us to.

When they tell us not to go to church, no sports with fans, etc, etc, yet allow domestic terrorists to gather by the hundreds or thousands and burn cities to the ground, steal at will, etc, all without mask requirements, I call bullshit.
Looking at the subject of masks from 30,000 feet today, and what we have learned about how this virus is transmitted, it dawned on me that masks are really a blessing. In a way they are a "poor man's vaccine".

We know now that by everyone wearing a mask indoors it really curtails the spread of the disease and we have also learned that being outdoors doesn't require a mask so long as you keep a reasonable distance.

What that means IMO is there will not be any need for a "shutdown" like we had a couple of months ago. We can have businesses, recreation areas and maybe in schools remain open so long as folks all wear masks, and restaurants that can offer outside seating are relatively safe places to eat.

So masks are really a gift that is allowing us to keep things under control and keep the economy going for the most, and hopefully giving us a way to have college and pro sports this year. We really did not know that previously. But it takes everyone's help to achieve that.

Glad to see most of our members here saying they will do their part to help keep this virus in check and for those that are in doubt or are rejecting masks, hopefully you will keep an open mind and take another look.
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I have to shake my head at anyone who actually thinks this virus will just "fade away" if we all just wear our little masks, lol. It's not going to just magically go away, it just isn't, save a vaccine that we don't yet have and may not have for a while.

We don't have " a while", we must open up the country again, now. F**k the masks.
Wow! I never dreamed folks would be so passionate about wearing or not wearing a mask for a while.

I will simply wear one where I am “supposed” to, and then take it off when I am “supposed” to.

No problem....
Looking at the subject of masks from 30,000 feet today, and what we have learned about how this virus is transmitted, it dawned on me that masks are really a blessing. In a way they are a "poor man's vaccine".

We know now that by everyone wearing a mask indoors it really curtails the spread of the disease and we have also learned that being outdoors doesn't require a mask so long as you keep a reasonable distance.

What that means IMO is there will not be any need for a "shutdown" like we had a couple of months ago. We can have businesses, recreation areas and maybe in schools remain open so long as folks all wear masks, and restaurants that can offer outside seating are relatively safe places to eat.

So masks are really a gift that is allowing us to keep things under control and keep the economy going for the most, and hopefully giving us a way to have college and pro sports this year. We really did not know that previously. But it takes everyone's help to achieve that.

Glad to see most of our members here saying they will do their part to help keep this virus in check and for those that are in doubt or are rejecting masks, hopefully you will keep an open mind and take another look.
D, IMO you're one of the better, more reasonable posters here and I always respect your viewpoints even when I disagree with them.

I disagree on this issue because it has in fact been made political. It's been made political, not by your average American, but by, GASP!!, politicians. I'm personally of the opinion that, no matter what happens, short of a miracle, (the virus suddenly disappears), the powers that be will simply keep moving the goal posts on when we can dispense with mask wearing end date, all for political purposes. Since you normally keep politics out of your posts, as you did with this one, I'll do likewise, as that's a facet we can always agree to disagree on.

What I do in fact believe is that the best way, short of a vaccine, to combat this thing is to develop "herd immunity, because, again IMHO, this thing will never go away, at least not for a long, long time anyway. I firmly believe, even if everyone wore a mask all the time, everywhere, it will never "fade away", I just don't see that happening.

Now, that said.....if I were going to, say, a nursing home for instance, then yes, of course I'd don one, as it's common knowledge the elderly are far more susceptible than anyone else. Conversely, elderly folks and those with underlying health issues should probably limit their out of home activities when possible, and of course take every precaution they can. However, I just don't think it's right to shut down our economy and force the nation to lose out on living a normal life when we could actually be developing an immunity to this thing.

Anyway, appreciate your rational, thought out response. We can agree to disagree without losing our minds and devolve into name calling, like I've seen on social media.
What I do in fact believe is that the best way, short of a vaccine, to combat this thing is to develop "herd immunity, because, again IMHO, this thing will never go away, at least not for a long, long time anyway.

The herd immunity approach has been discussed extensively in another corona virus thread on here. I think there may be some merit to it but from what I'm hearing from the experts the numbers just don't work. Here's a snipit from an article off of the Mayo Clinic website:

Even if infection with the COVID-19 virus creates long-lasting immunity, a large number of people would have to become infected to reach the herd immunity threshold. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the epidemic. If many people become sick with COVID-19 at once, the health care system could quickly become overwhelmed. This amount of infection could also lead to serious complications and millions of deaths, especially among older people and those who have chronic conditions.

There is no real good option. I just view masks and distancing as a fairly effective crutch to get is through the night until a vaccine is found.

Thanks for keeping it civil - makes my job easier :D
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I have to wear one if I'm inside any building, but even then, when I'm not around anyone it comes off.

No, I do not, and will not, wear one outside of work. I 100% believe the only way we will ever come to grips with this thing is either through a vaccine, or accumulated immunity. Those who are too sick, with compromised immune systems, the elderly, etc, should stay home, (like they are already doing anyway).
If it makes you feel better/safer, then by all means wear one, no big deal, but enough is enough. It's time to return to normal and allow those who are capable, and willing, to go about their daily lives and build immunity.

It has nothing to do with not caring for my fellow man and everything to do with realizing it's time to get back out and allow America to get back to work and allow us to enjoy life without living in fear. I can easily see the Democrats saying we will need to wear them until the fall, then no, wait, we need you all to keep wearing them until spring, and so forth. There will be no end to it, as it's politically beneficial to them and the fear they perpetuate, all the while America continues it's slow fall to a welfare state. No thanks. We can do better than this, if only they will "allow" us to.

When they tell us not to go to church, no sports with fans, etc, etc, yet allow domestic terrorists to gather by the hundreds or thousands and burn cities to the ground, steal at will, etc, all without mask requirements, I call bullshit.
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The herd immunity approach has been discussed extensively in another corona virus thread on here. I think there may be some merit to it but from what I'm hearing from the experts the numbers just don't work. Here's a snipit from an article off of the Mayo Clinic website:

Even if infection with the COVID-19 virus creates long-lasting immunity, a large number of people would have to become infected to reach the herd immunity threshold. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the epidemic. If many people become sick with COVID-19 at once, the health care system could quickly become overwhelmed. This amount of infection could also lead to serious complications and millions of deaths, especially among older people and those who have chronic conditions.

There is no real good option. I just view masks and distancing as a fairly effective crutch to get is through the night until a vaccine is found.

Thanks for keeping it civil - makes my job easier :D

What makes you think there will be a vaccination? You think 30 days is going to change anything?
“Cases” drop and then what? The only way we get through this is with herd immunity, young people getting it, like they are now is how you do that.
Europe will have a second wave if they haven’t got herd immunity in the fall. The virus will still be there, masks aren’t some magic bullet or poor mans vaccine. They don’t eliminate or prevent someone from catching the virus.
The herd immunity approach has been discussed extensively in another corona virus thread on here. I think there may be some merit to it but from what I'm hearing from the experts the numbers just don't work. Here's a snipit from an article off of the Mayo Clinic website:

Even if infection with the COVID-19 virus creates long-lasting immunity, a large number of people would have to become infected to reach the herd immunity threshold. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the epidemic. If many people become sick with COVID-19 at once, the health care system could quickly become overwhelmed. This amount of infection could also lead to serious complications and millions of deaths, especially among older people and those who have chronic conditions.

There is no real good option. I just view masks and distancing as a fairly effective crutch to get is through the night until a vaccine is found.

Thanks for keeping it civil - makes my job easier :D
D it works. It's literally the only thing that works. Vaccines work on the same principle. We are seeing that bear fruit in Sweden, Denmark, and even in the northeast. Masks just prolong things at best. But we can agree to disagree.
D it works. It's literally the only thing that works. Vaccines work on the same principle. We are seeing that bear fruit in Sweden, Denmark, and even in the northeast. Masks just prolong things at best. But we can agree to disagree.

sweden didn’t lockdown partly because their citizens shut themselves down... and their #’s are significantly worse than their neighbors. And they aren’t anywhere close to “herd immunity”.
sweden didn’t lockdown partly because their citizens shut themselves down... and their #’s are significantly worse than their neighbors. And they aren’t anywhere close to “herd immunity”.

How do you know they aren’t closer to herd immunity? They are definitely closer than their neighbors, wouldn’t you agree?

How much of the difference in deaths in different nations due to how they classify Covid deaths?
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I’ll wear it to protect me. Don’t give a shit about the rest of you. ;)
D it works. It's literally the only thing that works. Vaccines work on the same principle. We are seeing that bear fruit in Sweden, Denmark, and even in the northeast. Masks just prolong things at best. But we can agree to disagree.

Well let's see who to believe PhDcat2018 or the Mayo Clinic? I'll have to think on that:D

BTW Denmark did not imply a herd immunity strategy, they used a more isolation approach like most all countries. Sweden's death rate per capita is the highest in Europe and they are moving away from the herd immunity approach.

I wish herd immunity worked but unfortunately the evidence doesn't support it and all you wind up doing is killing a lot of people needlessly and overloading the medical system to the breaking point.
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Do you really believe if everyone wore their masks as directed there’s a chance that would cause things to open back up?

Oh it definitely will result in things opening back up - but for all the wrong reasons. Executive orders and intrusions on rights must be specifically tailored to address an identifiable problem.

The science is clear - masks don't work. The numbers don't lie - we are in no more danger than we were the day before the mask. Or back in March when this first started. So he fails on both, when he must prevail in both.

Circling back - we shouldn't have to perform displays of fealty in order to have our freedoms back. By any measure, that's exactly what a mask order is.