Would you obey a mask mandate?

It's real simple for me...

I don't know if masks work or not. But if the alternative to masks is to have to shut down again? I'm going to wear a damn mask. If Andy feels like he's got the political cover to allow sports, school, youth sports etc... I'm putting one on.

The people bitching about masks are the same people who bitched about not being open. (I bitched about not being open too). But at this point, Andy Dandy has the power and he's going to exercise that power in a way to restrict our ability to enjoy life if we don't wear masks. He's up for reelection in 3+ years. Kick his ass out of office then.

Here's the tough parts. Courts have said he has the authority to shut parts of the economy down. They'll probably say he doesn't have the authority to wear masks if he gets sued and loses. What will he do at that point? Shut us back down, ban kids sports etc... We don't get this time back. I don't want to have another season of sports and another semester of school canceled because we wouldn't wear masks. (Again, no idea if they'll work and I don't like Andy). I'm just trying to look at this as "real" as possible. Not through a political lens.

If the legislature has balls, they'll trip him of power in March. But right now is right now... Wear a damn mask so Andy feels like he can let us lead a normal life.
I have been since this started. Its not a big deal to wear one where you are supposed to. I have severe asthma as well and it hasn't been an issue with the mask. Now I don't wear it outside in the heat, but do everywhere else. But if wearing a mask brings sports and life back to normal sooner, I will wear a dozen of those things.
If I had symptoms then yes but since it's almost impossible to spread the virus by asymptomatic people then that's a big fat HELL NO. Having said that unless you have a N-95 mask your giving yourself a false sense of security. A face covering does little to protect you or other people but I suppose it cuts the risk slightly. The only reason the government doesn't requite an N-95 mask is because the supply is very limited and those in healthcare industry gets first dibs as they should.
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Look it up. Covid is about 1.2 microns. Smaller than mask filtration.

If it can pass through the mask - the mask doesn't work.

But it is attached to droplets that are stopped by the masks.

In a lab, yes the virus by itself can pass through. But in reality it only escapes the body in droplets. That's why the mask works. That's why surgeons wear them...
Remember the two hair stylists in Missouri who worked with active symptoms? They wore masks. How many of the 140 customers they saw with close contact got the virus? Zero...

Two compelling case reports also suggest that masks can prevent transmission in high-risk scenarios, said Chin-Hong and Rutherford. In one case, a man flew from China to Toronto and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. He had a dry cough and wore a mask on the flight, and all 25 people closest to him on the flight tested negative for COVID-19. In another case, in late May, two hair stylists in Missouri had close contact with 140 clients while sick with COVID-19. Everyone wore a mask and none of the clients tested positive.

Again, I STRONGLY dislike Andy. think he's been an abject failure. But the reality is that he's got the power and if the choice is "don't wear masks and we shutdown" vs. "wear a mask and we can live close to normal"? I'm wearing a mask. I also happen to think they work. it seems like common sense to me. Virus lives on our spit and snot. Masks stop the spit and snot...
Did good King Andrew give the specs on approved mask construction, e.g. type of fabric, number of layers, etc...? I don’t wanna disappoint him by being out of compliance.
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But it is attached to droplets that are stopped by the masks.

In a lab, yes the virus by itself can pass through. But in reality it only escapes the body in droplets. That's why the mask works. That's why surgeons wear them...

The only mask that has any effectiveness at all is n95 because of what you described. Nothing else.

But the order doesn't specify. As we know, face coverings mean anything. Literally.

It's a collosal waste of time, major infringement on personal freedoms especially when considering the science is clear that "face coverings" won't work.
Is that also why the New England Journal of Medicine recently called masks a “talisman”?

May 21st...

Their revision from yesterday...

We understand that some people are citing our Perspective article (published on April 1 at as support for discrediting widespread masking. In truth, the intent of our article was to push for more masking, not less. It is apparent that many people with SARS-CoV-2 infection are asymptomatic or presymptomatic yet highly contagious and that these people account for a substantial fraction of all transmissions.2,3 Universal masking helps to prevent such people from spreading virus-laden secretions, whether they recognize that they are infected or not.4

We did state in the article that “wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection,” but as the rest of the paragraph makes clear, we intended this statement to apply to passing encounters in public spaces, not sustained interactions within closed environments. A growing body of research shows that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission is strongly correlated with the duration and intensity of contact: the risk of transmission among household members can be as high as 40%, whereas the risk of transmission from less intense and less sustained encounters is below 5%.5-7 This finding is also borne out by recent research associating mask wearing with less transmission of SARS-CoV-2, particularly in closed settings.8 We therefore strongly support the calls of public health agencies for all people to wear masks when circumstances compel them to be within 6 ft of others for sustained periods.
The only mask that has any effectiveness at all is n95 because of what you described. Nothing else.

But the order doesn't specify. As we know, face coverings mean anything. Literally.

It's a collosal waste of time, major infringement on personal freedoms especially when considering the science is clear that "face coverings" won't work.

Wrong. A basic cloth can stop droplets. Covid itself is smaller than the openings. But it travels on droplets which are stopped.
Remember the two hair stylists in Missouri who worked with active symptoms? They wore masks. How many of the 140 customers they saw with close contact got the virus? Zero...

Two compelling case reports also suggest that masks can prevent transmission in high-risk scenarios, said Chin-Hong and Rutherford. In one case, a man flew from China to Toronto and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. He had a dry cough and wore a mask on the flight, and all 25 people closest to him on the flight tested negative for COVID-19. In another case, in late May, two hair stylists in Missouri had close contact with 140 clients while sick with COVID-19. Everyone wore a mask and none of the clients tested positive.

Again, I STRONGLY dislike Andy. think he's been an abject failure. But the reality is that he's got the power and if the choice is "don't wear masks and we shutdown" vs. "wear a mask and we can live close to normal"? I'm wearing a mask. I also happen to think they work. it seems like common sense to me. Virus lives on our spit and snot. Masks stop the spit and snot...

This is THE examples people keep going back to when talking about masks. There are several different reasons for this explanation (to the extent it ever happened to begin with). One of the main ones is the existence of antibodies.

Just because two things are present doesn't mean one caused the other. That's just basic logic and it's depressingly simplistic to hear from any so called "experts". It's called spurious correlation.

The age old example is the FBI crime statistics trying to tie ice cream sales to sexual assaults. In reality the actual causal factor was warm weather. It causes both increase in sexual assaults and ice cream sales.
This is THE examples people keep going back to when talking about masks. There are several different reasons for this explanation (to the extent it ever happened to begin with). One of the main ones is the existence of antibodies.

Just because two things are present doesn't mean one caused the other. That's just basic logic and it's depressingly simplistic to hear from any so called "experts". It's called spurious correlation.

The age old example is the FBI crime statistics trying to tie ice cream sales to sexual assaults. In reality the actual causal factor was warm weather. It causes both increase in sexual assaults and ice cream sales.

So there is empirical evidence (the hair dressers) there is also scientific evidence (the studies that are published) but it's all fake news because the feds lied to us 4 months ago because they worried we would run out of masks.

Got it.

The reality is this. The governor has the authority to shut businesses down. We are dealing with a dipshit who, if we don't wear masks, will shut them down. I'll wear the mask A. because I think it works and B. Because the alternative is Andy Dandy shutting everything down again and my kids being stuck at home without school and activities and businesses being closed. He's made that clear...
So there is empirical evidence (the hair dressers) there is also scientific evidence (the studies that are published) but it's all fake news because the feds lied to us 4 months ago because they worried we would run out of masks

Months ago they told us no masks worked, so healthcare workers could stock up on n95 masks (oddly noone stocked up on bandanas).

Those two examples are not empirical evidence. They show no causal relationship at all.

Welp, now the WHO says Covid is airborne, indoors.

Old news. It's why we stay 6 feet away. Not sure why they want to scare people acting like this is new.
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Months ago they told us no masks worked, so healthcare workers could stock up on n95 masks (oddly noone stocked up on bandanas).

Those two examples are not empirical evidence. They show no causal relationship at all.

Old news. It's why we stay 6 feet away. Not sure why they want to scare people acting like this is new.

You know why they put this out now, this has turned political.
Governor Beshear Al Assad thinks we stupid

In 24 years of reading UK message boards including Cat Paw, I'd say he's not wrong. If it makes you feel better, we're no different than anywhere else. A sizeable chunk of the American public is selfish, lazy, arrogantly stupid, childish, stubborn and basically doesn't want to be inconvenienced in the slightest way, and there is a subset of that group that is bat guano crazy on top of it.
That was literally his message? Wear a gd mask FOR AT LEAST SIX MONTHS, and then we might see the virus fade away.

That’s the dumbest junk I’ve ever heard.

And if you believe we’re gonna wear our masks and then Master Andy will free us in the middle of January...get real. They’ll shut everything down again before flu season. This bs started as “2 weeks and we’ll see where we are”. Well, it’s been months, so many I don’t even know, and we’ve seen drastic improvement. So much improvement that covid is no longer classified as a pandemic. But our leaders have basically denied any progress and kept us in limbo. Now they’re doubling down again and unlawfully forcing/suggesting everybody wear masks because this time, and they really mean this time...if everybody is a good boy and girl, we can maybe possibly get back to normal in 6 months.

Our entire way of life is under attack, and I don’t see one mfer marching for freedom. Say what you will about “the left”, but a politician could say the wrong word and those anti-American POS would hit the pavement and internets demanding change, and they would probably get it. Because they did something. When will good-natured, law-abiding citizens stand up and demand change.

I'm nominating you for poster of the day. This post is on fire.
There are multiple and I mean multiple MDs on YouTube coming out about wearing masks. They mention many reasons not to, one common one is it compromises the immune system of other wise healthy adults.

False - that has been debunked:

Wearing A Mask To Protect Against Covid-19 Coronavirus Will Not Weaken Your Immune System

I realize in these days of social media it's easy to pick up wrong info, but lets stop and realize that anyone can claim to be a doctor or anything else put on a white robe and create a youtube video. Youtube doesn't not fact check the zillions of video clips that are uploaded daily. Click bait my friend.
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A doctor that I go to that I pay my money told me the mask is a false sense of security also there was another one that said if you are around people to put it on. I have paid for both of their services at one point or another but I didn’t need their opinion because I have one of those myself
This has all been blown out of proportion and will magically go away after the first Tuesday of November.

We have ruined the economy, seen mental health decline, depression, substance abuse go up. . .all in efforts to kick the can down the street until November. I'll wear a mask, but it won't matter. They'll continue saying The Walking Dead is about to become reality until November regardless of what we do.
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Would you obey a “vaccine” mandate?

Seems like that’s the natural progression. Are we going to require flu shots next year?

This is all lunacy. “Flatten the death curve” to “eradicate all sickness (only if that sickness is Covid)”.

I understand people being scared 4 months ago and why people would have been scared of a big number of cases. Since then, with all the additional data, it is absolute unhinged lunacy to be implementing more bullshit mandates based on cases, and even more unhinged that Andy is just citing other states while doing it.

Virus and mask supporters, if we all agree to let you have mail in voting and agree to give you another bite at the impeachment apple if Trump wins, can we stop this charade?
May 21st...

Their revision from yesterday...

We understand that some people are citing our Perspective article (published on April 1 at as support for discrediting widespread masking. In truth, the intent of our article was to push for more masking, not less. It is apparent that many people with SARS-CoV-2 infection are asymptomatic or presymptomatic yet highly contagious and that these people account for a substantial fraction of all transmissions.2,3 Universal masking helps to prevent such people from spreading virus-laden secretions, whether they recognize that they are infected or not.4

We did state in the article that “wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection,” but as the rest of the paragraph makes clear, we intended this statement to apply to passing encounters in public spaces, not sustained interactions within closed environments. A growing body of research shows that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission is strongly correlated with the duration and intensity of contact: the risk of transmission among household members can be as high as 40%, whereas the risk of transmission from less intense and less sustained encounters is below 5%.5-7 This finding is also borne out by recent research associating mask wearing with less transmission of SARS-CoV-2, particularly in closed settings.8 We therefore strongly support the calls of public health agencies for all people to wear masks when circumstances compel them to be within 6 ft of others for sustained periods.
Was Drew Brees a co-author?
We should start a poll.

1 - I want the virus to continue on so I can argue about it.

2 - I would like to see the virus go away, although I realize I would no longer have it to argue about.

I honestly think #1 wins in a landslide, similar to Secretariat at the Belmont, sadly.
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Would you obey a “vaccine” mandate?

Seems like that’s the natural progression. Are we going to require flu shots next year?

This is all lunacy. “Flatten the death curve” to “eradicate all sickness (only if that sickness is Covid)”.

I understand people being scared 4 months ago and why people would have been scared of a big number of cases. Since then, with all the additional data, it is absolute unhinged lunacy to be implementing more bullshit mandates based on cases, and even more unhinged that Andy is just citing other states while doing it.

Virus and mask supporters, if we all agree to let you have mail in voting and agree to give you another bite at the impeachment apple if Trump wins, can we stop this charade?

I agree with some of what you're saying.

This isn't about "rights" anymore for me. Most of that has been settled. It's about getting our lives back. As it stands, certain leaders have "staked out" ground that says "if we have a surge i'm shutting it down". We only have a finite amount of time to enjoy life. Those of us with kids are losing time with them re: sports seasons, worshiping god together etc... Because society and leaders are saying "we can't do those things if the virus is bad". that's subjective and wrong, but that's what is going on.

So if I have to wear a mask before a vaccine is working and implemented in order to get to go to church, my kids go back to school, kids get to play sports, my business not getting shut down? Fine. I'm willing to do that.

I'm sure some will have some kind of clever "i'm not willing to give up my rights". Well, it's going to take months to get those situations through the courts. If wearing a mask helps people get their lives back, I'm wearing one. No matter if it works or not.
I admit I was wrong, saw the sign on a local hospital, and god forbid I thought if anyone would know it would be them. Didn't realize the CDC changed their stance on June 28.

They changed their stance in april. They revised it in June.
I agree with some of what you're saying.

This isn't about "rights" anymore for me. Most of that has been settled. It's about getting our lives back. As it stands, certain leaders have "staked out" ground that says "if we have a surge i'm shutting it down". We only have a finite amount of time to enjoy life. Those of us with kids are losing time with them re: sports seasons, worshiping god together etc... Because society and leaders are saying "we can't do those things if the virus is bad". that's subjective and wrong, but that's what is going on.

So if I have to wear a mask before a vaccine is working and implemented in order to get to go to church, my kids go back to school, kids get to play sports, my business not getting shut down? Fine. I'm willing to do that.

I'm sure some will have some kind of clever "i'm not willing to give up my rights". Well, it's going to take months to get those situations through the courts. If wearing a mask helps people get their lives back, I'm wearing one. No matter if it works or not.

We just have two fundamentally different view points on this country and the world.

I’d prefer everyone not just roll over and comply with Andy’s bullshit arbitrary mandates just so Andy doesn’t punish us even more.
I agree with some of what you're saying.

This isn't about "rights" anymore for me. Most of that has been settled. It's about getting our lives back. As it stands, certain leaders have "staked out" ground that says "if we have a surge i'm shutting it down". We only have a finite amount of time to enjoy life. Those of us with kids are losing time with them re: sports seasons, worshiping god together etc... Because society and leaders are saying "we can't do those things if the virus is bad". that's subjective and wrong, but that's what is going on.

So if I have to wear a mask before a vaccine is working and implemented in order to get to go to church, my kids go back to school, kids get to play sports, my business not getting shut down? Fine. I'm willing to do that.

I'm sure some will have some kind of clever "i'm not willing to give up my rights". Well, it's going to take months to get those situations through the courts. If wearing a mask helps people get their lives back, I'm wearing one. No matter if it works or not.

Do you really believe if everyone wore their masks as directed there’s a chance that would cause things to open back up?
Do you really believe if everyone wore their masks as directed there’s a chance that would cause things to open back up?

I don't know. I think so. Especially with the pressure he's going to get on schools not opening all the way back up. But I know if we don't he's going to get off on shutting stuff down...
We just have two fundamentally different view points on this country and the world.

I’d prefer everyone not just roll over and comply with Andy’s bullshit arbitrary mandates just so Andy doesn’t punish us even more.

I can 100% understand this sentiment. Doesn't make you a bad person at all. That's part of the problem. People who disagree about these things think those who aren't in lock-step with them are idiots.