Would you obey a mask mandate?

I'll wear it even though I think it's silly, unnecessary,
and a mandate isn't legal.

We are being ruled by Andy, not governed.

I'm not saying masks can't help but the majority of the population is NOT wearing, putting them on, taking them off, and replacing them correctly.

Especially people who wear the same nasty, basically useless, t-shirt material type masks.
If it helps us get through this crap faster and back closer to normal I certainly will wear a mask out in public.

yeah, I’ll wear one.
Bacteria not virus. Completely different structurally and size wise. Absolutely irrelevant in this discussion regarding masks.
You switched arguments to cases. You said death count which isn't true. Yes, viruses mutate to survive(i.e. more infectious and less deadly). If they kill the host before being able to spread, they lose.

Also, you lose.
Where did I switch and why does it matter? This virus kills without age prejudiuce.
To say because you are young, you are immune, is dangerous to young people and to mom, grandpa and any other older people you come in contact with.
Would you possibly infect your best friend forever because you think this virus stuff is no big deal?
by the way, Where did you rank in your PHD class? Every class I have ever been in had the top of the class and then the bottom. where did you rank?
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Where did I switch and why does it matter? This virus kills without age prejudiuce.
To say because you are young, you are immune, is dangerous to young people and to mom, grandpa and any other older people you come in contact with.
Would you infect your best friend forever because you think this virus stuff is no big deal?
Look at the actual numbers of who is dying. The virus predominantly kills 86 year olds and up. 65 to 85 isn't great either. Lower than that? Not even close to dangerous. You have outliers just like anything. Yes you avoid seeing granny and gramps until january. That sucks, but it's partially being done already anyway.

Where did you switch? You switched from the younger ages are going up in the death tolls, to cases. Bait and switch like the MSM and liberals.
Look at the actual numbers of who is dying. The virus predominantly kills 86 year olds and up. 65 to 85 isn't great either. Lower than that? Not even close to dangerous. You have outliers just like anything. Yes you avoid seeing granny and gramps until january. That sucks, but it's partially being done already anyway.

Where did you switch? You switched from the younger ages are going up in the death tolls, to cases. Bait and switch like the MSM and liberals.
Where did you rank in your educational developement? You don't want to talk that PhD?
You are probably more educated than me but I don't hang my education as a handle in rafters CI
I never was a fan of the Gov's sunday school rhetoric delivery, but his message was right.
Wear a mask for at least 6 months. Then we might see this virus fade out
I never was a fan of the Gov's sunday school rhetoric delivery, but his message was right.
Wear a mask for at least 6 months. Then we might see this virus fade out
Why stop wearing masks just because the virus “fades”? COVID-19 certainly isn’t going to be eradicated. Much like influenza and the various strains of the common cold, it’s going to be with humanity from here on out — so if we can save just one future life, whether old or young, from dying b/c of COVID-19 by simply wearing the damned mask in perpetuity, isn’t it worth it?

Which one of my grandkids are you willing to eventually kill because you stopped wearing your mask?
Why stop wearing masks just because the virus “fades”? COVID-19 certainly isn’t going to be eradicated. Much like influenza and the various strains of the common cold, it’s going to be with humanity from here on out — so if we can save just one future life, whether old or young, from dying b/c of COVID-19 by simply wearing the damned mask in perpetuity, isn’t it worth it?

Which one of my grandkids are you willing to eventually kill because you stopped wearing your mask?
You're reaching with your sarcasm. Let's do what we can to stop it now, today.
Where is the polio voice now that I heard as a child?
What? Huh, polio? Who said something ‘bout polio, bitch? You cookin’?

Stop evading, and explain why you’re (apparently) not willing to wear a mask in perpetuity despite knowing full well that COVID-19 isn’t ever going completely away and that eventually discontinuing your mask will put lives in jeopardy.
What? Huh, polio? Who said something ‘bout polio, bitch? You cookin’?

Stop evading, and explain why you’re (apparently) not willing to wear a mask in perpetuity despite knowing full well that COVID-19 isn’t ever going completely away and that eventually discontinuing your mask will put lives in jeopardy.
You talk like we have to accept the covid-19 as forever. I don't.
It may happen that this virus will live forever but I don't think mankind will accept it on how things need to be in the future because of this virus.
We need to STOP it. We can, if you help.
Do your part!
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You talk like we have to accept the covid-19 as forever. I don't. It may happen that this virus will live forever but I don't think mankind will accept it on how things need to be in the future because of this virus.
You don’t “accept” that COVID-19 can’t be eradicated [laughing]? Here’s a clue — it’s not up to you. The perpetual existence of COVID-19 as a human pathogen which will regularly and continuously kill a certain (hopefully increasingly small) percentage of the population is a medical fact that is not disputed by anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of how viruses work/act. This stubborn medical fact is completely independent from whether you, or anyone else, vainly “accepts” it or not.

Still the question remains: Which of my future grandkids are you willing to kill when you eventually take your mask off? Please tell me now so that I can keep them safe from you. Why arbitrarily save someone today merely to sacrifice them tomorrow, simply because you agree to wear a mask now, but not then?
Provide prove I am wrong. My prove that I am right is the number of deaths we already see happen. Deaths are random. Comments here are random. Random can fall anywhere.
That will take time and you can't prove there will be less either unless you are clairvoyant.
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Been wearing a mask the whole time even without a mandate as have my wife and 3 teenagers. It is the RIGHT thing to do to try to save lives whether our own or someone whom we will never know.
In your opinion the right thing. Not so for others. As has been said by other experts that wearing the mask cause other medical issues. Pick your poison. Distancing works better.
I will and have been wearing one in stores. I will not be wearing a mask while standing in my driveway working out. That’s just simply not how viruses are transmitted. I think the general public needs a better understanding of that.

Vitamin C and Zinc, exercise and eat well. Do the things that naturally improve your overall health. I crack up at the idea of lockdowns or promoting a sedentary lifestyle. Totally counter productive to improving your immune system.

This mess goes on until November. It’s a really sad, disappointing look for our country.
We need to limit mass gatherings and offer financial assistance to bars and restaurants so they can survive through this and drastically limit capacity in those types of establishments.

In other words, you want more of them to close their doors for good. We just finished one rollout of many do you feel there needs to be? Kentucky restaurants lost $550M in April.....that can't happen again.

If masks truly work, then everything needs to be open 100%...not the opposite.
So basically by the mandate, you are not authorized to buy or sell without a mask.

No Mask, No Service = No Buy. If a business wants to sell, they have to be in compliance...

I’ve heard people laugh at the prophecy of the Bible talking about one day that it will be required for ALL to take a mark & will not be able to buy or sell without it.. Of course a mask is not that but......

All it will take is a mandate to do something in the name of wellness for others & the right thing to do & many people will do so.... Better open your eyes how easily something can be done.

Revelation 13
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name
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A few years back my Mom had a serious medical issue. She went to 3 different doctors and 2 hospitals for it. They were all real and we paid for their services. She was misdiagnosed at all places by all doctors. It was actually a nurse practioner that figured out she had a ruptered ulcer. If she had gone 24 more hours without fixing it, she would have died. Doctors aren't always right.

Dr Fauci is way more dangerous than Covid. That’s a scientific fact.

The researchers estimated that an annual 251,454 U.S. deaths — or 9.5% of all annual U.S. deaths — resulted from medical error, making it the third leading cause of death in the country.
I never was a fan of the Gov's sunday school rhetoric delivery, but his message was right.
Wear a mask for at least 6 months. Then we might see this virus fade out

That was literally his message? Wear a gd mask FOR AT LEAST SIX MONTHS, and then we might see the virus fade away.

That’s the dumbest junk I’ve ever heard.

And if you believe we’re gonna wear our masks and then Master Andy will free us in the middle of January...get real. They’ll shut everything down again before flu season. This bs started as “2 weeks and we’ll see where we are”. Well, it’s been months, so many I don’t even know, and we’ve seen drastic improvement. So much improvement that covid is no longer classified as a pandemic. But our leaders have basically denied any progress and kept us in limbo. Now they’re doubling down again and unlawfully forcing/suggesting everybody wear masks because this time, and they really mean this time...if everybody is a good boy and girl, we can maybe possibly get back to normal in 6 months.

Our entire way of life is under attack, and I don’t see one mfer marching for freedom. Say what you will about “the left”, but a politician could say the wrong word and those anti-American POS would hit the pavement and internets demanding change, and they would probably get it. Because they did something. When will good-natured, law-abiding citizens stand up and demand change.
You talk like we have to accept the covid-19 as forever. I don't.
It may happen that this virus will live forever but I don't think mankind will accept it on how things need to be in the future because of this virus.
We need to STOP it. We can, if you help.
Do your part!
My background is economics, but I'll go to a research lab and start working today. That is the only way I can help.
Masks are terrible because they don't work. Covid passes through. It's just a fact.

Even worse they give people a false sense of security and result in way more touching of the face.

There are only three ways out: being exposed/herd immunity; vaccine (unlikely); actual social distancing (the kind where you don't go to the store a few times a week [which is impossible]).
No, it's not a fact. It's your unprofessional opinion.
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My doctor, who I know is a real doctor and I pay her for her services, says to put one on every time I leave my home. I can find fakes and fringe weirdos galore and their advice is free, for good reason. I can't take any of these social media clips seriously.

What a coincidence. My physician, my dentist and my wife's physician all said the same thing. In fact, you can't get in to see them without one. They wore one and all of their employees are wearing them. Hell, my dentist had me call when I got there. They came out, took my temperature, asked several questions, then escorted me straight to the room for my cleaning. Once there, I was asked by the hygienist (who was wearing a mask and a full face shield) to rinse my mouth out with an antiseptic mouthwash for 30 seconds before she would work on me. Even our veterinarian has a similar policy where they won't allow anyone in. You call them, and they will come out and get your dog.