Who stood and kneeled for the anthem?

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I could care less about your racial intervention. I have friends of all color. If you don't like this country leave. Don't spew your piss on my fathers grave. End of discussion!
Constitution says that no one has to leave if they disagree. And if your father fought in the military, he fought for their rights to speak up for what they believe in.
Kaepernick chose to protest during the national anthem, he chose then instead of any other time because of the shock value, and why would that time cause the most shock?
Also, he was protesting oppressed people of color in the US, there isn't anyone in this nation being oppressed by the state.
The "shock value" is no different that any protest in history. You want protests to be nice, to make you feel comfortable (while they're telling you that the people that they're kneeling for also feel uncomfortable)? Sorry, but some protests don't work like that.
-first world problems.

-the deification of athletes/entertainers is cute. Their opinions carry no weight. Who gives a poop what they think/believe. Let em protest...dont consume their product if you don't like it.
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The "shock value" is no different that any protest in history. You want protests to be nice, to make you feel comfortable (while they're telling you that the people that they're kneeling for also feel uncomfortable)? Sorry, but some protests don't work like that.

I don't give a rip about protests, most of them including this one are ridiculous.
Kap can protest till his hearts content in any of the thousands of daily protests in the US. However, when you as a high paid NFL QB want to kneel during the national anthem, expect people to be HIGHLY pissed. Also expect your "cause" to fall on deaf ears, especially when you're claiming oppression in the united states.
Packers are all going to stand - request for fans to stand and interlock arms during anthem.
Just rambling here, but I would appreciate Villanueva taking a knee because those that are doing so aren't anti-American, the whole point is to peacefully protest and push for a better tomorrow for this country. I grew up in the hills of eastern KY. I know that racism, whether admitted or not, is alive and well in this country. I'm not going to pretend I know what it would be like to be a poor black kid growing up in East St. Louis, but I'm confident that it would be a drastically different experience than what I had growing up, and it's only natural we would have completely different perspectives about the American experience. When you see the shopkeeper keeping a lingering eye on the young black teen just trying to buy some groceries, when you overhear that police officer angrily gruff at a black man for simply just walking home at night... I'm white, I'll never know what facing that your entire life is like. I'll never be able to relate to that kind of experience as much as I could ever try. I don't know if we'll ever get past that as a society, but I know it's wrong. And if someone wants to peacefully protest that and push for a better experience in life, to try to start a conversation, even if I don't think it's the most effective way to protest, I'm still going to support it. We're Americans; we protest. That's in our blood. That is what brought women's suffrage, ended Jim Crow, got us out of Vietnam, allowed for homosexuals to get married, and started this damn experiment of a country in the first place. Seeing a white former Army Ranger take a knee in solidarity with a black teammate would be a beautiful thing to me, not a national tragedy.
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Just rambling here, but I would appreciate Villanueva taking a knee because those that are doing so aren't anti-American, the whole point is to peacefully protest and push for a better tomorrow for this country. I grew up in the hills of eastern KY. I know that racism, whether admitted or not, is alive and well in this country. I'm not going to pretend I know what it would be like to be a poor black kid growing up in East St. Louis, but I'm confident that it would be a drastically different experience than what I had growing up, and it's only natural we would have completely different perspectives about the American experience. When you see the shopkeeper keeping a lingering eye on the young black teen just trying to buy some groceries, when you overhear that police officer angrily gruff at a black man for simply just walking home at night... I'm white, I'll never know what facing that your entire life is like. I'll never be able to relate to that kind of experience as much as I could ever try. I don't know if we'll ever get past that as a society, but I know it's wrong. And if someone wants to peacefully protest that and push for a better experience in life, to try to start a conversation, even if I don't think it's the most effective way to protest, I'm still going to support it. We're Americans; we protest. That's in our blood. That is what brought women's suffrage, ended Jim Crow, got us out of Vietnam, allowed for homosexuals to get married, and started this damn experiment of a country in the first place. Seeing a white former Army Ranger take a knee in solidarity with a black teammate would be a beautiful thing to me, not a national tragedy.

Are there racists in this country?? Absolutely. Is this country, in 2017, systemically racist?? NO IT IS NOT! I'm all about peaceful protest and 1st amendment rights. I spent 25 years of my life defending it. But it also gives me the right to say you disgust me and are a grade A douchebag when you kneel for the anthem, burn the flag, refuse to stand for the pledge etc. THAT IS MY RIGHT! I also have the right to say this social justice crap is predicated on pure unadulterated bullshit! Repeat after me, Hands Up Don't Shoot DID NOT HAPPEN. But never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Do the police make mistakes and over react. Absolutely! But the police are not strapping on a gun and badge to hunt young black males as is being pitched by the social justice idiots. That's why people like me are so frustrated and disgusted. This movement is built on a foundation of lies.
I don't give a rip about protests, most of them including this one are ridiculous.
Kap can protest till his hearts content in any of the thousands of daily protests in the US. However, when you as a high paid NFL QB want to kneel during the national anthem, expect people to be HIGHLY pissed. Also expect your "cause" to fall on deaf ears, especially when you're claiming oppression in the united states.
The many protests during the Civil Rights Movement weren't ridiculous. The Salt March wasn't ridiculous. The Women's Suffrage Movement wasn't ridiculous. Stonewall jumpstarted liberation for people who deserved it. Thich Quang Duc's act got his point across. The Boston Tea Party......

These protests (like Kap's protest) all had opposition. They made people uncomfortable. Those protesters had to sacrifice to get what they needed.

And stop trying to discredit Kap solely based on his income. He's still a black man at the end of the day, and can and still does face the challenges and bullshit that we face in our lives. Its better he, with a voice as powerful as it is, gets the message out since y'all don't want to listen to the rest of us.

You're pissed? Okay, we've been pissed. You're uncomfortable? Okay, we've been uncomfortable. You're insulted? Okay, we've been insulted. And until there's liberty and justice for ALL, until there's the eradication of the enablement of racism, bigotry and hate, until people can rightfully speak out without the president calling them a "son of a bitch", you will get this resistance.
The many protests during the Civil Rights Movement weren't ridiculous. The Salt March wasn't ridiculous. The Women's Suffrage Movement wasn't ridiculous. Stonewall jumpstarted liberation for people who deserved it. Thich Quang Duc's act got his point across. The Boston Tea Party......

These protests (like Kap's protest) all had opposition. They made people uncomfortable. Those protesters had to sacrifice to get what they needed.

And stop trying to discredit Kap solely based on his income. He's still a black man at the end of the day, and can and still does face the challenges and bullshit that we face in our lives. Its better he, with a voice as powerful as it is, gets the message out since y'all don't want to listen to the rest of us.

You're pissed? Okay, we've been pissed. You're uncomfortable? Okay, we've been uncomfortable. You're insulted? Okay, we've been insulted. And until there's liberty and justice for ALL, until there's the eradication of the enablement of racism, bigotry and hate, until people can rightfully speak out without the president calling them a "son of a bitch", you will get this resistance.

First of all I was speaking of Protests today, I also didn’t say a thing about all protests.
Secondly, there isn’t a GD thing in common with what Kaepernick is protesting anywhere similar to the protests you mentioned.
You know why? Because it was based on a LIE!
All the things you mentioned are felt by every person in the country, white, black, yellow or red.
I want you to tell me one person that is oppressed in this country? Who?
Why don’t you protest the number of black fathers that abandon their children, or black folks killing each other? You know something that is an actual reality.
You think you are the only one that has and does face challenges?

There’s a big problem in the black community, it isn’t white people, it isn’t cops, it isn’t the system, and no one but you can fix it, but it’s going to take an inward look. Blaming other people for your problems will never solve a damn thing.
First of all I was speaking of Protests today, I also didn’t say a thing about all protests.
You said "don't give a rip about protests, most of them including this one are ridiculous.". I just gave you some examples of protests that got stuff done.

You're naming stuff and acting like it isn't talked about. We talk about our issues in our community, and we work to fix them. We can actually focus on more than one issue at a time, so GTFOH with that!

Because it was based on a LIE!
A lie? Tamir Rice didn't deserve to die. Philando Castile didn't deserve to die. Sandra Bland? Freddie Gray? Other cases? Why do I have to have more fear than my white peers when dealing with police? Why are we getting harassed because "we fit the description" when that description was vague? Why do store automatically assume brown people are stealing? Why are black people automatically labeled as "thugs" for dressing a certain way or listening to certain music, but when white people do it, it's cool?

My brother was leaving work, on his way home, and got detained by cops a block away from where we lived because he "looked the guy." They said he had on a green tee shirt, my brother was wearing his blue work polo. They said he had long dreads with a green hat, my brother had baby twists with NO hat on. They said he was black, my brother is Dominican. The only thing that matched was his shoe color (black), and his backpack (blue). That racist stop-and-frisk crap plagued every one of us brown people in New York City (and there are number to back up that it was unfairly profiling us).

Come on man, you might not be living our experiences, but don't try to discredit what we say when we go through it.
You said "don't give a rip about protests, most of them including this one are ridiculous.". I just gave you some examples of protests that got stuff done.

You're naming stuff and acting like it isn't talked about. We talk about our issues in our community, and we work to fix them. We can actually focus on more than one issue at a time, so GTFOH with that!

A lie? Tamir Rice didn't deserve to die. Philando Castile didn't deserve to die. Sandra Bland? Freddie Gray? Other cases? Why do I have to have more fear than my white peers when dealing with police? Why are we getting harassed because "we fit the description" when that description was vague? Why do store automatically assume brown people are stealing? Why are black people automatically labeled as "thugs" for dressing a certain way or listening to certain music, but when white people do it, it's cool?

My brother was leaving work, on his way home, and got detained by cops a block away from where we lived because he "looked the guy." They said he had on a green tee shirt, my brother was wearing his blue work polo. They said he had long dreads with a green hat, my brother had baby twists with NO hat on. They said he was black, my brother is Dominican. The only thing that matched was his shoe color (black), and his backpack (blue). That racist stop-and-frisk crap plagued every one of us brown people in New York City (and there are number to back up that it was unfairly profiling us).

Come on man, you might not be living our experiences, but don't try to discredit what we say when we go through it.

You need to do more than talk about it, instead you demonize folks that actually bring it to light that are black.
The black community is the black communities biggest problem. It isn’t us against them, we’re all in this together.

One reason you have fear is because you e been told constantly cops have it out for black people. Why don’t you look at the actual facts and numbers.
I suppose you think the crime stats that show blacks commit most crime is because cops target blacks?

I always hear that “ you haven’t lived our existence”, that road goes both ways.

You are being used, blacks vote 90% Democratic. Do you think they want you to have some kind of grand epiphany? An awakening where you realize you’ve been fed a line of bs, that they simply want to keep you in line so you’ll continue to be a reliable voting block? How has Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark and on and on improved the lives of the black citizens that have continually supported Dem city Gov?

They’re still using you, keeping you afraid, and in need of their handouts. That isn’t freedom.

My 2 younger brothers father is black, our mother is white. I don’t judge any person by the color of their skin, only by their actions.
I’m the type of person that is getting fed up, there is nothing anyone of us can do to change the past. We can dwell on it, all we want, but it won’t change a thing.
We can change the future, and if black folks don’t realize that nothing the Govt does will change their plight if they can’t change themselves then nothing will ever change, ever.
I suppose you think the crime stats that show blacks commit most crime is because cops target blacks?
False, most crimes overall aren't committed by us.

One reason you have fear is because you e been told constantly cops have it out for black people
I just told you brown people were being unfairly treated in my city. When you have officers actually admitting that they racially profile people, you're going to fear them.

You are being used, blacks vote 90% Democratic.
Why would we vote for the party that has vocal and non-apologetic racists and bigots in their party?
Yeah I'll take my chances with the other guys.

How has Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark and on and on improved the lives of the black citizens that have continually supported Dem city Gov?
I live in New York, and I spend around 12-13 days a month in Atlanta for work. I can't speak for those cities.

My 2 younger brothers father is black
OK, and? That gives you a pass to speak against what others have said that they've experienced?

We can change the future
Are those players not trying to do that?
False, most crimes overall aren't committed by us.

I just told you brown people were being unfairly treated in my city. When you have officers actually admitting that they racially profile people, you're going to fear them.

Why would we vote for the party that has vocal and non-apologetic racists and bigots in their party?
Yeah I'll take my chances with the other guys.

I live in New York, and I spend around 12-13 days a month in Atlanta for work. I can't speak for those cities.

OK, and? That gives you a pass to speak against what others have said that they've experienced?

Are those players not trying to do that?

When you call everything racism, everything eventually becomes racism.

As long as you blame others for your problems, you'll always have those problems.

Why don't you use independent thought, and not vote like a school of fish.
You said "don't give a rip about protests, most of them including this one are ridiculous.". I just gave you some examples of protests that got stuff done.

You're naming stuff and acting like it isn't talked about. We talk about our issues in our community, and we work to fix them. We can actually focus on more than one issue at a time, so GTFOH with that!

A lie? Tamir Rice didn't deserve to die. Philando Castile didn't deserve to die. Sandra Bland? Freddie Gray? Other cases? Why do I have to have more fear than my white peers when dealing with police? Why are we getting harassed because "we fit the description" when that description was vague? Why do store automatically assume brown people are stealing? Why are black people automatically labeled as "thugs" for dressing a certain way or listening to certain music, but when white people do it, it's cool?

My brother was leaving work, on his way home, and got detained by cops a block away from where we lived because he "looked the guy." They said he had on a green tee shirt, my brother was wearing his blue work polo. They said he had long dreads with a green hat, my brother had baby twists with NO hat on. They said he was black, my brother is Dominican. The only thing that matched was his shoe color (black), and his backpack (blue). That racist stop-and-frisk crap plagued every one of us brown people in New York City (and there are number to back up that it was unfairly profiling us).

Come on man, you might not be living our experiences, but don't try to discredit what we say when we go through it.
Freddie Gray and Michael Brown were not legit. IF you would stop obsessing about what you THINK you go through b/c you're black and just try to live a productive life you might be worth a shit at some point in your life.

Blacks have their own culture, they admit it proudly ; that culture embraces a lot of bad things like guns, drugs, rap songs, gangs etc... That draws more crimes, more crimes draws m ore police presence. Surely you have enough gray matter to connect those simple dots. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself all the time. IT's very very pathetic and I am embarrassed FOR you. One day you might grow up and get over yourself. Maybe

If they still had stop and frisk maybe officers Ramos and Lee wouldn't have had their heads blown off by a black lives matter supporter while they were eating lunch. Violent crime was WAYYY down when stop and frisk was in place.

The problem with blacks is cultural rot enabled by liberal white politicians. They point the laser pointer and 90% of blacks are happy to oblige and dance to their masters' tune. It's as plain as day.

BTW you want to bring up police shootings what happened with the white Aussie woman who was gunned down while talking to a black Somali cop in his car?
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Kell is probably a Russian operative/troll.

If they still had stop and frisk maybe officers Ramos and Lee wouldn't have had their heads blown off by a black lives matter supporter while they were eating lunch. Violent crime was WAYYY down when stop and frisk was in place.
The correlation was weak, if there was one:

Michael Brown were not legit
I never brought up Michael Brown. But what about Jordan Edwards?

IF you would stop obsessing about what you THINK you go
How are you going to tell me this shit when I see it happen in front of me?

Blacks have their own culture, they admit it proudly ; that culture embraces a lot of bad things like guns, drugs, rap songs, gangs etc... That draws more crimes, more crimes draws m ore police presence. Surely you have enough gray matter to connect those simple dots. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself all the time. IT's very very pathetic and I am embarrassed FOR you. One day you might grow up and get over yourself. Maybe

BTW you want to bring up police shootings what happened with the white Aussie woman who was gunned down while talking to a black Somali cop in his car?
She didn't deserve to die, as is the case with a lot of other people. And that partially proves the point of America not only having a race problem, but a problem with some cops being overly-aggressive and trigger-happy.

There are black cops killing white people who didn't deserve to die. There are white cops killing white people who didn't deserve to die. Why are you not concerned with that? I'm just as concerned with black cops killing black people, or any cop killing anyone who didn't deserve to die period.
The correlation was weak, if there was one:

I never brought up Michael Brown. But what about Jordan Edwards?

How are you going to tell me this shit when I see it happen in front of me?

She didn't deserve to die, as is the case with a lot of other people. And that partially proves the point of America not only having a race problem, but a problem with some cops being overly-aggressive and trigger-happy.

There are black cops killing white people who didn't deserve to die. There are white cops killing white people who didn't deserve to die. Why are you not concerned with that? I'm just as concerned with black cops killing black people, or any cop killing anyone who didn't deserve to die period.

you brought up Freddie gray and the Eric Garner. Police brutality exists. I would love to know specific examples of the racism that you face. Just your top 3. I have a slight problem with YOU being the judge/jury and executioner on racism. What if you're just being an asshole to someone? You might not know it at the moment, and the situation makes you uncomfortable, do you get to claim that is racism?

And you did not bring up Michael brown but that whole fabrication is about 40% of why there is a race war now. Everyone was coming out with hands up don't shoot. THat lie really cut this nation badly. I know you know that. So that shows the left's INTENTION. They don't want peace and justice they want anarchy and destruction.

"united we stand, divided we fall"
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I don't give a rip about protests, most of them including this one are ridiculous.
Kap can protest till his hearts content in any of the thousands of daily protests in the US. However, when you as a high paid NFL QB want to kneel during the national anthem, expect people to be HIGHLY pissed. Also expect your "cause" to fall on deaf ears, especially when you're claiming oppression in the united states.

Bill, one "high paid NFL QB" making a protest speaks 1000x louder than 1000 poor people making the same protest. Nobody cares what those 1000 poor people think or say, they are easily ignored. But when someone of high profile speaks, when they challenge the status quo people take notice.
Be honest, people don't want these protests at NFL games because they want to be able to easily ignore the protest. It upsets people because to ignore it requires that they pay a miss watching games they would rather see.

It's not a lot different than when Muhammad Ali refused the draft for the Vietnam War. Others had done so before him but they were easily ignored and written off. Ali gave voice to those who were against the war and the racial injustice of that time. He was too vilified for his actions at the time. History however sees him in a completely different light.
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If it is racist, I will call it racist.

I vote in MY best interest, as you vote in your best interest as well.

What more do you need to see that the way you've been voting isn't in your best interest?
Honest question, how awful do inner cities have to get before black people realize maybe the Dems are lying to us?

If you want to say some cops are overly aggressive, well I'll completely agree. The issue is that the black community and SJW's seem to think black men are systematically being gunned down by cops, they aren't.
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I would love to know specific examples of the racism that you face. Just your top 3.

1. Group of white males drove past me and my friends on Angliana and yelled "f*ck you ni**ers" and threw some old Cookout box at us while we were walking home at night.
2. Got called multiple racial slurs at a Walmart in Indiana by this white couple because their kids were blocking the aisle. I told them excuse me and they didn't listen. I asked the parents if they could move their kids and they spazzed out on me.
3. See below:
My brother was leaving work, on his way home, and got detained by cops a block away from where we lived because he "looked the guy." They said he had on a green tee shirt, my brother was wearing his blue work polo. They said he had long dreads with a green hat, my brother had baby twists with NO hat on. They said he was black, my brother is Dominican. The only thing that matched was his shoe color (black), and his backpack (blue).

And you did not bring up Michael brown but that whole fabrication is about 40% of why there is a race war now.
I didn't speak on Michael Brown. That stop and frisk incident happened back in 2011. That's when I finally broke my silence.
Bill, one "high paid NFL QB" making a protest speaks 1000x louder than 1000 poor people making the same protest. Nobody cares what those 1000 poor people think or say, they are easily ignored. But when someone of high profile speaks, when they challenge the status quo people take notice.
Be honest, people don't want these protests at NFL games because they want to be able to easily ignore the protest. It upsets people because to ignore it requires that they pay a miss watching games they would rather see.

It's not a lot different than when Muhammad Ali refused the draft for the Vietnam War. Others had done so before him but they were easily ignored and written off. Ali gave voice to those who were against the war and the racial injustice of that time. He was too vilified for his actions at the time. History however sees him in a completely different light.

I agree, the issue is he's protesting something that isn't real. No one in the United States is under oppression, it's a farce.
What more do you need to see that the way you've been voting isn't in your best interest?
Honest question, how awful do inner cities have to get before black people realize maybe the Dems are lying to us?
Again, why would I vote for the other party when they have people that are blatantly against us?

And the two cities that I live in aren't awful.
1. Group of white males drove past me and my friends on Angliana and yelled "f*ck you ni**ers" and threw some old Cookout box at us while we were walking home at night.
2. Got called multiple racial slurs at a Walmart in Indiana by this white couple because their kids were blocking the aisle. I told them excuse me and they didn't listen. I asked the parents if they could move their kids and they spazzed out on me.
3. See below:

I didn't speak on Michael Brown. That stop and frisk incident happened back in 2011. That's when I finally broke my silence.

Well stop the press, a dumb ass called you a name. You think you're the only person thats ever had a racial slur thrown their way? It's a word, it only hurts you if you allow it to.
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Again, why would I vote for the other party when they have people that are blatantly against us?

And the two cities that I live in aren't awful.
I could see your point on being blatantly against you if it was an elected official doing the things that some idiots did to you. A couple weeks ago a black guy claimed I broke his mirror , I disagreed he called me an asshole. Does that mean he is racist so obviously the entire world of blacks is against me?
Again, why would I vote for the other party when they have people that are blatantly against us?

And the two cities that I live in aren't awful.

Who is blatantly against you? You think there aren't democrats that are racist?

You're clearly a smart person, open your eyes, you've been fed a line of crap so long that now you need and want it.
Reps aren't against black people, there is nothing a conservative wants more than for everyone to be self sufficient, that is real liberty.
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