Who stood and kneeled for the anthem?

I'M the problem if someone is using discrimination, racism, bigotry or any other harmful rhetoric against me?

North Carolina Bathroom Bill.
Why did it take Obergefell v Hodges to finally allow my lgtbq* friends and family the right to get married?
Everything listed in this paper:

All of those affect my friends and family

Because marriage has always been defined as a man and woman, not complicated.

The NC bathroom bill was a dog whistle, listen very closely and you’ll learn how you’re emotions are used against you.
The NC law was introduced because Charlotte lost its mind, it didn’t come into being for no reason. The Gov simply wanted them to drop the ordnance, they wouldn’t so the bill was born. Everyone got pissed, the NCAA moved and so on, then the Rep Gov lost the election, and guess what happened?
Charlotte dropped the ordnance, NC repealed the law and everything went right back to the way it was before Charlotte passed the ordnance, just like the Rep Gov wanted, but it served its purpose it got a Dem elected. Because you guys that vote on emotion are dependable.

You do realize there isn’t and never was a Muslim ban, right?

You’re too smart to waste it on made up issues.
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The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

And I'm not even a conservative like Bill is. On topic, this man sums it up pretty well.

I really don’t care if you’re a conservative or not, but I’m telling you why I’m NOT one, and why I don’t vote for them. You can vote for whoever YOU feel is best for YOU, and I will vote for whoever I feel is best for me, my family, and my friends.

Y’all all talk about them protesting while on the job, but Kim Davis sure did have a lot of supporters when she was protesting on the job by not giving those people their marriage licenses.
The players made it pretty clear that they respect the military, so much that they’re using that right that they fought for. And it’s been many veterans and actives out there supporting that. With this whole narrative of people should be FORCED to stand for the anthem, y’all might as well call this place North Kore Lite. Black people have been protesting against what they feel like are injustices for decades, and every time someone told them they were disrespectful, and they met resistance. Nothing is new here! Again, people are mad at the action and not the reason. We’re speaking out because we feel like this flag is fully representing what it claims to be representing (as stated in previous posts).

I like America. I was born here and I appreciate what the military has done for my freedom. It is the greatest country on this earth! But I’m not gonna act like we’re perfect. I’m not gonna act like EVERYONE here is living it up!

Imagine I’m in a marriage where my wife is the USA. In a marriage, if you have problems you go to a marriage counselor, right?I love my wife, but we have problems in this marriage. So we go to the counselor because I still love her and still feel like this relationship can be as close to perfect as possible. So you tell the counselor all of your business and speak about all of the issues you’re having in that marriage (protesting) so that they can help you mend it and make it stronger and better for both of us.

That’s what we’re trying to achieve here.
My eyes are very open. That's why I, along with a large amount of minorities, will vote against conservatives. A conservative is defined as "a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes." Yeah that would never be me.

Hey baby.... Once you go conservative. You never go back.
Because marriage has always been defined as a man and woman, not complicated.
According to who? On the basis of what?

You do realize there isn’t and never was a Muslim ban, right?
Executive Order 13769?

The NC bathroom bill was a dog whistle, listen very closely and you’ll learn how you’re emotions are used against you.
The NC law was introduced because Charlotte lost its mind, it didn’t come into being for no reason. The Gov simply wanted them to drop the ordnance, they wouldn’t so the bill was born. Everyone got pissed, the NCAA moved and so on, then the Rep Gov lost the election, and guess what happened?
Charlotte dropped the ordnance, NC repealed the law and everything went right back to the way it was before Charlotte passed the ordnance, just like the Rep Gov wanted, but it served its purpose it got a Dem elected. Because you guys that vote on emotion are dependable.
Hmm, interesting.
It's been many years since I've heard anybody use that word ... except black people who use it all the GD time. For a word blacks hate so much and want to die out, why the hell do they perpetuate it?
Okay but it hasn't even been half a year since I heard it used in a hurtful and negative way. And I don't use that word.
Okay but it hasn't even been half a year since I heard it used in a hurtful and negative way. And I don't use that word.

Regardless of your identity, there's always going to be somebody saying words that may be offensive. I guess you'll have to do what everybody else does. Grow a pair and rise above the stupid shit. It builds character. And it's your individual character that will be judged by everyone worth your time and respect. BTW, you didn't answer my question.
I really don’t care if you’re a conservative or not, but I’m telling you why I’m NOT one, and why I don’t vote for them. You can vote for whoever YOU feel is best for YOU, and I will vote for whoever I feel is best for me, my family, and my friends.

That’s what we’re trying to achieve here.

I mentioned that because to most reasonable people, civil rights is not a left vs right issue. And if you want to know, I always vote what I judge to be best for the country, not just for me and those I care about.

And that is what this country has achieved, the great ideal it continues to strive for, and why you stand for the flag as they did last night.
According to who? On the basis of what?

Executive Order 13769?

Hmm, interesting.

Based on society, are you going to pretend that up until a few years ago the normal definition of marriage was a man and woman?

You're drinking the kool aid, please list in the executive order where it specifically keeps only muslims out of the country. While you're at it look into why Obama recommended those nations, and asked congress to approve.
(Narrator: Trump was the first POTUS that came into office supporting gay marriage, yet Kell was unmoved, weeping quietly)
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Come'on ride that train. You ride it.
Come'on ride that train. You ride it
what do you say when a muslim commits a terrorist attack? You say "oh that's just one person don't judge a whole group of people by the actions of one."

But in your world that does not apply to police or white people. You personally have been called names
and you deem the entire country racist and they need to be eradicated. Can't you see the problem there? You need to look in the mirror and just make sure that all the things you're accusing people of, that you aren't doing yourself. You say blacks can't be racist b/c there is no power in being racist (the weakest argument I've ever heard). BUT that does not mean that you cannot be an asshole. And imo you are being at the very minimum an asshole with the pre judgement on people who are not like you.
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They don't have a clue why they are kneeling. They are children and when they are told that something they are doing is pissing people off they do it more. It is a pathetic mentality, making excuses for why there are struggles. People have too much time on their hands want to think they have some sort of purpose in life. This "racial injustice" is an extortion scheme. You pay them and they go away and stop calling you racist. Why do you think Donald Sterling was honored by the NAACP? B/c he paid them. Bought and paid for money whores is the civil rights movement of today.

How did everyone feel when the black Missouri representative said she wished Donald trump was assassinated? Is that not hate? Wanting someone dead. That should give supporters of this (bowel) civil rights movement reason to pause and say "whoa" But you don't.
If someone values Shaun King as a source of info, the train has left the station.

Seems that it's a little like how we had it in the military

You DO have the right to protest while in uniform -- but your employer is going to be pissed and will take action ( seems the NFL isn't tho))

You COULD just protest / organize and what not on your FREE TIME however

And I can't say anyone would begrudge you --
Unless you join antifa or something

I think the NFL would do well to step back and simplify-everything- and try to repair their brand

But this is simultaneously a wake up call for those mod us that have
Been under their spell for so long
Visit Saudi Arabia for a reality check on racial justice

Hell - visit Japan for a wake up call too

The us isn't perfect of course but we're really running out of room to cry racism anymore

Especially when any of us can be black simply by insisting that we are - like some men have demanded to be called women etc

Shit -California wants to put you in JAIL if you use the wrong "gender pronoun " These days

Stands to reason I can demand to be another race too right?
Visit Saudi Arabia for a reality check on racial justice

Hell - visit Japan for a wake up call too

The us isn't perfect of course but we're really running out of room to cry racism anymore

Especially when any of us can be black simply by insisting that we are - like some men have demanded to be called women etc

Shit -California wants to put you in JAIL if you use the wrong "gender pronoun " These days

Stands to reason I can demand to be another race too right?
no blacks do not want to share the grievance shake down with other people. Rachel Dolozol tried that and she got kicked out of the party. You can't be trans racial b/c that means you can get a piece of the cash pie when hard working people are extorted in return for blacks not targeting you for racism. They don't want to share
Not all

And yes - there's no valid reason someone couldn't claim to be whatever race they feel like claiming-- unless we're suddenly putting science back into the equation - haha
Regardless of your identity, there's always going to be somebody saying words that may be offensive. I guess you'll have to do what everybody else does. Grow a pair and rise above the stupid shit. It builds character. And it's your individual character that will be judged by everyone worth your time and respect. BTW, you didn't answer my question.
Okay. It'll stop hurting just because white folks told us to stop being offended. Cool.

Zeba explains it better than I could:
Okay. It'll stop hurting just because white folks told us to stop being offended. Cool.

Zeba explains it better than I could:
that is the definition of snow flake right there. You are offended by words and the good kicker with you is your perception sucks. Not rare believe me esp with men. Nothing can help you except for you to get over yourself one day.

You are probably an atheist right?
I wanna eat black butthole.

Based on society, are you going to pretend that up until a few years ago the normal definition of marriage was a man and woman?
Nah, I never defined it as that. I always saw it as people being in love, as some historical societies have. And apparently in nature there are those type of relationships too
You're drinking the kool aid, please list in the executive order where it specifically keeps only muslims out of the country. While you're at it look into why Obama recommended those nations, and asked congress to approve.
See the previous post with the link to the paper written on it.
But in your world that does not apply to police or white people. You personally have been called names
and you deem the entire country racist and they need to be eradicated. Can't you see the problem there? You need to look in the mirror and just make sure that all the things you're accusing people of, that you aren't doing yourself. You say blacks can't be racist b/c there is no power in being racist (the weakest argument I've ever heard). BUT that does not mean that you cannot be an asshole. And imo you are being at the very minimum an asshole with the pre judgement on people who are not like you.
Where did I say the entire country was racist? Where did I say that black people couldn't be racist?
Atheist? That would be so cool! But no, I'm not (as if its even relevant in this conversation)
i'll tell you how it's relevant. Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you know what He teaches about anger? self righteousness? envy? jealousy? Do you not believe in forgiveness. This life is not about you, it is not about your misperceived grievances and righting them so that all is well in YOUR perception or the perception of HUMANS you trust. Man is imperfect and we are here to do things to make God happy, to show HIS glory in loving the way He loves all of us. And it starts over every day. But that's just what I have learned. That's why I asked.

I think you have a chip on your shoulder the size mount rushmore.
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