Who stood and kneeled for the anthem?

I look at this and Ben R's comments along with Tomlins and think it is pretty sad that the leader of the team and an Army Ranger feel pressured to join something that make them very uncomfortable. So much for freedom huh?

Exactly....AV caved to the pressure to try and stay politically correct. Tomlin was an ass during this and I commend Ben for coming forward, albeit too late.
There are folks, and lots of them that want this country divided. The backers and funders stay in the shadows, but there intent is to increase the tensions.
They know how popular the NFL is and how many viewers it has. This is not some on the fly thing.
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What does any of that have to do with what I said?

The NFL punished its players for uniform violations. It fines players for wearing certain cleats, etc.

That has nothing to do with protesting. You might as well say they fine them for dirty hits. It's true, but it isn't related to what's going on here.

Again, protesting, by its very nature, means breaking rules/protocol and making some people uncomfortable or angry. Rosa Parks broke "the law" by not getting up. That was the entire point. The NFL players are breaking "traditional" protocol in order to protest. It isn't protesting if you just follow all the rules and do what is asked of you.
I get what the players are doing and I'm fine with it. I said that. The thread was started about the NFL being inconsistent in its enforcing their rules, not people breaking the NFL rules. Unless you're saying the NFL as an organization is protesting, then what you're arguing doesn't have any merit.
No, it's very simple. Disrespecting the flag of your nation does absolutely nothing for your cause, be it BLM, anti-Trump, or something like protesting the Vietnam War, WHATEVER. It only pisses some people off who find that act offensive.

You don't win people over to your side of things by pissing them off. You also don't keep customers by pissing them off.

In the context of the American civil rights movement, this is something great men like MLK clearly understood whereas idiots like Malcolm X didn't.

The irony/ignorance here is that a vast majority of white americans disapproved of MLK back in the day. Now they rewrite history for their own gain.

"Even the March on Washington — so revered today — wasn’t welcomed.

Just before the 1963 march, Gallup asked a nationally representative sample of adults how they felt about the coming event.

Less than a quarter of Americans said they held favorable opinions."

That has nothing to do with anything.

The problem with BLM is that it doesn't stand up to statistical analysis vis a vis general police incompetence.

Additionally, it's not BLM or anti-Trump that some people had a problem with here, it's the act of disrespecting the flag.
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I look at this and Ben R's comments along with Tomlins and think it is pretty sad that the leader of the team and an Army Ranger feel pressured to join something that make them very uncomfortable. So much for freedom huh?
I believe that they shouldn't have to succumb to that pressure.

OTOH, pressure from your employer is something all of us non-business owners deal with on a daily basis. Wasn't that the argument; that the owners should fire players not doing what the owners want.

But the argument has been flipped again. Now the players are doing what the owners want, and people want them to do the opposite.

It's almost like everybody wants to tell everybody else what to do.

I can't keep up.
You don't get to tell someone what or how they can protest. Instead of focusing on the reason behind the protest, you're trying to find more ways to bitch about them using their constitutional rights and even doing something.
Weak strawman argument. Literally nobody has said that they don't have a right to protest.
Because at the end of the day, they are still black no matter how much money they have in their bank accounts. They can still care for what others that look like them are going through.
Yeah, because no white people were ever or are poor. We have white privilege going for us.
Both sides do it. I see it on the right, too. It's just a different set of isms. Liberals want to live in a magic rainbow utopia that's impossible to achieve and conservatives want to live in a long bygone era that wasn't great in the first place. That's the oversimplification of it.

I try to keep an even keel. I'll admit I'm center-left. (I'm not a jobless, gay, transgender, hipster sipping PBR in a scarf.) Personally, I think today's left is too soft with its faux outrage over every little thing - from gender identity to body shaming to the race of people in ads, etc., but GD, today's right is pretty weak too with people who love to call others "snowflakes" crying over what ESPN talking heads say and, now, what athletes do before games. I don't care if you sit, stand, kneel, dance or strike the Karate Kid pose during the anthem, Bill. You know why? Because it's your right and if you're not violating my rights why would I care enough to even act offended, much less get offended.

"That’s fine, it’s healthy to disagree, but it’s not healthy to try to undermine an elected President from the word go."

In fairness, the right did the same thing with Obama eight years ago. Sen. Mitch McConnell himself said the GOP's lone legislative goal was to make Obama "a one-term president." The left did if during GWB's second term. They're doing it now for Trump. Don't act like this is brand new in 2017.

Blind partisanship, either way, is dangerous and creates sheep on both sides who refuse to listen to what the other side is saying simply because it's the other side. As long as the big two parties groom us to view the other half of the country as enemies, nothing will change. (Hint, they're both trying to dick us over to coddle the people who pay for their campaigns.)
What you are missing in all of this and it is what got Trump elected is, the right have let this go far enough and are now returning the favor and it is not sitting well with the true snowflakes on the left.
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How about protesting by not playing the game? That will teach them. Oh they won't do that because it would effect their pocketbook. How about they invest some of those millions they make in improving the neighborhoods where violence is high? That probably will help more than trying to use your popularity to influence people while also negatively causing backlash and adding to the already increasing racial divide that is happening in this country.
How about having over 72% black fathers take care of their children and help them do better for themselves. Planned parenthood is doing their job very well and many on the left are blind to what is really going on here.
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What positive is coming out of their protest? In my opinion nothing but dividing this country. I doubt it solves anything but creating more violence and increasing that divide. I'm a veteran and I find it disrespectful to all the veterans who fought/fight for and those that died for this country in the past, the present, and those that will continue to in the future.

I hope this ends up costing the NFL and the players who choose to be disrespectful millions of dollars in revenue. I know I won't be watching any games or buying any NFL merchandise in the foreseeable future. Let's see how long the NFL supports the players with ratings drops and continued money loss.
Just cancelled my NFL package today with Dish.
But in a way, aren't we wanting the players to "follow" and "goosestep" in this situation, and demonizing them for not?
Simply put, no. The only violence against blacks at a football game is the same as there are to whites.
I think the players that take a knee in protest are all pieces of shit. They can protest in other ways yet they do so in a way to disrespect our country and our flag and all those that fought and died for this country. This latest surge is just because they are mad at Trump.

This is just more of the left driving a wedge between us so they can get votes. Police brutality is not common. Racism is not common. Black people are not being held down because of old white people. They are their own worst enemy. Fatherless homes. Gangs and drugs in the inner cities. Black on black crime. Lack of education.... Many have accepted the victim role and therefore just blame others....No one can hold you back. You have more opportunity than 90% of the world. Listen to black leaders like Ben Carson and Allen West. Not the people that profit from seeing you fail.
What you are missing in all of this and it is what got Trump elected is, the right have let this go far enough and are now returning the favor and it is not sitting well with the true snowflakes on the left.

It's a pendulum, man. It'll swing back and forth. Always has. There's a reason no one party has held the WH for decades on end in modern politics. In my lifetime it's been 8-12 years each way then switch. There's snowflakes on both sides. They just choose different stuff to fill their diapers over.

I'm not offended by it, I do thinks its disrespectful, counterproductive, and misinformed.

There is always going to be, and always has been political bickering. However, calling a sitting President and his supporters a Nazi, war criminal, white supremacist, anti-semitic, misogynist, and on and on is not productive.
I'm a reasonable, middle aged man that understands there are 2 sides to every coin, and I'm fed up Mega. The Democratic leadership knows they are in trouble, they know it. Yet, instead of taking heed of what the voters have told them since 2010 and pull back back from the far left ideas, they've doubled down.

I can respect that. I agree the Godwin's Law "worst thing you can possibly say about someone" type stuff is counterproductive, each way. Playing Devil's Advocate, Obama was called the Antichrist, Hitler, Muslim, Kenyan, racist, n----r, and his supporters libtards, fags, queers, pussies, wet backs, etc. There's absolute trash on both sides. I think that's something we all can agree on.

From an independent's perspective, people like me are in an awkward spot. I'm as far left as one can get on social issues because I believe we're all capable of making our own decisions and don't need the church, state or church-legislated-into-the-state to tell us how to live every aspect of our lives. At the same time, I support gun rights, sensible legal immigration, limited government and state's rights (excluding civil rights, they should be equal in all 50). I don't feel represented by either party because I don't get offended by every little thing and make mountains out of molehills so the Dems don't speak for me, nor am I wealthy or religious, so GOP policy doesn't do anything for me either.

And, I'm fed up too. Probably in different ways from yours, but as always, I respect your right to express your frustrations.

On topic: Football players, knees, flag.
The president publicly calling for private citizens to be fired for not supporting a political ideology is okay?

You really like to leave out a word or two to make your point seem extra juicy.

You're doing it now, you did it with the communist thing and you've pretty much done it thruout this thread. POTUS clearly said "the owners should release them". That's incredibly different from you acting as if the president is trying to use the government to fine them. Newsflash, the president is entitled to an opinion which probably more than half this country agrees with.

Also, the poster clearly stated that it "used to be bad to celebrate communism" and you're trying to leave a few words out and make it sound like he called you a commie.

If you have to resort to tactics like that to make an argument, then you deep down know your argument is crap. It's pathetic really.

Would you believe them if I showed you? Have you been paying attention to all of the ads, etc.?

Yes please provide something that has taken a year of federal investigations and still hasn't produced a single shred of evidence. In fact, if you get your talking points from multiple sources, you would be hearing talk of the very minimal facebook ad bugs were more geared towards creating division between the public instead of supporting a particular candidate.

So please, provide some evidence. Or just quit making crap up. Again, it's absolutely pathetic. You literally have to lie to try to convince other, and yourself of the things you want so very much to believe. But deep down, you don't even believe it.

I'm just throwing this out there... you're in your thirties, and want so hard to be considered a typical millennial. Skinny jeans type. Probably some grungy hair. Facial hair also? And your friends are just a smorgasbord of differences.

You don't have to intentionally twist things to fit your wanted millennial image. It's ok.
Questions no one in this thread has answered:

How are blacks being oppressed or "slain in the streets" at a greater rate then whites when comparing amount of police encounters and violent crime ? If you're going to argue something, tell us why the truth is incorrect.

Why is it okay for these guys to make political statements but not your doctor, boss landscaper, masseuse etc etc etc? Are you allowed to do things at your place of work that might drive away even one customer?

That's it, thats all I care about. I would be perfectly fine with anything anyone wants to do as long as I'm not paying for it. and probably everyone in here contributes money to the NFL.
Simply put, no. The only violence against blacks at a football game is the same as there are to whites.

I think you're talking about the substance of the speech and I'm talking about the act of the expression, which are different. I'm not touching the actual message because I honestly am not sure what EVERY individual's reasons are for kneeling or sitting or locking arms or staying in the locker room are. And I don't think everyone did it this past weekend just for Kaepernick's platform.
Worth noting that Tomlin hosted a $10-$30k per person luncheon for HRC last year. Then shames a 3 tour Army Ranger into apologizing for coming out for the Anthem. What a guy.
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And what are they doing to help, taking a GD knee? Why don't they put their millions of dollars to use in poor neighborhoods, tell men to support and help raise the babies they make, get an education, be a good citizen and role model for your kids, teach kids to have respect for themselves and others? Kneeling ain't doing shit except making fans stop watching their childish antics.
PLENTY of athletes ARE putting money back into their communities and into programs that help youth and others. Kneeling is making y'all mad, just like other protests in our history made people mad. So, it is doing something.
PLENTY of athletes ARE putting money back into their communities and into programs that help youth and others. Kneeling is making y'all mad, just like other protests in our history made people mad. So, it is doing something.

Got a link to prove they are helping in poor communities? If no link, then you are lying.
It's a pendulum, man. It'll swing back and forth. Always has. There's a reason no one party has held the WH for decades on end in modern politics. In my lifetime it's been 8-12 years each way then switch. There's snowflakes on both sides. They just choose different stuff to fill their diapers over.

I can respect that. I agree the Godwin's Law "worst thing you can possibly say about someone" type stuff is counterproductive, each way. Playing Devil's Advocate, Obama was called the Antichrist, Hitler, Muslim, Kenyan, racist, n----r, and his supporters libtards, fags, queers, pussies, wet backs, etc. There's absolute trash on both sides. I think that's something we all can agree on.

From an independent's perspective, people like me are in an awkward spot. I'm as far left as one can get on social issues because I believe we're all capable of making our own decisions and don't need the church, state or church-legislated-into-the-state to tell us how to live every aspect of our lives. At the same time, I support gun rights, sensible legal immigration, limited government and state's rights (excluding civil rights, they should be equal in all 50). I don't feel represented by either party because I don't get offended by every little thing and make mountains out of molehills so the Dems don't speak for me, nor am I wealthy or religious, so GOP policy doesn't do anything for me either.

And, I'm fed up too. Probably in different ways from yours, but as always, I respect your right to express your frustrations.

On topic: Football players, knees, flag.

I'm not saying Obama was never called those names, people talk crap all the time. However, It wasn't anywhere in the same spectrum as what Trump has had to deal with.
Obama's leftover cabinet members were leaking classified info daily, the Democrats that were so offended that Trump wouldn't basically concede before the election, still haven't conceded.
Hell, we've got college kids beating people and rioting just to keep them from speaking, all in the name of antifascism, while they supported an admin that openly spied on people, used govt agencies as attack dogs, and lied under oath, it's just stupifying to me.

Having said that, I wish all Presidents were held to this standard, there would be alot less corruption in the Govt.
I'm not saying Obama was never called those names, people talk crap all the time. However, It wasn't anywhere in the same spectrum as what Trump has had to deal with.
Obama's leftover cabinet members were leaking classified info daily, the Democrats that were so offended that Trump wouldn't basically concede before the election, still haven't conceded.
Hell, we've got college kids beating people and rioting just to keep them from speaking, all in the name of antifascism, while they supported an admin that openly spied on people, used govt agencies as attack dogs, and lied under oath, it's just stupifying to me.

Having said that, I wish all Presidents were held to this standard, there would be alot less corruption in the Govt.

I'd disagree with your " It wasn't anywhere in the same spectrum as what Trump has had to deal with" comment.
People usually don't take notice of the things with which they agree as much as those with which they disagree.

So you think Obama invented spying on people, using govt agencies as attack dogs, lying under oath...just plain lying? You don't think any of that is going on with Trump's administration?
After all that was made about Hillary using private email we find out that 6 members of Trump's team have been using private email to do official business! Of course we don't hear a lot about that because Trump has to re-ignite the NFL issue after it had simmered down next to nothing.

I hear people on the right claiming that Obama was a divider... could anyone be anymore divisive than Trump?
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To each his own. I'm like Louis_Skunt they don't want to stand trade them to the Cowboys and Jerry Jones will handle the rest! I'm glad they don't depend on me to support their salaries! When Kapernack started this shit I quit watching. I had watched pro Football my whole life. I refused to watch one play last year including the Super Bowl.
I'm done. My father was a member of the Greatest Generation. Drafted out of High School. Went to the battle of the Bulge and was shot. He survived but Loved his Country. I'm glad he doesn't have to witness this lack of Respect buy these players! I'll pray for them but not holding my breath they will change.

The greatest trick Satan played was convincing the world he doesn't exist!
I'm glad he doesn't have to witness this lack of Respect buy these players
What about the lack of respect shown to them? What about the lack of respect show to their rights?

Y'all keep focusing on something that was never the main issue. This was never about the flag.
I'd disagree with your " It wasn't anywhere in the same spectrum as what Trump has had to deal with" comment.
People usually don't take notice of the things with which they agree as much as those with which they disagree.

So you think Obama invented spying on people, using govt agencies as attack dogs, lying under oath...just plain lying? You don't think any of that is going on with Trump's administration?
After all that was made about Hillary using private email we find out that 6 members of Trump's team have been using private email to do official business! Of course we don't hear a lot about that because Trump has to re-ignite the NFL issue after it had simmered down next to nothing.

I hear people on the right claiming that Obama was a divider... could anyone be anymore divisive than Trump?

You really think the media was as hard on Obama as they have been on Trump? Really?
Again, over 90% negative news stories on Trump, 90.

I didn't say Obama invented it, I said the media gave him a pass on it.

You know damn well the issue With Hillary wasn't that she simply used a private email, she had the damn server in her house, and wasn't keeping the emails for Govt record.
What about the lack of respect shown to them? What about the lack of respect show to their rights?

Y'all keep focusing on something that was never the main issue. This was never about the flag.

It was all about the flag, if it wasn't, Kaepernick would'nt have chosen the national anthem as his vehicle.
The players have a right to protest however they choose, they aren't going to be arrested. The NFL isn't a govt agency, it can also hold them accountable as its rules clearly state.
What about the lack of respect shown to them? What about the lack of respect show to their rights?

Y'all keep focusing on something that was never the main issue. This was never about the flag.
What about the lack of respect shown to them? What about the lack of respect show to their rights?

Y'all keep focusing on something that was never the main issue. This was never about the flag.

I could care less about your racial intervention. I have friends of all color. If you don't like this country leave. Don't spew your piss on my fathers grave. End of discussion!