Who stood and kneeled for the anthem?

I agree.

Here's a question to all that I haven't seen debated yet:

Do you think Trump's tweeting at the NFL is a bit of sour grapes from his USFL days? Apparently, he also had a chance to buy an NFL team but went his own way with the USFL. That's a huge investment blunder that probably stings just a bit.
Only to people who really don't know about pride in country.

Like I said to Q, I realize it isn't going to be the level of iron-clad proof these debates always "require" from a total unbiased source who never reported a single thing incorrectly, but it's a credible story where the president himself says Russia played a role in trying to influence the 2016 election.

I think we've also seen enough to believe they weren't acting in favor of a Clinton presidency, therefore, Trump was "backed by Russia."

I also contend if it were the opposite, Trump supporters would be losing their minds about treason, communism, etc. Which was my initial point of my post in this thread.
Washington Post for both proving points lacks credibility on face value alone.
Nailed it.

We can't see the gray anymore. Just black and white (or left and right).

You can take this however you want, but the Democrats have gone all in on identity politics. I for one am fed up to my GD neck with it.
I’m not a racist, sexist, homophobe or any other BS, I simply see the world differently than other people. That’s fine, it’s healthy to disagree, but it’s not healthy to try to undermine an elected President from the word go. A large portion of the left acts like spoiled brats that are throwing a temper tantrum, it’s nauseating and exhausting.

Like I said to Q, I realize it isn't going to be the level of iron-clad proof these debates always "require" from a total unbiased source who never reported a single thing incorrectly, but it's a credible story where the president himself says Russia played a role in trying to influence the 2016 election.

I think we've also seen enough to believe they weren't acting in favor of a Clinton presidency, therefore, Trump was "backed by Russia."

I also contend if it were the opposite, Trump supporters would be losing their minds about treason, communism, etc. Which was my initial point of my post in this thread.
That's a stretch to say he was backed by them. There is proof that CNN employee gave questions to help Hillary against Bernie. Does that bother you?
Wow. Such rapier wit.

If you were actually as clever as you think you are, you'd realize you just proved my point. I say something you don't try to attack.

You can't say that I'm plan B....weakly attempt mockery.
I give you credit for this...when you do post something more than a gif it is so goddamned stupid and filled with rambling nonsense and strawmen that one does not where to start as illustrated above (I did get a chuckle with you lamenting "team" politics). So you have that going for you.

I have made my argument about protesting ON THE JOB not being free speech, categorically dumb as a business practice and will have more negative than positive effect. Not one person has contradicted those things with anything other than buzzwords or feelings.
Okay, pick another protest then. It's just the most famous example. I'm open ears to all of the protests that follow every rule and procedure and don't make anyone uncomfortable, but that seems to be the entire point of protesting.

Seems pretty dumb to alienate the people you're trying to win over. Almost like this thing wasn't really about anything except an attention whore.
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That's a stretch to say he was backed by them. There is proof that CNN employee gave questions to help Hillary against Bernie. Does that bother you?

It does, but we aren't talking about Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or anyone else who you might somehow think makes Trump less awful by also being awful.

It also isn't a stretch to say that evidence found by our own intelligence agencies continues to link the president to Russia in a variety of ways. He can gaslight the country on twitter every day but some of us refuse to believe he's the lone source of truth remaining in the world.
Gonzo, You’re obviously an intelligent person, do the math and try to make sense as to why Putin would want Trump as President.

If you step back from the all the noise, and emotion it makes no sense at all.
Trump was campaigning on reasserting American strength. Russia had made gains by Obama being weak. A strong, decisive US leader is not in their best interest.
I just don't understand these grown men, raised in ghettos without fathers, now making millions of dollars.....still want to bi%$ about how terrible it is.
Because at the end of the day, they are still black no matter how much money they have in their bank accounts. They can still care for what others that look like them are going through.
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You can take this however you want, but the Democrats have gone all in on identity politics. I for one am fed up to my GD neck with it.
I’m not a racist, sexist, homophobe or any other BS, I simply see the world differently than other people. That’s fine, it’s healthy to disagree, but it’s not healthy to try to undermine an elected President from the word go. A large portion of the left acts like spoiled brats that are throwing a temper tantrum, it’s nauseating and exhausting.

Both sides do it. I see it on the right, too. It's just a different set of isms. Liberals want to live in a magic rainbow utopia that's impossible to achieve and conservatives want to live in a long bygone era that wasn't great in the first place. That's the oversimplification of it.

I try to keep an even keel. I'll admit I'm center-left. (I'm not a jobless, gay, transgender, hipster sipping PBR in a scarf.) Personally, I think today's left is too soft with its faux outrage over every little thing - from gender identity to body shaming to the race of people in ads, etc., but GD, today's right is pretty weak too with people who love to call others "snowflakes" crying over what ESPN talking heads say and, now, what athletes do before games. I don't care if you sit, stand, kneel, dance or strike the Karate Kid pose during the anthem, Bill. You know why? Because it's your right and if you're not violating my rights why would I care enough to even act offended, much less get offended.

"That’s fine, it’s healthy to disagree, but it’s not healthy to try to undermine an elected President from the word go."

In fairness, the right did the same thing with Obama eight years ago. Sen. Mitch McConnell himself said the GOP's lone legislative goal was to make Obama "a one-term president." The left did if during GWB's second term. They're doing it now for Trump. Don't act like this is brand new in 2017.

Blind partisanship, either way, is dangerous and creates sheep on both sides who refuse to listen to what the other side is saying simply because it's the other side. As long as the big two parties groom us to view the other half of the country as enemies, nothing will change. (Hint, they're both trying to dick us over to coddle the people who pay for their campaigns.)
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Let’s force people to stand for the anthem. Clearly after we have threatened them, fined them, & suspended them we will know for sure when they stand up they are truly respecting the flag.
Very North Korean-ish. Funny how people claim to hate that country yet wants to do what they do.
It does, but we aren't talking about Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or anyone else who you might somehow think makes Trump less awful by also being awful.

It also isn't a stretch to say that evidence found by our own intelligence agencies continues to link the president to Russia in a variety of ways. He can gaslight the country on twitter every day but some of us refuse to believe he's the lone source of truth remaining in the world.
Question for you all. What would be a reasonable way for athletes to show protest to what many of them see as a slight on members of their communities? An NFL pregame is pretty much the biggest stage. Why should they not be allowed to show what they feel?

How about protesting by not playing the game? That will teach them. Oh they won't do that because it would effect their pocketbook. How about they invest some of those millions they make in improving the neighborhoods where violence is high? That probably will help more than trying to use your popularity to influence people while also negatively causing backlash and adding to the already increasing racial divide that is happening in this country.
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It does, but we aren't talking about Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or anyone else who you might somehow think makes Trump less awful by also being awful.

It also isn't a stretch to say that evidence found by our own intelligence agencies continues to link the president to Russia in a variety of ways. He can gaslight the country on twitter every day but some of us refuse to believe he's the lone source of truth remaining in the world.
It does, but not a whole lot I see. It's funny, Obama and his crew blamed Bush for everything for most of his 1st term and part of his 2nd, but now folks say, we're not talking about Obama or Hillary.
You seem to have no problem believing anything bad about Trump, but just brush off the corruption that has been proven by the DNC and Donna Brazille who worked for CNN at the time. AG Lynch meeting Bill Clinton on the tarmac was just a coincidence huh?
DW Schultz got fired from the DNC because she was so corrupt and was making sure HRC got the nomination. Which ironically, probably cost the dems the POTUS, Bernie probably had a much better chance.
Trump is over the top sometimes, but he is also right sometimes. Said the thing was rigged, turned out it was. Said they wire tapped Trump Towers, turns out they did. Said there was voter fraud. turns out there was.
You dislike Trump. I get it. But Hillary has much more shady dealings and skeletons. I can only imagine the outrage and meltdowns that would be going on if Trump deleted 33,000 emails and destroyed devices. She lied about it and got away with it. So don't pretend you want the truth.
How about protesting by not playing the game? That will teach them. Oh they won't do that because it would effect their pocketbook. How about they invest some of those millions they make in improving the neighborhoods where violence is high? That probably will help more than trying to use your popularity to influence people while also negatively causing backlash and adding to the already increasing racial divide that is happening in this country.
You don't get to tell someone what or how they can protest. Instead of focusing on the reason behind the protest, you're trying to find more ways to bitch about them using their constitutional rights and even doing something.
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What positive is coming out of their protest? In my opinion nothing but dividing this country. I doubt it solves anything but creating more violence and increasing that divide. I'm a veteran and I find it disrespectful to all the veterans who fought/fight for and those that died for this country in the past, the present, and those that will continue to in the future.

I hope this ends up costing the NFL and the players who choose to be disrespectful millions of dollars in revenue. I know I won't be watching any games or buying any NFL merchandise in the foreseeable future. Let's see how long the NFL supports the players with ratings drops and continued money loss.
What positive is coming out of their protest? In my opinion nothing but dividing this country. I doubt it solves anything but creating more violence and increasing that divide. I'm a veteran and I find it disrespectful to all the veterans who fought/fight for and those that died for this country in the past, the present, and those that will continue to in the future.

I hope this ends up costing the NFL and the players who choose to be disrespectful millions of dollars in revenue. I know I won't be watching any games or buying any NFL merchandise in the foreseeable future. Let's see how long the NFL supports the players with ratings drops and continued money loss.
How is someone taking a knee inciting violence? If it makes you that mad, then you're proving a point that is being made. This was not about the flag or disrespect to the military. Y'all are so caught up in the action that you can't even focus on the reason. But today was very positive because people are talking about it. Attention is high. Protests aren't supposed to be pretty. But just like the Woolworths sit-in, the Freedom Riders, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and the Pettus Bridge incident (my granddad was apart of this), it'll make people mad but stuff will change.
"How come Rosa Parks is protesting by doing something that law says she shouldn't do?! Doesn't she have any respect for America and the police?! No credibility! If she wants to protest, she should do it by following every rule and order of society."
This is clearly not the same thing. It's not even close. The NFL punished players for breaking its rules, even when the cause was good like DeAngelo Williams with his breast cancer awareness stuff. This time, the NFL is certainly looking the other way here. That's obvious they're picking and choosing their battles. Why? To me, that's a far more interesting question.

I don't care one bit about what the players are doing. They've created an interesting discussion, and I've seen some positive things along with some negative things. However, I don't think the NFL cares one bit about race relations. They don't care about honoring 9/11 victims, they don't care about players that have supported other truly honorable causes. The NFL has a problem on its hands and their inconsistent actions are creating issues that the NFL has to face or it will continue to lose in the ratings.
Because at the end of the day, they are still black no matter how much money they have in their bank accounts. They can still care for what others that look like them are going through.

And what are they doing to help, taking a GD knee? Why don't they put their millions of dollars to use in poor neighborhoods, tell men to support and help raise the babies they make, get an education, be a good citizen and role model for your kids, teach kids to have respect for themselves and others? Kneeling ain't doing shit except making fans stop watching their childish antics.
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And what are they doing to help, taking a GD knee? Why don't they put their millions of dollars to use in poor neighborhoods, tell men to support and help raise the babies they make, get an education, be a good citizen and role model for your kids, teach kids to have respect for themselves and others? Kneeling ain't doing shit except making fans stop watching their childish antics.

Spot on

I am trying to understand how 2017 USA has reverted back to the 60's.....I can't find anything. Someone tell me about the nationwide oppression and blatant lack of opportunities for minorities?
I am trying to understand how 2017 USA has reverted back to the 60's.

This is clearly not the same thing. It's not even close. The NFL punished players for breaking its rules, even when the cause was good like DeAngelo Williams with his breast cancer awareness stuff. This time, the NFL is certainly looking the other way here. That's obvious they're picking and choosing their battles. Why? To me, that's a far more interesting question.

I don't care one bit about what the players are doing. They've created an interesting discussion, and I've seen some positive things along with some negative things. However, I don't think the NFL cares one bit about race relations. They don't care about honoring 9/11 victims, they don't care about players that have supported other truly honorable causes. The NFL has a problem on its hands and their inconsistent actions are creating issues that the NFL has to face or it will continue to lose in the ratings.

What does any of that have to do with what I said?

The NFL punished its players for uniform violations. It fines players for wearing certain cleats, etc.

That has nothing to do with protesting. You might as well say they fine them for dirty hits. It's true, but it isn't related to what's going on here.

Again, protesting, by its very nature, means breaking rules/protocol and making some people uncomfortable or angry. Rosa Parks broke "the law" by not getting up. That was the entire point. The NFL players are breaking "traditional" protocol in order to protest. It isn't protesting if you just follow all the rules and do what is asked of you.
What does any of that have to do with what I said?

The NFL punished its players for uniform violations. It fines players for wearing certain cleats, etc.

That has nothing to do with protesting. You might as well say they fine them for dirty hits. It's true, but it isn't related to what's going on here.

Again, protesting, by its very nature, means breaking rules/protocol and making some people uncomfortable or angry. Rosa Parks broke "the law" by not getting up. That was the entire point. The NFL players are breaking "traditional" protocol in order to protest. It isn't protesting if you just follow all the rules and do what is asked of you.

Rosa Parks was a CIA implant
Both sides do it. I see it on the right, too. It's just a different set of isms. Liberals want to live in a magic rainbow utopia that's impossible to achieve and conservatives want to live in a long bygone era that wasn't great in the first place. That's the oversimplification of it.

I try to keep an even keel. I'll admit I'm center-left. (I'm not a jobless, gay, transgender, hipster sipping PBR in a scarf.) Personally, I think today's left is too soft with its faux outrage over every little thing - from gender identity to body shaming to the race of people in ads, etc., but GD, today's right is pretty weak too with people who love to call others "snowflakes" crying over what ESPN talking heads say and, now, what athletes do before games. I don't care if you sit, stand, kneel, dance or strike the Karate Kid pose during the anthem, Bill. You know why? Because it's your right and if you're not violating my rights why would I care enough to even act offended, much less get offended.

"That’s fine, it’s healthy to disagree, but it’s not healthy to try to undermine an elected President from the word go."

In fairness, the right did the same thing with Obama eight years ago. Sen. Mitch McConnell himself said the GOP's lone legislative goal was to make Obama "a one-term president." The left did if during GWB's second term. They're doing it now for Trump. Don't act like this is brand new in 2017.

Blind partisanship, either way, is dangerous and creates sheep on both sides who refuse to listen to what the other side is saying simply because it's the other side. As long as the big two parties groom us to view the other half of the country as enemies, nothing will change. (Hint, they're both trying to dick us over to coddle the people who pay for their campaigns.)

I'm not offended by it, I do thinks its disrespectful, counterproductive, and misinformed.

There is always going to be, and always has been political bickering. However, calling a sitting President and his supporters a Nazi, war criminal, white supremacist, anti-semitic, misogynist, and on and on is not productive.
I'm a reasonable, middle aged man that understands there are 2 sides to every coin, and I'm fed up Mega. The Democratic leadership knows they are in trouble, they know it. Yet, instead of taking heed of what the voters have told them since 2010 and pull back back from the far left ideas, they've doubled down.
How is someone taking a knee inciting violence? If it makes you that mad, then you're proving a point that is being made. This was not about the flag or disrespect to the military. Y'all are so caught up in the action that you can't even focus on the reason. But today was very positive because people are talking about it. Attention is high. Protests aren't supposed to be pretty. But just like the Woolworths sit-in, the Freedom Riders, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and the Pettus Bridge incident (my granddad was apart of this), it'll make people mad but stuff will change.
I thought people comparing Antifa to the DDay soldiers was idiotic now Kaepernick is like Rosa Parks. Whew. CK is very much aligned with BLM which has a 56% disapproval. Abject hatred toward cops will not bring any positive change. Baltimore is a great example of the opposite effect. Large uptick in murders and police reluctant to do their jobs. Poor blacks suffering more.
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And what are they doing to help, taking a GD knee? Why don't they put their millions of dollars to use in poor neighborhoods, tell men to support and help raise the babies they make, get an education, be a good citizen and role model for your kids, teach kids to have respect for themselves and others? Kneeling ain't doing shit except making fans stop watching their childish antics.
Same people support mass immigration which crowds poor black schools, makes affordable housing more scarce, suppresses low end wages, etc. There are people/money pulling their strings and liberals are dancing. It is a shitshow to nowhere good.
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Think the people that bought his jersey gonna give 'em back or burn them:

Alejandro Villanueva takes blame for standing by himself for anthem

Villanueva, a former Army Ranger whose jersey sales skyrocketed after fans saw images of him standing for the anthem at the front of the tunnel alone while his teammates were out of view, said he didn’t mean to be by himself during the anthem. He regretted it happened and said he didn’t mean to make his coach Mike Tomlin or his teammates, who agreed to not go on the field for the anthem as a sign of team unity, look bad.
“Every single time I see that picture of me standing by myself, I feel embarrassed,” Villanueva said, according to the Twitter feed of Chris Adamski of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

“Unfortunately I threw my teammates under the bus, unintentionally,” Villanueva said, according to KDKA-TV.

“We as a team tried to figure it out, obviously we butchered it, I’m not gonna pretend I have some kind of righteous voice.”
I look at this and Ben R's comments along with Tomlins and think it is pretty sad that the leader of the team and an Army Ranger feel pressured to join something that make them very uncomfortable. So much for freedom huh?
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No, it's very simple. Disrespecting the flag of your nation does absolutely nothing for your cause, be it BLM, anti-Trump, or something like protesting the Vietnam War, WHATEVER. It only pisses some people off who find that act offensive.

You don't win people over to your side of things by pissing them off. You also don't keep customers by pissing them off.

In the context of the American civil rights movement, this is something great men like MLK clearly understood whereas idiots like Malcolm X didn't.