Who stood and kneeled for the anthem?

Fine, tried to hack voting machines and may or may not have succeeded to various lengths and degrees.

Regardless, the point was that citizens knowing a candidate was the choice of Russian agents would have been a hard task to overcome.

I'm aware that we, in all of our benevolence, decide what's best for other countries all of the time, and sometimes even try and persuade our own people of that, but imagine Bush 41 finding out Dukakis had Russian agents acting on his behalf. He'd have landed 95% of the vote.

So I just find it weird that a president whose foray into politics featured so much questioning of Obama's birth and citizenship, and who is supported by such staunch national pride "patriots," could be knowingly supported by Russia and it not bother those voters.

I expect a certain level of hypocrisy and blindness in political allegiance, that one just surprised me.

Gonzo, You're forgetting that the bulk of the Russian story broke after the election. I think the whole Russian collusion story is fake, I saw the Dem pollster that original said it the day after wikileaks during the DNC convention. They were trying to get anything to stick that would distract from the actual leaks. It's why Obama admin didn't go hard after it until after the election. They were trying to weaken Trumps momentum.
You didn't address my question at all.

What successful protests have failed to break any laws/rules/regulations/procedures? You called the Rosa Parks comparison a false equivalency, so tell me when people have protested without doing something they weren't supposed to do.
The Mizzou protests did not break any rules, were stupid and contrived, and now attendance is way down and they have a new leader after bullying the old one out. Successful in their minds.
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What am I unequivocally backing? That I think ESPN is losing business moreso due to new technology than political discussion on their website and programming? That I think people should be allowed to peacefully protest without the president calling for their jobs?


I would hope whoever teaches my future children also looks at issues critically and doesn't just yell about political nonsense.
Looking at issues critically like ignoring what long time employees and their own public editor stated and also required a letter from their president to all employees that they needed to get back focusing on sports?
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Fine, tried to hack voting machines and may or may not have succeeded to various lengths and degrees.

Regardless, the point was that citizens knowing a candidate was the choice of Russian agents would have been a hard task to overcome.

I'm aware that we, in all of our benevolence, decide what's best for other countries all of the time, and sometimes even try and persuade our own people of that, but imagine Bush 41 finding out Dukakis had Russian agents acting on his behalf. He'd have landed 95% of the vote.

So I just find it weird that a president whose foray into politics featured so much questioning of Obama's birth and citizenship, and who is supported by such staunch national pride "patriots," could be knowingly supported by Russia and it not bother those voters.

I expect a certain level of hypocrisy and blindness in political allegiance, that one just surprised me.

Why did Hillary sell uranium to Russia and why has there been more fatalities to Hillary attacks than shark attacks in the last 25 years?
Fine, tried to hack voting machines and may or may not have succeeded to various lengths and degrees.

Regardless, the point was that citizens knowing a candidate was the choice of Russian agents would have been a hard task to overcome.

I'm aware that we, in all of our benevolence, decide what's best for other countries all of the time, and sometimes even try and persuade our own people of that, but imagine Bush 41 finding out Dukakis had Russian agents acting on his behalf. He'd have landed 95% of the vote.

So I just find it weird that a president whose foray into politics featured so much questioning of Obama's birth and citizenship, and who is supported by such staunch national pride "patriots," could be knowingly supported by Russia and it not bother those voters.

I expect a certain level of hypocrisy and blindness in political allegiance, that one just surprised me.
Hate to break it to you but he got elected with extremely high (record) negatives. Ironically, and back to the topic at hand, his biggest boost was from the insufferable behavior of liberals and repudiation of identity politics championed by the Obama administration.
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Hate to break it to you but he got elected with extremely high (record) negatives. Ironically, and back to the topic at hand, his biggest boost was from the insufferable behavior of liberals and repudiation of identity politics championed by the Obama administration.

Those sure are some fancy code words. I do like them better than economic anxiety though.
Nike weighs in:

In a statement sent to the media, the company said: “Nike supports athletes and their right to freedom of expression on issues that are of great importance to our society.”

Just donated all my Nike logo shirts to AMVETS. I will never wear anything Nike again hope they choke on their NFL connection #WakeUpAmerica
— J.R. Kennedy (@jr7jc) September 25, 2017

@Nike Will no longer purchase your products until you stop sponsorship deals with NFL!!! #BoycottNFL #BoycottNFLSponsors
— Walter Scott (@WalterScott70) September 25, 2017

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Gonzo, You're forgetting that the bulk of the Russian story broke after the election. I think the whole Russian collusion story is fake, I saw the Dem pollster that original said it the day after wikileaks during the DNC convention. They were trying to get anything to stick that would distract from the actual leaks. It's why Obama admin didn't go hard after it until after the election. They were trying to weaken Trumps momentum.

It doesn't matter that more came out after the election. You said yourself that the connections were being made during the election cycle. I'm saying it's odd that it didn't stick among a group who in any other point in the last 75 years would have been vehemently anti anything Russia.

No more. No less.
Looking at issues critically like ignoring what long time employees and their own public editor stated and also required a letter from their president to all employees that they needed to get back focusing on sports?

No, looking at them critically like understanding what "moreso than" means.
The Mizzou protests did not break any rules, were stupid and contrived, and now attendance is way down and they have a new leader after bullying the old one out. Successful in their minds.

Keep reading that over and over until you understand. It's there in your own words.
Me thinks murdererofcrows couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a Bass fiddle, much less hit a crow on the fly.
Fuzz/RQ still owes Brady $1000
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It doesn't matter that more came out after the election. You said yourself that the connections were being made during the election cycle. I'm saying it's odd that it didn't stick among a group who in any other point in the last 75 years would have been vehemently anti anything Russia.

No more. No less.

Honestly, the story sounded like Horse sh*t excuses. Just 4 years earlier Obama lambasted Romney for saying Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe, and now they’re trying to collude with a campaign?

Do I think Russia tries to sow disruption in our elections,yes. That didn’t start with this election, it’s been going on for years.
Hell, they may have had the same thought you did, that having support for Trump would get Hillary elected.
To answer the OP I always take off my hat , put my hand on my heart and my schlong on the head of the bald dude in front of me.
No, looking at them critically like understanding what "moreso than" means.
Your defense of ESPN on this subject goes back a year and is universal and the only critical thinking is working backward from what you want to be true.
It doesn't matter that more came out after the election. You said yourself that the connections were being made during the election cycle. I'm saying it's odd that it didn't stick among a group who in any other point in the last 75 years would have been vehemently anti anything Russia.

No more. No less.

You know Gonzo was hootin' it up during 2012 debate when Obama dropped mike on Romney with the "1980's called and wanted their foreign policy back."

"Yeah, you tell 'em Barry."

That is a lock.

Gonzo wants me to equate Communist USSR Russia with what ever the F they are today Russia, like they just pulled one over on Bond and MI6.

Where we had a problem before 1991 was with the communist part of Communist.
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Your defense of ESPN on this subject goes back a year and is universal and the only critical thinking is working backward from what you want to be true.

Lol "defense."

My defense of ESPN is that I said they're losing more people due to cord cutting than politics. That's too much for you. I can't help you there. Maybe take politics less seriously and look at the world like a normal human.

Or keep chiming in on my political posts about how I'm a teacher like a certified weirdo and not knowing what a protest is. I'm done here if that's all you take away from anything you read.
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Lol "defense."

My defense of ESPN is that I said they're losing more people due to cord cutting than politics. That's too much for you. I can't help you there. Maybe take politics less seriously and look at the world like a normal human.

Or keep chiming in on my political posts about how I'm a teacher like a certified weirdo and not knowing what a protest is. I'm done here if that's all you take away from anything you read.
Uh no, you have questioned Linda Cohn and others who have spoken up from ESPN. Of course cord cutting is the biggest issue but there are numerous threads where you are all in defending even beyond what they themselves admit to. That is weird. You defend against ESPN bias like the KU fans on the RR defend Bill Self.

I have the free speech argument in work terms in as simplistic way as possible to get you to understand and yet you still spin away. And yes, I find close minded liberal teachers that yell about every SJW cause an issue these days, as many parents of public school children do. Your profession, ironically, has an issue focusing on your task at hand too often.
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I'm not entering the pissing match over symbolism, compulsory patriotism and individual rights. Nor do I wish to discuss fearless leader.

This weekend, I was at home all weekend and watched a lot of football. Only saw one anthem and I did what I always do at home:

I sat on the couch with my feet on the coffee table and ate F'n chips. I didn't applaud the kneelers or post #TaketheKnee on Twitter, nor did I get on Facebook and cry about the kneelers with a poorly spelled post with a lot of caps lock.
If you think people can’t express their views the way they want to then you’re wrong. If you think it’s ok to call people “Sons of B****es” for expressing an opinion then you have very bad manners and are probably not very intelligent, but you’re not technically wrong.

If you don’t like it being expressed at the beginning of a football game that’s ok. If you don’t watch that’s fine too. If their boss wants to fire them that’s fine.

We need to stop thinking what we like and agree with is absolutely 100% perfect and right and everything else is wrong and disgusting and has no place in society. I really have a hard time looking around and seeing so many people that feel entitled and willing to trample all over the opinions and rights of other Americans. This is not a left or right thing either as both sides are all too willing to trample rights to suppress opinions counter to their narrative.

Nailed it.

We can't see the gray anymore. Just black and white (or left and right).
Who stood and who kneeled?

Alejandro Villanueva of the Pittsburg Steelers stood during the National Anthem.

Several cameramen and women kneeled, and even sat, during the anthem, to get footage of players kneeling.

Gonzo teaches in rural Southern Kentucky, he couldn’t “indoctrinate a liberal agenda” even if he wanted to.
Also says
"Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses."

May does not equal will. May means there may be punishment, there may not be punishment. Therefore, the NFL electing not to levy a punishment is in accordance with their rules.
Think the people that bought his jersey gonna give 'em back or burn them:

Alejandro Villanueva takes blame for standing by himself for anthem

Villanueva, a former Army Ranger whose jersey sales skyrocketed after fans saw images of him standing for the anthem at the front of the tunnel alone while his teammates were out of view, said he didn’t mean to be by himself during the anthem. He regretted it happened and said he didn’t mean to make his coach Mike Tomlin or his teammates, who agreed to not go on the field for the anthem as a sign of team unity, look bad.
“Every single time I see that picture of me standing by myself, I feel embarrassed,” Villanueva said, according to the Twitter feed of Chris Adamski of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

“Unfortunately I threw my teammates under the bus, unintentionally,” Villanueva said, according to KDKA-TV.

“We as a team tried to figure it out, obviously we butchered it, I’m not gonna pretend I have some kind of righteous voice.”
Who stood and who kneeled?

Alejandro Villanueva of the Pittsburg Steelers stood during the National Anthem.

Several cameramen and women kneeled, and even sat, during the anthem, to get footage of players kneeling.

No offense, but what a dumb question.
You didn't address my question at all.

What successful protests have failed to break any laws/rules/regulations/procedures? You called the Rosa Parks comparison a false equivalency, so tell me when people have protested without doing something they weren't supposed to do.
Kentucky fans at the end of Joker Phillips era.
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There was also a time when calling everyone who voted left of totalitarianism a communist was popular, Senator McCarthy.

But we outgrew that about sixty years ago. Please try and keep up. There are intrinsic communist and socialist concepts in our government, but intelligent human beings can discuss complex issues with nuance and understanding instead of wielding a big America hammer to anyone and anything they disagree with.

Just like we aren't a full democracy or we aren't fully capitalistic, anything short of being an anarcho-libertarian means you're going to end up a hypocrite somewhere along the line if you just call everyone a communist.
It seems that the left has taken us back to those days. It seems as if you need to keep up. Fascism and socialism are the lead in to communism and the left is in a full on goose step towards this end.
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Online Super Patriots need to own up to what they want.

Either the esteemed men of our armed services fought for the freedom to stand or sit as people choose OR just admit that they believe this would only apply if the people in question do what the OSP wants......

I've learned that most OSPs are conveniently patriotic depending on the situation....while people they don't approve of must agree with them 100% or be considered un-American. Not to mention their moral outrage adjusts depending on the political "team" involved.

Kind of like the people who DARE disagree about the team. "Don't agree with me?! You're obviously an idiot/troll/etc!!!!" And those who insult our players/coaches when they make a mistake while playing/coaching their asses off while THEY sit and home drinking with nothing at stake but bragging rights.
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